全国卷2019年高考英语加练半小时 复习练习题 第20练 含答案

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage to state your views on the topic: health and diet. You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the outline below: it is necessary to keep a balanced diet should it is important to do regular exercises it is essential to keep in good spirits / in a positive mood renew our spirits and release our stress. Be bound to keep healthy How to Keep Healthy

参考答案: Nowdays,more and more people know the importance ofkeeping healthy.Wlithopout a healthy body,wo can do nothing .for me,there are main ways to keep haelthy.first it is necessary to keep a balanceddiet,which is the basis of good health .it is important to take regular exercises,such as swimming,jogging and so on.last but not least ,it is essential to keep in a good mood. Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress.When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life,we are bound to keep healthy.


81. This is our _____________________ (三) time to plant trees.



36.____(he) pen is black.

 36. His 

第二节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)




修改:在错的词下划一横线( ),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



My sister saw a lovely cup when we are shopping the other day. She liked it at once. Then

she bent down and picked up to look at a price on it. As she did this, lots of tea splashed on his

T-shirt! I had to try hardly not to laugh at her shocked face! My sister wanted get out of the shop

as fast as she could when a shop assistant came over to us. It w\asturned out to be her own cup, that she’d left on the shelf by mistake. The assistant was clearly as embarrassing as my sister,

for I just thought it was funny!




36.I have two_______ (racket) ,you can have one.

36. rackets 

单词识记:blood weak headache physicalinjure overweight poison severesharp symptom physician woundambulance clinic swell unconsciousabnormal hurt serious upset短语扫描:die of/from 死于get over从()中恢复过来;克服(困难等)operate on 给做手术in high/low spirits兴高采烈/情绪低落keep fit/healthy 保持健康break down(身体)垮掉get into the habit of养成的习惯have a pain in某处疼痛work out锻炼;解决put on weight增加体重跟踪训练在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式1The study suggests that governments have a responsibility to encourage people to be more (physical) active.2Unless they (wound),water buffaloes(水牛) are probably the gentlest farm animals in the world.3We must send her to hospital at once,or shes going to (blood) to death.4 (symptom) are a slight fever,headache and loss of appetite.5Its hard to take them (serious) in their pretty grey uniforms.6“How will they get that problem?”he wondered. 7The doctors decided to operate the patient at once.8Her health broke under the pressure of work.9I have a smarting pain the back of my head.10I believe that you can work this problem by yourself.完形填空(2015河南开封市高三二模)It is hard to decide which food to buy in an American grocery store these days.The information on many products makes 1 claims.The label “organic(有机的)” 2 that the United States Department of Agriculture recognizes the product is grown under special conditions.If the food is grown 3 ,it shows the words “USDA organic” on it.This is an official label.The food is grown without chemical treatment against insects or 4 .It is grown without chemical fertilizers.Before a product is labeled “organic”,a(n) 5 visits the farm where the food is produced to make sure the farm 6 USDA standards.Organic meat,eggs and dairy products come from 7 that are given no antibiotics(抗生素),must be fed organic food and have 8 to the outdoors.No conclusive 9 shows that organic food is more nutritious than traditionally grown food.And the USDAeven if it proves organic fooddoesnt 10 declare that these products are safer or more nutritious.Organic foods meet the same 11 and safety standards as traditional foods.The difference 12 how the food is produced,processed and handled.Some people buy organic food for 13 reasons.Organic food is produced by 14 who emphasize the use of renewable resources.The prices between most organic food and 15 food products vary.Higher prices are due to more expensive farm 16 .A lot of work must be done every day.The new USDAs national organic programme for labeling is 17 to enabling consumers to make a(n) 18 choice among the foods they buy and have the 19 of the safeguard of being cheated.People who sell or label a product “organic” when they know it does not meet USDA standards can be 20 up to $11,000.1A.unbelievable BfalseCdifferent Dflexi、ble2A.predicts BprovesCproposes Ddoubts3A.on the contrary Bin any caseCin turn Din this way4A.diseases BoperationsCactivities Dservices5A.protector BreminderCinspector Dvolunteer6A.presents Bopposes Cprotects Dmeets7A.plants Bvillages Canimals Dfarms8A.solution Baccess Centrance Ddirection9A.agreeme


36. Some_________ (orange) are on the table.

36. oranges

You look very well after your holiday; you have _____ weight.

A put up with

B put away

C put on

D put out


We will soon ____ natural resources if we keep exploiting them at such a rate.

A: run away with

B: run into

C: run out of

D: run down


I am getting too fat. I have to ( )my weight.

A. work off

B. work of

C. work out



第 6 题 Do you know the Four Great I __________ of Ancient China?


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