
So startling would his results appear to the uninitiate that until they learned the processes by which he had arrived at them they might well consider him as a necromancer.



根据下列材料请回答 61~70 题:

When I was in high school.most of my friend had bicycles. 61.____________

I hoped I could also have it.One day I saw a second hand 62.____________

bicycle.that was only one hundred yuan.I asked my 63.____________

Father the money. 64.____________

But he said he could only give me half of the money. 65.____________

He should find the other half myself.So l went 66.____________

to sell newspapers after the sch001.My father was pleased if 67.____________

I showed him the money a month after.He 68.____________

gives me the other fifty.You can imagine how 69.____________

much happy l was when I rode to school on my own bicycle. 70.____________

第 61 题 请在(61)处填上最佳答案。

Most of决定了其后的名词必须用复数形式。

While traveling abroad(在国外), Mr. Jackson Frank ran short of money. So he wrote to his brother, asking for $500. "Send the money by telegram," he wrote, "to the Fisher Bank in P…" After a week he began calling at the Fisher Bank. He showed his passport(护照). "Nothing has come for you," he was told. This went on for two weeks, and Mr. Frank got very worried. He sent a telegram to his brother, asking where the money was. There was no reply, and no money arrived for him.

In the fourth week Mr. Frank was arrested for failing to pay hotel bill. His passport was taken from him. He tried to explain the problem, but no one believed him. He was sent to prison for sixty days. When he came out, he went immediately to the Fisher Bank. The Clerk(职员)he spoke to was a new man. "Have you received $500 for me?" he asked, "My name is Jackson Frank." The clerk checked his books. "Yes, Mr. Jackson, it's here. It came by telegram - let me see - oh, more than two months ago.

"We wondered where you were." He showed Mr. Frank the order. The order(汇单)read: "Pay Mr. Frank Jackson the sum of $500 …"

"But my name is Jackson Frank, not Frank Jackson."

"Oh, that's all right, sir. It was in our books under the letter 'J', but it's your money."

The clerk laughed. "A human mistake, sir! We're all human beings, aren't we? And so we all make mistakes. A family name like Frank sounds strange to me."

Mr frank was silent. He really wanted to hit somebody. At last he said, "A human mistake - is that what you call it? I think some humans need kicking."

1. Jackson didn't just go to his brother and get some money because _____.

A. he was afraid to see his brother

B. he was in prison and was not allowed to go anywhere

C. he was traveling in a foreign country and was far from his brother

D. he knew that his brother had no money

2. A week after he had written to his brother, Jackson began _____.

A. telephoning the bank

B. visiting the bank

C. shouting at the clerks of the bank

D. explaining his problem to the clerks of the bank

3. Jackson was arrested and sent to prison because _____.

A. his brother hadn't sent him any money and he couldn't pay his hotel bill

B. he had spent almost all his money and couldn't pay his hotel bill

C. he had lost all his money and couldn't pay his hotel bill

D. his brother hadn't sent him as much money as he asked for and he couldn't pay his hotel bill

4. Which of the following statements is true? _____

A. The money did not reach the Fisher Bank.

B. The money reached the wrong bank.

C. The money reached the bank after he was arrested.

D. The money reached the bank before he was arrested.

5. The clerks put his name under the wrong letter _____.

A. through carelessness

B. because they were human beings

C. because he had a strange name

D. by pronouncing his name incorrectly

参考答案: CBBDA

He kept saving money for years and at last he was able to buy a car of ( ).


B、him own

C、his own



He () (forget, take) the keys with him, so he had to wait outside his house.

参考答案:forgot to take

福师英美文学选读在线作业二-0002试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.A square is a flat area having four sides, any adjacent two sides of which _ a right angle.A.makeB.advocateC.adjoinD.shape答案:A2.The bank refused to _him any money, so he had to postpone buying a house.A.loanB.leaseC.creditD.borrow答案:A3.A system of strict discipline has a _ effect on conduct.A.automaticB.deliberateC.beneficialD.customary答案:C4.John cannot afford to go to university, _going abroad.A.nothing to speak ofB.not to speak ofC.anything butD.nothing but答案:B5.Do you know Tims brother? He is _ than Tim.A.much more sportsmanB.more of sportsmanC.more of a sportsmanD.more a sportsman答案:C6.In no case will they _ with folded arms.A.pass byB.look onC.go byD.hold on答案:B7.Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4,1826,the fiftieth_ _of American Independence.A.occurrenceB.occasionC.ceremonyD.anniversary答案:D8.The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible on the grounds that it was _ to the issue at hand .A.unreasonableB.irrelevantC.irrationalD.invalid答案:B9.I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat _ .A.rejectionB.refusalC.disapprovalD.decline答案:B10.Her hair was wet from the _ tossed up by the huge waves.A.surfB.latherC.foamD.spray答案:D11.It is clear that lack of education will greatly _ the laid-off workers from getting a job again.A.reverseB.perplexC.hamperD.confuse答案:C12.There a canal was being built to _ commerce between the two countries.A.allocateB.facilitateC.induceD.furnish答案:B13.The old Roman walls may still be seen, but not in their _.A.integrityB.compactnessC.installmentD.flexibility答案:A14.The meeting was put off because we _ a meeting without John.A.objected havingB.were objected to havingC.objected to haveD.objected to having答案:D15.He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, _ that he paid me back the following week.A.on purposeB.on occasionC.only ifD.on condition答案:D16.Hudson said he could not kill a living thing except for the _ of hunger.A.sensationB.purposeC.motiveD.cause答案:C17.The archaeologist _that the vase was 3500 years old.A.utilizedB.estimatedC.sustainedD.upheld答案:B18.The Timber rattlesnake is now on the endangered species list, and is extinct in two eastern states in which it once_ .A.thrivedB.swelledC.prosperedD.flourished答案:A19.Inside the machine is an_arrangement of wires.A.intricateB.internalC.initialD.incredible答案:A20.To his great joy he discovered that his ear was becoming _.A.sensationalB.sensitiveC.sentimentalD.sensible答案:B21.Our TV license will _ next month, so we shall then need a new one.A.abolishB.amendC.expireD.constrain答案:C22.It was no _ that his car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery .A.coinci、denceB.conventionC.certaintyD.complication答案:A23.With the popularity of the Internet, both commercial computers and personal ones are more _ to the computer viruses than ever before.A.liableB.vulnerableC.subjectiveD.subordinate答案:B24._ the success of the product depends on its good quality.A.UltimatelyB.RelativelyC.ObjectivelyD.Absolutely答案:A25.An

He is talking so much about America as if he ____ there.

A、had been

B、has been




I don’t want to lend any more money to him; he’s already in debt ________ me.

[A] to

[B] for

[C] of

[D] with


Seldom ______so warmly welcomed.

A. has he been

B. he has been

C. was he

D. he had been

20.答案为A  他很少受到如此热烈的欢迎。seldom置于句首时主谓需倒装。该句表示一直持续的动作,因此用完成式。

______ the Charterer seeks to say that the contract has been frustrated or that there has been an anticipatory breach which entitles him to rescind,then he has such rights as are given him at common law.


B.As a fact that

C.In so far as

D.In no case that


It was the second time he__________to me. I would never trust him again.

B.has lied
C.was lying
D.had lied

考查固定句型。It is the first time+that从句结构中,从句用现在完成时。It was the first time+that从旬结构中,从句用过去完成时。句型中主句it可以替换为this,that.序数词first也可根据句意变成其他序数词。句意为“这是他第二次对我撒谎,我不会再相信他了”。故选D。

更多 “福师《英美文学选读》在线作业二答案” 相关考题
考题 共用题干 第一篇From Ponzi to MadoffThe year was 1920.The country was the United States of America. The man's name was Charles Ponzi. Ponzi told people to stop depositing money in a savings account.Instead,they should give it to him to save for them.Ponzi promised to pay them more than the bank.For example,a savings account might pay you$5 a year for every $100 you deposit.Ponzi,however,would pay you $40 a year for every $ 100 you gave him to hold.Many people thought this was a good plan.They began to give their money to Ponzi.How could Ponzi make so much money for people?This is what he did with the money people gave him: He used some of that money to pay other people who gave him money.However,he also kept a lot of the money for himself. Soon he had $ 250 million.This was a kind of theft,and it was against the law. The people who gave him their money didn't think anything was wrong. Ponzi paid them every month,just like a bank.Ponzi continued this way of working for two years.Then one day,he didn'thave enough money to pay all the people.They discovered his crime,and he went to prison for fraud.Ninety years later,people began to hear about a businessman in New York named Bernard Madoff. People said he gave good advice about money.They said when they gave him their money,he paid them a lot more than the bank.Madoff helped hospitals,schools,and individuals earn money.Over a period of 40 years,people gave him$170 billion.However,no one investigated what he did with the money.The people who gave Madoff their money also didn't think anything was wrong because he paid them every month.One day,Madoff didn't have enough money to pay all the people he needed to pay. That's when people discovered how Madoff worked:He was taking money from some people to pay other people,just the way Charles Fonzi did.However,this time,instead of losing millions of dollars,people lost billions.Madoff was accused of fraud,and the United States government officials arrested him.He didn't have to go on trial because he said he was guilty.In 2009,a judge sentenced him to 150 years in prison.Bernard Madoff's crime was even bigger than Ponzi'5.It was the biggest fraud in history.The lesson of this story is clear:When something seems too good to be true,it probably is!For every$100,Ponzi promised to pay peopleA:$5 a yearB:$20 a yearC:$40 a yearD:$100 a year答案:C解析:从文章第一段倒数第三句话“Ponzi, however, would pay you $40 a year for every$100 you gave him to hold.”可知答案为C。从文章第二段第二句话“He used some of that money to pay other people”可知答案为B。从文章第二段第三句话“he also kept a lot of the money for himself”和第五句话“This was a kind of theft, and it was against the law.”可知答案为C。从文章第三段第五句话“Over a period of 40 years”可知答案为A。从文章第五段第二句话“He didn' t have to go on trial because he said he was guilty.”可 知答案为C。

考题 Tom had once worked in a city office in London,but now he is out of work.He had a large family?to support,so he often found himself in difficulty.He often visited Mr.White on Sundays,told him about?his troubles,and asked for two or three pounds. Mr.White,a man with a kind heart,found it difficult to refuse the money,though he himself?was poor.Tom had already received more than thirty pounds from Mr.White,but he always seemed?to be in need of some more. One day,after telling Mr.White a long story of his troubles,Tom asked for five pounds. Mr.White had heard this sort of thing before,but he listened patiently to the end.Then he?said,"I understand your difficulties,Tom.I′d like to help you.But I′m not going to give you five?pounds this time.I′11 lend you the money,and you can pay me off next time you see me." Tom took the money,but he never appeared again.Mr.White decided to lend,not to give Tom five pounds in order to__《》()A.encourage him to come again B.get all his money back C.get rid of him D.thank him for his stories答案:C解析:【考情点拔】推理判断题。【应试指导】文章倒数第二段中,怀特先生对汤姆说。他可以借给汤姆些钱,但是下次来要钱时必须将钱还上。结果是,汤姆再也没有来要钱。A、B、D三项都可排除,由此可知,怀特先生这样做是为了摆脱掉汤姆。

考题 共用题干 第一篇From Ponzi to MadoffThe year was 1920.The country was the United States of America. The man's name was Charles Ponzi. Ponzi told people to stop depositing money in a savings account.Instead,they should give it to him to save for them.Ponzi promised to pay them more than the bank.For example,a savings account might pay you$5 a year for every $100 you deposit.Ponzi,however,would pay you $40 a year for every $ 100 you gave him to hold.Many people thought this was a good plan.They began to give their money to Ponzi.How could Ponzi make so much money for people?This is what he did with the money people gave him: He used some of that money to pay other people who gave him money.However,he also kept a lot of the money for himself. Soon he had $ 250 million.This was a kind of theft,and it was against the law. The people who gave him their money didn't think anything was wrong. Ponzi paid them every month,just like a bank.Ponzi continued this way of working for two years.Then one day,he didn'thave enough money to pay all the people.They discovered his crime,and he went to prison for fraud.Ninety years later,people began to hear about a businessman in New York named Bernard Madoff. People said he gave good advice about money.They said when they gave him their money,he paid them a lot more than the bank.Madoff helped hospitals,schools,and individuals earn money.Over a period of 40 years,people gave him$170 billion.However,no one investigated what he did with the money.The people who gave Madoff their money also didn't think anything was wrong because he paid them every month.One day,Madoff didn't have enough money to pay all the people he needed to pay. That's when people discovered how Madoff worked:He was taking money from some people to pay other people,just the way Charles Fonzi did.However,this time,instead of losing millions of dollars,people lost billions.Madoff was accused of fraud,and the United States government officials arrested him.He didn't have to go on trial because he said he was guilty.In 2009,a judge sentenced him to 150 years in prison.Bernard Madoff's crime was even bigger than Ponzi'5.It was the biggest fraud in history.The lesson of this story is clear:When something seems too good to be true,it probably is!What did Ponzi do with the money people gave him?A:He spent it all on things for himself.B:He used some of it to pay other people.C:He deposited it all in a bank.D:He kept it all to save for a good plan.答案:B解析:从文章第一段倒数第三句话“Ponzi, however, would pay you $40 a year for every$100 you gave him to hold.”可知答案为C。从文章第二段第二句话“He used some of that money to pay other people”可知答案为B。从文章第二段第三句话“he also kept a lot of the money for himself”和第五句话“This was a kind of theft, and it was against the law.”可知答案为C。从文章第三段第五句话“Over a period of 40 years”可知答案为A。从文章第五段第二句话“He didn' t have to go on trial because he said he was guilty.”可 知答案为C。

考题 Jim was a greedy boy.He enjoyed having good food.One day when he came to have breakfast,he found there was only bread and gruel(麦片粥).So he didn′t want to have any.Then he thought out a plan to fool his mother and get something good to eat.He put his hands on his stomach and said,"I′ve got a stomachache,Mum,and I don′t want any breakfast now."His mother said,"I′m sorry to hear that.Go to Doctor Jones and he will give you some medicine.You know his house."Then she gave Jim some money and let him go by bus.Jim got off the bus after five minutes′fide.He didn′t go to seeDr.Jones.He went into a shop and bought some pieces of cakes. Jim was eating the cakes on his way back home.When he got home,his mother asked him,"What did Dr.Jones say,my boy?"Jim answered,"He said good food is better than any medicine for my stomachache.So I went and bought some cakes instead of buying medicine." Now Jim′s mother knew what Jim′s stomachache meant.What did Jim′s mother give him for the breakfast that day?A.Bread. B.Cake. C.Gruel. D.Both A and C.答案:D解析:考情点拨:事实细节题。应试指导:从第一段第三句可知,Jim的早餐只有面包和麦片粥

考题 单选题His father mentioned to me that Robert had written to him requesting money for buying a new car.A to meB had written toC himD for buying正确答案:B解析:

考题 —Why was he so hot when he got home —He________.A.was running B.is running C.has been running D.had been running答案:D解析:

考题 It was the training that he had as a young man( )made him such a good engineer. A.hasB.laterC.whichD.that答案:D解析:考查强调句型。句子强调的部分是the training that he had as a young man,后面填that。故本题选D。句意:正是他年轻时所受的训练使他成为一位如此出色的工程师。

考题 Jim was a greedy boy.He enjoyed having good food.One day when he came to have breakfast,he found there was only bread and gruel(麦片粥).So he didn′t want to have any.Then he thought out a plan to fool his mother and get something good to eat.He put his hands on his stomach and said,"I′ve got a stomachache,Mum,and I don′t want any breakfast now."His mother said,"I′m sorry to hear that.Go to Doctor Jones and he will give you some medicine.You know his house."Then she gave Jim some money and let him go by bus.Jim got off the bus after five minutes′fide.He didn′t go to seeDr.Jones.He went into a shop and bought some pieces of cakes. Jim was eating the cakes on his way back home.When he got home,his mother asked him,"What did Dr.Jones say,my boy?"Jim answered,"He said good food is better than any medicine for my stomachache.So I went and bought some cakes instead of buying medicine." Now Jim′s mother knew what Jim′s stomachache meant.At last Jim′s motherA.gave her son some good food B.knew her son had told a lie C.bought some medicine for her son D.bought some cakes for her son答案:B解析:考情点拨:推理判断题。应试指导:从最后一段可推知,Jim的妈妈明白了,Jim说自己胃痛是撒谎。

考题 A student went to college after41all his school examinations. There he put his name downfor world geography,42after the first day, he did not go to43any more. The teachernoticed that this student was44absent and thought that he had changed to45class. He wasvery46when he saw the boy's name on the list of students47wanted to take the geographyexamination48the end of the year. The teacher had prepared a difficult examination paper, which covered49he had taught,and he was eager to see50this student answered the questions. He expected that his answerwould be very51 ; but when he examined his paper carefully, he found only one small mistakein them.52this surprised him very much, he went through the paper53, but was still notable to find54one mistake, so he sent55the student to question him about his work. When the student had56the room, the teacher said to him, "I know that you came to my classonly once on the first day and that you have been absent from all the others. Yet I have found onlyone small mistake in your paper.57is that? " "Oh, I'm sorry about that mistake, sir," answered the student."After the examination, Irealized58! ought to have written. I would not have made that mistake59 I had not beenconfused by your60lecture." 阅读以上短文,回答161-180题。 第41题答案是__________A.having B.taking C.passing D.failing答案:C解析:pass examinations意为“通过考试”,此句意为一个学生通过了所有考试进入大学。故选C。

考题 Jim was a greedy boy.He enjoyed having good food.One day when he came to have breakfast,he found there was only bread and gruel(麦片粥).So he didn′t want to have any.Then he thought out a plan to fool his mother and get something good to eat.He put his hands on his stomach and said,"I′ve got a stomachache,Mum,and I don′t want any breakfast now."His mother said,"I′m sorry to hear that.Go to Doctor Jones and he will give you some medicine.You know his house."Then she gave Jim some money and let him go by bus.Jim got off the bus after five minutes′fide.He didn′t go to seeDr.Jones.He went into a shop and bought some pieces of cakes. Jim was eating the cakes on his way back home.When he got home,his mother asked him,"What did Dr.Jones say,my boy?"Jim answered,"He said good food is better than any medicine for my stomachache.So I went and bought some cakes instead of buying medicine." Now Jim′s mother knew what Jim′s stomachache meant.Jim is a boy marked by hisA.cleverness B.honesty C.greed D.naughtiness答案:C解析:考情点拨:推理判断题。应试指导:文章开头指出Jim是一个贪吃的小孩。从后面的故事来看确实如此。