问答题Practice 1  1. ______ Japanese design electronics while Germans export engineering techniques. The French serve, the best food and Americans make computers.  2. ______ But it has lawyers, stylists and business consultants who earn their living from tal

Practice 1  1. ______ Japanese design electronics while Germans export engineering techniques. The French serve, the best food and Americans make computers.  2. ______ But it has lawyers, stylists and business consultants who earn their living from talk and more talk. The World Foundation think tank says the UK’s four iconic jobs today are not scientists, engineers, teachers and nurses. Instead, they’re hairdressers, celebrities, management consultants and managers. But can all this talking keep the British economy going? The British government thinks it can.  3. ______ In fact, Britain does have a world-class pharmaceutical industry. And it still makes a small sum from selling arms abroad. It also trades services-accountancy, insurance, banking and advertising. The government believes Britain is on the cutting edge of the knowledge economy. After all, the country of Shakespeare and Wordsworth has a literary tradition of which to be proud. Rock ‘n’ roll is an English language medium, and there are billions to be made by their cutting-edge bands. In other words, the creative economy has plenty of strength to carry the British economy.  4. ______ The industries are finding it hard to make a profit, according to a report of the National Endowment for Science. Technology and the Arts The report shows only 38 percent of British companies were engaged in “innovation activities”, 3 percentage points below the EU average and well below Germany (1 percent) and Sweden (47 percent).  5. ______ The majority of the population are employed by the rich to cook, clean, and take care of their children. Many graduates are even doing menial jobs for which they do not need a degree. Most employment growth has been, and will continue to be, at the low-skill end of the service sector—in shops, bars, hotels, domestic service and in nursing and care homes.[A] However, creative industries account for only about 4 percent of UK’s exports of goods and services.[B] Although the country’s trade deficit was more than £60 billion in 2006, UK’s largest in the post-war period; officials say the country has nothing to worry about.[C] In today’s knowledge economy, nations survive on the things they do best.[D] The British government has confidence in its economy.[E] Britain specializes in the gift of talking. The nation doesn’t manufacture much of anything.[F] Britain is on the cutting edge of facing economic crisis due to its weak manufacturing power.[G] In fact, it might be better to call Britain a “servant” economy—there are at least 4 million people “in service”.
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。



A、earn money

B、earn a living by…

C、make a fortune

D、make money



:Social security tax is collected from( ).

A.those who have broken the law.

B.those who often make trouble.

C.those whose lives and property are in danger.

D.every citizen living in the area.



(50) While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments.



Is There a Way to Keep the Britain's Economy Growing?
1 .In today's knowledge economy,nations survive on the things they do best.Japanese design electronics while Germens export engineering techniques.The French serve the best food and Americans make computers.
2 .Britain specializes in the gift of talking.The nation doesn't manufacture much of any-thing.But it has lawyers,stylists and business consultants who earn their living from talktalk and more talk.The World Foundation think tank says the UK's four iconic job、todayare not scientists,engineers,teachers and nurses.Instead,they're hairdressers,celebrities,management consultants and managers.But can all this talking keep the British economy going?The British government thinks it can.
3 .Although the country's trade deficit was more than£60 billion in 2006,UK's largest in thepostwar period,officials say the country has nothing to worry about.In fact,Britain does have a world-class pharmaceutical industry and it still makes a small sum from selling arms abroad.It also trades services一accountancy,insurance,banking and advertising.The government believes Britain is on the cutting edge of the knowledge economy.After all,the country of Shakespeare and Words-worth has a literary tradition of which to be proud.Rock'n'roll is an English language medium,and there are billions to be made by their cutting-edge bands.In other words,the creative economy has plenty of strength to carry the British economy.
4 .However,creative industries account for only about 4 percent of UK's exports of goods and services.The industries are finding it hard to make a profit,according to a report of the National Endowment for Science,Technology and the Arts.The report shows only 38 percent of British companies were engaged in“innovation activities”,3 percentage points be-low the EU average and well below Germany(61 percent)and Sweden(47 percent).
5 .In fact,it might be better to call Britain a“servant”economy一there are at least 4 million people“in service”.The majority of the population are employed by the rich to cook,clean,and take care of their children.Many graduates are even doing menial jobs for which they do not need a degree.Most employment growth has been, and will continue to be,at the low-skill end of the service sector一in shops,bars,hotels,domestic service and in nursing and care homes.

Paragraph 5______
A:Growth of Economy
C:Strength of the Creative Economy
D:Weakness of the Creative Economy
E:Gift of Talking
F:Export of Talking Machines

段落中出现了明显的段落主题词talk(talk贯穿该段出现),依据这个段落主题词可轻松判断出答案应该来自E和F这两个选项中。第二段中的第一个句子是观点句,该句意为 “英国的特长是有说话的天赋”。这个意义意义正好与E'‘说话的天赋”一致。该段的写作结构为“观点句(主题句)+解释说明(接下来的句子具体说明说话天赋在经济中的表现)”。
第四段的第一个句子是转折句(提示:段首出现的转折句常是段落主题句), 该句意为“然而,创造性行业的商品和服务出口只占整个英国出口量的4%左右”,由此可见创造性经济还是很薄弱的。因此答案为D“创造性经济的弱点”。
第五段的第一个句子是主题句In fact, it might be better to call Britain a “servant” economy一there are at least 4 million people “in service”。该句意为“实际上,把英国的经济叫做服务经济更恰当一些——因为至少有四百万人在做服务性工作”。因此选B“服务经济”。提示:如果概括大意的选项中出现正反意义选项,如本题中的选项C“创造性经济的强项”和D “创造性经济的弱点”,则这两个选项中必然至少有一个是答案选项,而另一个形成对比意义的选项作为答案出现的可能性也较大,因为英文短文中常出现两个形成对比意义的段落,如:过去情况与现在情况的对比;强项(优点)和弱点(缺点)的对比等。
虽然可以利用题干中的名词短语every country, own way作为定位线索,但是对于该题却不容易依据定位线索识别出相关句。这种情况在职称英语考试中较少见,该题的相关句在第一段。第一段讲到了在今天的知识经济时代,各个国家靠自己的强项得以生存。因此C“养活自己的人民”是答案。
利用题干中的名词短语British government作为定位线索,在第二段中找到相关句 But can all this talking keep the British economy going? The British government thinks it can,相关句意为“说话能让英国经济持续发展吗?英国政府认为可以。”依据相关句的内容不难看出英国政府似乎并不担心英国经济。因此选项F“担心英国经济”是答案。
利用题干中的名词短语“creative industries”作为定位线索,在第四段中找到相关句The industries(指creative industries) are finding it hard(与题干中的形容词 difficult呼应)to make a profit, according to a report of the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts,相关句表明英国创造性的行业很难盈利。因此答案为E“盈利”。
利用题干中的名词短语many graduates作为定位线索,在第五段中找到相关句Many graduates are even doing menial jobs for which they do not need a degree,相关句意为“许多毕业生甚至在做不需要学位的卑微的工作”。因此B“做低技能的工作”是答案。


Software Engineering is best described as ( ).

A. the practice of designing, building, and maintaining off-the-shelf software from prefabricated parts
B. the practice of designing, building, and maintaining ad-hoc software without the use of formal methods
C. the practice of designing, building, and maintaining reliable and cost-effective software using standard techniques
D. the practice of designing, building, and maintaining fast and flexible software specifically for engineering applications

解析:翻译:对软件工程最恰当的描述是( )。A.从定制化软件到成本软件的设计、开发和维护B.非常规的专用软件的设计、开发和维护C.采用常规方法的可靠的、高性价比的软件的设计、开发和维护D.针对工程应用的快速敏捷性软件的设计、开发和维护


Software Engineering is best described as ( ).

A.the practice of designing, building, and maintaining off-the-shelf software from prefabricated parts

B.the practice of designing, building, and maintaining ad-hoc software without the use of formal methods

C.the practice of designing, building, and maintaining reliable and cost-effective software using standard techniques

D.the practice of designing, building, and maintaining fast and flexible software specifically for engineering applications




The American Industry

A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap,but if properly handled,it may become a driving force.When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War,it had a market eight times larger than any competitor,giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.Its scientists were the world's best,its workers the most skilled.America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed.
It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer. Just as inevitably,the retreat from predominance proved painful.By the mid-1980s Americans had found themselves at a loss over their fading industrial competitiveness.Some huge American industries, such as consumer electronics,had shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competition.By 1987 there was only one American television maker left,Zenith.(Now there is none:Zenith was bought by South Korea's LG Electronics in July.)Foreign-made cars and textiles were sweeping into the domestic market. America's machine-tool industry was on the ropes.For a while it looked as though the making of semiconductors,which America had which sat at the heart of the new computer age, was going to be the next casualty.
All of this caused a crisis of confidence.Americans stopped taking prosperity for granted.They began to believe that their way of doing business was failing,and that their incomes would therefore shortly begin to fall as well. The mid-1980s brought one inquiry after another into the causes of America's industrial decline.Their sometimes sensational findings were filled with warnings about the growing competition from overseas.
How things have changed!In 1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been struggling. Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle.Self-doubt has yielded to blind pride."American industry has changed its structure,has gone on a diet,has learnt to be more quick-witted,"according to Richard Cavanagh,executive dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government,"It makes me proud to be an American just to see how our businesses are improving their productivity,"says Stephen Moore of the Cato Institute,a think-tank in Washington,DC.And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School believes that people will look back on this period as"a golden age of business management in the United States."

What does"the American industry has gone on a diet"mean?
A:Employees in the American industry are on a diet.
B:The American industry has reduced redundant staff.
C:The American industry has shrunk.
D:The American industry has been made more efficient.

A选项错误,因为第二段中说“到1987年,美国只剩下Zenith这一家电视生产商(现在这一家也没有了:Zenith于7月被韩国LG电子公司收购)。”说明它连国内市场也保不住了。B选项错误,文中第二段最后一句提到,“有一段时间,下一个栖牲品看起来似乎该轮到美国的半导体制造业了……”,可是事实上没有。C选项中谈到的机床业已经自取灭亡的说法错误,因为文中提到机床制造业“岌岌可危”(on the ropes),但是还没有灭亡。D选项是合适的,因为第二段第六句提到,“进口车和纺织品横扫国内市场”。
第三段提到,“所有这一切导致了信心危机。美国人不再视繁荣为理所当然之事。他们开始怀疑自己的商业经营方式出了问题,也怀疑不久他们的收入就会下降。20 世纪80年代中期人们对美国工业衰退的原因作了一次又一次的调查。那些有时耸人听闻的结果充斥着海外竞争加剧的预警”。第四段提到了90年代的经济复苏。其中的含义是:在竞争的压力下,美国人在80年代调整产业结构,美国的工业已经改变了结构,消除了滞胀,变得更机智,因此带来了90年代的经济复苏。因此,可以得出推论:激烈的竞争会导致经济的发展。另外三个选项都不合适。
在第四段,作者指出,"1995年,美国可以对过去五年的稳步发展作一回顾,而日本还在奋力挣扎。很少有美国人将这一巨变单纯归因于美元贬值或商业周期循环这些显而易见的原因。如今,对自身的怀疑已被盲目乐观所取代”。这里作者实际上对当前美国人的盲目乐观情绪进行了批评,认为20世纪90年代的增长是由美元贬值或经济周期的转机等因素造成的。选项B是“Richard Cavanagh”的看法。选项C是“Stephen Moore”的看法。选项D文中没有提及。


If he ______ forced to make a living from the outset, he would not have been able to follow his passion.

A、has been

B、would have been

C、had been




Is There a Way to Keep the Britain's Economy Growing?
1 .In today's knowledge economy,nations survive on the things they do best.Japanese design electronics while Germens export engineering techniques.The French serve the best food and Americans make computers.
2 .Britain specializes in the gift of talking.The nation doesn't manufacture much of any-thing.But it has lawyers,stylists and business consultants who earn their living from talktalk and more talk.The World Foundation think tank says the UK's four iconic job、todayare not scientists,engineers,teachers and nurses.Instead,they're hairdressers,celebrities,management consultants and managers.But can all this talking keep the British economy going?The British government thinks it can.
3 .Although the country's trade deficit was more than£60 billion in 2006,UK's largest in thepostwar period,officials say the country has nothing to worry about.In fact,Britain does have a world-class pharmaceutical industry and it still makes a small sum from selling arms abroad.It also trades services一accountancy,insurance,banking and advertising.The government believes Britain is on the cutting edge of the knowledge economy.After all,the country of Shakespeare and Words-worth has a literary tradition of which to be proud.Rock'n'roll is an English language medium,and there are billions to be made by their cutting-edge bands.In other words,the creative economy has plenty of strength to carry the British economy.
4 .However,creative industries account for only about 4 percent of UK's exports of goods and services.The industries are finding it hard to make a profit,according to a report of the National Endowment for Science,Technology and the Arts.The report shows only 38 percent of British companies were engaged in“innovation activities”,3 percentage points be-low the EU average and well below Germany(61 percent)and Sweden(47 percent).
5 .In fact,it might be better to call Britain a“servant”economy一there are at least 4 million people“in service”.The majority of the population are employed by the rich to cook,clean,and take care of their children.Many graduates are even doing menial jobs for which they do not need a degree.Most employment growth has been, and will continue to be,at the low-skill end of the service sector一in shops,bars,hotels,domestic service and in nursing and care homes.

The creative industries find it difficult______.
A:to find jobs
B:to do low-skill jobs
C:to feed its people
D:to handle disputes
E:to make a profit
F:to worry about the British economy

段落中出现了明显的段落主题词talk(talk贯穿该段出现),依据这个段落主题词可轻松判断出答案应该来自E和F这两个选项中。第二段中的第一个句子是观点句,该句意为 “英国的特长是有说话的天赋”。这个意义意义正好与E'‘说话的天赋”一致。该段的写作结构为“观点句(主题句)+解释说明(接下来的句子具体说明说话天赋在经济中的表现)”。
第四段的第一个句子是转折句(提示:段首出现的转折句常是段落主题句), 该句意为“然而,创造性行业的商品和服务出口只占整个英国出口量的4%左右”,由此可见创造性经济还是很薄弱的。因此答案为D“创造性经济的弱点”。
第五段的第一个句子是主题句In fact, it might be better to call Britain a “servant” economy一there are at least 4 million people “in service”。该句意为“实际上,把英国的经济叫做服务经济更恰当一些——因为至少有四百万人在做服务性工作”。因此选B“服务经济”。提示:如果概括大意的选项中出现正反意义选项,如本题中的选项C“创造性经济的强项”和D “创造性经济的弱点”,则这两个选项中必然至少有一个是答案选项,而另一个形成对比意义的选项作为答案出现的可能性也较大,因为英文短文中常出现两个形成对比意义的段落,如:过去情况与现在情况的对比;强项(优点)和弱点(缺点)的对比等。
虽然可以利用题干中的名词短语every country, own way作为定位线索,但是对于该题却不容易依据定位线索识别出相关句。这种情况在职称英语考试中较少见,该题的相关句在第一段。第一段讲到了在今天的知识经济时代,各个国家靠自己的强项得以生存。因此C“养活自己的人民”是答案。
利用题干中的名词短语British government作为定位线索,在第二段中找到相关句 But can all this talking keep the British economy going? The British government thinks it can,相关句意为“说话能让英国经济持续发展吗?英国政府认为可以。”依据相关句的内容不难看出英国政府似乎并不担心英国经济。因此选项F“担心英国经济”是答案。
利用题干中的名词短语“creative industries”作为定位线索,在第四段中找到相关句The industries(指creative industries) are finding it hard(与题干中的形容词 difficult呼应)to make a profit, according to a report of the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts,相关句表明英国创造性的行业很难盈利。因此答案为E“盈利”。
利用题干中的名词短语many graduates作为定位线索,在第五段中找到相关句Many graduates are even doing menial jobs for which they do not need a degree,相关句意为“许多毕业生甚至在做不需要学位的卑微的工作”。因此B“做低技能的工作”是答案。


Is There a Way to Keep the Britain's Economy Growing?
1 .In today's knowledge economy,nations survive on the things they do best.Japanese design electronics while Germens export engineering techniques.The French serve the best food and Americans make computers.
2 .Britain specializes in the gift of talking.The nation doesn't manufacture much of any-thing.But it has lawyers,stylists and business consultants who earn their living from talktalk and more talk.The World Foundation think tank says the UK's four iconic job、todayare not scientists,engineers,teachers and nurses.Instead,they're hairdressers,celebrities,management consultants and managers.But can all this talking keep the British economy going?The British government thinks it can.
3 .Although the country's trade deficit was more than£60 billion in 2006,UK's largest in thepostwar period,officials say the country has nothing to worry about.In fact,Britain does have a world-class pharmaceutical industry and it still makes a small sum from selling arms abroad.It also trades services一accountancy,insurance,banking and advertising.The government believes Britain is on the cutting edge of the knowledge economy.After all,the country of Shakespeare and Words-worth has a literary tradition of which to be proud.Rock'n'roll is an English language medium,and there are billions to be made by their cutting-edge bands.In other words,the creative economy has plenty of strength to carry the British economy.
4 .However,creative industries account for only about 4 percent of UK's exports of goods and services.The industries are finding it hard to make a profit,according to a report of the National Endowment for Science,Technology and the Arts.The report shows only 38 percent of British companies were engaged in“innovation activities”,3 percentage points be-low the EU average and well below Germany(61 percent)and Sweden(47 percent).
5 .In fact,it might be better to call Britain a“servant”economy一there are at least 4 million people“in service”.The majority of the population are employed by the rich to cook,clean,and take care of their children.Many graduates are even doing menial jobs for which they do not need a degree.Most employment growth has been, and will continue to be,at the low-skill end of the service sector一in shops,bars,hotels,domestic service and in nursing and care homes.

Every country has its own way______.
A:to find jobs
B:to do low-skill jobs
C:to feed its people
D:to handle disputes
E:to make a profit
F:to worry about the British economy

段落中出现了明显的段落主题词talk(talk贯穿该段出现),依据这个段落主题词可轻松判断出答案应该来自E和F这两个选项中。第二段中的第一个句子是观点句,该句意为 “英国的特长是有说话的天赋”。这个意义意义正好与E'‘说话的天赋”一致。该段的写作结构为“观点句(主题句)+解释说明(接下来的句子具体说明说话天赋在经济中的表现)”。
第四段的第一个句子是转折句(提示:段首出现的转折句常是段落主题句), 该句意为“然而,创造性行业的商品和服务出口只占整个英国出口量的4%左右”,由此可见创造性经济还是很薄弱的。因此答案为D“创造性经济的弱点”。
第五段的第一个句子是主题句In fact, it might be better to call Britain a “servant” economy一there are at least 4 million people “in service”。该句意为“实际上,把英国的经济叫做服务经济更恰当一些——因为至少有四百万人在做服务性工作”。因此选B“服务经济”。提示:如果概括大意的选项中出现正反意义选项,如本题中的选项C“创造性经济的强项”和D “创造性经济的弱点”,则这两个选项中必然至少有一个是答案选项,而另一个形成对比意义的选项作为答案出现的可能性也较大,因为英文短文中常出现两个形成对比意义的段落,如:过去情况与现在情况的对比;强项(优点)和弱点(缺点)的对比等。
虽然可以利用题干中的名词短语every country, own way作为定位线索,但是对于该题却不容易依据定位线索识别出相关句。这种情况在职称英语考试中较少见,该题的相关句在第一段。第一段讲到了在今天的知识经济时代,各个国家靠自己的强项得以生存。因此C“养活自己的人民”是答案。
利用题干中的名词短语British government作为定位线索,在第二段中找到相关句 But can all this talking keep the British economy going? The British government thinks it can,相关句意为“说话能让英国经济持续发展吗?英国政府认为可以。”依据相关句的内容不难看出英国政府似乎并不担心英国经济。因此选项F“担心英国经济”是答案。
利用题干中的名词短语“creative industries”作为定位线索,在第四段中找到相关句The industries(指creative industries) are finding it hard(与题干中的形容词 difficult呼应)to make a profit, according to a report of the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts,相关句表明英国创造性的行业很难盈利。因此答案为E“盈利”。
利用题干中的名词短语many graduates作为定位线索,在第五段中找到相关句Many graduates are even doing menial jobs for which they do not need a degree,相关句意为“许多毕业生甚至在做不需要学位的卑微的工作”。因此B“做低技能的工作”是答案。
