单选题People were given physical fitness tests in order to find out _____.A how well they could do in athleticsB what their health condition was likeC what kind of fitness center was suitable for themD whether they were fit for aerobic exercise

People were given physical fitness tests in order to find out _____.

how well they could do in athletics


what their health condition was like


what kind of fitness center was suitable for them


whether they were fit for aerobic exercise

如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


What must new members do before using the fitness center?

A.Get a health certificate from a doctor
B.Pay for a year's membership
C.Attend a training session on safety
D.Register with a personal trainer



Whether or not exercise adds___1___the length of life,it is common experience that a certain___2___of regular exercise improves the health and contributes a feeling of wellbeing.
Furthermore,exercise___3___involves play and recreation,and relieves nervous tension and mental fatigue in so doing,is not only pleasant but beneficial. How much and what kind of exercise one should___4___merits careful consideration. The growing child and the normal young man and young woman thrill with the exhilaration of strenuous sports.They fatigue to the___5___of exhaustion but recover promptly with a period of rest. But not so with___6___of middle age and beyond. For them moderation is___7___vital importance. Just how much exercise a person of a given age can safely take is a question___8___to answer. Individual variability is___9___ great to permit of generalization.
A game of tennis may be perfectly safe for one person of forty but folly for another. The safe limit for exercise___10___ on the condition of the heart,the condition of the muscles,the type of exercise,and the regularity with which it is taken.Two general suggestions,however,will___11___ as sound advice for anyone.The first is that the condition of the heart and general health should be___12___ periodically by careful, thorough physical examinations. The___13___is that exercise should be kept below the point of physical exhaustion.
What type of exercise one should___14___depends upon one's physical condition. Young people can safely enjoy vigorous competitive sports,but most older persons do better to limit themselves to less strenuous activities. Walking,swimming,skating are among the sports that one can enjoy and safely participate___15___throughout life. Regularity is important if one is to get the most enjoyment and benefit out of exercise.

A: delayed
B: defended
C: designed
D: determined

从语法上分析,主句主语exercise的谓语应该是is not only pleasant but beneficial,中间显然应该是一个定语从句,定语从句所缺少的是主语,故应选A,
从语法上分析,one should+动词应该是前面那个主语的定语从句,只是定语从句的宾语which/that被省略了,而四个选项中只有take可与exercise搭配,故应选D。
point,既可表达时间(“时刻”)或空间(“地点”)也可表达“程度”的意思,to the point of“达到……的地步/程度”,符合上下文要求。所以答案为A。
本空格后面的of middle age and beyond提示了本空格要填的词应该是指 “人”的词,而且不止一个人,从上下文看,these显然不合适,因为上文并没有特指哪些人,故只 有C合适。
本句中is后面应该是表语部分,四个选项中只有D项of合适,of impor- tance=important,of vital importance=very,very important。
从语法上分析,这个空必须填上一个形容词作question的定语,从上下文分析,只有B项hard合适,这里的hard =difficult。
前句已经说到,“不同年龄的人做多少运动是一个难以回答的问题”,显然本句的意思是“个人的差异太大,无法一概而论”,因此选择B项too是最恰当的。too... to...的结构具有否定的意义。
虽然四个选项都可以与on搭配,但act on意为“按照……行动”, carry on 意为“进行”,不符合文意,只有depend on“取决于……”和base on“根据……”语境可以考虑,但base是及物动词,应该为base sth. on...,故只能选择A。
虽然四个选项都可以与as连用,但用法和意义各有不同,refer to sb. /sth. as“把……说成……”; regard sb./sth. as“把……当成…… ” ; treat sb. /sth. as“把……当成……”;均不符合语境,只有serve as“充当……,作为……”在语法上和意义上恰当。所以答案为C。
前面说到有两个一般性的建议,并且已提到“第一个”,那么“另一个”只能考虑A、B两个选项了。二者都有“另一个”的意思,只是用法不同,another不用冠词,而the other则需要定冠词the,故选A。
四个选项中A、C、D三个选项的意思与上下文相去甚远,只有B项合适。 one should choose用来做前面主语的定语从句,在定语从句中省略了宾语that/which。


We all need (11) .Doctors say it is good (12) 0ur (13) .It makes your heart and body strong. And you'll (14) better about yourself. It's best to exercise(15) a week.Twenty minutes each time is enough.

There are (16 ways to exercise. You can walk, (17) ,play football or swim Many people go to special places to exercise. They are called "fitness centers . These places have (18) equipment. Some people buy equipment(器械) for their families, But it is very expensive.

Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together (19) a fitness center. How do you exercise? How (20) do you exercise?

( )11.

A. exercising

B. exercises

C. to exercise

D. exercised



Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ Scores
Young adults who are fit have a higher IQ and are more likely to go on to university,reveals a major new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
The results were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)The study involved 1 .2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born be-tween 1950 and 1976 .The research group analyzed the results of both physical and IQ tests the youngsters took right after they started serving the army.
The study shows a clear link between good physical fitness and better results for the IQ test. The strongest links are for logical thinking and verbal comprehension.But it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the IQ test,and not strength.“Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung capacity and that your brain gets plenty of oxygen,”says Michael Nilsson, professor at the Sahlgrenska Academy and chief physician at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital. “This may be one of the reasons why we can see a clear link with fitness,but not with muscular strength .We are also seeing that there are growth factors that are important.”
By analyzing data for twins,the researchers have been able to determine that it is primarily environmental factors and not genes that explain the link between fitness and higher IQ.
“We have also shown that those youngsters who improve their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance,”says Maria Aberg,researcher at the Sahl-grenska Academy and physician at Aby health centre.“This being the case,physical education is a subject that has an important place in schools,and is an absolute must if we want to do well in maths and other theoretical subjects.”
The researchers have also compared the results from fitness tests during national service with the socio-economic status of the men later in life.Those who were fit at 18 were more likely to go into higher education,and many secured more qualified jobs.

By enhancing physical fitness,one could improves the following EXCEPT_______.
A: cognitive performance
B: heart capacity
C: verbal comprehension
D: emotional behavior

由第一段中的“…major new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.”可知,这个研究是由Sahlgrenska大学和附属医学院进行的研究,第二段中“The study involved 1. 2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born between 1950 and 1976.”提示,研究对象是瑞典人,因此可知,大学和附属医学院都是瑞典的。故选D。

由physical fitness(身体健康)可知,正确答案为D(强壮的力量)。ABC三个选项都是智力方面的能力。

由第五段的“ We have also shown that those youngsters who improve their physical fit-ness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance.”知,通过提升自身素质,我们可以提升认知能力,故A正确;C选项语言理解能力属于认知能力,因此包含;而前文也说身体素质包括心肺能力,因此B正确。故选D。

根据第三段的“But it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the IQ test, and not strength.”可知,身体健康和力气大并不是一回事儿。故选D。



Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ Scores
Young adults who are fit have a higher IQ and are more likely to go on to university,reveals a major new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
The results were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)The study involved 1 .2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born be-tween 1950 and 1976 .The research group analyzed the results of both physical and IQ tests the youngsters took right after they started serving the army.
The study shows a clear link between good physical fitness and better results for the IQ test. The strongest links are for logical thinking and verbal comprehension.But it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the IQ test,and not strength.“Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung capacity and that your brain gets plenty of oxygen,”says Michael Nilsson, professor at the Sahlgrenska Academy and chief physician at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital. “This may be one of the reasons why we can see a clear link with fitness,but not with muscular strength .We are also seeing that there are growth factors that are important.”
By analyzing data for twins,the researchers have been able to determine that it is primarily environmental factors and not genes that explain the link between fitness and higher IQ.
“We have also shown that those youngsters who improve their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance,”says Maria Aberg,researcher at the Sahl-grenska Academy and physician at Aby health centre.“This being the case,physical education is a subject that has an important place in schools,and is an absolute must if we want to do well in maths and other theoretical subjects.”
The researchers have also compared the results from fitness tests during national service with the socio-economic status of the men later in life.Those who were fit at 18 were more likely to go into higher education,and many secured more qualified jobs.

The word“secured”in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_______.
C: obtained

由第一段中的“…major new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.”可知,这个研究是由Sahlgrenska大学和附属医学院进行的研究,第二段中“The study involved 1. 2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born between 1950 and 1976.”提示,研究对象是瑞典人,因此可知,大学和附属医学院都是瑞典的。故选D。

由physical fitness(身体健康)可知,正确答案为D(强壮的力量)。ABC三个选项都是智力方面的能力。

由第五段的“ We have also shown that those youngsters who improve their physical fit-ness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance.”知,通过提升自身素质,我们可以提升认知能力,故A正确;C选项语言理解能力属于认知能力,因此包含;而前文也说身体素质包括心肺能力,因此B正确。故选D。

根据第三段的“But it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the IQ test, and not strength.”可知,身体健康和力气大并不是一回事儿。故选D。



What will happen at the fitness center on December 17

A.New exercise equipment will be delivered
B.Each Griffin Corporation employee will have a fitness evaluation
C.New exercise classes will begin
D.Membership fees will increase



Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ Scores
Young adults who are fit have a higher IQ and are more likely to go on to university,reveals a major new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
The results were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)The study involved 1 .2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born be-tween 1950 and 1976 .The research group analyzed the results of both physical and IQ tests the youngsters took right after they started serving the army.
The study shows a clear link between good physical fitness and better results for the IQ test. The strongest links are for logical thinking and verbal comprehension.But it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the IQ test,and not strength.“Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung capacity and that your brain gets plenty of oxygen,”says Michael Nilsson, professor at the Sahlgrenska Academy and chief physician at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital. “This may be one of the reasons why we can see a clear link with fitness,but not with muscular strength .We are also seeing that there are growth factors that are important.”
By analyzing data for twins,the researchers have been able to determine that it is primarily environmental factors and not genes that explain the link between fitness and higher IQ.
“We have also shown that those youngsters who improve their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance,”says Maria Aberg,researcher at the Sahl-grenska Academy and physician at Aby health centre.“This being the case,physical education is a subject that has an important place in schools,and is an absolute must if we want to do well in maths and other theoretical subjects.”
The researchers have also compared the results from fitness tests during national service with the socio-economic status of the men later in life.Those who were fit at 18 were more likely to go into higher education,and many secured more qualified jobs.

Which of the following is an implication of physical fitness?
A: Brain size.
B: Good logical capacity.
C: Clear logical thinking.
D: Muscular strength.

由第一段中的“…major new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.”可知,这个研究是由Sahlgrenska大学和附属医学院进行的研究,第二段中“The study involved 1. 2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born between 1950 and 1976.”提示,研究对象是瑞典人,因此可知,大学和附属医学院都是瑞典的。故选D。

由physical fitness(身体健康)可知,正确答案为D(强壮的力量)。ABC三个选项都是智力方面的能力。

由第五段的“ We have also shown that those youngsters who improve their physical fit-ness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance.”知,通过提升自身素质,我们可以提升认知能力,故A正确;C选项语言理解能力属于认知能力,因此包含;而前文也说身体素质包括心肺能力,因此B正确。故选D。

根据第三段的“But it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the IQ test, and not strength.”可知,身体健康和力气大并不是一回事儿。故选D。



Young adults who are fit have a higher IQ and are more._________(51)to go on to university,reveals a major new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
The results were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(《美国国家科学院院刊》).The study involved 1.2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born between 1950 and 1976.
The research group analyzed the_________(52)of both physical and IQ tests the youngsters took right after they started serving the army.
The study shows a clear link_________(53) good physical fitness and better results for the IQ test.The strongest links are for__________(54) thinking and verbal comprehension.But it is only fitness that plays a________(55)in the results for the IQ test,and not strength."Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung________(56)and that your brain gets plenty of________(57),"says Michael Nilsson,professor at the Sahlgrenska Academy and chief physician at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital."This may be one of the reasons_________(58) we can see a clear link with fitness, but not with muscular(肌肉的)__________(59).We are also seeing that there are growth factors that are important."
By analyzing data for twins,the researchers have been __________(60) to determine that it is primarily environmental factors and not genes that explain the link between fitness and a_________(61)IQ.
"We have also shown that those youngsters who_________(62)their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance,"says Maria Aberg,researcher at the Sahlgrenska Academy and physician at Aby health centre."This being the case,physical__________(63)is a subject that has an important place in schools,and is an absolute must if we want to do well in maths and other theoretical subjects."
The researchers have also compared the results from fitness tests _________(64)national service with the socio-economic status of the men later in _________(65).Those who were fit at 18 were more likely to go into higher education,and many secured more qualified jobs.


本文第一句就将主题和盘托出“Young adults who are fit have a higher IQ..."。根据此论断可以推断,智商高的人进入大学学习的可能性也高。读完全文便可知这个推断是对的。所以,本题的答案只能是likely。
第二段第二句讲到:该项研究的样本是在1950-1976年之间入伍的120 万名新兵。新兵们报到时接受了体能测试和智商测试,研究人员对这两类测试的数据进行了分析。四个选项只有results符合这层意思。answers“答案”、works“作品”和scores“分数”都不合适。
空格所在句子的意思是:身体健康与某种思维和语言理解能力有关。四个选项中logical“逻辑思维的”符合文意。critical"临界的,评论的",typical“典型的”,positive “正面的”,都与上下文的意思不符。
play a role是固定词组,填入所在句子后,上下文的意思连贯,所以是正确答案。play a place没有这种搭配。play a game“玩游戏”和play a trick“恶作剧”与上下文的意思不搭。
" Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung(健康意味着心肺功能好)",所以选项disease“疾病”和treatment“治疗”可以排除。而good heart and lung后接 shape“形状”,意思是“好的心肺形状”,这与健康的关系也远了一些。本题只有capacity“能力”才是答案。
reason (s)后面的定语从句的关系副词要用why。
第三段第三句给本题的答案提供了线索:" But it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the IQ test , and not strength.(是健康,而不是力量,对智商测试的结果起了作用。)”本题的句子重复了上述论断,所以,缺失的词应该是strength。这一次作者把strength 说得更清楚,指的是muscular strength"肌肉力量”。本题的答案是。
本空格所在句的意思是:“通过研究双胞胎的数据,研究人员可以得出结论:智商的差异来自后天的环境因素而不是先天的基因,这就解释了健康和高智商之间的联系。”填入本句最适合的词是able。 clever , lucky和clear都不合适,因为研究人员只有通过分析数据才能够得出结论,而不是靠幸运、聪明等。
文章反复论述,一个人身体健康,其智商也高。本句前面用的是fitness “健壮体魄”,后面出现的是IQ,修饰它的形容词就一定是higher。
根据全文的主要论点进行判断,本题的句子表达的意思一定是增强体质与提高智商成正比。所以,填入句子的动词的词义一定与提高和改善认知能力(cognitive performance)有关。根据这一推论,入选的选项只有improve。
研究一下句子“This being the case , physical ________ is a subject...",就知道physical加上要填入空格中的词应该是一门学科(subject)的名称。四个选项中,只有 physical education“体育”是门学科,所以,答案是D。
第二段曾说到新兵报到入伍时,接受了体能测试,本题的句子用的是复数形式的tests,说明他们在服兵役期间可能接受多次体能检查,所以要选during ( national service),而before , after , without都与上述意思不符合。
研究人员还将新兵入伍报到时的体能测试和智商测试的结果与他们后来的社会经济地位进行了比较。比较的是什么时候的社会经济地位呢?最合理的选择是later in life“后来的生活中”。而later in marriage“后来的婚姻中”, later in residence“后来的居住中”或 later in service“后来的服务中”与社会经济地位搭配,显得十分勉强,所以都不是正确答案。


Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ Scores
Young adults who are fit have a higher IQ and are more likely to go on to university,reveals a major new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
The results were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)The study involved 1 .2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born be-tween 1950 and 1976 .The research group analyzed the results of both physical and IQ tests the youngsters took right after they started serving the army.
The study shows a clear link between good physical fitness and better results for the IQ test. The strongest links are for logical thinking and verbal comprehension.But it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the IQ test,and not strength.“Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung capacity and that your brain gets plenty of oxygen,”says Michael Nilsson, professor at the Sahlgrenska Academy and chief physician at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital. “This may be one of the reasons why we can see a clear link with fitness,but not with muscular strength .We are also seeing that there are growth factors that are important.”
By analyzing data for twins,the researchers have been able to determine that it is primarily environmental factors and not genes that explain the link between fitness and higher IQ.
“We have also shown that those youngsters who improve their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance,”says Maria Aberg,researcher at the Sahl-grenska Academy and physician at Aby health centre.“This being the case,physical education is a subject that has an important place in schools,and is an absolute must if we want to do well in maths and other theoretical subjects.”
The researchers have also compared the results from fitness tests during national service with the socio-economic status of the men later in life.Those who were fit at 18 were more likely to go into higher education,and many secured more qualified jobs.

The study findings include the following EXCEPT that_______.
A: growth factors are significant for a person's IQ
B: young adults who are fit get higher scores in IQ tests
C:youngsters who are fit will more likely get college education
D: young people who are muscular and strong have a higher IQ

由第一段中的“…major new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.”可知,这个研究是由Sahlgrenska大学和附属医学院进行的研究,第二段中“The study involved 1. 2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born between 1950 and 1976.”提示,研究对象是瑞典人,因此可知,大学和附属医学院都是瑞典的。故选D。

由physical fitness(身体健康)可知,正确答案为D(强壮的力量)。ABC三个选项都是智力方面的能力。

由第五段的“ We have also shown that those youngsters who improve their physical fit-ness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance.”知,通过提升自身素质,我们可以提升认知能力,故A正确;C选项语言理解能力属于认知能力,因此包含;而前文也说身体素质包括心肺能力,因此B正确。故选D。

根据第三段的“But it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the IQ test, and not strength.”可知,身体健康和力气大并不是一回事儿。故选D。



Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ Scores
Young adults who are fit have a higher IQ and are more likely to go on to university,reveals a major new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
The results were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)The study involved 1 .2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born be-tween 1950 and 1976 .The research group analyzed the results of both physical and IQ tests the youngsters took right after they started serving the army.
The study shows a clear link between good physical fitness and better results for the IQ test. The strongest links are for logical thinking and verbal comprehension.But it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the IQ test,and not strength.“Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung capacity and that your brain gets plenty of oxygen,”says Michael Nilsson, professor at the Sahlgrenska Academy and chief physician at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital. “This may be one of the reasons why we can see a clear link with fitness,but not with muscular strength .We are also seeing that there are growth factors that are important.”
By analyzing data for twins,the researchers have been able to determine that it is primarily environmental factors and not genes that explain the link between fitness and higher IQ.
“We have also shown that those youngsters who improve their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance,”says Maria Aberg,researcher at the Sahl-grenska Academy and physician at Aby health centre.“This being the case,physical education is a subject that has an important place in schools,and is an absolute must if we want to do well in maths and other theoretical subjects.”
The researchers have also compared the results from fitness tests during national service with the socio-economic status of the men later in life.Those who were fit at 18 were more likely to go into higher education,and many secured more qualified jobs.

The researchers in this study come from_______.
A: Aby health centre
B: the Swedish army
C: the National Academy of Sciences
D: a Swedish university and its affiliated hospital

由第一段中的“…major new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.”可知,这个研究是由Sahlgrenska大学和附属医学院进行的研究,第二段中“The study involved 1. 2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born between 1950 and 1976.”提示,研究对象是瑞典人,因此可知,大学和附属医学院都是瑞典的。故选D。

由physical fitness(身体健康)可知,正确答案为D(强壮的力量)。ABC三个选项都是智力方面的能力。

由第五段的“ We have also shown that those youngsters who improve their physical fit-ness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance.”知,通过提升自身素质,我们可以提升认知能力,故A正确;C选项语言理解能力属于认知能力,因此包含;而前文也说身体素质包括心肺能力,因此B正确。故选D。

根据第三段的“But it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the IQ test, and not strength.”可知,身体健康和力气大并不是一回事儿。故选D。

