
His firm is interested ( )the import and export of chemicals






Which contract type consists of - target costs & profit, ceiling prices and shared ratio of risk?

A Cost Plus Incentive Fee

B Cost Plus Percentage of Costs

C Cost Plus Fixed Fee

D Firm Fixed Price

E Firm Fixed Price Plus Incentive


Which type of contract requires that the buyer keep the tightest labor/material cost control?

A Cost Plus Incentive Fee

B Cost Plus Percentage of Costs

C Cost Plus Fixed Fee

D Firm Fixed Price

E Firm Fixed Price Plus Incentive


Your firm is planning to export carpets to Great Britain. At a recent conference you met William Linton, who is a market analyst working for a British company, British Agents Consultants.

Write a letter to Mr. Linton in 160—200 words, explaining what your firm is planning to do and giving details of what you would like his company to do for you.

You should write 160—200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

正确答案:Dear Mr. Linton I am writing to you because I believe your company is in a position to help us plan the export of our carpets to Great Britain. Our company has been making carpets for almost 20 years and we have exported a variety of our top quality products to more than 100 countries in Asia Africa and America. Now we are planning to introduce our carpets into British market. We are enclosing the latest catalogue of our products. As we know little about the supply and demand of carpets in UK I would like your company to conduct a market research on the models of carpets available in UK market the price range all over the country and the competition etc. and finally present us a report based on the research. If you are interested in this project please confirm us as soon as possible and let us know the cost and expenses necessary for this consultancy service. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely Cathy
Dear Mr. Linton, I am writing to you because I believe your company is in a position to help us plan the export of our carpets to Great Britain. Our company has been making carpets for almost 20 years, and we have exported a variety of our top quality products to more than 100 countries in Asia, Africa and America. Now we are planning to introduce our carpets into British market. We are enclosing the latest catalogue of our products. As we know little about the supply and demand of carpets in UK, I would like your company to conduct a market research on the models of carpets available in UK market, the price range all over the country, and the competition, etc. , and finally present us a report based on the research. If you are interested in this project, please confirm us as soon as possible and let us know the cost and expenses necessary for this consultancy service. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely, Cathy

(b) Describe the principal matters that should be included in your firm’s submission to provide internal audit

services to RBG. (10 marks)

(b) Principal matters to be included in submission to provide internal audit services
■ Introduction/background – details about York including its organisation (of functions), offices (locations) and number of
internal auditors working within each office. The office that would be responsible for managing the contract should be
■ A description of York’s services most relevant to RBG’s needs (e.g. in the areas of risk management, IT audits, value for
money (VFM) and corporate governance).
■ Client-specific issues identified. For example, revenue audits will be required routinely for control purposes and to
substantiate the contingent rents due. Other areas of expertise that RBG may be interested in taking advantage of, for
example, special projects such as acquisitions and mergers.
■ York’s approach to assessing audit needs including the key stages and who will be involved. For example:
(1) Preliminary – review of business, industry and the entity’s operating characteristics
(2) Planning – including needs analysis and co-ordination with external audit plan
(3) Post-Audit – assurance that activities were effectively and efficiently executed
(4) Review – of services provided, reports issued and management’s responses.
■ A description of internal audit tools used and methodologies/approach to audit fieldwork including use of embedded
audit software and programs developed by York.
■ A description of York’s systems-based audit, the IT issues to be addressed and the technological support that can be
■ Any training that will be offered to RBG’s managers and staff, for example, in a risk management approach.
■ A description and quantity of resources, in particular the number of full-time staff, to be deployed in providing services
to RBG. An outline of RBG’s track record in human resource retention and development.
■ Relevant experience – e.g. in internal and external audit in the retail industry. The relative qualifications and skills of
each grade of audit staff and the contract manager in particular.
■ Insurance certifications covering, for example, public liability and professional indemnity insurance.
■ Work ethic policies relating to health and safety, equal opportunities’ and race relations.
■ How York ensures quality throughout the internal audit process including standards to be followed (e.g. Institute of
Internal Auditors’ standards).
■ Sample report templates – e.g. for reporting the results of risk analysis, audit plans and quarterly reporting of findings
to the Audit and Risk Management Committee.
■ Current clients to whom internal audit services are provided from whom RBG will be able to take up references, by
arrangement, if York is short-listed.
■ Any work currently carried out/competed for that could cause a conflict of interest (and the measures to avoid such
■ Fees (daily rates) for each grade of staff and travel and other expenses to be reimbursed. An indication of price increases,
if any, over the three-year contract period. Invoicing terms (e.g. on presentation of reports) and payment terms (e.g. the
end of the month following receipt of the invoice).
■ Performance targets to be met such as deadlines for completing work and submitting and issuing reports.

金融英语考试密押资料金融英语中级经济学模拟3金融英语考试密押资料金融英语中级经济学模拟3金融英语中级经济学模拟3SECTION ONEQuestion 1 Answer all questions. Head the following statements and choose the best answer by writing the alphabetical letter on the answer sheets. 问题:1. A production function for a firm describes _. a.what should be produced to maximize profit.b.what is technologically feasible when the firm produces efficiently.c.what revenue is earned from producing efficiently.d.what the firm produces with given inputs.答案:B问题:2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a competitive industry? a.There are many firms.b.All firms produce homogeneous products, which are substitutable for each other.c.There is a fierce price war among rivals.d.Firms can enter and exit the industry freely.答案:C问题:3. Suppose the demand for tea is very price-elastic. To increase revenue, the tea supplier should _ the price level. a.increaseb.decreasec.not changed.uncertain答案:B问题:4. For a natural monopoly, the optimal policy for a regulator to set is a price such that _. a.the price level equals marginal cost.b.the price level equals average variable cost.c.the price level equals average total cost but higher than marginal cost.d.the price level is lower than marginal cost but higher than average total cost.答案:C问题:5. If AD shifts to the right to adapt to oil shocks from OPEC, then _. a.P and GDP will remain normal automatically.b.GDP may be unchanged although P will rise.c.GDP will rise and P will drop.d.the domestic P of oil will drop.答案:B问题:6. Which of the following would NOT cause a shift upward of the consumption scbedule? a.An increase in household wealth.b.An expectation of rising incomes in the future.c.A reduction in income taxes.d.An increase in household disposable income.答案:D问题:7. If both nominal GDP and the level of prices are falling, it is evident that _. a.real CDP is constant.b.real GDP is falling but not as rapidly as prices.c.real GDP is rising.d.No conclusion can be drawn concerning the real GDP of the economy on the basis of this information.答案:D问题:8. Suppose money supply and the general price level remain the same, and money demand is the function of income and interest rate, an increase in incomes will _. a.increase both money demand and interest rate.b.increase money demand but lower interest rate.c.decrease money demand but increase interest rate.d.decrease money demand and interest rate.答案:A问题:9. The unemployment due to economic recession should be considered as _. a.frictional unemployment.b.structural unemployment.c.cyclical unemployment.d.seasonal unemployment.答案:C问题:10. A countrys trade balance mainly depends on its _. a.domestic savings.b.domestic investment.c.the countrys production capacity.d.the countrys interest rate.答案:CSECTION TWO Answer any FOUR of the six questions. Question 2问题:1. An entrepreneur is faced with the following investment opportunity: For an investment of 100 today and a further investment of 150 next year, he can earn a return of 300 two years from now. Should he undertake this investment if the interest rate is 5 percent? If the interest rate is 15 percent? Explain.答案:At5 percent, the NPV=-100-150/1.05+300/(1.05)2=29.25. The investment is worthwhile. At 15 percent, the NPV=-100-150/1.15+300/(1.15)2=-3.59, so the investment is not worthwhile. Since file benefits are only received in the future, a higher discount lowers the present value of these benefits. Hence, the investment becomes less profitable. Question 3问题:1. (a)Air tickets usually fall into three classes: top class, business class, and economy class. What is the economic rationale for this phenomenon?(b)What is price discrimination? Are there any necessary requirements for successful price discrimination? Please give two more examples to explain your answer.答案:(a)Business people or rich people or those who need to fly for urgent things will not care too much about prices. However, travelers or poorer people would switch to alternative transportation means if air tickets were very expensive. In order to maximize profit, airlines usually divide people into different groups according to their price elasticity of demand and charge them differently. (b)Price discrimination means that monopoly could charge different price for the same goods or service for different people. This may occur when the monopolist can divide the market into two or more segments each independent of the other. The essential requirements for successful price discrimination are: Two or more separate markets-really sub-sections of the one market. No arbitrage between markets-i.e. buying in one market and selling in the other. Different elasticities in each

主导厂商( Dominant firm)



Usually the borrowing firm of term loans promises to repay ______.

A.the principal and interest until the end of the loan period

B.the principal and interest at the end of the loan period

C.the loan in a series of installments

D.at any time when cash is more abundant ______.

解析:第一段第二句后半句...and then pledges to meet the scheduled repayment in a series of installments(often payments are made every quarter or even monthly),意指借款企业向银行保证分期还款,通常是按月或者按季度分期还款。Installment分期还款。

Their handshake should be firm, and they ’ve both()their names and jobs.





解析:mention:提及, 说起;ask:问;talk:谈论;remember:记住

听力原文:Although the said company is a sun-rising firm, its accounting management should be improved before the loan is extended to it.


A.The company is a sun-rising firm so it is worthwhile to extend the loan.

B.The company has some accounting problems, some improvement is needed.

C.The company is short of funds because it is sun-rising.

D.The company has some accounting problems because it is sun-rising.


It is said that your firm are in the market () textiles.






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