About one million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancer.

About one million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancer.

A: every year
B: severely
C: actively
D: every month
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


One of the ________ (culture) differences that tends to annoy Americans has to do with understanding of punctuality.



More about Alzheimer's Disease
Scientists have developed skin tests that may be used in the future to identify people with Alzheimer's disease and may ultimately allow physicians to predict who is at risk of get-ting this neurological disorder.
The only current means of diagnosing the disease in a living patient is a long and expen-sive series of tests that eliminate every other cause of dementia.
“Since Aloes Alzheimer described the disease nearly a century ago,people have been trying to find a way to accurately diagnose it in its early stages,“said Patricia Grady,acting director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in Bethesda,Mary-land."This discovery,if confirmed,could prove a big step forward in our efforts to deal with and understand the disease.”
Alzheimer's is the single greatest cause of mental deterioration in older people,affecting between 2.5 million and 4 million people in the United States alone. The devastating disorder gradually destroys memory and the ability to function,and eventually causes death. There is currently no known treatment for the disease.
Researches discovered that the skin cells of Alzheimer's patients have defects that inter-fere with their ability to regulate the flow of potassium in and out of the cells.The fact that the cell defects are present in the skin suggests that Alzheimer's results from physiological changes throughout the body,and that dementia may be the first noticeable effect of these changes as the defects affect the cells in the brain,scientists said.
The flow of potassium is especially critical in cells responsible for memory formation. The scientists also found two other defects that affect the cells'supply of calcium,another critical element.
One test developed by researches calls for growing skin cells in a laboratory culture and then testing them with an electrical detector to determine if the microscopic tunnels that govemn the flow of potassium are open. Open potassium channels create a unique electrical signature.
A spokesman for the Alzheimer's Association said that if the validity of the diagnostic
test can be proven it would be an important development,but cautioned that other promising
tests for Alzheimer's have been disappointing.

Which of the following about the relationship between Alzheimer's and dementia is true?
A: Dementia is one of the signs of Alzheimer's.
B: Alzheimer's is one of the causes of dementia.
C: They are two completely different diseases.
D: They are similar defects of the human brain.

题干意为“通过采用采用皮肤化验的新方法,医生们将来可能会……”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语newly developed skin tests , in the future , doctors作为定位线索,在第 一段中找到相关句:Scientists have developed skin tests that may be used in the future to identify people with Alzheimer's disease and may ultimately allow physicians (doctors的近义词)to predict who is at risk of getting this neurological disorder.相关句提到“科学家们发现,采用皮肤化验的方法可以判断病人是否患有老年痴呆症,而且最终有助于医生预测哪些人有患上这种神经功能紊乱性疾病的危险”,由此可知答案为C项“预测谁会患老年痴呆症”。
题干意为“短文表明老年痴呆病是一种……疾病”。题干中没有细节信息词可以作用定位线索,备选项中的细节信息词也很少,利用备选项中的细节信息短语people, old and young作为定位线索,备选项中出现了大量的修饰词common“共有的”, costly“昂贵的”, easy“容易的”,也关注这些修饰词在短文中的出现情况,这样在第二段中找到相关句: The only current means of diagnosing the disease in a living patient is a long and expensive ( costly的近义词)series of tests that eliminate every other cause of dementia.相关句提到 “要诊断一个病人是否患有这类疾病,目前唯一的方法是进行一系列长期而昂贵的化验,以排除导致痴呆的其他病因”,这表明要诊断一个病人是否患有老年痴呆病病不是容易的事情,因此D项“不容易被确诊”是答案。
题干意为“关于老年痴来症的陈述哪个不正确?”题干中没有任何细节信息词可以利用,因此只能对备选项进行判断。(第四段)Alzheimer's is the single greatest cause of mental deterioration in older people,affecting between 2.5 million and 4 million people in the United States alone. The devastating disorder gradually destroys memory and the ability to function,and eventually causes death. There is currently no known treatment for the dis-ease.划线句提到“对于这种疾病(回指上文中提到的老年痴呆病)还没有已知的治疗方法”,这与D项“现在已经有很多方法可以用来治疗这种疾病”意义不一致。


On most campuses, one can find an international club, which includes Americans, where students can get to know and learn socially from students from other countries, as well as Americans.




句子主干是one can find an international club,句首介词短语On most campuses做地点状语,club后接有whichwhere分别引导的两个定语从句。由于从句较长,采用拆译法单独成句。而且由于两个定语从句共用一个先行词club,因此它需要译两次。



With computer users linker to the Internet growing ( ) every year, business is trying to cash in on the worldwide network.
A. at million B. with a million
C. with one million D. by the million



Sunbath and Skin Cancer
In the summer,millions of Americans will offer up their bodies to the sun rays.A tan mndi-cates health and beauty,and most sun worshippers will sacrifice a lot to achieve it,including themselves.
With each hour, the sun's ultraviolet radiation (紫外线)produces irreversible(不可逆的) damage,hastening the development of unsightly wrinkles.And with each year on the beach or roof-top,the sunbather increases his risk of getting skin cancer. Skin cancer is by far the most common form of cancer. An estimated 400,000 new cases will be detected this year in the United States, and almost all of them can be blamed on over-exposure to the sun.
Fortunately,most of these cancers are highly curable .But they can he disfiguring and take time to treat. For that reason,sun worshippers should treat deity with a good deal of awe(敬畏). Sunburn,of course,is the initial hazard posed by UV radiation.Prolonged exposure to UV,howev-er , interferes with the production of collagen fibers(胶原纤维)in the dermis(真皮层), causing the skin to lose elasticity(弹性)and creating premature wrinkles. Further deterioration(恶化)of the dermis deprives the epidermis(表皮层)of nutrition and causes it to become thin and dry.
Cancer is UV's final result.Shortwave radiant energy,especially from the UV-B band,breaks the strands(股、缕)of DNA. Enzymes(酶)work constantly to rearrange the DNA into proper Se-quence,but with repeated UV exposure,the repair process may eventually break down.Then the mutant(变异的)DNA may produce a colony of cancer cells. But skin cancer may be avoided with a good dose of common sense.People with fair skin and blue eyes who burn easily stand the high-est risk .Special danger spots are the parts of the body most constantly exposed to the sun,such as the cheeks , nose , lower lip and the ears. People who have already developed precancerous(癌变前的)lesions(伤害)or had one skin-cancer growth stand a greatly increased chance of developing others.
Dermatologists(皮肤科医生)recommend avoiding the sun when it is most intense between 11 a.m.and 3 p.m.Anyone who insists on sunbathing should use a good sun screen.These lotions and salves(药膏)contain chemicals that block out the burning UVB radiation while permitting the tanning rays to reach the skin.

The underlined word“deity”in the third paragraph refers to________.
A: something mysterious
B: the skin cancer
C: the sun
D:over-exposure to the sun

在读题时应抓住“over-exposure”一词,在第二段的最后一句“… and almost all of them can be blamed on over-exposure to the sun. ” A项“皱纹”和D项“健康美”都是一般的暴硒引起的而非过度暴硒引起。C项“不惜一切代价”跟过度暴硒没有因果关系。

由第三段可知,皮肤癌即使被治愈,但患者的容貌有可能受损,而导致皮肤癌的正是太阳光,因此可以推断人们应该躲避的是阳光(太阳),而不是皮肤癌。同时,原文是“ treat deity with a good deal of awe(敬畏)”一般是时待神灵才是“满怀敬畏”,而西方传说中太阳也是一位神灵,即太阳神。综上所述,可以推断本题选C。

在文章第三段的第四句“Sunburn , of course , is the initial hazard posed by UV radia-tion.”皮肤变黑实际上是红外线辐射对人体产生的最初危害。先是硒黑,接下来才是真皮受损、失去弹性,损伤表皮。

答案在第四段的第三、第四句“Enzymes(酶) work constantly to rearrange the DNA into proper sequence,but with repeated UV exposure,the repair process may eventually break down. Then the mutant(变异的)DNA may produce a colony of cancer cells.”长时间的暴硒造成修复过程崩溃,并有可能导致癌细胞产生。

其实只要抓住“Dematologists(皮肤科医生)recommend”“avoiding the sun”“ sun screen”“block out”等关键词就能理解最后一段讨论如何预防皮肤癌。


More about Alzheimer's Disease
Scientists have developed skin tests that may be used in the future to identify people with Alzheimer's disease and may ultimately allow physicians to predict who is at risk of get-ting this neurological disorder.
The only current means of diagnosing the disease in a living patient is a long and expen-sive series of tests that eliminate every other cause of dementia.
“Since Aloes Alzheimer described the disease nearly a century ago,people have been trying to find a way to accurately diagnose it in its early stages,“said Patricia Grady,acting director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in Bethesda,Mary-land."This discovery,if confirmed,could prove a big step forward in our efforts to deal with and understand the disease.”
Alzheimer's is the single greatest cause of mental deterioration in older people,affecting between 2.5 million and 4 million people in the United States alone. The devastating disorder gradually destroys memory and the ability to function,and eventually causes death. There is currently no known treatment for the disease.
Researches discovered that the skin cells of Alzheimer's patients have defects that inter-fere with their ability to regulate the flow of potassium in and out of the cells.The fact that the cell defects are present in the skin suggests that Alzheimer's results from physiological changes throughout the body,and that dementia may be the first noticeable effect of these changes as the defects affect the cells in the brain,scientists said.
The flow of potassium is especially critical in cells responsible for memory formation. The scientists also found two other defects that affect the cells'supply of calcium,another critical element.
One test developed by researches calls for growing skin cells in a laboratory culture and then testing them with an electrical detector to determine if the microscopic tunnels that govemn the flow of potassium are open. Open potassium channels create a unique electrical signature.
A spokesman for the Alzheimer's Association said that if the validity of the diagnostic
test can be proven it would be an important development,but cautioned that other promising
tests for Alzheimer's have been disappointing.

The passage indicates that Alzheimer's is a disease______.
A: common to people,old and young
B: not costly to be cured
C: easy to be handled
D: not easy to be diagnosed

题干意为“通过采用采用皮肤化验的新方法,医生们将来可能会……”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语newly developed skin tests , in the future , doctors作为定位线索,在第 一段中找到相关句:Scientists have developed skin tests that may be used in the future to identify people with Alzheimer's disease and may ultimately allow physicians (doctors的近义词)to predict who is at risk of getting this neurological disorder.相关句提到“科学家们发现,采用皮肤化验的方法可以判断病人是否患有老年痴呆症,而且最终有助于医生预测哪些人有患上这种神经功能紊乱性疾病的危险”,由此可知答案为C项“预测谁会患老年痴呆症”。
题干意为“短文表明老年痴呆病是一种……疾病”。题干中没有细节信息词可以作用定位线索,备选项中的细节信息词也很少,利用备选项中的细节信息短语people, old and young作为定位线索,备选项中出现了大量的修饰词common“共有的”, costly“昂贵的”, easy“容易的”,也关注这些修饰词在短文中的出现情况,这样在第二段中找到相关句: The only current means of diagnosing the disease in a living patient is a long and expensive ( costly的近义词)series of tests that eliminate every other cause of dementia.相关句提到 “要诊断一个病人是否患有这类疾病,目前唯一的方法是进行一系列长期而昂贵的化验,以排除导致痴呆的其他病因”,这表明要诊断一个病人是否患有老年痴呆病病不是容易的事情,因此D项“不容易被确诊”是答案。
题干意为“关于老年痴来症的陈述哪个不正确?”题干中没有任何细节信息词可以利用,因此只能对备选项进行判断。(第四段)Alzheimer's is the single greatest cause of mental deterioration in older people,affecting between 2.5 million and 4 million people in the United States alone. The devastating disorder gradually destroys memory and the ability to function,and eventually causes death. There is currently no known treatment for the dis-ease.划线句提到“对于这种疾病(回指上文中提到的老年痴呆病)还没有已知的治疗方法”,这与D项“现在已经有很多方法可以用来治疗这种疾病”意义不一致。


How much on average is the European Tissue business worth a month?__________

A.Around 8.5 billion euros
B.About 10 million dollars
C.About 708 million euros
D.Around 833 billion dollars

根据文章文章倒数第三段“The European tissue business is worth around 8.5 billion euros(10 billion dollars)annually…”,可知欧洲纸业每年产值85亿欧元,因此每月产值约为708百万欧元,故选C。


Under her leadership, the group’s ______ grew from less than one million dollars to more than ten million.

A data






Sunbath and Skin Cancer
In the summer,millions of Americans will offer up their bodies to the sun rays.A tan mndi-cates health and beauty,and most sun worshippers will sacrifice a lot to achieve it,including themselves.
With each hour, the sun's ultraviolet radiation (紫外线)produces irreversible(不可逆的) damage,hastening the development of unsightly wrinkles.And with each year on the beach or roof-top,the sunbather increases his risk of getting skin cancer. Skin cancer is by far the most common form of cancer. An estimated 400,000 new cases will be detected this year in the United States, and almost all of them can be blamed on over-exposure to the sun.
Fortunately,most of these cancers are highly curable .But they can he disfiguring and take time to treat. For that reason,sun worshippers should treat deity with a good deal of awe(敬畏). Sunburn,of course,is the initial hazard posed by UV radiation.Prolonged exposure to UV,howev-er , interferes with the production of collagen fibers(胶原纤维)in the dermis(真皮层), causing the skin to lose elasticity(弹性)and creating premature wrinkles. Further deterioration(恶化)of the dermis deprives the epidermis(表皮层)of nutrition and causes it to become thin and dry.
Cancer is UV's final result.Shortwave radiant energy,especially from the UV-B band,breaks the strands(股、缕)of DNA. Enzymes(酶)work constantly to rearrange the DNA into proper Se-quence,but with repeated UV exposure,the repair process may eventually break down.Then the mutant(变异的)DNA may produce a colony of cancer cells. But skin cancer may be avoided with a good dose of common sense.People with fair skin and blue eyes who burn easily stand the high-est risk .Special danger spots are the parts of the body most constantly exposed to the sun,such as the cheeks , nose , lower lip and the ears. People who have already developed precancerous(癌变前的)lesions(伤害)or had one skin-cancer growth stand a greatly increased chance of developing others.
Dermatologists(皮肤科医生)recommend avoiding the sun when it is most intense between 11 a.m.and 3 p.m.Anyone who insists on sunbathing should use a good sun screen.These lotions and salves(药膏)contain chemicals that block out the burning UVB radiation while permitting the tanning rays to reach the skin.

The last paragraph of the passage mainly discusses_______.
A: the treatment of the skin cancer
B: the prevention of the skin cancer
C: the parts of the body where cancer is most likely to develop
D: the lotions that work best in fighting against the skin cancer

在读题时应抓住“over-exposure”一词,在第二段的最后一句“… and almost all of them can be blamed on over-exposure to the sun. ” A项“皱纹”和D项“健康美”都是一般的暴硒引起的而非过度暴硒引起。C项“不惜一切代价”跟过度暴硒没有因果关系。

由第三段可知,皮肤癌即使被治愈,但患者的容貌有可能受损,而导致皮肤癌的正是太阳光,因此可以推断人们应该躲避的是阳光(太阳),而不是皮肤癌。同时,原文是“ treat deity with a good deal of awe(敬畏)”一般是时待神灵才是“满怀敬畏”,而西方传说中太阳也是一位神灵,即太阳神。综上所述,可以推断本题选C。

在文章第三段的第四句“Sunburn , of course , is the initial hazard posed by UV radia-tion.”皮肤变黑实际上是红外线辐射对人体产生的最初危害。先是硒黑,接下来才是真皮受损、失去弹性,损伤表皮。

答案在第四段的第三、第四句“Enzymes(酶) work constantly to rearrange the DNA into proper sequence,but with repeated UV exposure,the repair process may eventually break down. Then the mutant(变异的)DNA may produce a colony of cancer cells.”长时间的暴硒造成修复过程崩溃,并有可能导致癌细胞产生。

其实只要抓住“Dematologists(皮肤科医生)recommend”“avoiding the sun”“ sun screen”“block out”等关键词就能理解最后一段讨论如何预防皮肤癌。



A Debate on the English Language

A measure declaring English the national language is under intense debate in the United States. The US Senate passed two declarations last week.One calls English the nation's official language
and the other says it is the "common and unifying(统一的)"tongue. But Americans found themselves divided on the issue.
Since people worldwide know that most Americans speak only English,many can't understand why the issue is so controversial(有争议的).
"The discussion is related to fears of immigration issues,"says Dick Tucker,a social scientist at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University."It's related to a worry about the changing demography (人口统计)of the US. It's a worry about who will continue to have political and economic influence.
In fact,the notion of protecting the language has been kicked around almost since the nation's founding. John Adams lobbied(游说)in 1780 for the creation of a national academy to correct and improve the English language. But his proposal died, since lawmakers saw it as a royalist(保皇主义者)attempt to define personal behavior.
Since then,the country hasn't had a national language,but the idea of recognizing the special status of English lived on.
The emotions surrounding language resurface(再次浮现)not because people feel comfortable with English.It is more about the discomfort many Americans feel with the new languages,says Walt Wolfram,a professor at North Carolina State University.
"Language is never about language,"he says.
According to the 2000 US Census Bureau report,of 209 million Americans over 18 years old, 172 million speak only English at home.About 37 million speak languages other than English. Among them,6.5 million speak poor English and 3.1 million don't speak English at all.

Who suggested in the 18th century that English should be protected?
A:Walt Wolfram.
B:John Adams.
D:Dick Tucker.

本题是细节考查题。本题问“在18世纪谁提出英语应该得到保护?”第四段提到了1780年即18世纪发生的事件。在这一段涉及的人物是选项B " John Adams "。
本题问“下列哪个选项与当前的这场讨论无关?”从句义来看,该问题似乎直接涉及文章主题,但选项均涉及细节信息:A“移民问题”;B“不断变化的人口统计”;C“新语言”;D“美国的军队实力”。前三个选项在文章中均可找到出处。选项A相关句说“引发这场讨论的一个原因是出于对移民问题的担心”,由此可见选项A与讨论相关,应该被排除。选项 B相关句说“引发它的另一个原因是对美国不断变化的人口统计数据的担心”,由此可见选项B与讨论相关,应该被排除。文章第六段说“Walt Wolfram说‘它更与很多美国人对新语言的不适相关’”,,因此选项C也与讨论相关,应该被排除掉。
本题问“根据2000年美国人口调查局的报告,下列哪个选项的说法正确?”从句义来看,该问题涉及文章中的细节信息,属于细节题。文章最后一段提到“According to the 2000 US Census Bureau report,of 209 million Americans over 18 years old,172 million speak only English at home",显然选项C符合题意。
本题是词汇题。本题问“第四段的kicked around可被哪个词替换?"kicked around意为“讨论,议论”。选项A意为“发明”;选项B意为“构成,形成”;选项C意为“构成,塑造成”;选项D意为“讨论,议论”。
