__it is not his responsibility to dothat,he said he would help.

__it is not his responsibility to dothat,he said he would help.

如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


He said that he would regard our gift as a token of friendship.()




24. What would happen to a student who often goes to bed late and gets up early?

A. He would fall asleep in class.

B. He would do well in study.

C. He would finish his homework fast.

D. He would have good health.



yesterday we visited John.He said his health was _________ (改善,提高).



(A Most Forgiving Ape) When the author and his party se out that morning, he was quite certain that he would meet the gorillas.()




Open Letter to an Editor

I had an interesting conversation with a reporter recently---one who works for you. In fact, he's one of your best reporters. He wants to leave.

Your reporter gave me a copy of his resume (简历) and photocopies of six stories that he wrote for you. The headlines showed you played them proudly. With great enthusiasm, he talked about how he finds issues (问题), approaches them, and writes about them, which tells me he is one of your best. I'm sure you would hate to lose him. Surprisingly, your reporter is not unhappy. In fact, he told me he really likes his job. He has a great assignment (分工), and said you run a great paper. It would be easy for you to keep him, he said. He knows that the paper values him. He appreciates the responsibility you've given him, takes ownership of his profession, and enjoys his freedom.

So why is he looking for a way out?

He talked to me because he wants his editors to demand so much more of him. He wants to be pushed, challenged, coached to new heights.

The reporter believes that good stories spring from good questions, but his editors usually ask how long the story will be, when it will be in, where it can play, and what the budget is.

He longs for conversations with an editor who will help him turn his good ideas into great ones. He wants someone to get excited about what he's doing and to help him turn his story idea upside down and inside out, exploring the best ways to report it. He wants to be more valuable for your paper. That's what you want for him, too, isn't it?

So your reporter has set me thinking.

Our best hope in keeping our best reporters, copy editors, photographers, artists---everyone--is to work harder to make sure they get the help they are demanding to reach their potential. If we can't do it, they'll find someone who can.

60. What does the writer think of the reporter?

A. Optimistic.

B. Imaginative.

C. Ambitious.

D. Proud.



When ________ about his plan, he said he hadn’t made it yet.

A.was asked


C.was asking





Brave Frenchman Found Half-way Around the World

(NEW YORK) A French tourist highly praised for rescuing a two-year-old girl in Manhattan said he didn’t think twice before diving into the freezing East River.

Tuesday’s Daily News said 29-year who left the spot quickly after the rescue last Saturday.

He lifted the little girl out of the water after she fell off the bank at the South Street Scaport museum. He handed the girl to her father ,David Anderson, who had dive in after him.

“I didn’t think at all,” Duret told the Daily News. “ It happened very fast. I reacted very fast.”

Duret, an engineer on vacation ,was walking with his girlfriend along the pier(码头)when he saw something falling into the water .He thought it was a doll, but realized it was a child when he approached the river. In an instant ,he took off his coat and jumped into the water.

When he reached the girl, she appeared lifeless, he said . Fortunately, when she was out of the water, she opened her eyes.

Anderson said his daughter slipped off the bank when he was adjusting his camera. An ambulance came later for her, said Duret, who was handed dry clothes from cookers. Duret caught a train with his girlfriend shortly after.

The rescue happened on the day before he left for France. Duret said he didn’t realize his tale of heroism he was leaving the next morning .

“I don’t really think I’m a hero,” said Duret. “Anyone would do the same ting.”

50.why was Duret in NewYork?

A. To meet his girlfriend

B. To work as an engineer

C. To spend his holiday

D. To visit the Andersons.



1. C。【解析】推理判断题。根据第五自然段的首句可知本题选C。


He said she must have been out of town for weeks; otherwise he ____________ her in office.

(A) would see

(B) should see

(C) must have seen

(D) would have seen

解答参考:D.otherwise一词隐含了一个虚拟条件句,由于he said所用的是一般过去时,所以应该用表示与过去事实相反的虚拟形式:would have done。A)和B)的情态动词后直接跟动词原形,是对现在情况的虚拟,不合题意;must表示对过去事情比较肯定的推测,而不表示与事实相反的结果,本句中事实情况是他没有看到她。【译文】他说她肯定离开小镇好几周了,否则他该在办公室里见到她。


He said that he_____ try his best to help me.

A. would

B. does

C. will



He said he would _______ living by himself.

A.get used

B.get used to

C.used to

D.get use to

