Students must be taught how to deal with dangerous__________.

Students must be taught how to deal with dangerous__________.

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Curriculum is concerned with what can and should be taught to__________, __________, and__________.






To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor; you must be able to hold the attention and interest of your students; you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong, pleasing voice which is fully under you control; and you must be able to act what you are teaching, in order to make its meaning clear. Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not move motionless before his class; he stands the whole time he is teaching; he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his explanation, and his face to express his feeling. Listen to him, and you will hear the loudness, the quality and musical note of his voice always changing according to what he is talking about. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesn't mean he will indeed be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important differences between the teacher's word and the actor's. The actor has to speak words which has been learnt by heart, he has

1、A good teacher ______.

A、knows how to hold the interest of his students

B、must have a good voice

C、knows how to act on the stage

D、stands or sits motionless while teaching

2、In what way is a teacher''s work different from an actor''s? ( )

A、The teacher must learn everything by heart.

B、He knows how to control his voice better than an actor.

C、he has to deal with unexpected situations.

D、 He has to use more facial expressions.

3、The main difference between students in class and theatre audience is that ( ).

A、students can move around in the classroom

B、students must keep silent while theatre audience

C、no memory work is needed for the students

D、the students must take part in their teachers' plays



Students in the last century read stories that taught _______ lessons.

A. moral

B. more

C. mortal

D. morale



Text 2 For years,studies have found that first-generation college students—those who do not havea parent with a college degree—lag other students on a range of education achievement factors.Their grades are lower and their dropout rates are higher.But since such students are most likely to advance economically if they succeed in higher education,colleges and universities have pushed for decades to recruit more of them.This has created“a paradox”in that recruiting first-generation students,but then watching many of them fail,means that higher education has“continued to reproduce and widen,rather than close”an achievement gap based on social class,according to the depressing beginning of a paper forthcoming in the journalPsychological Science.But the article is actually quite optimistic,as it outlines a potential solution to this problem,suggesting that an approach(which involves a one-hour,next-to-no-cost program)can close 63 percent of the achievement gap(measured by such factors as grades)between first-generation and other students.The authors of the paper are from different universities,and their findings are based on a study involving 147 students(who completed the project)at an unnamed private university.First generation was defined as not having a parent with a four-year college degree.Most of the first-generation students(59.1 percent)were recipients of Pell Grants,a federal grant for undergraduates with financial need,while this was true only for 8.6 percent of the students with at least one parent with a four-year degree.Their thesis—that a relatively modest intervention could have a big impact—was based on the view that first-generation students may be most lacking not in potential but in practical knowledge about how to deal with the issues that face most college students.They cite past research by several authors to show that this is the gap that must be narrowed to close the achievement gap.Many first-generation students“struggle to navigate the middle-class culture of higher education,learn the‘rules of the game,’and take advantage of college resources,”they write.And this becomes more of a problem when colleges don’t talk about the class advantages and disadvantages of different groups of students.“Because US colleges and universities seldom acknowledge how social class can affect students’educational experiences,many first-generation students lack sight about why they are struggling and do not understand how students‘like them’can improve.”
Recruiting more first generation students has____

A.reduced their dropout rates
B.narrowed the achievement gap
C.missed its original purpose
D.depressed college students

细节题【命题思路】这是一道细节题。主要考查考生准确理解题干,精准定位,并能正确划分和掌握定位信息的能力。【直击答案】根据题干关键词“recruiting more firstgeneration students”定位到第一段的第四句。But后内容为解题关键。本句指出在招录“初代”大学生时出现的困境及产生的不良结果,即“不断产生和扩大成就差距,而不是缩小差距”。由此证明背离了初衷。比对四个选项,确定最佳选项为C项。【干扰排除】A项与原文的“their dropout rates are higher”矛盾,属于反向干扰,故排除。B项也是反向干扰,与原文的“rather than close”矛盾。C项属于张冠李戴,原文中的depressing是用来修饰the paper,而非大学生,故排除。


During the orientation ,new employees should be taught how to perform. their job properly.()



Children should be taught how to get along with ( ).


B、any other





_____is an approach to grammar teaching in which students are taught rules first and then students try to apply the rules to practice and actual use of the language.

A.Deductive learning

B.Inductive learning

C.Conductive learning

D.Instructive learning



Online learning is also called distance education. Many American colleges and universities have been offering it for years.

One example is New York University in Manhattan. The School of Continuing and Professional Studies began online classes in nineteen ninety-two. Its Virtual College has taught more than ten thousand students from across the United States and other countries.

Last year, the School of Continuing and Professional Studies launched NYU Online. It offers NYU's first online programs to earn a bachelor's degree. Programs are offered in three areas: leadership and management, information systems management and social sciences. University officials say classes are highly interactive, where students communicate with each other and their teachers. Some classes require students to all log in at the same time so they can attend live lectures by a professor. Students can also ask questions and work together on team projects. The university says classes are taught by NYU professors who have been trained in online teaching.

International students must take two admission tests before they can be accepted into the program. These are the SAT and the TOEFL. We will discuss these tests later in our series.

The cost to attend NYU Online depends on how many classes a student takes. It can cost as much as fifteen thousand dollars a year. NYU offers no financial aid for international students in this program. You can get more details at

1. When did New York University start its online classes?

A. In 1990

B. In 1998.

C. In 1992.

D. In 1982.

2. Which of the following is NOT included in the online programs offering a BA degree?

A. Information Systems Management.

B. Finance and Economy.

C. Leadership and Management.

D. Social Sciences.

3. What can the students do in the online learning programs?

A. Communicate with each other and the teacher.

B. Attend classes and lectures together.

C. Ask questions and work together on team projects.

D. Students are taught by NYU professors in the classroom.

4. International students can be accepted into the program after ________ .

A. they take the SAT and the TOFEL

B. they go to New York University

C. they apply and log in

D. two years in the United States

5. How much does the online learning program cost per year?

A. $15,000.

B. $1,500.

C. It depends.

D. $5,000.



How should the teacher deal with students' writing errors?

A.Teachers should limit students to take risks to use new vocabulary and structures.
B.Teachers should often show negative attitude towards students' writing errors.
C.Teachers should make corrections for all the writing errors of students.
D.Teachers should underline the errors and leave them for students to correct themselves.




Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students can master the words: doctor, zoo, and hospital
Ability aim:
Students can improve their skills of listening and speaking.
Emotional aim:
Students can be more interested in taking part in activities and know how to deal with the emergency..
Key and difficult point:
Key Point:master the words: doctor, zoo, and hospital and understand the main topic of this dialogue.
Difficult Point: know how to deal with the emergency in daily life.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Ask students where they went last weekend.
3. Ask students “did you meet any emergency when you had the plan”
Step 2: Pre- listening
1. Draw some pictures to teach about the words: doctor, zoo, and hospital
2. Let students guess what the main topic of passage according to the title
Step 3: While-listening
First listening: check the prediction of main topic of the dialogue and ask”what are they talking about”
Second listening: what’s the matter of Sarah? and what is about his feeling?
Third listening: read after the tape.
Step4: Post-listening
Set a situation: if you meet this situation, what should you do? and if your friend meet this situation and he calls you for help. What will you say?
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: ask students to practice the sentence structure learned today with desk mates after class.
Blackboard design:

1.What is the lecture mainly about?
2. How to guide the hearing to say

In this lecture, Sarah meet the situation that his father is ill so they can not go to the zoo and need to go the hospital, so he feels sad and angry . By this lesson, I hope my students can think more about our parents and do not be selfish. I hope my students can think more and think about others in our daily life.
In listening and speaking lesson, the speaking and listening are all important. Students need to learn how to speak. Before speaking, I will lay the groundwork. I will teach the words and sentences to clear the obstacles, so the students can be confident in speaking. Listen more to be familiar to the topic is also the good way to make students want to speak.
