问题:I pulled the handle I could.A.so hardly as B.as hardly as C.so hard as D.as hard as
问题:A.1 B.-1 C.252 D.-252
问题:I couldn′t find my black gloves__________.A.nowhere B.somewhere C.everywhere D.anywhere
问题:昔者,弥子瑕①有宠于卫君。卫国之法,窃驾君车者罪刖②。弥子瑕母病,人闻,夜往告弥子。弥子矫驾君车以出。君闻而贤之日:“孝哉!为母之故,忘其刖罪。”异日,与君游于果园。食桃而甘,不尽,以其半啖③君。君日:“爱我哉!忘其口味,以啖寡人。”及弥子色衰爱弛④,得罪于君。君日:“是固尝矫驾吾车,又尝啖我以余桃。”故弥子之行未变于初也,而以前之所以见贤而后获罪者,爱憎之变也。故有爱于主,则智当而加亲;有憎于主,则智不当见罪而加疏。故谏说谈论之士,不可不察爱憎之主而后说焉。 夫龙之为虫也,柔可狎而骑也,然其喉下有逆鳞径尺,若人有婴⑤之者则必杀人。人主亦有逆鳞,说者能无婴人主之逆鳞,则几矣。(选自《韩非子·说难》)通过这段短文,作者意在说明什么问题
问题:__________A.through B.by C.on D.in
问题:C Uncle Sam is a tall,thin man.He‘s an older man with white hair and a white beard.He often wears a tall hat,a bow tie,and the stars and stripes of the American flag. Who is this strange,looking man Would you believe that Uncle Sam is the US government But why do you call the US government Uncle Sam During the War of 1812,the US government hired meat packers to provide meat to the army.One of these meat packers was a man named Samuel Wilson.Samuel was a friendly and fair man.Everyone liked him and called him Uncle Sam. Sam Wilson stamped the boxes of meat for the army with a large US for United States.Some government inspectors came to look over Sam‘s company.They asked a worker what the US on the boxes stood for.As a joke,the worker answered that these letters stood for the name of his boss,Uncle Sam. The joke spread,and soldiers began saying that their food came from Uncle Sam.Before long,people called all things that came from the government“Uncle Sam‘s”,“Uncle Sam”became a nickname for the US government. Soon there were drawings and cartoons of Uncle Sam in newspapers.In these early pictures,Uncle Sam was a young man.He wore stars and stripes,but his hair was dark and he had not a beard.The beard was added when Abraham Lincoln was President.President Lincoln had a beard. The most famous picture of Uncle Sam is on a poster from World War I.The government needed men to fight in the war.In the poster,a very serious Uncle Sam points his finger and says“I want YOU for the US Army.” “Uncle Sam”became a________for the US government.A.boss B.nickname C.picture D.businessmen
问题:Don′t sit there__________nothing.Come and help me.A.do B.to do C.doing D.and doing
问题:The road will be blocked if there_______another snow.A.is B.will be C.to be D.will have
问题:"...She was married to an officer in India,long ago India;and she had a life of physical adventure(冒险)as exciting as her poetry.Her husband could cross rivers using crocodiles(鳄鱼)as stepping stones.He died when she was only 39.Unwilling to exist without him,she took her life,leaving a son in England." I stared at the paper,21?reading,couldn′t help thinking. Crocodiles are lazy animals as a rule,but they can move like lightening when they want to.And they don′t mind hurrying?22?they′re hungry.There used to be lots in Indian rivers,living on fish mostly;but what′s a little fish for a fifteen-foot crocodile?They ate people,fisherman or anyone else delicious enough to get too near;women doing the?23,or children playing at the water′s 24.A hungry crocodile′s mouth?25?over a meal with a sound like a gunshot.A big fellow can?26?in a man in two bites(咬)。 That woman′s husband crossed rivers?27?from one crocodile′s back to the next.I believe it.It had to be done quickly before the creature could see what was happening.It wasn′t28?a brave,active man;and no doubt he improved with practice.He could never look?29while crossing. The wife used to watch him--I felt sure of that.She lived?30?the adventure,the?31?excitement of it all.Their real life was with tigers,snakes...It′s no wonder she wrote?32poetry. Then he died.I imagined how she felt.Was there another man?33?him in India,in the world?She was still young,hardly a sitting-room widow(寡妇)."I must?34,too."she said to herself.So she did what she felt she had to do.A?35?probably,to her head. But her young son,their son?Was her love for him nothing compared to her husband?Well,what do you think?第24题答案是A.border B.end C.side D.edge
问题:初,张绂奉章诣许,讨逆送之日:“北朝留卿,谁复与孤共定天下 ”纮曰:“度臣之才,必留;度臣之心,必不能留。”遂往。曹公知绂可与计,乃优崇绂,而留为侍御史。纮心恋旧主,而外结曹公,时进密谋,日见亲信。会讨逆薨,曹公欲因丧伐之。纮日:“不可。乘人之丧,既非古义;若不克,成雠弃好。不如因而厚遇之。”曹公从其言,表权讨虏将军,领会稽太守。铉思归益急,因言于曹公日:“将军既表拜权,权必感将军而思戴天子。臣请往觇权,以天子之命,将军之重,权必听臣而内附。是不折一兵,不费斗粮,而坐有三郡。将军虽失臣数辈何损 而可以坐有三郡。将军何爱一人,而委三郡也!昔张仪请出相楚,秦从其计,卒以弊楚。将军何不遣纮而令归命将军也 ”曹公然之。出绂为会稽都尉。吴主迎绂,执其手日:“子纲可谓不食言矣!”曹操为什么会放张纮回江东
问题:_______a microscope we can see different kinds of things that are unable to be seen by our naked eyes.A.In terms of B.In place of C.By means of D.By far
问题:对下面一段文字层次的划分和解说,正确的一项是: ①在中国的社会生活中,没有文学曾经不可想象。②然而在今天的金钱饥渴的时代里,人们至少是暂时地不需要“诗”了。③文学固可在新的社会形态里调整方位,但是文学于往昔的显赫,看来是重振无计了。④然而文学“前方”的困顿又是否会造成“后方”的困顿呢 ⑤文学评论理论队伍历来是素质最高、实力最强、阵容最为庞大的一支。⑥今天乃至以后,他们在整体上是否也会随之而面临尴尬呢 ⑦大量的文学理论评论期刊,在好不容易熬过了92年之后,在岁末之际纷纷举起改头换面甚至改换门庭的旗号。⑧在这个问题上,放到人格品质的意识去确定,我以为是不尽合理的。A.由当今生活的发展,写到文学创作的萧条。①②/③④⑤⑥⑦⑧ B.由文学创作、文学评论的萧条,写到不是个人品质的原因。①②③④⑤⑥⑦/⑧ C.由社会生活的发展促使文学作品显赫地位的下降,写到必然引发文学评论显赫地位的下降。①②③/④⑤⑥⑦⑧ D.由文学作品显赫地位的下降,进而引导文学评论显赫地位的下降,写到共同原因是社会生活的发展。①/②③④⑤⑥⑦/⑧
问题:—Would you take this along to my home for me? —__________A.With pleasure B.That's right C.Never mind D.Don't mention it
问题:第3题读音不同的是A.gather B.gentle C.goat D.gold
问题:第二次世界大战期间,中国作为反法西斯战争的主要参加国曾两次与英美共同发表重要宣言或公告,这主要说明( )A.英美开始关注日本侵华问题 B.中国取得与英美同等的国际地位 C.中英美在对日作战中需要相互支援 D.英美把打败日本作为首要战略目标
问题:用二氧化锰与浓盐酸混合加热制氯气,此反应中若有2 mol氯化氢参与反应,则电子转移的物质的量为(??)A.0.5 mol B.1 mol C.2 mol D.4 mol
问题:下列句子中,没有语病的一项是( )A.庄子说:当你做好事的时候,不要以追求名誉为目的;当你做坏事的时候,千万不要忘记触犯法律。 B.庖丁的刀顺着牛体原有的空隙游走,牛体不但会顺利解开,而且也不损伤刀刃,这就叫做按照事物的规律办事。 C.人生在世,不仅要做好事而不做坏事,而且好事要自然而然地去做,千万不能有意而为之。 D.人的身体要想长存,就不能触及有伤于己的硬东西,而要在那些硬东西的中间行动,是保持身体长存的重要途径。
问题:"It′s no use,Mum,"said Johnny."I′m just no good at dancing." "You′ve got to keep trying.Tonight will be?21,dear.Try a turn with that pretty Lisette."Johnny?22.Every Saturday night used to be the best of the week.He and his parents went to the?23?at the Club,where his hero,Alcide,played the accordion(手风琴)with the band.But lately everything had changed.Now that Johnny was older,he was?24?to dance with a girl!25?Johnny and his parents arrived at the Club,music had already started.Johnny got up his?26?to approach Lisette."May I have this dance?"Johnny asked."That′s all right,"said Lisette.Johnny struggled to keep up with Lisette′s?27?steps,but he was always one beat behind her.Then Johnny heard his friend Pierre say,"Look!Johnny has two left feet!"Laughter burst from the crowd.Johnny?28?and ran outside,determined never to go to another dance. The next Saturday,Alcide drove to Johnny′s house for some potatoes.He happened to hear Johnny playing the accordion.Alcide′s eyes?29."Bring that accordion and play some songs tonight,"Alcide said.Then he drove off,leaving Johnny staring open-mouthed?30him. At the Club,Johnny scanned the crowd for Lisette and?31?her.The band played for a long time before Alcide said,"Dear friends,I got a?32?for you tonight.Young Johnny is going to join us!"Trembling,Johnny stepped up on the platform,his eyes on the floor.He began to play,and the band joined in behind him.When the song ended,he heard cheers.Johnny kept playing until the dance was?33"You did a fine job tonight.Play with us again next Saturday night,"Alcide said."Yes,sir!"said Johnny.34?he went outside,Johnny saw Lisette and her friends near the door.Lisette stepped forward,smiling,"You played really good tonight!"she said. "Thank you,"Johnny blushed(脸红).As he walked on,Pierre?35?moved out of the way for him to pass. Johnny patted his accordion.Come to think of it,in his whole life,he had never once seen Aleide out on the dance floor.第23题答案是A.platform B.appointment C.meeting D.dance
问题:Montreal is larger than_______in Canada.A.any city B.any cities C.any other cities D.any other city
问题:It is widely accepted that English is the global language of modern times. About three decades ago,French was recognized as the language of diplomacy(外交),and German was considered the language of science and technology.English now dominates(主导)not only as the language of science but also diplomacy,computing,and tourism.Today,in terms of native speakers,Mandarin Chinese is the world′s largest language. Yet there are people who believe that China will become the most powerful country in the world.Some have?even fixed the date as early as the year 2020.At present,while English is more widely spoken than any other?language,there are more people who speak Chinese than English due to the large population in China alone.If China?does become a world power,there is no doubt that this language will spread worldwide. As the controversy over which language will become dominant in the world continues,there are many who feel?that the dominance of English is unique and irreversible(不可逆的).However,a separate study from David Graddol′s suggests that English′s dominance in the scientific area will continue.There is also an argument that the?English language would be changed greatly by 2020 for various reasons.With the possibility of China rising as a?world power,Mandarin could definitely challenge the dominance of English as a global language.What does controversy in the last paragraph probably mean?A.Plan. B.Argument. C.Conditoin. D.Goal.