问答题Topic 6:Can shopping vouchers increase consumption?  Questions for Reference:  1) To stimulate consumption, which is more effective, tax reduction or shopping vouchers?  2) What are the major purposes of issuing shopping vouchers?  3) In what way can t

Topic 6:Can shopping vouchers increase consumption?  Questions for Reference:  1) To stimulate consumption, which is more effective, tax reduction or shopping vouchers?  2) What are the major purposes of issuing shopping vouchers?  3) In what way can the shopping vouchers best be distributed? Shall every citizen be given the same amount of shopping vouchers or should the vouchers be limited to the lower-income people only?
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。



Internet Shopping

Internet shopping is a new way of shopping. Nowadays,you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States,people spent over U.S. $2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998.This figure is expected to reach U.S.$11 billion by the year 2004.
People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet.Physical products include items such as books,CDs,clothes and foods.These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet.You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories,or you can download computer software through the Internet.Services such as booking airline tickets,reser-ving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet.You can also go shopping on the Inter-net for entertainment services and take part in on-line games.
Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day and you don't have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for on the Internet.Even out-of-print books may be ordered on line.Finally,it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.
The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Also,many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends.Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards,so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.
Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.

The most proper title for this passage is"_________".
A:People Enjoy Many Ways of Shopping
B:The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Shopping
C:The Bright Future of Internet Shopping
D:A New Way of Shopping一Internet Shopping

本题为细节题。文章第二段阐述了网上购物的种类,不仅可以买到诸如书、CD、衣服等物质产品,还可以买到在线新闻、杂志、软件等信息产品,甚至还有娱乐服务和网络游戏等。其中提到:"You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stones,or you can download computer software through the Internet.”即“on-line news and maga-zine stories”属于“information products",所以选D。 A项文章未提及;目前网上已提供在线新闻和杂志故事,排除B项;这些新闻杂志是需要购买的,并不能免费下载,排除C项。
本题为细节题。第三段第一、二句话:"Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper.The most important advantage is convenience.”即最大的优势是便利。选项A和B虽然也是网上购物的好处,但不是最重要的;选项C不是网上购物的好处之一,而是网上购物的一个弊端,即不能检查商品的质量。
本题为细节题。第四段提到了网上购物的主要缺点,包括:不能看到实物并检查质量,排除A;不能享受购物的乐趣,排除C;使用信用卡的不安全性,排除D。选项B 意为“顾客不能检查所购商品的数量”,而文中提到的是不能检查商品的质量,所以符合题意。
本题为态度题。文章最后一段说:" Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.”可以看出,作者对网上购物的未来持乐观态度(optimistic )。 negative(消极的)、concerned(关心的)、critical(批评的)都与文章内容不符。



Internet Shopping

Internet shopping is a new way of shopping. Nowadays,you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States,people spent over U.S. $2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998.This figure is expected to reach U.S.$11 billion by the year 2004.
People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet.Physical products include items such as books,CDs,clothes and foods.These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet.You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories,or you can download computer software through the Internet.Services such as booking airline tickets,reser-ving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet.You can also go shopping on the Inter-net for entertainment services and take part in on-line games.
Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day and you don't have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for on the Internet.Even out-of-print books may be ordered on line.Finally,it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.
The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Also,many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends.Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards,so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.
Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.

On-line news and magazine stories are________.
A:the most popular products on the Internet
B:not yet available on the Internet
C:free to download through the Internet
D:Information products available on the Internet

本题为细节题。文章第二段阐述了网上购物的种类,不仅可以买到诸如书、CD、衣服等物质产品,还可以买到在线新闻、杂志、软件等信息产品,甚至还有娱乐服务和网络游戏等。其中提到:"You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stones,or you can download computer software through the Internet.”即“on-line news and maga-zine stories”属于“information products",所以选D。 A项文章未提及;目前网上已提供在线新闻和杂志故事,排除B项;这些新闻杂志是需要购买的,并不能免费下载,排除C项。
本题为细节题。第三段第一、二句话:"Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper.The most important advantage is convenience.”即最大的优势是便利。选项A和B虽然也是网上购物的好处,但不是最重要的;选项C不是网上购物的好处之一,而是网上购物的一个弊端,即不能检查商品的质量。
本题为细节题。第四段提到了网上购物的主要缺点,包括:不能看到实物并检查质量,排除A;不能享受购物的乐趣,排除C;使用信用卡的不安全性,排除D。选项B 意为“顾客不能检查所购商品的数量”,而文中提到的是不能检查商品的质量,所以符合题意。
本题为态度题。文章最后一段说:" Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.”可以看出,作者对网上购物的未来持乐观态度(optimistic )。 negative(消极的)、concerned(关心的)、critical(批评的)都与文章内容不符。


Have you ever watched a home shopping program on TV? Can you describe ____31____ it&39;s like to shop at home by television? Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping ____32____ watch TV at home on a weekend? Now you can do ____33____ at the same time. Home shopping television networks have become a way for many people to shop ____34____ staying at home.

Some shoppers are ____35____ of department stores and shopping malls - fighting the crowds, waiting in long lines, and sometimes not even finding ____36____ they want to buy. They&39;d rather ____37____ quietly at home in front of the TV set and watch a friendly announcer describe an item. And they can shop all day and night, ____38____an item simply by making a phone call. Home shopping has become 39 popular that major fashion designers and large department stores are eager to join ____40____ the business. Some people wonder whether in the future shopping in stores ____41____ by shopping on TV. Yet for many people, going out and shopping at ____42____ stores is a way to relax and even be entertained. And for many shoppers ____43____ is still important to touch or try on items they want to buy. That&39;s the reason ____44____ experts say in the future, home shopping will exist alongside store shopping but will ____45____ entirely replace it.




































C.to sit


41A.was replaced

B.is replanced

C.will be replaced

D.have been replaced














B.having purchased

C.being purchased



问题 1 答案解析:A

问题 2 答案解析:B

问题 3 答案解析:C

问题 4 答案解析:D

问题 5 答案解析:A

问题 6 答案解析:B

问题 7 答案解析:A

问题 8 答案解析:C

问题 9 答案解析:D

问题 10 答案解析:C

问题 11 答案解析:C

问题 12 答案解析:D

问题 13 答案解析:B

问题 14 答案解析:A



Internet shopping is a new way of shopping. Nowadays,you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States,people spent over$2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998.This figure is expected to reach $11 billion by the year 2004.
People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet. Physical products include items such as books,CDs,clothes and food.These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet. You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories,or you can download computer software through the Internet. Services such as booking airline tickets,reserving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet. You can also go shopping on the Internet for entertainment services and take part in on-line games.
Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day and you don't have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for on the Internet. Even out-of-print books may be ordered on line.Finally,it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.
The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Also,many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends.Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards,so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.
Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.

The disadvantages of Internet shopping include all of the following EXCEPT that_______.
A:customs cannot actually see the products they are buying
B:customs cannot check the product's quantity they are buying
C:many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends
D:some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards

细节题。文章第二段阐述了网上购物的种类,不仅可以买到诸如书本、CD、衣服等实物产品,还可以买到在线新闻、杂志、软件等信息产品,甚至还有娱乐服务和游戏等。其中提到了“You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories, or you can download computer software through the Internet.”即on-line news and magazine stories 属于 information products,所以选D。
细节题。第三段第一、二句话“Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper.The most important advantage is convenience.”即最大的优势是便利。
态度题。文章最后一段说“Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead .It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.”可以看出,作者对网上购物的未来持乐观态度(optimistic )。



Internet Shopping

Internet shopping is a new way of shopping. Nowadays,you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States,people spent over U.S. $2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998.This figure is expected to reach U.S.$11 billion by the year 2004.
People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet.Physical products include items such as books,CDs,clothes and foods.These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet.You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories,or you can download computer software through the Internet.Services such as booking airline tickets,reser-ving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet.You can also go shopping on the Inter-net for entertainment services and take part in on-line games.
Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day and you don't have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for on the Internet.Even out-of-print books may be ordered on line.Finally,it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.
The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Also,many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends.Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards,so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.
Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.

What is the author's attitude toward the future of Internet shopping?

本题为细节题。文章第二段阐述了网上购物的种类,不仅可以买到诸如书、CD、衣服等物质产品,还可以买到在线新闻、杂志、软件等信息产品,甚至还有娱乐服务和网络游戏等。其中提到:"You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stones,or you can download computer software through the Internet.”即“on-line news and maga-zine stories”属于“information products",所以选D。 A项文章未提及;目前网上已提供在线新闻和杂志故事,排除B项;这些新闻杂志是需要购买的,并不能免费下载,排除C项。
本题为细节题。第三段第一、二句话:"Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper.The most important advantage is convenience.”即最大的优势是便利。选项A和B虽然也是网上购物的好处,但不是最重要的;选项C不是网上购物的好处之一,而是网上购物的一个弊端,即不能检查商品的质量。
本题为细节题。第四段提到了网上购物的主要缺点,包括:不能看到实物并检查质量,排除A;不能享受购物的乐趣,排除C;使用信用卡的不安全性,排除D。选项B 意为“顾客不能检查所购商品的数量”,而文中提到的是不能检查商品的质量,所以符合题意。
本题为态度题。文章最后一段说:" Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.”可以看出,作者对网上购物的未来持乐观态度(optimistic )。 negative(消极的)、concerned(关心的)、critical(批评的)都与文章内容不符。



Internet Shopping

Internet shopping is a new way of shopping. Nowadays,you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States,people spent over U.S. $2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998.This figure is expected to reach U.S.$11 billion by the year 2004.
People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet.Physical products include items such as books,CDs,clothes and foods.These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet.You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories,or you can download computer software through the Internet.Services such as booking airline tickets,reser-ving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet.You can also go shopping on the Inter-net for entertainment services and take part in on-line games.
Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day and you don't have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for on the Internet.Even out-of-print books may be ordered on line.Finally,it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.
The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Also,many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends.Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards,so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.
Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.

The disadvantages of Internet shopping include all of the following EXCEPT that________.
A:customs cannot actually see the products they are buying
B:customs cannot check the product's quantity they are buying
C:many people enjoying shopping in the city miss the opportunity to talk to friends
D:some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards

本题为细节题。文章第二段阐述了网上购物的种类,不仅可以买到诸如书、CD、衣服等物质产品,还可以买到在线新闻、杂志、软件等信息产品,甚至还有娱乐服务和网络游戏等。其中提到:"You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stones,or you can download computer software through the Internet.”即“on-line news and maga-zine stories”属于“information products",所以选D。 A项文章未提及;目前网上已提供在线新闻和杂志故事,排除B项;这些新闻杂志是需要购买的,并不能免费下载,排除C项。
本题为细节题。第三段第一、二句话:"Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper.The most important advantage is convenience.”即最大的优势是便利。选项A和B虽然也是网上购物的好处,但不是最重要的;选项C不是网上购物的好处之一,而是网上购物的一个弊端,即不能检查商品的质量。
本题为细节题。第四段提到了网上购物的主要缺点,包括:不能看到实物并检查质量,排除A;不能享受购物的乐趣,排除C;使用信用卡的不安全性,排除D。选项B 意为“顾客不能检查所购商品的数量”,而文中提到的是不能检查商品的质量,所以符合题意。
本题为态度题。文章最后一段说:" Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.”可以看出,作者对网上购物的未来持乐观态度(optimistic )。 negative(消极的)、concerned(关心的)、critical(批评的)都与文章内容不符。



Internet Shopping

Internet shopping is a new way of shopping. Nowadays,you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States,people spent over U.S. $2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998.This figure is expected to reach U.S.$11 billion by the year 2004.
People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet.Physical products include items such as books,CDs,clothes and foods.These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet.You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories,or you can download computer software through the Internet.Services such as booking airline tickets,reser-ving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet.You can also go shopping on the Inter-net for entertainment services and take part in on-line games.
Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day and you don't have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for on the Internet.Even out-of-print books may be ordered on line.Finally,it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.
The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Also,many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends.Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards,so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.
Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.

The best thing about Internet shopping is_________.
A:the speed the goods are delivered at
B:the reasonable price
C:the equality of the goods
D:the convenience it brings to people

本题为细节题。文章第二段阐述了网上购物的种类,不仅可以买到诸如书、CD、衣服等物质产品,还可以买到在线新闻、杂志、软件等信息产品,甚至还有娱乐服务和网络游戏等。其中提到:"You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stones,or you can download computer software through the Internet.”即“on-line news and maga-zine stories”属于“information products",所以选D。 A项文章未提及;目前网上已提供在线新闻和杂志故事,排除B项;这些新闻杂志是需要购买的,并不能免费下载,排除C项。
本题为细节题。第三段第一、二句话:"Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper.The most important advantage is convenience.”即最大的优势是便利。选项A和B虽然也是网上购物的好处,但不是最重要的;选项C不是网上购物的好处之一,而是网上购物的一个弊端,即不能检查商品的质量。
本题为细节题。第四段提到了网上购物的主要缺点,包括:不能看到实物并检查质量,排除A;不能享受购物的乐趣,排除C;使用信用卡的不安全性,排除D。选项B 意为“顾客不能检查所购商品的数量”,而文中提到的是不能检查商品的质量,所以符合题意。
本题为态度题。文章最后一段说:" Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.”可以看出,作者对网上购物的未来持乐观态度(optimistic )。 negative(消极的)、concerned(关心的)、critical(批评的)都与文章内容不符。


It can be inferred from the increase of fruit consumption that ______.

A) people had to spend more on transportation and furniture

B) people were more health conscious

C) people were more money conscious

D) the price of fruit dropped dramatically

[试题分析] 事实推理题。
[详细解答] 提问的也是第二段中对第二方面的消费趋向的分析,即:人们生活水平的提高使他们的消费趋向发生变化。众所周知,多吃水果既是生活水平提高的表现,也是健康意识提高的表现,而健康意识提高归根结底也是生活水平提高的表现。因此,应选择B。


Most of them know they should resistthe temptation to spend more than they can earn, but knowing that isn′t muchhelp ______ it comes to shopping on line.


考查习惯用法。before“在……之前”,since“自……以来,自……以后”,when“当……时,在……时”,after“在……之后”。come to意为“涉及,至于”,英语中when it comes to…已经成为一个常见的句式,表示“说到,一提起……”的意思。句意为“大多数人都知道他们应当抵制透支花钱的诱惑,但一到网购时就把这个抛到脑后了”。


What measures should be taken to eliminate Japan’s fiscal deficit?( )

A.To increase the consumption tax by 20 percentage points from its current 5%.
B.To increase in taxes of about 10% of GDP.
C.To decrease social-security expenditure.
D.To hold more government bonds.

细节题。答案在第七段最后两句That gives it plenty of room to manoeuvre.Takatoshi Ito,an economist at the University of Tokyo,says increasing the consumption tax by 20 percentage points from its current 5%—putting it at the level of a high-tax European country—would raise¥50 trillion and immediately wipe out Japan’s fiscal deficit。B、C、D三项与题目无关。故本题选A。参考译文:日本人声称他们的经济遭受着“结构性悲观主义”的影响。国外也这样,人们倾向于将日本看作欧元区和美国经济走向的风向标——尽管11月14日公布的第三季度数据表明,日本的年经济增长率达6%,已经从三月的海啸以及核危机中迅速恢复过来,也无法改变人们的固有看法。不过冷静地看日本经济过去十年间的表现,将其与第一个没落的十年相比较,并称之为“第二个没落的十年”,实际上有失偏颇。事实上,折损日本形象的诱因主要是该国的人口结构——该国一半以上的人口已经超过45岁——且日本缺乏有效的政策解决这一问题。即使如此,大部分日本人在过去十年中仍然变得更加富有。总的来说,在2001年至2010年间,日本经济的增长速度是美国经济增长速度的一半。不过,如果比较相同时期人均国民生产总值的增长速度,日本的表现超过了美国和欧元区。部分原因是日本的人口呈缩减趋势,而美国的人口呈上升趋势。虽然劳动生产力的涨幅在2000年至2008年间下跌,稍稍落后于美国,但根据位于东京的亚洲生产组织的结论,用以衡量一个国家如何运用资本和劳动力的全要素生产率在飞速提升。日本的失业率虽比2000年更高,但失业水平仍为欧美失业率的一半。除了能预见的经济停滞,日本经济的其他两个祸根是债务和通货紧缩,而这也部分影响了人口增长并被盲目夸大。人们一直认为日本是个债务国。而事实则是,日本是世界上最大的债权国,拥有253万亿日元(合计3.3万亿美元)的外国净资产。可以确定的是,日本政府是个大债主,它的负债净额也是国民生产总值的一部分,日本是经济合作与发展组织中负债净额最高的国家之一。然而,国际货币基金组织认为,增长的公共债务,并不主要是由于浪费的花销或“不知通向何方的桥梁”,而是因为人口的老龄化。1990年至2010年间,作为国民生产总值组成部分的公共安全花销翻倍,用于支付不断上升的养老费用和医疗费用,而在同时期的税收则出现紧缩。政府税收收入不断减少是个麻烦。日本税收是经济合作与发展组织中最少的国家,只占国民生产总值的17%。然而,低税收的好处是,这给了日本政府很大空间去改革税制。东京大学的经济学家伊藤隆敏说道,将消费税从现在的5%提升20个百分点,让日本消费税比欧洲所有国家都要高,这将会瞬间抹去日本财政中50万亿日元的赤字。这听起来很严酷,但是人口结构又一次起了作用。政府官员说老年人反对增加税收和削减福利,然而人数相对较少的年轻人缺乏政治权力,无法推出为自己的长期利益服务的政策。纽约哥伦比亚大学日本经济研究院的教授大卫·温斯顿说道,老年人宁愿把财产留给儿女也不愿去交税,最终意味着未来的福利将会减少。“若想让获得的福利和你的工资一起增长,就像现在这样,你需要使税收收入大幅增长,增幅约为国民生产总值的10%才行。”他说道。他说,人口结构同样也帮助解释了日本通货紧缩的原因。毕竟,不断下降的价格使得那些储户,大部分是老人,得到实惠,即便名义利率接近零。直到现在,持有政府债券都是一个不错的选择。国内的储户希望国债展期,这能够让政府填补财政赤字,虽然是以经济的停滞为代价的。总之,日本经济对于那些中老年人来说一直不错,而对于年轻人就不怎么样了。但是它还没有陷入危机之中,而且经济学家称,日本人还可以做很多事,用于提升其潜在的增长率并减轻它的债务负担。
