单选题It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A most movie theaters had a pianist, a hand or an orchestraB sound-effects machines were common because they were more effectiveC full-scale orchestras could effectively synchronize sound with picturesD g

It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

most movie theaters had a pianist, a hand or an orchestra


sound-effects machines were common because they were more effective


full-scale orchestras could effectively synchronize sound with pictures


gramophones came into being about the same time as moving pictures did

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We can assume from the passage that ______.

A. red beards were more fashionable than black ones

B. everyone in fourteenth-century Spain shaved

C. false beards were considered foolish by those who had real beards

D. the popularity of false beards largely died out after the fourteenth century



Passage One

Long time ago, the ancient people could not travel to any far away places for they had no vehicle to carry them across the wide oceans, deep valleys, long rivers or high mountains.

Nowadays people take advantage of steamships, trains, airplanes and modern bridges. Airplanes can carry us to the far countries in a short time; steamships can travel across the wide oceans. It is convenient to the modern people.

Travelling is a good idea to us because we can get more knowledge, such as the customs, the geography of other countries. And people could travel among the different countries in the world. For it is easy to travel from the land by trains, or from the sea by ships.

We learnt that the Italian who made the world large was Mr. Columbus. He was a brave man. Up to the middle of the 15th century, the people were afraid of traveling because they believed it was a dangerous thing.

There is a saying in China, which is "Travelling for thousands is better than reading for ten years." It is to say that we can learn more in different places than we can learn from books.

36. The people in ancient times couldn't travel too far away places because______.

A. they found it no use doing so

B. they liked staying at home

C. there was no modern transportation

D. they were forbidden to go to other countries


此题为细节题。见在第一段内the ancient people could not travel to any faraway places for they had no instruments说明古人出游不能离家太远作长途旅行的原因;没有现代的交通工具。


Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Chinese students won most of the awards.

B. Not all the themes were about local subjects

C. The blogs could be written in Chinese or Singlish.

D. The judges were from university in Singapore and China.



It can be inferred from the passage that early historians of women’s labor in the United States paid little attention to women’s employment in the service sector of the economy because________.

A.fewer women found employment in the service sector than in factory work

B.the wages paid to workers in the service sector were much lower than those paid in the industrial sector

C.women’s employment in the service sector tended to be much more short—term than in factory work

D.employment in the service sector seemed to have much in common with the unpaid work associated with homemaking



This passage implies that ______.

A) buying a false degree is not moral

B) personnel officers only consider applicants from famous schools

C) most people lie on applications because they were dismissed from school

D) society should be greatly responsible for lying on applications



According to the passage,most farmers' debts had to be paid______.

A. when the autumn harvest had just been completed

B. because wheat prices were high

C. as soon as the Winnipeg Grain Exchange demanded payment

D. when crop failure caused depression

[解析] 见第二段第四、五行,事情经常是农民在收获后卖掉小麦,农场债务也随之到期。


It can be inferred from the passage that by the end of World War Ⅱ , most Americans ______.

A. were very rich

B. lived in poverty

C. did not own automobiles

D. had own automobiles

    41.第二段倒数第二句。到二战结束时,美国人满足了第二个等级,然后第三个等级才出现。第三个等级是对车子和新房子的需求。选项 C是正确的。


Why does author say that they were lucky in the third paragraph?

A. Because her situation was not serious.

B. Because many other places were flooded.

C. Because she had been to Northern India.

D. Because some others suffered even more.



It can be inferred from the increase of fruit consumption that ______.

A) people had to spend more on transportation and furniture

B) people were more health conscious

C) people were more money conscious

D) the price of fruit dropped dramatically

[试题分析] 事实推理题。
[详细解答] 提问的也是第二段中对第二方面的消费趋向的分析,即:人们生活水平的提高使他们的消费趋向发生变化。众所周知,多吃水果既是生活水平提高的表现,也是健康意识提高的表现,而健康意识提高归根结底也是生活水平提高的表现。因此,应选择B。


The first navigational lights in the New World were probably lanterns hung at harbor entrances.The first lighthouse was put up by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1716 on Little Brewster Island at the entrance to Boston Harbor, Paid for and maintained by“light dues”levied(征 收)on ships,the original beacon was blown up in 1776.Until then there were only a dozen or so true lighthouses in the colonies.Little over a century later,there were 700 lighthouses.
The first eight lighthouses erected on the West Coast in the 1850s featured the same basic New England design:a Cape Cod dwelling with the tower rising from the center or standing close by .In New England and elsewhere,though,lighthouses reflected a variety of architectural styles.
Since most stations in the Northeast were set up on rocky eminences(高处),enormous towers were not the rule .Some were made of stone and brick,others of wood or metal.Some stood on pilings or stilts;some were fastened to rock with iron rods.Farther south,from Maryland through the Florida Keys,the coast was low and sandy.It was often necessary to build tall towers theremassive structures like the majestic lighthouse in Cape Hatteras,North Carolina,which was lit in 1870.190 feet high,it is the tallest brick lighthouse in the country.
Not withstanding differences in construction appearance,most lighthouses in America shared several features:a light,living quarters,and sometimes a bell(or,later,a foghorn).They also had something else in common:a keeper and usually the keeper's family.The keeper's essential task was trimming the lantern wick(灯芯)in order to maintain a steady,bright flame. The earliest keepers came from every walk of life, they were seamen,farmers,mechanics,rough mill hands and appointments were often handed out by local customs commissioners as political plums.
After the administration of lighthouse was taken over in 1852 by the United States Lighthouse Board,and agency of the Treasury Department,the keeper corps gradually became highly professional.

It can be inferred from the passage that lighthouses in the Northeast did NOT need high towers because______.
A: ships there had high masts
B: coastal waters were safe
C: the coast was straight and unobstructed
D: the lighthouses were built on high places


考的具体细节是作者提到马萨诸塞湾殖民地的原因。本文第一段第二句“The first lighthouse was put up by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1716 on Little Brewster Island at the entrance to Boston Harbor”提供了答案。所以,正确答案是D。

考的是位于东北地区的灯塔建得不是很高的原因。本题的线索在第二段第三句话“Since most stations in the Northeast were built on rocky eminences,enormous towers were not the rule.”文中说,由于大多数位于东北地区的灯塔建在岩石高地上,所以,一般灯塔都不需要建得很高很大。所以,正确答案是D。

考的具体细节是最高的砖砌灯塔位于什么地方。依据原文第二段第八句话,“…like the majestic lighthouse in Cape Hatteras…it is the tallest brick lighthouse in the coun-try.”我们可以得知,1870年建于北卡罗来纳州Hatteras角的灯塔是美国最高的砖砌灯塔,高度为190英尺。所以,正确答案是C。

考的是北卡罗来纳州的海岸情况。根据原文第二段第七、八句话“Farther south,from Maryland through the Florida Keys,…it is the tallest brick lighthouse in the country.”可知,马里兰(Maryland)和佛罗里达海岸(the Florida Keys)相似,而马里兰(Maryland)和佛罗里达(the Florida Keys)海岸是low and sandy。所以,北卡罗来纳州也应是low and sandy。选项A rocky eminences指的是美国东北海岸,选项B、D根本没有提及。所以,正确条案是C。
