问答题The tiny Isle of Man in the Irish Sea is not known as a vanguard of technology, but this month it was to serve as the test bed for the highly acclaimed third-generation mobile phones. A subsidiary of British Telecom (BT), the British phone company, cob

The tiny Isle of Man in the Irish Sea is not known as a vanguard of technology, but this month it was to serve as the test bed for the highly acclaimed third-generation mobile phones. A subsidiary of British Telecom (BT), the British phone company, cobbled together a network and prepared to hand out prototype mobile handsets to about 200 volunteers. But problems arose in the software that keeps track of each call as it moves from one tower’s range to another’s. BT postponed the trial until late summer, after a similar delay announced a few weeks earlier by NTT DoCoMo in Japan.  What’s the big deal? Aren’t thousands of mobile calls “handed off” every day from one “cell” to another without a glitch? They are indeed. But third-generation technology, or 3G, is so radically new that it requires a rethinking of just about every aspect of how mobile phones work, from the handset to the transmission masts to the software that runs them. For this reason, 3G are a massive engineering and construction project that will take years to complete and cost hundreds of billions of dollars. The magnitude of this effort has somehow been forgotten in the mad scramble to be first out.  The handover problem is a case in point. When you talk on a conventional mobile phone, your call is beamed as a continuous stream of digital data to the nearest receiver. The technology for handing these calls off from one area to the next was worked out years ago. But a 3G phone is different it bundle up the data into little packets and sends them through the airwaves, one at a time. This creates the impression of an Internet connection’s being”always on,” which is good news. But keeping rack of these data bundles from one region to the next is a daunting engineering problem — and, more to the point, a brand-new one. NEC, the Japanese phone company that supplies BT with equipment for its Isle of Man trail, hasn’t had time to work it out.  Handset makers also have work to do. The 3G technologies have so many features; only a wonder gizmo could handle all of them, which is why none exists. The phones are not only supposed to work with 3G networks but also with the less sophisticated ( but cheaper and more useful) General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) technology already being installed on the continent and also with the current mobile phone standard, Global System for Mobile (GSM). Phones for corporate executives are also supposed to adapt to dozens of other standards around the world. Doing all this requires powerful, custom-built computer chips, which are tough to make quickly.  A device that does so many things is bound to guzzle a lot of power. Prototype 3G phones drain so much juice that they’ve been known to get uncomfortably hot. Batteries that can keep a conventional phone running for days would fizzle in a 3G handset in a matter of minutes. Engineers are searching for alternative, but at the moment the lack of a long-lasting battery is a major hurdle.  None of these problems is insurmountable, but neither will they be resolved quickly. Analysts at Forrester Research in the Netherlands predict that even in 2005, when more than half of Europe’s phones will be connected to the Internet, fewer than 15 percent of them will use 3G. That’s a measure of this technology’s complexity and immaturity.
正确答案: 【参考译文】
男人岛,这个爱尔兰海上的小岛,并不是以技术先锋而知名,但这个月它将成为广受赞扬的第三代移动电话系统的测试基地。隶属于英国电信公司的英国电话公司已匆匆搭建了一个网络,并准备将该手机的样机发放给大约200名志愿者。但是负责监控发射塔之间通话传递的软件出了问题,英国电信公司将实验推迟到了夏末。几周之前,日本的NIT DoCoMo也宣布推迟类似的实验。
解析: 暂无解析
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If you get 600 in Your TOEFL test, ( )is a good chance that you can enter the University of British Columbia.







A company is installing IP phones. The phones and office computers connect to the same device. To ensure maximum throughput for the phone data, the company needs to make sure that the phone traffic is on a different network from that of the office computer data traffic. What is the best network device to which to directly connect the phones and computers, and what technology should be implemented on this device?()







参考答案:C, F


Your firm is planning to export carpets to Great Britain. At a recent conference you met William Linton, who is a market analyst working for a British company, British Agents Consultants.

Write a letter to Mr. Linton in 160—200 words, explaining what your firm is planning to do and giving details of what you would like his company to do for you.

You should write 160—200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

正确答案:Dear Mr. Linton I am writing to you because I believe your company is in a position to help us plan the export of our carpets to Great Britain. Our company has been making carpets for almost 20 years and we have exported a variety of our top quality products to more than 100 countries in Asia Africa and America. Now we are planning to introduce our carpets into British market. We are enclosing the latest catalogue of our products. As we know little about the supply and demand of carpets in UK I would like your company to conduct a market research on the models of carpets available in UK market the price range all over the country and the competition etc. and finally present us a report based on the research. If you are interested in this project please confirm us as soon as possible and let us know the cost and expenses necessary for this consultancy service. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely Cathy
Dear Mr. Linton, I am writing to you because I believe your company is in a position to help us plan the export of our carpets to Great Britain. Our company has been making carpets for almost 20 years, and we have exported a variety of our top quality products to more than 100 countries in Asia, Africa and America. Now we are planning to introduce our carpets into British market. We are enclosing the latest catalogue of our products. As we know little about the supply and demand of carpets in UK, I would like your company to conduct a market research on the models of carpets available in UK market, the price range all over the country, and the competition, etc. , and finally present us a report based on the research. If you are interested in this project, please confirm us as soon as possible and let us know the cost and expenses necessary for this consultancy service. We hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely, Cathy


William,Duke of Normandy,is now known as().

AWilliam the Confessor

BWilliam Lion-Heart

Cthe father of the British navy

DWilliam the Conqueror



New Product Will Save lives

Drinking water that looks clean may still contain bugs(虫子),which can cause illness.
A small company called Genera Technologies has produced a testing method in three
stages,which shows whether water is safe.The new test shows if water needs chemicals
added to it,to destroy anything harmful.It was invented by scientist Dr. Adrian Parton,
who started Genera five years ago.He and his employees have developed the test together
with a British water company.
Andy Headland,Genera's marketing director,recently presented the test at a
conference in the USA and forecast good American sales for it.Genera has already sold 11
of its tests at$42,500 a time in the UK and has a further four on order. It expects to sell
another 25 tests before the end of March.The company says it is the only test in the UK to
be approved by the government.
Genera was formed five years ago and until October last year had only five employees;
it now employs 14.Mr Headland believes that the company should make around$19 million
by the end of the year in the UK alone.

Before he set up Genera,Dr. Parton had worked for a British water company.
C:Not mentioned



the death blow to the irish language was__________.

A. the British colonial rule

B. Ireland’S accession to the EU

C. the Great Famine

D. the independence of Ireland




Cell Phones : Hang Up or Keep Talking?

Millions of people are using cell phones today.In many places it is actually considered unusual not to
use one.In many countries,cell phones are very popular with young people.They find that the phones are
more than a means of communication一having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected.
The explosions around the world in mobile phone use make some health professionals worried.Some
doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile
phones.In England,there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about
the negative publicity of such ideas.They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.
On the other hand,why do some medical studies show changes in the brain cells of some people who use
mobile phones?Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning
equipment. In one case,a traveling salesman had to retire at a young age because of serious memory loss.He
couldn't remember even simple tasks.He would often forget the name of his own son.This man used to talk
on his mobile phone for about six hours a day,every day of his working week,for a couple of years. His family
doctor blamed his mobile phone use,but his employer's doctor didn't agree.
What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful?The answer is radiation.High-tech machines
can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones.Mobile phone companies agree that there is
some radiation,but they say the amount is too small to worry about.
As the discussion about their safety continues,it appears that it's best to use mobile phones less often.
Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time.Use your mobile phone only when you really need
it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient,especially in emergencies.In the future,mobile phones
may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health.So for now,it's wise not to use your mobile
phone too often.

On the safety issue of mobile phones,the manufacturing companies_________.
A:deny the existence of mobile phone radiation
B:develop new technology to reduce mobile phone radiation
C:try to prove that mobile phones are not harmful to health
D:hold that the amount of radiation is too small to worry about

由第一段第三句“cell phones are very popular”可知A项正确。由最后一段第四句“very useful and convenient”可知,B、D两项正确。故选C。
由第三段可知那位销售员是因为严重的记忆问题而退休的,他连简单的任务都记不 住,故选D。
由第四段最后一句可知,移动公司承认手机有一些辐射,但他们认为辐射的量很小,无 需担心。
由文章最后一句可知,作者建议大家尽量少使用手机。 第三篇 本篇文章讲述了对杭微生物的杭力应引起注意。


In July 1978, British doctors at London's Oldham Hospital created the world's first “() baby”, Louis Brown.




D.test tube

正确答案: D


It’s hard to make talks successful between the British and Irish governments without the participation of()and()
Sinn Fein;IRA


Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology()so rapidly.

Ais changing 

Bhas been changed 

Cwill have changed 

Dwill change

