单选题China plans to double its gas use in the next decade ______.A to bolster the sales of its natural gas.B to cut pollution.C to reduce its reliance on the imports.D All of the above except (A).

China plans to double its gas use in the next decade ______.

to bolster the sales of its natural gas.


to cut pollution.


to reduce its reliance on the imports.


All of the above except (A).

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The electrical components for each single crane are installed in its ______.

A.crane house

B.machinery base


D.All of the above



For the fuel oil purifier higher throughput and more efficient process can be achieved if the fuel is0

A.viscosity a heated to reduce its

B.cooled to reduce its temperature

C.heated to reduce its density

D.heated to reduce its gravity



The primary consideration of product management is to know the _____.

A . probability of product's performance with specified parameters

B . ability the product has to perform. its intended function

C . ability of a product to be produced within existing parameters

D . functionality the product will provide over its useful life

E . All of the above



In any country, the "standard ofliving" means the average person′s share of the goods and services whichthe country produces. Therefore, a country′s standard of living depends firstand foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in thissense is not money, but "goods" such as food and clothing, and"services" such as transport and entertainment.
The capacity to produce wealth depends uponmany factors, most of which have an effect on one another. To a great extent,wealth depends upon a country′s natural resources, such as coal, gold, andother minerals, water supply and so on. Some regions of the world are wellsupplied with coal and minerals, and some are not.
Next to natural resources comes the abilityto turn them to use. Some countries are perhaps well off in natural resources,but unable to develop their resources. They suffered for many years from civiland external wars. Peaceful political and stable conditions enable a country todevelop its natural resources effectively, and to produce more wealth thananother country equally well served by nature but less well ordered. Anotherimportant factor is the technical efficiency of a country′s people.Industrialized countries that have trained numerous skilled workers andtechnicians produce wealth more than countries whose workers are largelyunskilled.
A country′s standard of living does notonly depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its ownborders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through international trade.
For instance, Britain′s wealth isfoodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had todepend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplusmanufacture goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products. In thisaspect, a country′s wealth is much influenced by its manufacturing capacity,provided that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures. A country′s capacity to produce wealthdepends on all the factors EXCEPT FOR ______

A.people's share of its goods
B.political and social stability
C.qualities of its workers
D.use of natural resources

细节题。第二、三段指出了决定一个国家创造财富的能力的多种因素,如natural resources,the use of naturalresources,political and social stability,technical efficiency of works等。A项本身是生活标准,不符合题干要求,故选A。


Name one major advantage of transporting gas under refrigeration.

A.It increases its volume

B.It reduces its volume

C.It has less product per volume

D.None of the above



The company ____ its sales by an average of 10% per year since its establishment in 1993.



C、is increasing

D、has increased



A tow can override its tug as a result of ______.

A.a mechanical breakdown on the tug

B.adverse tidal current conditions

C.the tug reducing its speed

D.All of the above



Why does the author think it necessary to bring order to the Internet_________?

A. Because its database is disorganized.

B. Because the information required is specific.

C. Because its information is diverse and widespread.

D. All of the above.

逻辑分析题。根据第一段“Because of the diverse and widespread information when one needs it,there is a need to bring some sort of organization to the Internet community.”可知只有选项C(because its information is diverse and widespread)符合题意,因此C为正确答案。


An advantage of a dry chemical over a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is its ______.

A.greater range

B.effectiveness on all types of fires


D.All of the above



A.its natural,crude flavor
B.its ditorted depiction of people’s daily life
C.its penetrating sight
D.its fantastical enthusiasm

题干问:休斯先前的诗人们创作的诗歌特点是( )。A项“自然、原始的风味”,B项“对日常琐事的记录编写”,C项“洞穿一切的视角”,D项“梦幻式的热情”。本文第一段讲述了休斯诗歌的特点。根据第一段第二句Poetry specialised,at that moment,in the wry chronicling of the everyday.可知,当时盛行的诗歌特色是the wry chronicling of the everyday;紧接着第三句The poetry of Yorkshire-born Ted Hughes,…,was unlike anything written by his immediate predecessors.就指出休斯的作品不同于他前辈的诗歌;接下来的几句都是讲述休斯作品具体的特色。由此可以推断出,第二句所描写的就是其前人作品的特点,即“对日常琐事的记录编写”。故本题选B。参考译文:1957年,他横空出世,成为英国战后最引人瞩目的诗坛天才。当时,人诗的皆为日常琐事,令人啼笑皆非。但出生在约克郡的特德·休斯的作品却与其前辈们大相径庭,他27岁时在名为《雨中的鹰》一书中发表了第一首诗。受詹姆士一世风格的影响,其诗歌呈现出幻觉式的激情,最显著的特点是休斯可以描述动物外表下的东西,无论是狐狸、水獭还是猪。这些动物的确是真实的,但同时又是标志性的,代表着乡村,代表着它们植根的地球的生命之源。正是这一点赋予了其作品一种野性、原始的气息。
