单选题According to the second paragraph,A schools should do more in their disaster preparedness.B the government has been well prepared for disasters.C parents do not care about their children enough.D schools’ former plans for disasters do not make sense at

According to the second paragraph,

schools should do more in their disaster preparedness.


the government has been well prepared for disasters.


parents do not care about their children enough.


schools’ former plans for disasters do not make sense at all.

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Many parents try hard to protect their kids from TV and Internet advertising. But how can you protect a child form. a large fast-food ad painted on her school locker(小柜)? Or a toy ad on the side of his school bus?

As school budgets get smaller, a growing number of schools in the US are selling advertising space on lockers and buses and in gyms and cafeterias. It is an easy way for schools to make money. And ads may provides relief for parents exhausted by making each donations to support schools.

While parents can always turn off the television or the computer, they can’t keep advertising out of schools. This isn’t the first time the issue has come up. For example, a news program for teens has been criticized for including ads in its 12-month classroom broadcasts.

Parents groups successfully fought a plan by a company called Bus Radio to put music and ads into school buses.

But now things are different. Just last month, Los Angeles approved a plan to allow companies to advertise in the district’s schools. Officials say the plan could provide as much as $ 18 million for the school.

In St. Francis, Minn, school recently agreed to cover 10% to 15% of their lockers with ads. Edward Saxton, a teacher in the school, say, “So far, parents are accepting this as a way to bring in needed money. The money pays for programs like arts, sports, and music. Parents don’t like to see programs getting cut. Neither do I.. Besides, schools are thinking about the effects on kids all the time.”

However, Susan Linn, an educational experts, says, “Kids have already seen enough ads on TV, in magazines and on products they use daily. School is no place for advertisements at all.”

Reader, what about you? Would you rather help run yet another school fundraiser, or expose your child to ads on lockers and buses? Is keeping ads out of schools worth raising taxes, or increasing your own cash support for schools through donations?

47. Why do schools allow ads into schools?

A. To reduce parents’ burdens.

B. To solve their finanical problems.

C. To offer kids a wide choice of goods.

D. To improve their students’ living conditions.

48. Edward Saxon thinks that _____.

A. schools choose ads carefully

B. ads in schools should not be too much

C. shcools should be a place free from ads

D. in-schools do no harm to young kids.

49. What is this passage mainly about?

A. The negative efect of ads on kids.

B. Efforts to stop in-school advertising.

C. Whether ads should be allowed in schools.

D. Whether Parents should run fundraisers for schools.

50. Who are intended readers of the text?

A. Parents B. Teachers C. Educators D. Businessmen

正确答案:47、B 48、A 49、C 50、D


In the USA children start school when they are five years old. In some states they must stay in school (11) they are sixteen. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they (12) school. There are two kinds of schools in the United States: public schools and pri-cate(私立)schools.(13)children go to public schools. Their parents do not have to(14)

their education because the schools (15) money from the government. If a child goes to a private school,his parents have to get enough money for his schooling . Some parents still (16) private schools,though they are much more expensive.

Today about half of the high school students(17) unwersities after they finish the secondary school. A student at a state university does not have to pay very much if his parents (18 in that state. But many students(19) while they are studying at universities.In this way they (20)good working habits and live by their own hands.

( )11.







From the end of the first paragraph we know that ________.

A. children are more friendly to strangers

B. American schools are not safe for kids

C. children often follow their parents’ behavior

D. fighting each other is part of children’s nature



Early or Later Day Care The British psychoanalyst John Bowlby maintains that separation from the parents during the sensitive “attachment”period from birth to three may scar a child's personality and predispose to emotional problems in later life.Some people have drawn the conclusion from Bowlby's work that children should not be subjected to day care before the age of three because of the parental sepa-ration it entails,and many people do believe this. But there are also arguments against such a strong conclusion. Firstly,anthropologists point out that the insulated love affair between children and parents found in modern societies does not usually exist in traditional societies.For example,in some tribal societies,such as the Ngoni,the father and mother of a child did not rear their infant a-lone—far from it .Secondly,common sense tells us that day care would not be so widespread to-day if parents,care—takers found children had problems with it. Statistical studies of this kind have not yet been carried out,and even if they were,the results would be certain to be complicat-ed and controversial.Thirdly,in the last decade there have been a number of careful American studies of children in day care,and they have uniformly reported that day care had a neural or slightly positive effect on children's development. But tests that have had to be used to measure this development are not widely enough accepted to settle the issue. But Bowlby's analysis raises the possibility that early day care has delayed effects.The possi- bility that such care might lead to,say,more mental illness or crime 15 or 20 years later can only be explored by the use of statistics.Whatever the long-term effects,parents sometimes find the immediate effects difficult to deal with.Children under three are likely to protest at leaving their parents and show unhappiness.At the age of three or three and a half almost all children find the transition to nursery easy,and this is undoubtedly why more and more parents make use of child care at this time.The matter,then,is far from clear-cut,though experience and available evi- dence indicate that early care is reasonable for infants.

Which of the following statements is NOT an argument against Bowlby's theory?
A: Many studies show that day care has a positive effect on children's development.
B:The fact that there are so many nursery schools today shows that day care is safe.
C:The separation of young children from their parents is common in some traditional societies.
D: Parents find the immediate effects of early day care difficult to deal with.







Early or Later Day Care The British psychoanalyst John Bowlby maintains that separation from the parents during the sensitive “attachment”period from birth to three may scar a child's personality and predispose to emotional problems in later life.Some people have drawn the conclusion from Bowlby's work that children should not be subjected to day care before the age of three because of the parental sepa-ration it entails,and many people do believe this. But there are also arguments against such a strong conclusion. Firstly,anthropologists point out that the insulated love affair between children and parents found in modern societies does not usually exist in traditional societies.For example,in some tribal societies,such as the Ngoni,the father and mother of a child did not rear their infant a-lone—far from it .Secondly,common sense tells us that day care would not be so widespread to-day if parents,care—takers found children had problems with it. Statistical studies of this kind have not yet been carried out,and even if they were,the results would be certain to be complicat-ed and controversial.Thirdly,in the last decade there have been a number of careful American studies of children in day care,and they have uniformly reported that day care had a neural or slightly positive effect on children's development. But tests that have had to be used to measure this development are not widely enough accepted to settle the issue. But Bowlby's analysis raises the possibility that early day care has delayed effects.The possi- bility that such care might lead to,say,more mental illness or crime 15 or 20 years later can only be explored by the use of statistics.Whatever the long-term effects,parents sometimes find the immediate effects difficult to deal with.Children under three are likely to protest at leaving their parents and show unhappiness.At the age of three or three and a half almost all children find the transition to nursery easy,and this is undoubtedly why more and more parents make use of child care at this time.The matter,then,is far from clear-cut,though experience and available evi- dence indicate that early care is reasonable for infants.

Which of the following statements would Bowlby support?
A: Children under three get used to the life at nursery schools more readily than children o-ver three.
B: The first three years of one's life is extremely important to the later development of per-sonality.
C: Early day care can delay the occurrence of mental illness in children.
D: Statistical studies should be carried out to assess the positive effect of day care for chil- dren at the age of three or older.







30. What is the passage mainly about? 、

A. We must make more friends.

B. Don-t quarrel with our parents.

C. What should we do when our parents quarrel.

D. Sometimes we must stay away from our parents.




or win education more if help on first realize everything

Parents,especially those of teenagers,care about their children's education more than anything else.They would do (1 6) for their children.Many of them spend most of their spare time (17) their children with their studies.If they have no time or cannot do it them selves,they would hire family teachers (18) send their children to after class schools.It seems as if a better (19) is all that parents expect for children.

How can we explain the present situation? First of all,many parents have (20) that future success depends more and more (21) skills and education Secondly,in a competitive (竞争的)society there are both losers and 22) .Those who have better skills and more knowledge will enjoy (23) 0pportunities.

Certainly,it is important to learn to succeed,but the (24) thing to learn is how to sur-vive(生存)and how to be a qualified citizen(合格的公民).(25) this is included in good education,the children will surely have a bright future and be healthy.n body and mind.




Section III Reading Comprehension

(60 minutes)

Part A

Directions :

Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D.Mark your answers on, ANSWER SHEET1.

Text 1

Competition for admission to the country's top private schools has always been tough, but this year Elisabeth realized it had reached a new level. Her wake-up call came when a man called the Dalton School in Manhattan, where Elisabeth is admissions director, and inquired about the age cutoff for their kindergarten program. After providing the information, she asked about the age of his child. The man paused for an uncomfortably long time before answering. "Well, we don't have a child yet. We're trying to figure out when to conceive a child so the birthday is not a problem. "

Worries are spreading from Manhattan to the rest of the country. Precise current data on private schools are unavailable, but interviews with representatives of independent schools all told the same story: an oversupply of applicants, higher rejection rates. "We have people calling us for spots two years down the road," said Marilyn of the Seven Hills School in Cincinnati. " We have grandparents calling for pregnant daughters. " Public opinion polls indicate that Americans' No. 1 concern is edu-cation .Now that the long economic boom has given parents more disposable income, many are tuming to private schools, even at price tags of well over $ 10,000 a year. "We're getting appli-cants from a broader area geographically than we ever have in the past," said Betsy of the Latin School of Chicago, which experienced a 20 percent increase in applications this year.

The problem for the applicants is that while demand has increased, supply has not. "Every Year ,there are a few children who do not find places, but this year, for the first time that I know of , there are a significant number without places ,"said Elisabeth.

So what can parents do to give their 4-year-old an edge? Schools know there is no easy way to pick a class when children are so young. Many schools give preference to children of their gradu- ates. Some make the choice by drawing lots. But most rely on a mix of subjective and objective measures: tests that at best identify developmental maturity and cognitive potential, interviews with parents and observation of applicants in classroom settings. They also want a diverse mix. Children may end up on a waiting list simply because their birthdays fall at the wrong time of year, or be- cause too many applicants were boys.

The worst thing a patent can do is to pressure preschoolers to perform-for example, by push-ing them to read or do math exercises before they're ready. Instead, the experts say, parents should take a breath and look for alternatives. Another year in preschool may be all that's needed.

41. From this text we learn that it is

[A] harder to make a choice between public and private schools.

[B] harder to go to private schools this year than before.

[C] more difficult to go to public schools than to private schools.

[D] as difficult to go to private schools this year as before.

第三部分 阅读理解 Part A Text l 参考译文进入国家的顶级私立学校的竞争一直以来都很激烈,但是今年伊丽莎白发现这种竞争达到了一个新的水平。伊丽莎白是曼哈顿的道尔顿学校招生处的主任,她一大早就接到一位男士的电话,他询问了该校幼儿园的截止年龄。在提供信息之后,伊丽莎白询问男士孩子的年龄。这位男士很不自然地停顿了片刻,然后回答道:“是这样的,我们还没有孩子。我们在怀孩子之前想试图弄清楚什么时候要孩子合适,以确保孩子的上学年龄不成问题。” 在曼哈顿乃至整个国家,人们都在忧虑。目前私立学校的准确数据无法获得,但是通过一些私立学校的代表的讲述我们可以发现同样的情况:申请者过多,拒收率增高。“有人提前两年就向学校打听是否有名额,”辛辛那提的七山学校的玛丽莲说道,“还有的爷爷奶奶打电话为他们怀孕的女儿,未来的孙辈打听学校。”民意调查显示美国人最关心的问题是教育。由于长期的经济繁荣使得父母有了更多可支配的收入,即使面对每年高达超过一万美元的学费,还是有许多人都倾向于让孩子上私立学校。芝加哥拉丁语学校的贝齐说:“我们现在接收到的申请者在地域上比以往更广泛。”该校今年的申请数量增加了20%。对申请者来说,问题在于申请人数增多了,而学校的招生名额并没有增加。伊丽莎白说:“每年都有一些孩子申请不到学校,但是今年有大量的孩子没有申请到学校,据我所知这是第一次。” 那么父母要怎么做才能使自己4岁的孩子更有优势呢?学校知道从这么小的孩子里进行选择是非常不容易的。许多学校优先录取本校毕业生的孩子。一些学校通过抽签的方式选择学生。但是大多数学校采取主观和客观相结合的方法:包括一些测试,它能够很好地确定孩子的发育成熟度以及认知潜力,另外还有与家长的面谈以及观察申请的学生在课堂环境中的表现。这些学校也希望有多样化的班级。孩子们有可能最后仅仅因为他们的生日不符合要求或者申请者中男孩子过多而被列在等侯名单上。强迫学龄前儿童学习是父母最糟糕的做法,比如说强迫孩子在还未 2010年9月笔试真卷参考答案及精析第4页(共12页)到适当的年龄时就阅读或是做数学题。一些专家反而建议父母放松下来,寻找别的的方法。也许要的做只是在学前班再待一年。答案及解析 41.B该题为细节题。根据第一段第一句“Competition for admission to the country's top private schools has always been tough, but this year Elisabeth realized it had reached a new level.”可知,进入国家的顶级私立学校的竞争一直以来都很激烈,但是今年伊丽莎白发现这种竞争达到了一个新的水平。由此可知,今年想进入私立学校比往年更加困难,而不是跟往年一样困难,故选B。


Early or Later Day Care The British psychoanalyst John Bowlby maintains that separation from the parents during the sensitive “attachment”period from birth to three may scar a child's personality and predispose to emotional problems in later life.Some people have drawn the conclusion from Bowlby's work that children should not be subjected to day care before the age of three because of the parental sepa-ration it entails,and many people do believe this. But there are also arguments against such a strong conclusion. Firstly,anthropologists point out that the insulated love affair between children and parents found in modern societies does not usually exist in traditional societies.For example,in some tribal societies,such as the Ngoni,the father and mother of a child did not rear their infant a-lone—far from it .Secondly,common sense tells us that day care would not be so widespread to-day if parents,care—takers found children had problems with it. Statistical studies of this kind have not yet been carried out,and even if they were,the results would be certain to be complicat-ed and controversial.Thirdly,in the last decade there have been a number of careful American studies of children in day care,and they have uniformly reported that day care had a neural or slightly positive effect on children's development. But tests that have had to be used to measure this development are not widely enough accepted to settle the issue. But Bowlby's analysis raises the possibility that early day care has delayed effects.The possi- bility that such care might lead to,say,more mental illness or crime 15 or 20 years later can only be explored by the use of statistics.Whatever the long-term effects,parents sometimes find the immediate effects difficult to deal with.Children under three are likely to protest at leaving their parents and show unhappiness.At the age of three or three and a half almost all children find the transition to nursery easy,and this is undoubtedly why more and more parents make use of child care at this time.The matter,then,is far from clear-cut,though experience and available evi- dence indicate that early care is reasonable for infants.

Which of the following best expresses the writer's attitude towards early day care?
A: The effects of early day care on children are exaggerated and parents should ignore the issue.
B:The issue is controversial and its settlement calls for the use of statistics.
C: Early day care has positive effects on children's development.
D: Children under three should stay with their parents.







School Lunch

Research has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat_______(51)in the middle of the day.In Britain schools have to_______(52)meals at lunchtime.Children can_______(53)to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen.
One shocking_______(54)of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents.There are strict_______(55)for the preparation of school meals,which have to include one_______(56)of fruit and one of vegetables,as well as meat,a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta. Lunchboxes_______(57)by researchers contained sweet drinks, crisps and chocolate bars.Children_______(58)twice as much sugar as they should at lunchtime.
The research will provide a better_______(59)of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has_______(60)in the last decade.Unfortunately,the government cannot_______(61)parents,but it can remind them of the_______(62)value of milk,fruit and vegetables. Small changes in their children's diet can_______(63)their future health,Children can easily develop bad eating_______(64)at this age,and parents are the only ones who can_______(65) it.


本题考查的是对上下文的理解和副词辫析。本句意为“在英国超过一半将午餐带到学校吃的儿童中午吃得不恰当”。此处需要有“恰当地,正确地”意思的副词。A 选项意为appropriately“适当地;相称地”。B选项properly意为“适当地,正确地”。C选项 probably意为“大概,或许;可能”。D选项possibly意为“可能;也许;大概”。所以应该在A和 B之间选择,A选项倾向“得体”。所以B选项是正确答案。
本题考查对上下文的理解。本句意为“孩子们可以选择自带食物或者在食堂就餐”。选项A prefer意为“更喜欢”。选项B manage意为“管理;经营”。选项C want意为“需要”。而选项D choose意为“选择”。所以选项D是正确答案。
本题考查对上下文的理解。本句意为“一项令人震惊的发现显示…." B 选项number意为“号码;数字”。C选项figure意为“数字;人物”。D选项factor意为“因素;要素”。只有A选项finding意为“发现”,符合句意。所以选项A是正确答案。
本题考查倒装句。本句意为“学校午餐有严格的准备标准”。B选项procedure意为“进程”;C选项condition意为“条件”;D选项way意为“方式,方法”;只有A选项 standard意为“标准”。所以选项A是正确答案。
本题考查动词辫析。本句意为“学生摄取的糖分是他们应当在午餐中摄取的两倍”。其中A选项take意为“拿,获得”。B选项contain意为“包含;控制”。D选项 consist意为“组成;在于;符合”。只有C选项consume有“摄取”之意,符合句意。所以选项C是正确答案。
本题考查动词辫析。本句意为“这份调查研究对为什么在过去的十年中英国学生的超重人数上升提供了一个更好的解释”。B选项expanded意为“扩大(面积,体积的扩大)”。C选项extended意为“扩张(延展性)”。D选项added意为“增加,加上”。A选项 increased意为“增长的”,符合句意。所以选项A是正确答案。
本题考查对动词的理解。此处的句意为“政府不能批评家长”。B选项 instruct意为“指导;通知;命令”。C选项 order意为“命令;整理”。D选项tell意为“告诉,辫别”。A选项criticize意为“批评”,与句意相符。所以选项A是正确答案。
本题考查形容词辫析。此处句意为“……但可以提醒他们牛奶、水果和蔬菜的营养价值”。B选项healthy意为“健康的,健全的”。C选项positive意为“积极的”。D 选项good意为“好的,优良的”。从句子的意思上看这里有“营养的”意思,而A选项nutritional意为“营养的,滋润的”,与句意相符。所以选项A是正确答案。
本题考查的动词辫析。此句意为“孩子们饮食上小小的改变可能会影响他们未来的健康”。A选项damage意为“损害,毁坏”。B选项predict意为“预测”。C选项 destroy意为“破坏,消灭,毁坏”。只有D选项affect意为“影响”,与句意相符。所以选项D是正确答案。
本题考查对上动宾短语。develop habits为固定搭配,是“养成习惯”的意思,所以选项D是正确答案。
本题考查的是动词辫析。此句意为“……家长却是唯一能够阻止这件事发生的人”。B选项define意为“定义,使明确”。C选项decide意为“决定”。D选项delay为 “延期,耽搁”。只A选项prevent意为“预防,防止”,与句意相符。故选A。
