问答题Task II (20 marks)  Read the following poem and write an essay in which you discuss its moral and express your personal views.LifeBy Langston HughesLife can be good,Life can be bad,Life is mostly cheerful,But sometimes sad.Life can be dreams,Life can b

Task II (20 marks)  Read the following poem and write an essay in which you discuss its moral and express your personal views.LifeBy Langston HughesLife can be good,Life can be bad,Life is mostly cheerful,But sometimes sad.Life can be dreams,Life can be great thoughts;Life can mean a personSitting in court.Life can be dirty,Life can even be painful;but life is what you make it.So try to make it beautiful.  You should write no less than 160 words. Now write the essay on the Answer Sheet.
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DREAMS AND GOALS Are you waiting for your dreams to come true and change your life I'm sorry to tell you that dreams won't come true. It's your goals(1)can forever change your life. You need to(2) goals in order to turn your dreams into reality. Don't get confused by dreams and goals. Dreams are easy. They are free, too. (3), dreams are imaginary. And they don't produce tangible results. You need to turn your dreams(4) action. You need goals to make the(5) of your dreams real. Dreams can inspire you, but goals can change your life. Goals are all about action. Goals change you and then change your life.

1.A. that

B. this

C. why

2.A. plan

B. set

C. have

3.A. But

B. Although

C. However

4.A. up

B. into

C. on

5.A. visions

B. decision

C. illusion

参考答案:1:A; 2:B; 3:C; 4:B; 5:A


Which of the following is Not True?

A. Advertisement makes contribution to our pockets and we may know everything
B. We can buy what we want
C. Products of good quality don't need to be advertised
D. Advertisement makes our life colorful
19. Which of the following is Not True?



When answering the question tell me about yourself, you can roughly follow the same structure of your résumé and go into every detail about your life-history.()



The colonial life can be described as the following except ()

  • A、simple
  • B、easy
  • C、rough
  • D、hard



I'd like to know something about your life in Paris. ()

  • A、You can tell me.
  • B、I wonder if you can.
  • C、I‘ll tell you.
  • D、I wonder if you could.




听力原文:Collateral can never make a bad loan good, but it can turn a good loan into a better one.


A.Collateral sometimes turns a bad loan into a good one.

B.Good loans can be turned into better loans with collaterals.

C.Collateral can turn a good loan into a bad one.

D.Collateral can turn a bad loan into a worse one.



In Money Everything
I don’t think money is everything,but we can’t do without it.Fox example,money can’t buy us happiness and a good education.And for another example,money can’t buy us good health and a long life.But we can not live without money.We need it for our daily necessities such as food,clothes and transportation.What’s more,we need it to live a better life.In short,we should learn the value of money and make the most of its advantages.

For this part,you are allowed 20 minutes to write a composition of about 80 words according to the following topic.金钱是一切吗 (Is Money Everything )


According to the passage, which of the following statement is true? __________.

A. People can know happiness at any age.

B. A happy person lives a successful life.

C. Enjoying what you have can make you happy.

D. Parents want to pursue the study of happiness.

逻辑推理题。由文中第四段最后一句“Happiness is the capacity…you don’t have.”(快乐是享受自己拥有的事物的能力,而非对自己没有的事物的渴望。)可推断选项C正确,其余各项文中均未提及。


Boredom at Work ① You might find yourself staring at the clock, willing it to move faster so the boring workday will finally end. If your job offers little in the way of stimulation, there are steps you can take inside and outside the workplace. ② If you're bored with your job, it could be a sign that you've mastered the basic requirements and are ready for more of a challenge. You might not have been in your position long enough to request a promotion. Still, you can take steps to enhance your current role. Ask your boss if there are any projects you can help with. Volunteer to train less experienced colleagues. You'll feel more stimulated at work and also increase your chances of future advancement. ③ If you feel there is nothing left to learn in your present position, take steps to increase your knowledge. Your company's website might have online courses you can take during your slow periods, with your manager's permission. Enroll in training classes your company offers in areas that interest you. You also can pursue educational opportunities outside of the workplace, such as college classes, industry-specific training programs or self-improvement courses. If the knowledge you acquire doesn't help you in your present position, it might eventually help you move into a more fulfilling position. ④ Look for ways to challenge yourself. If your job involves performing repetitive tasks, set a quota for the number of times you can accomplish a particular task during the course of a shift. This will give you something to shoot for. If you have co-workers who perform the same tasks, make a friendly wager to see who can do the most. You'll form stronger bonds with your colleagues, and your employer is likely to notice your increased productivity. ⑤ According to psychotherapist and career coach Nina Ham, boredom at work might be a symptom of dissatisfaction with your personal life. Finding sources of stimulation outside of work can have a positive impact on your attitude toward your job. Seeking counseling for an emotional issue can also be of benefit. If your personal life is going well and nothing you try seems to improve your engagement level at work, it might be time to consider a job or even a career change. If your job involves(), set a quota for the number of times you can accomplish a particular task.

  • A、strong desire for friendly relationships
  • B、your slow periods
  • C、dissatisfaction with your personal life
  • D、the basic requirements
  • E、performing repetitive tasks
  • F、inside and outside the workplace



What is the main theme of the passage?

Expecting things to be different gives us hope


Accepting can make our life happier and better


Traditional culture becomes root of unhappiness


Judging good or bad is important for our world

正确答案: D
