问答题【参考范例五】PART 2Describe an actor/actress in film who has impressed you. You should say: when you watched the film what role he/she plays in the film what is the film about and explain why you find him/her impressive.You will have to talk about the topic

【参考范例五】PART 2Describe an actor/actress in film who has impressed you. You should say:  when you watched the film  what role he/she plays in the film  what is the film about  and explain why you find him/her impressive.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
正确答案: I saw a film last year which impressed me deeply. It is a comedy in which Miriam Yeung who is a famous movie star and singer from Hong Kong impressed most. She is frank and funny, always with a big smile on her face. Though she is not the most beautiful actress she is very charming and cute. She showed her comedic talents in Love Undercover, in which she played as a fledgling policewoman who investigates the drug dealings by disguising herself as a waitress. But finally she lost her heart to Mob, the son of the leader. She vividly portrayed that funny, even bold young policewoman in this film. I was touched by the scene that when her friends were in danger, she had no regard for her own safety. You know they were in a dangerous situation which somebody would shoot them with a gun. I admire her kind heart and this role is very successful.
考生应描述什么时候看的电影,这部电影给你留下什么印象(impressive,touching, memorable);他/她在这部电影里扮演什么角色,简单介绍一下电影情节,并解释你为什么觉得他/她很独特,以及对他/她有什么样的评价。
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Jack won't like the film, you know.

()I don't care what Jack thinks!

A. So why?

B. So what?

C. So how?



When I was about 12 1 had an enemy,a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings.Week by week her list grew:I was skinny,I wasn't a good student,I was boyish,I talked too loud,and so on.I put up with her as long as I could.At last,with great anger,I ran to my father in tears.
He listened to my outburst quietly.Then he asked,"Are the things she says true or not?"
True?I wanted to know how to strike back.What did truth have to do with it?
"Mary,didn't you ever wonder what you are really like?Well,you now have that girl's opinion.Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true.Pay no attention to the other things she said."
I did as he directed and discovered to my surprise that about half the things were true.Some of them I couldn't change(like being skinny),but a good number I could and suddenly wanted to change.
For the first time in my life I got a fairly clear picture of myself.
I brought the list back to Daddy.He refused to take it.
"That's just for you,"he said."You know better than anybody else the truth about yourself,once you hear it.But you've got to learn to listen,not to close your ears in anger or hurt.When something said about you is true you'll know it.You'll find that it will echo inside you."
Daddy's advice has returned to me at many important moments.

What did the girl do when she could no longer bear her enemy?

A.She turned to her fathe
B.She cried to her heart's conten
C.She tried to put up with her agai
D.She tried to be her frien



Bill: What do you think of the film you saw last night?

Nancy: ______

首先应读懂上文,后进行逻辑推理,选择填充词句。上文意为“你觉得昨天晚上看的那场电影怎么样?”下文意为“值得一看。”worth doing表示值得(做某事)。


PART 3Discussion topics: Film What kind of films do you like?

正确答案: I like romantic films with happy endings.



Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
(1)Students are able to distinguish the words and Expressions and comprehend their meanings in sentences and paragraphs:leap,enjoyable, graceful,excellent, Martial arts etc.
(2)Studentsunderstand this review and make a film review.
Ability aim:
(1)Students can guess the meaning of new words and phrases while reading, understand what this review is talking about.
(2)After this lesson, students can learn how to write a review about films by using the words and expressions learnt.
Emotional aim:
Students are able to love learning English after this lesson
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Learn to make a film review based on: director, plot, setting, characters, and actors and develop the reading skill of fast reading and scanning.
Difficult Point: Learn the reading skill of scanning for the specific information of the text and to be able to make a review in writing by the words they learnt.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Show the English trailer of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and ask students several questions:
Do you like watching movies?
What’s your favorite movie?
Do you want to know more about this film after watching this video?
Step 2: Pre-reading
1. Introduce the topic: Film Review Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
2. Present vocabularies in PPT about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and then the teacher will ask several questions. The teacher will give the new words and explain new words with sentences.
How does this person looks like?
Is she or he happy or anything else?
Could you please give me some word to describe it?
What does this word means?
3.After learning new words, Give students a table and help them study movie types. At the same time, give students the words about types of film (Romantic film; Martial arts film; Adventure film; Thriller; Comedy); and then show representatives one by one: Titanic; The ShaoLin Temple; Kung Fu Panda; and Bean; last show the definitions

Step 3: While-reading
1.Fast reading: ask students to read the text fast and choose a best summary of this review.
Check the answers.
It is a martial arts film that tells the story of a stolen sword, and the fight to get it back.
2.Careful reading: ask students to scan and read the text again, then discuss the questions:
Discuss the following questions.
When did the story took place?
Where did the story happened?
Who are the main characters in this film?
What this story is talking about?
And then ask students to discuss the reasons why LiMubai did not marry Yu Xiulian, and whether they should get married? Invite two students express ideas in class.
Step4: Post-reading
1. Retell: Ask students to use the words and expressions learnt to retell part of the story according to following clues;
Li Mubai friend love
Yu Xiulian fiancé sword
Yu Jiaolong young woman
2. Discussion: Ask students to choose one of the favorite characters based on the introduction of the text and explain why in their own words. Then find some students to describe one character in public and give students feedback on their performance.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: write a review on your favorite film more than 100 words.
Blackboard design:

1.What's your favorite sports?
2.Please introduce yourself

1.I think it is jogging. It is a simple sport and doesn't require skills of any sort. This leaves room for me to enjoy the beautiful suburban scenery while jogging. Fresh air caresses my face and blows into my chest, which translates into inspirations. And inspirations are really good stuff for me. It can hepl me to lead a better life.Besides, it can make me relax, and forget my troubles and also after it, I can get the energy and chase my dream again.
2.I’m number 2. I have just graduated from Peking University. And get my English degree. In my life, I like doing some sports,like jogging, yoga, playing the badminton with my friends. They all good for my body. Besides, I also read some books which concludes a large number of aspects, such as education, literature, medicine and so on. And my favorite book is The Pilgrim, which give me some inspiration about life.


Write your essay on the Answer Sheet in 200-250 words.(30 points)

An English person recently came to your school to give a talk(what was the talk


He/She left a personal possession (what is it?)at the school(}cuhere exactly?). You

want to return the possession(how will you return it?)but you have had difficulty

contacting the person (howhave you tried to contact him/her?). You have a possible address for the person, but you're not sure if it's correct (why?).

Write a letter to the person.

.Thank them for coming to give the talk.

.Explain the situation.

.Ask them to contact you.


  Student Committee

  St Giles School


  Mr Brendan Collins
  ILP Industries Ltd
  Bristol BS3 20X
  Dear Mr Collins,
  I am writing to thank you for attending our school careers day last week and giving such
  an inspirational and interesting speech on career prospects in the financial services industry.
  I am also writing to inform. you that you left a CI}ROM in the computer which you used
  during your speech. Iwould like to return it to you as soon as possible but Iwas unsure
  whether to send it to your company or adifferent address.
  I contacted your office but,unfortunately, you were away on business and I spoke to a
  secretary. She said that the disc belonged to your own private consultancy business and that I should send it there. She provided me with an address but I am afraid that I may havewritten it down incorrectly. The address I have is as follows:Collinsi一Consultancies, Box 283A, Bristol. Could you please confirm that this is the correct address to which I shouldsend the disc?

  Thank you once again for your generosity in giving up your valuable time for the
  students at our school and Iam sorry I have been unable to return your CD-ROM morepromptly.

  Yours sincerely,
  John Smith
  John Smith
  Student Committee Chairperson


When I was about 12 1 had an enemy,a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings.Week by week her list grew:I was skinny,I wasn't a good student,I was boyish,I talked too loud,and so on.I put up with her as long as I could.At last,with great anger,I ran to my father in tears.
He listened to my outburst quietly.Then he asked,"Are the things she says true or not?"
True?I wanted to know how to strike back.What did truth have to do with it?
"Mary,didn't you ever wonder what you are really like?Well,you now have that girl's opinion.Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true.Pay no attention to the other things she said."
I did as he directed and discovered to my surprise that about half the things were true.Some of them I couldn't change(like being skinny),but a good number I could and suddenly wanted to change.
For the first time in my life I got a fairly clear picture of myself.
I brought the list back to Daddy.He refused to take it.
"That's just for you,"he said."You know better than anybody else the truth about yourself,once you hear it.But you've got to learn to listen,not to close your ears in anger or hurt.When something said about you is true you'll know it.You'll find that it will echo inside you."
Daddy's advice has returned to me at many important moments.

Why did the girl's father ask her to make the list?

A.He wanted to keep the list at hom
B.He didn't know what the girl's enemy had sai
C.He wanted the girl to talk bac
D.He wanted her to check if she really had these weak point



Tell me about a city you have visited.

You should say:

where the city is and when you went there

what people can see and do in that city

why that city is special and explain why your visit to that city was memorable.

You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.

You will have one minute to think about what you're going to say.

You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

正确答案:The city that I visited most recently was Sydney. It's on the coast of South-East Australia and is one of the biggest cities in that country. It's most famous for it's opera house which I went to on a tour. Nearby there is a big bridge—I can't remember the name. It's shaped like an arch. I went there last month to visit a friend. There are many theatres galleries and other cultural things to do there but I spent most of my time just walking around. In the evenings I went out to a few of the bars with my friend. They were a little expensive but I enjoyed the atmosphere and we met some interesting people. There are still some old buildings from the colonial era and I took some photographs of them whenever I saw them on my walks. What makes the city special? I'd say that the people. Most people are friendly and cheerful. They seem very optimistic. They are also very out-going and so Sydney is quite lively in the evenings—at least in the city centre. I'm looking forward to going there again someday.
The city that I visited most recently was Sydney. It's on the coast of South-East Australia and is one of the biggest cities in that country. It's most famous for it's opera house, which I went to on a tour. Nearby, there is a big bridge—I can't remember the name. It's shaped like an arch. I went there last month to visit a friend. There are many theatres, galleries and other cultural things to do there, but I spent most of my time just walking around. In the evenings, I went out to a few of the bars with my friend. They were a little expensive, but I enjoyed the atmosphere and we met some interesting people. There are still some old buildings from the colonial era and I took some photographs of them whenever I saw them on my walks. What makes the city special? I'd say that the people. Most people are friendly and cheerful. They seem very, optimistic. They are also very out-going and so Sydney is quite lively in the evenings—at least in the city centre. I'm looking forward to going there again someday.


Practice 1  ‘Mini presentation’—about 6 minutes  In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas.  A  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN MOTIVATING STAFF?  ● FINANCIAL BENEFITS  ● CAREER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES  ●...  B  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN SATISFYING CUSTOMERS?  ● A GOOD AFTER-SALES TEAM  ● MORE CUMMUNICATION WITH CUSTOMERS  ●...  C  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN PREPARING FOR A JOB INTERVIEW?  ● STUDYING THE JOB ADVERTISEMENT  ● STUDYING THE COMPANY  ●...

正确答案: 【参考范例】
Sample A:
Well, I’m very interested in this topic—what’s important when motivating staff. As far as I am concerned, I think we should take three main important factors into consideration, that is, financial incentives, career development chances and an easy-going boss. Firstly, the most important factor should be the financial benefits. They may consist of good salary, bonus and other perks. As we know, instead of working for fun, most people work to live. And also as the saying goes, money can make the mare go, thus money is very important in develop staff’s motivationm. Secondly, career development chances are quite important. In reality, there is nobody who does not want to be promoted. If there are not any good career prospects in a job, staff will probably give up the job. Finally, an easy-going boss is also important. Nobody is willing to work with a difficult boss. In conclusion, financial incentives, career development chances and an easy-going boss are important in motivating staff.
Sample B:
Well, I’d like to talk about the important factors that are beneficial to improve customers’ satisfaction. Firstly, we need a group of outstanding after-sales service team. It is true that it is difficult to meet the demands of every customer, but our duties involve dealing with customers’ complaints and trying all manner of ways to solve their problems. In order to cultivate an efficient group of after-sales service team, we must arrange some staff training courses. Besides, we need to conduct researches on customers about whether they are satisfied with our products and in what aspects they are dissatisfied. On the basis of the result of the researches, we can make improvement. In a word, a excellent after-sales team and more communication with customers  can help improve customer satisfaction.
Sample C:
The objective of my talk is how to prepare for a job interview. I think the preparation mainly consists of studying the job advertisement, finding out information about the company and preparing yourself psychologically. First of all, you should study carefully the job advertisement so that you can match your qualifications, such as knowledge, abilities and skills, with the specifications required for the vacancy. You must make the interviewer believe that you have all the qualifications required, thus you are the right kind of person they are looking for. Secondly, you should know more about the company, for example its profile, requirements, existing problems, structure, campaigns and future plans. Finally, you should also prepare yourself psychologically and this will help you overcome stress. For example, rehearsing the interview with your friends is a good way of relaxation exercise that can put confidence in you.
解析: 暂无解析


【参考范例六】PART 2Describe a person who is living near of you. You should say:  who the person is  how you got to know him/her  when you became the neighbour  and explain why you like to choose this person to talk about.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

正确答案: I’d like to talk about Ms Li who is a close friend of my mother. We have been neighbours for many years. She practically watched me grow up. She is plump and good-looking with short hair and a round face .She has beautiful simple and she is always kind to people around. We often visit her. She is a warm-hearted person and is always ready to help others. She is an English teacher and sometimes I go to her house to ask her for help .I appreciate her because she is always patient to me and she always encourages me to continue studying English. Besides, she is a versatile person and good at dancing. She even organises a community dancing group. I think she’s sweet, kind and awesome lady. That’s why I wanted to talk about her.
