Why did the Civil War break out? How did the war end?

Why did the Civil War break out? How did the war end?
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indeed, he did not take the sterile and dishonest line of pretending that in every war both sides are exactly the same and it makes no difference who wins.



该句的主干是he did not take the... line,介词短语of...做后置定语修饰宾语the line。由于定语太长,应采取拆译法,另起一句。动名词pretending后接有that引导的宾语从句。该从句由两个并列的分句组成:both sides are... and it makes...,后一分句中it为形式主语,从句who wins为真正的主语,汉语中不存在这种语法形式,因此可以直接将从句内容译为主语。




Passage Two

I was only eight years old when the Second World War ended, but I can still remember something about the victory celebrations in the small town where I lived on the day when the war in Europe ended. We had not suffered much from the war there. But both at home and at school I had become accustomed to the phrases "before the war" and "when the war's over". "Before the war", apparently, things had been better, though I was too young to understand why, except that there had been no bombs then, and people had eaten things like ice -cream and bananas, which I had only heard of . When the war was over we would go back to London, but this meant little to me. I did not remember what London was like.

What I remember now about VE (Victory in Europe) Day was the May evening. After dinner I said I wanted to see the bonfire (大火堆) , so when it got dark my father took me to the end of the street. The bonfire was very high, and somehow people had collected some old clothes to dress the un- mistakable figure with the moustache (胡子) they had to put on top of it. Just as we arrived, they set light to it. The flames rose and soon swallowed the "guy". Everyone was cheering and shouting, and an old woman came out of her house with two chairs and threw them on the fire to keep it going.

I stood beside my father until the fire started to go down, not knowing what to say. He said nothing, either. He had fought in the First World War and may have been remembering the end of that. At last he said, "Well, that's it, son. Let's hope that this time it really will be the last one."

40. Where did the author live before the Second World War?

A. In London.

B. In a small town.

C. In Europe.

D. In the countryside.

40.文章第一段的最后两行,作者说战争结束他们就可以回到伦敦了。由此可见,他们在第二次世界大战前是住在伦敦的,而第二次世界大战期间是住在一个小镇。选项 A是正确的。


What did the students find out about McKay?

A. He trained pilots for some time.

B. He lived longer than other pilots.

C. He died in the Second World War.

D. He was downed by the pilot Boelcke.



"The pen is more powerful than the sword (剑)." There have been many writers who used their pens to fight things that were wrong. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe was one of them. She was born in the USA in 1811. One of her books not only made her famous but has been described as one that excited the world, and was helpful in causing a civil war and freezing the slaves. The civil war was the American Civil War of 1861, in which the Northern States fought the Southern States and finally won. This book was named "Uncle Toms Cabin". There was time when every English-speaking man, woman, and child has read this novel that did so much to stop slavery. Not many people read it today, but it is still very interesting. The book has shown us how a warm-hearted writer can arouse (唤起) peoples sympathies (同情). The writer herself had neither been to the Southern States nor been a slave. The Southern Americans were very angry at the novel, which they said did not at all represent (代表) true state of affairs,

1、According to the passage ( ).

A、every English-speaking person had read "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

B、"Uncle Tom's Cabin" was not very interesting

C、those who don''t speak English can not have read "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

D、the book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" did a great deal in the American Civil War

2、How old was Mrs. Stowe when her world famous book was published? ( )

A、About 60 years old.

B、Over 50 years old.

C、In her forties.

D、Around 30 years old.

3、What do you learn about Mrs. Stowe from the passage? ( )

A、She had been living in the north of America before the American Civil War.

B、She herself encouraged the northern Americans to go to war and set the slaves free.

C、She was better as writing as using a sword.

D、She had once been a slave.

4、Why could Mrs. Stowe's book cause a civil war in America? ( )

A、She wrote so well that Americans loved her very much.

B、She disclosed (揭露) the terrible wrongs that had been done to the slaves in the Southern States.

C、The Southern Americans hated the book while the Northern Americans like it.

D、The book had been read by many Americans.

5、What can we learn from the passage? ( )

A、We needn't use weapons (武器) to fight things that are wrong.

B、 writer is more helpful in a war than a soldier.

C、We must understand the importance of literature and art.

D、No war can be won without such a book as "Uncle Tom's Cabin".

正确答案:1D 2C 3A 4B 5C


The real American literature began_____.( )

A.before the Civil War

B.after the Civil War

C.before the War of Independence

D.after the War of Independence



Why did American city residents want to live in the suburbs after World War Ⅱ?

A. Because older American cities were dying.

B. Because they were richer and needed more space.

C. Because cities contained the wont pare of society.

D. Because they could hardly afford a live in the city.



It can be inferred from the passage that by the end of World War Ⅱ , most Americans ______.

A. were very rich

B. lived in poverty

C. did not own automobiles

D. had own automobiles

    41.第二段倒数第二句。到二战结束时,美国人满足了第二个等级,然后第三个等级才出现。第三个等级是对车子和新房子的需求。选项 C是正确的。


But one Civil War site did keep () to me—not one where the armies fought but the one where they stopped fighting: Appomattox.







The Romantic Period, one of the most important periods in the history of American literature, stretches from the end of ______________ to the outbreak of ____________.

A.the 17th century … the American War of Independence

B.the 18th century … the American Civil War

C.the 17th century … the American Civil War

D.the 18th century … the U.S.– Mexican War

正确答案: B


Two years after the ending of the Hundred Years’ War with France, England was thrown into another series of civil wars, ________.

A.the War of the Celts

B.Norman Conquest

C.the War of the Roses

D.Battle of Hastings

