300 Hurdles Now comes the first hurdle. __1__ We all make it over this hurdle with ease. This symbolizes. Those obstacles in life that we struggle to get over, but we always manage to do so. You can look at that hurdle in two ways: "I can’t make it over


300 Hurdles Now comes the first hurdle. __1__ We all make it over this hurdle with ease. This symbolizes. Those obstacles in life that we struggle to get over, but we always manage to do so. You can look at that hurdle in two ways: "I can’t make it over, I’m too tired" or "I am one more hurdle closer to finishing this race". This is an example of taking a negative situation and seeing something positive in it. The next part of the race is every hurdle between the first and last one. __2__ This happens a lot in life too. There may be a situation that arises where you feel as though you can’t make it and all you can think about is giving up. You may fall over that "hurdle" or struggle getting over it, but somehow you find it in yourself to jump over it and move on with the race. Next is that last 100m of the race. You feel as though you just want to say, "No I can't do this." __3__. Now lastly is the last hurdle. This hurdle is the toughest out of all of them. In life we find ourselves falling and falling, and maybe getting too lost in our problems that we fell like have been though enough and there’s no hope. __4__ It's one step close to the end of the race. Once you finish, you look back on it and you realize that you made it not by leaping, but step by step. "Yard by yard, life is very hard. But inch by inch, life can be a cinch."__5__. __2__内应选()

  • A、This hurdle the easiest to get over because you are not worn out from running.
  • B、Again, you must find it in yourself that you can do it, and you must finish the race stronger than when you had started it.
  • C、All it takes is one step at a time, one hurdle at a time.
  • D、That last hurdle symbolizes these situations.
  • E、These hurdles get tougher and tougher and you may feel as though you can’t go on.
  • F、Next is the lining up in our own individual lanes.
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() the stress of examinations is over, we can all relax.

A. While

B. Even though

C. Now that

D. For



Joe: We haven't got together for a long time. How about lunch next week? Nancy: I'm pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two weeks from today? ______. Joe: OK. Wednesday in two weeks.

A.I can reach it on that Wednesday

B.I can make it on that Wednesday

C.I can get it on that Wednesday

D.I can assure it on that Wednesday

解析:make it表示“能够做到,行”,符合对话语境,其他词语义不恰当。


Our dream is the song of our soul. Life without one is reduced to a hollow existence. But life with a dream is filled with meaning and purpose.

Most of us have a dream, or heart's desire. But the trouble is most of us have the on/off switch of our dream set to OFF. Whenever we say, I can’t, we set the switch to OFF. Whenever we believe we can, we set the switch to ON. Simple, isn't it? Just because I believe I can do something doesn't mean there won’t be any problems. But once I believe I can do it, I will seek solutions for every problem I stumble on. And since it is a law of life that we find what we look for, if I look for solutions, I will find them.

Any worthy dream is a dream worthy of accomplishing. Once I realize I can do it, the next step is to make a commitment. As soon as we make a commitment, great power is released. What seemingly were insurmountable hurdles are now reduced to obstacles of laughable insignificance. But we won’t reach this stage until we decide to stop talking and start acting. Unless we commit ourselves, self-doubt will ferment and block our way.

Our dreams don’t have to be grand to be great. An aunt of mine sold gloves in a department store for most of her life. Her dream was to be the friendliest and most helpful salesperson around. Year after year, the same customers would return and deliberately seek her out. She brightened everyone's day and touched the lives of thousands. Was her dream any less significant than that of aprominent person? Of course not. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make a difference to us and those we meet.

No dream is too small; no dream is too big, so hold on to your dream. Langston Hughes tells why, Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.So,what are you waiting for? Follow your dream!

(1)According to the author, dreams ___________.

A、refer to dreams in our sleep

B、refer to dreams in the daytime

C、gives meaning and purpose to our life

D、enables life to be a hollow existence

(2)What are the stages in following a dream?

A、Setting the switch of our dream on, making a commitment, and releasing the power.

B、Setting the switch of our dream on, committing ourselves, and following the dream.

C、Believing we can do it, committing ourselves, and acting.

D、Believing we can do it, acting and making a commitment.

(3)What does the dream of the author's aunt illustrate?

A、To illustrate we should commit ourselves and start acting.

B、To illustrate our dreams don’t have to be grand to be great.

C、To illustrate her dream was to be the friendliest and most helpful salesperson.

D、To illustrate we all have the power to follow a dream.

(4)Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A、Whether the switch of your dream is ON or OFF is left entirely to yourself.

B、If we believe we can do it, there won’t be any problems.

C、We will find what we look for.

D、The author's aunt's dream was not any less significant than that of a prominent person.

(5)The passage mainly tells us that __________.

A、a dream gives meaning and purpose to our life.

B、if dreams die, life will become meaningless.

C、we should follow our dream which will make a difference to us and other people.

D、a worthy dream is a dream worthy of accomplishing.



Can you imagine the difficulty I had ___________ language obstacles I fit studied abroad?.

A.to over come
B.over coming
C.over come
D.over came

考查惯用搭配。have difficulty (in) doing sth意为“做某事有困难”,the diffieuhy I had over coming language obstacles在整个句子中作宾语.I had overcoming language obstacles是省了关系代词that的定语从句,关系代词在句中充当宾语。故选B。.


–– Frank: We haven't got together for a long time. How about lunch next week?

–– Nick: I' m pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two weeks from today?____.

–– Frank: OK Wednesday in two weeks.

A: I can reach it on that Wednesday

B: I can get it on that Wednesday

C: I can assure it on that Wednesday

D: I can make it on that Wednesday



Only by combining our efforts ____ those of other people can we triumph over the difficulties we are now facing.







"There’s so much we can teach you. We’ve improved the lives of savages all over the world." is a line by().

A、Pocahontas' dad

B、Grandma Willow

C、John Smith




If we all work together, I believe we can ____________ our goal.

(A) apply

(B) seek

(C) make

(D) accomplish



In this lecture, I can only give you a purely __________ view of how we can live life to the full and make some suggestions about the future.

A. private

B. personal

C. unique

D. different





Step Back in Time Do you know that we live a lot longer now than the people who were born before us?One hundred years ago the average woman lived to be 45 .But now,she can live until at least 80. One of the main reasons for people living longer is that we know how to look after ourselves better. We know which foods are good for US and what we have to eat to make sure our bodies get all the healthy things they need.We know why we sometimes get ill and what to do to get better a-gain .And we know how important it is to do lots of exercise to keep our hearts beating healthily. But in order that we don't slip back into bad habits,let's have a look at what life was like 100 years ago. Families had between 15 and 20 children,although many babies didn't live long. Children suffered from lots of diseases, especially rickets (佝偻病)and scurvy(坏血病),which are both caused by bad diets.This is because many families were very poor and not able to feed their chil-dren well. Really poor families who lived in crowded cities like London and Manchester often slept standing up,bending over a piece of string,because there was no room for them to lie down. People didn't have fridges until the 1920s.They kept fresh food cold by storing it on window-sills(窗台板),blocks of ice , or even burying it in the garden. Some children had to start work at the age of seven or eight to earn money for their parents. If you had lived 100 years ago, you might well be selling matchsticks(火柴杆)(a job done by many children) or working with your dad by now.

Poor diets can lead to such diseases as rickets and scurvy.
A: Right
C: Not mentioned







