单选题______ that she was going off to sleep, I asked if she’d like that little doll on her bed.A SeeingB To seeC SeeD Seen

______ that she was going off to sleep, I asked if she’d like that little doll on her bed.



To see





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I failed ________ Mr. Smith yesterday


B.to see





“Have you gone to see the doctor?” “No, but______.”

A、I go

B、I’m going to see

C、I go to see

D、I’m going to



Anna is our only daughter. My wife and I have two sons, and Anna is the youngest in the family, but she's twenty-five now. Anna was not well when she was little. It was a very worrying time and she stayed at home a lot. She was seen first by the local doctors, and then she was sent to a specialist in Cardiff where she was diagnosed as diabetic. It was my wife who mainly took care of her then. I am not very good at looking after little children. I suppose I am a bit traditional in that way. But when she grew up a bit, we spent a lot of time together. We loved walking and talking and discussing life. We still love it today. We get on very well. Although she looks like me (tall, dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin), she takes after her mother: she is artistic and musical, and like her mother she's attractive. She loves looking after animals - she has two dogs, three cats and a goat. She lives in a little house in the country. I like animals too. I like riding and hunting, but Anna hates hunting. She thinks it's cruel. We discuss it a lot. She is quiet and a bit shy with strangers. I am more outgoing and I love meeting new people. But she's not boring - actually, she's very funny. She always has lots of stories of her life in the country. She's an art and music teacher in a little village school. She is very good-natured. Anna says we brought her up well, and she's going to bring her children up to be honest and loyal. But I think she was easy to bring up. I don't remember ever telling her off.

1.According to the passage, when Anna was a child, she ().

2. It can be inferred from the passage the author thinks looking after little children is ().

3. What does 'take after' mean in the first sentence of Para. 2?

4. My daughter and I have little in common in terms of ().

5. From the passage, we can see the author's description of his daughter is ().

(1).A、got an illness

B、was very queer

C、didn't look like the author

(2).A、his advantage

B、mainly a woman's responsibility

C、really enjoyable

(3).A、look after

B、be different from

C、look like

(4).A、loving walking and talking


C、loving animals






It was Ann′s first experience of flying..She had always been afraid of heights and so was prepared?to be frightened.Only the fact that she was going to meet her son who she had not seen for?three years had given her the courage to make the flight.
She sat in her seat,her hands gripping its arms,her seat belt already fastened.The air hostess?was talking,telling everyone what to do in case of emergency,showing them where their life-jackets?were.The plane was crowded,and every seat was full.From her window seat,getting out in a hurry?would be impossible,thought Ann.In any case who would want to get out of a plane in mid-air?
The engines began to shake--the noise increased till it was like a great rushing wind.She?looked out to see the runway slip past at astonishing speed.She wanted to cry out--to stop the plane?before it left the ground,but she knew she was trapped in this great roaring machine.I must scream,she told herself,and put her hands over her eyes.
There was a strange feeling as if she were going up in a lift.The noise died down.Carefully she?opened her eyes.Through the window she saw a great carpet of cloud above,so beautiful that she?stared in wonder,hardly turning away from the window till they touched down.

How did Ann feel after she had opened her eyes?《》()

A.Very much pleased.
B.Very much frightened.
C.Greatly attracted.
D.Greatly surprised.



It was Ann′s first experience of flying..She had always been afraid of heights and so was prepared?to be frightened.Only the fact that she was going to meet her son who she had not seen for?three years had given her the courage to make the flight.
She sat in her seat,her hands gripping its arms,her seat belt already fastened.The air hostess?was talking,telling everyone what to do in case of emergency,showing them where their life-jackets?were.The plane was crowded,and every seat was full.From her window seat,getting out in a hurry?would be impossible,thought Ann.In any case who would want to get out of a plane in mid-air?
The engines began to shake--the noise increased till it was like a great rushing wind.She?looked out to see the runway slip past at astonishing speed.She wanted to cry out--to stop the plane?before it left the ground,but she knew she was trapped in this great roaring machine.I must scream,she told herself,and put her hands over her eyes.
There was a strange feeling as if she were going up in a lift.The noise died down.Carefully she?opened her eyes.Through the window she saw a great carpet of cloud above,so beautiful that she?stared in wonder,hardly turning away from the window till they touched down.

How was Ann sitting before the plane took off?《》()

A.With her arms folded.
B.With her seat belt undone.
C.Holding tight to her seat belt.
D.Holding on to part of the seat.



Everything was white and I remembered _____ all kinds of ladies dressed up in funny white things with all their hair covered with some sort of cloth.



C:to see




I asked her if she would allow me to interview her,and she readily agreed.

A: willingly
B: suddenly
C: firmly
D: quickly



根据下列材料请回答 1~20 题:

I close my eyes and can still hear her—the little girl with a 1 . SO strong and powerful we could hear her halfway down the block. She was a(n) 2 peasant who asked for money and 3 gave the。nly thing she had--her V。ice.I paused。utside a small shop and listened She brought to my mind the 4 of Little Orphan Annie.I could not understand the words she 5 , but her voice begged for 6 .It stood out from the noises of Arbat Street,pure and impressive, like the chime of a bell.She sang 7 an old—style. lamp post in the shadow of a building,her anns extended and 8 thrown back. She was small and of unremarkable looks.Her brown hair 9 the bun(发髻)it had been pulled into,and she occasionally reached up to 10 a stray Diece fmm her face.Her clothing I call’t recall.Her voice,on the other hand,is 11 imprinted

in my mind. I asked one of the translators about the gin.Elaina told me that she and hundreds of others like her throughout the 12 soviet union add to their families'income by working on the streets. The children are unable to 13 school,and their parents work fulltime.These children know that the consequence of all 14 day is no food for the table.Similar situations occurred during the De’pression(萧条)in the United States,but those Amefican children were 15 shoeshine boys of me 16 .This girl was real to me.

When we walked past her I gave her money.It was not out of pity 17 rather admiration Her smile of 18 did not interrupt her singing.The girl watched US as we walked down the street.I know this because when I looked back she smiled again. We 19 that smile,and I knew I could never forget her courage and 20 strength.

第 1 题





根据下文的“hear her halfway down the block”及“gave the only thing she had—her voice”可推断出答案为C。


It was Ann′s first experience of flying..She had always been afraid of heights and so was prepared?to be frightened.Only the fact that she was going to meet her son who she had not seen for?three years had given her the courage to make the flight.
She sat in her seat,her hands gripping its arms,her seat belt already fastened.The air hostess?was talking,telling everyone what to do in case of emergency,showing them where their life-jackets?were.The plane was crowded,and every seat was full.From her window seat,getting out in a hurry?would be impossible,thought Ann.In any case who would want to get out of a plane in mid-air?
The engines began to shake--the noise increased till it was like a great rushing wind.She?looked out to see the runway slip past at astonishing speed.She wanted to cry out--to stop the plane?before it left the ground,but she knew she was trapped in this great roaring machine.I must scream,she told herself,and put her hands over her eyes.
There was a strange feeling as if she were going up in a lift.The noise died down.Carefully she?opened her eyes.Through the window she saw a great carpet of cloud above,so beautiful that she?stared in wonder,hardly turning away from the window till they touched down.

Ann thought she would be frightened because__________《》()

A.she had never flown before
B.she had a fear of being in high places
C.she hadn't made proper preparations
D.she was naturally timid



It was Ann′s first experience of flying..She had always been afraid of heights and so was prepared?to be frightened.Only the fact that she was going to meet her son who she had not seen for?three years had given her the courage to make the flight.
She sat in her seat,her hands gripping its arms,her seat belt already fastened.The air hostess?was talking,telling everyone what to do in case of emergency,showing them where their life-jackets?were.The plane was crowded,and every seat was full.From her window seat,getting out in a hurry?would be impossible,thought Ann.In any case who would want to get out of a plane in mid-air?
The engines began to shake--the noise increased till it was like a great rushing wind.She?looked out to see the runway slip past at astonishing speed.She wanted to cry out--to stop the plane?before it left the ground,but she knew she was trapped in this great roaring machine.I must scream,she told herself,and put her hands over her eyes.
There was a strange feeling as if she were going up in a lift.The noise died down.Carefully she?opened her eyes.Through the window she saw a great carpet of cloud above,so beautiful that she?stared in wonder,hardly turning away from the window till they touched down.

Why did Ann want to scream?《》()

A.Because the plane didn't leave the ground.
B.Because she couldn't make the plane stop.
C.Because she couldn't hear the wind.
D.Because she couldn't see the runway.

