共用题干 Teaching Is“One of the Least Popular Jobs in the UK”1. The UK government has just published a report on the future of secondary-school teaching (pupils aged 11-16),and the conclusion of the report is that many secondary schools now face great difficu

Teaching Is“One of the Least Popular Jobs in the UK”
1. The UK government has just published a report on the future of secondary-school teaching (pupils aged 11-16),and the conclusion of the report is that many secondary schools now face great difficulties in finding people who want to be teachers.Since the 1980s,the number of grad-uates who say they would“seriously consider”teaching as a career has fallen sharply,from 64% in 1982 to just 17%today.The report suggests that urgent action needs to be taken in order to encourage more intelligent young graduates into teaching.
2. The main drawback of secondary teaching,according to the report,is the low salary.Earnings in teaching are much lower than in many other jobs,and this means that fewer and fewer young people decide to be teachers.Joanne Manners,24 is a good example:“I graduated in maths last year,and I was thinking of doing a teacher training course to become a maths teacher,but when I looked into the details , it became clear that teaching isn't a very lucrative(赚钱的)job these days .I saw I could earn twice as much if I worked in marketing or advertising,and so I decided not to become a teacher.”
3 .It's not just about the money,however. The survey concluded that another reason why people don't want to be teachers is that some teenagers behave very badly in school. A lot of schools have problems with discipline,and it seems clear that children do not have the same respect for teachers as in the past.Here's the view of Dave Hallam,an accountant from London:“I think parents are to blame .They should have stricter rules with their children at home and also teach their children to have more respect for teachers.”
4.“I love teaching;it's my passion.I've been a secondary-school teacher of Spanish for ten years now,and although it's a very demanding job,it's very satisfying.When I see my students passing their Spanish exams,or singing along to Spanish pop songs,It makes me feel so proud.” Says Brian Jones,who works in a secondary school in London.So what does he think the government should do to encourage more people to become teachers?“My view is that the government should reduce the burden of work on teachers.I find that I always have too much work to do.”
5.The report is clear that the problem of teacher shortage is a very serious one.It says that the government should raise teachers' pay significantly,to catch up with workers in other professions. It also suggests that the government could launch a nationwide publicity campaign,with some advertisements on TV and in the newspapers,to show the positive sides of teaching to young people. Another solution could be set a maximum number of hours per week that teachers can work,in order to reduce stress on teachers.“Hopefully,”the report concludes,“these solutions can improve the poor image of secondary teaching,and increase the number of young people who want to become teachers in the future.”

The government should promote teaching as a career by advertising______.
A: discipline problems
B: Their childhood memories
C: their stress
D: more training
E: because of its low pay
F: Its benefits
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About 90 per cent of the state secondary school population in the UK attend _____.

A.independent schools

B.junior schools

C.independent schools

D.primary schools



A teacher asked the students to repeat a word many times to memorize the pronunciation,meanings and usages.Which conclusion is NOT correct?

A.The teacher is teaching pronunciation.
B.The teacher focuses on accuracy.
C.The teacher is using mechanical practice.
D.The teacher is teaching vocabulary.









The research center has published a report on child ().








One一Room Schools

One-room sohools are part of the heritage of the United States,and the mention of them makeo PeoPle
feel a longing for"the way things were".One-room schools are an endangered species,however.For more
than a hundred years,one-room schools have been systematically shut down and their students sent away to
centralized schools.As recently as 1930 there were 149,000 one-room schools in the United States.By 1970
there werel,800.Today,of the nearly 800 remaining one-room schools,more than 350 are in Nebraska.The
rest are spread through a few other states that have on their road maps wide-open spaces between towns.
Now that there are hardly any left,educators are beginning to think that maybe there 15 something yet to
be leamed from one-room schools,something that served the pioneers that might serve as well today.Progres-
sive educators have come uP with progressive-sounding names like"peer-group teaching"and"multi-age
grouping" for educational procedures that occur naturally in one-room schools.In a one-room school the chil-
dren teach each other because the teacher 15 busy part of the time teaching someone else.A fourth grader can
work at a fifth-grade level in math and a third-grade level in English without the bad name associated with
being left back or the pressures of being skiPped ahead.A youngster with a learning disability can find his or
her own level without being separated from the other pupils.A few hours in a small school that has only one

classroom and it becomes clear why so many parents feel that one of the advantages of living in Nebraska is
that their children have to go to a one-room school.

One-room schools are in danger of disappearing because___________.
A:there has been a trend towards centralization
B:they cannot get top students
C:they exist only in one state
D:children have to teach themselves

短文第一段第一句话提到“一间房”学校已经成为美国遗产的一部分,一提到它就会使 人们有一种渴望回到过去的感觉。这就是说,这种学校对美国人的影响很深,故选C。
短文第一段第三句话提到,“一间房”学校被不断关闭,学生被统一转送到集中化的学 校。故选A。
短文第二段第四句话提到,一个四年级的学生可以做五年级的数学,三年级的英文,他 不会因为被甩到后面而感到丢脸,或是因为被超过而感到有压力。这句话与选项A相符合 (即学习不限制在一个年级的水平上)。
短文第二段最后一句话提到,许多父母认为住在内布拉斯加州的好处之一就是孩子能 够在“一间房”学校读书。也就是说,家长们都不喜欢集中式的学校,故选A。
通读整篇文章可知,作者对“一间房”学校是持赞同态度的。故选A。 第三篇 短文主要写平民科学家对生态学家的帮助。



One一Room Schools

One-room sohools are part of the heritage of the United States,and the mention of them makeo PeoPle
feel a longing for"the way things were".One-room schools are an endangered species,however.For more
than a hundred years,one-room schools have been systematically shut down and their students sent away to
centralized schools.As recently as 1930 there were 149,000 one-room schools in the United States.By 1970
there werel,800.Today,of the nearly 800 remaining one-room schools,more than 350 are in Nebraska.The
rest are spread through a few other states that have on their road maps wide-open spaces between towns.
Now that there are hardly any left,educators are beginning to think that maybe there 15 something yet to
be leamed from one-room schools,something that served the pioneers that might serve as well today.Progres-
sive educators have come uP with progressive-sounding names like"peer-group teaching"and"multi-age
grouping" for educational procedures that occur naturally in one-room schools.In a one-room school the chil-
dren teach each other because the teacher 15 busy part of the time teaching someone else.A fourth grader can
work at a fifth-grade level in math and a third-grade level in English without the bad name associated with
being left back or the pressures of being skiPped ahead.A youngster with a learning disability can find his or
her own level without being separated from the other pupils.A few hours in a small school that has only one

classroom and it becomes clear why so many parents feel that one of the advantages of living in Nebraska is
that their children have to go to a one-room school.

It can he learned from Paragraph 2 that many parents in Nebraska___________.
A:don't like centralized schools
B:come from other states
C:received education in one-room schools
D:prefer rural life

短文第一段第一句话提到“一间房”学校已经成为美国遗产的一部分,一提到它就会使 人们有一种渴望回到过去的感觉。这就是说,这种学校对美国人的影响很深,故选C。
短文第一段第三句话提到,“一间房”学校被不断关闭,学生被统一转送到集中化的学 校。故选A。
短文第二段第四句话提到,一个四年级的学生可以做五年级的数学,三年级的英文,他 不会因为被甩到后面而感到丢脸,或是因为被超过而感到有压力。这句话与选项A相符合 (即学习不限制在一个年级的水平上)。
短文第二段最后一句话提到,许多父母认为住在内布拉斯加州的好处之一就是孩子能 够在“一间房”学校读书。也就是说,家长们都不喜欢集中式的学校,故选A。
通读整篇文章可知,作者对“一间房”学校是持赞同态度的。故选A。 第三篇 短文主要写平民科学家对生态学家的帮助。


We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming(把...按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!
Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.
In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to cooperate, to share, and to develop their leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.
Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work; it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.

The writer's purpose in writing this passage is to

A.argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class
B.recommend pair work and group work for classroom activities
C.offer advice on the proper use of the library
D.emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching

本题的问题是“作者写这篇文章的目的是什么”。文章第一段以“mixed-ability teaching”这一有利于学生发展的教学方法引出提升学生能力的话题;接着第二段提到学生能力的提升不仅仅是智力方面的提高,而是全方面能力的提升;第三段便举出课堂上提升能力的一种教学方法——group work;最后一段作者提出学生学习还可以通过work in pairs,work on individual tasks and assignments等其他方法来学习。通过文章脉络整理得到本题答案为D。


Unpopular Subjects?

Is there a place in today's society for the study of useless subjects in our universities?
Just over 100 years ago Fitzgerald argued in a well-written letter_______(1)Nature
that"Universities must be allowed to study useless subjects一_______(2)they don't,
who will?" He went on to use the_______(3) of Maxwell's electrodynamics(电动力
学)as one case where a"useless subject"has been transformed to a useful subject.
Nowadays this argument is again very much_______(4)in many universities.
Indeed one suspects that it is one of those arguments that must be_______(5)anew
(重新)by each generation. But now there is an added twist(歪曲)一subjects must not
only be useful,they must also be_______(6)enough that students will flock(蜂拥)
to do them,and even flock to pay to do them.
As universities become commercial operations,the pressure to_______(7)
subjects or departments that are less popular will become stronger and stronger. Perhaps
this is most strongly_______(8)at the moment by physics.There has been much
_______(9)in the press of universities that are closing down physics departments
and incorporate them with mathematics or engineering departments.
Many scientists think otherwise.They see physics as a_______(10)science,
which must be kept alive if only to_______(11)a base for other sciences and
engineering.It is of their great personal concern that physics teaching and research is under
_________(12)in many universities.How can it be preserved in the rush towards
commercial competition? A major turnaround(转变)in student popularity may have to
________(13)until the industrial world discovers that it needs physicists and starts
paying them well.
Physics is now not only unpopular;it is also"hard".We can do more about the latter
by_______(14) teaching in our schools and universities. We can also_______
(15)cooperative arrangements to ensure that physicists keep their research and teaching
up to date.




Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed

Judith S. Weis, a biology professor who serves as president of the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) is leading a nationwide effort to "defend" the theory of evolution. Weis leads the effort in the face of what the institute views as opposition and indifference from school boards and government entities.

The Institute believes that the teaching of evolution in America is being diminished by the teaching of creationism as well as by an overall lack of teaching Darwin's theory in high school. "There's nothing that requires schools to teach evolution. Sometimes teachers in high schools just leave it out. However from the point of view of biologists, evolution is the central theory of biology upon which everything is based," said Weis. "Unfortunately, teaching evolution has become a political issue in many parts of the country and AIBS, as a representative of biologists, wanted to be a major force speaking out in favor of its teaching. "

Weis said the institute is working together with the American Geological Institute and the National Association of Biology Teachers and its 80-plus member organizations to address" the political and legislative threats to teaching evolution. In states challenging its teaching, the institute responds by sending letters to school boards and state legislatures, by providing testimony at public meetings and by notifying members and affiliated organizations. AIBS, with more than 80 member societies and 250,000 members, has established an email system enabling scientists and teachers in each state, and member societies, to keep each other informed about threats to the teaching of evolution.

Darwin's theory of evolution holds that living things change and adapt to their environment and that present-day species ( including human beings) are descended from earlier species through modification by natural selection. The theory has been accepted by scientists for nearly 100 years, Weis said, and has been refined, extended and strengthened over the years by findings in paleontology and developmental biology. Discoveries in genetics, molecular biology and genomics—all of which provide significant benefits for human health—would not be possible without the underlying knowledge of evolution. And, Weis adds, "modem molecular biology and genomics have increased our understanding of how evolution works." Nonetheless, evolution remains a politically, if not scientifically, controversial issue.

Weis said that this year alone, seven states have had either local or statewide efforts to water down the teaching of evolution, or "balance" it with the teaching of creationism—a religious belief that different species were created separately by a higher power, such as God. "Rarely does anyone now use the word ' creationism, ' because that's too obvious," Weis said. "The current terminology is ' intelligent design. ' "

According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements about the theory or evolution is true?

A.Government entities support AIBS's effort to defend the theory of evolution.

B.School boards oppose AIBS's effort to defend the theory of evolution.

C.AIBS and school boards advocate the teaching of the theory of evolution.

D.The theory of evolution and that of creationism co-exist peacefully in schools.




One一Room Schools

One-room sohools are part of the heritage of the United States,and the mention of them makeo PeoPle
feel a longing for"the way things were".One-room schools are an endangered species,however.For more
than a hundred years,one-room schools have been systematically shut down and their students sent away to
centralized schools.As recently as 1930 there were 149,000 one-room schools in the United States.By 1970
there werel,800.Today,of the nearly 800 remaining one-room schools,more than 350 are in Nebraska.The
rest are spread through a few other states that have on their road maps wide-open spaces between towns.
Now that there are hardly any left,educators are beginning to think that maybe there 15 something yet to
be leamed from one-room schools,something that served the pioneers that might serve as well today.Progres-
sive educators have come uP with progressive-sounding names like"peer-group teaching"and"multi-age
grouping" for educational procedures that occur naturally in one-room schools.In a one-room school the chil-
dren teach each other because the teacher 15 busy part of the time teaching someone else.A fourth grader can
work at a fifth-grade level in math and a third-grade level in English without the bad name associated with
being left back or the pressures of being skiPped ahead.A youngster with a learning disability can find his or
her own level without being separated from the other pupils.A few hours in a small school that has only one

classroom and it becomes clear why so many parents feel that one of the advantages of living in Nebraska is
that their children have to go to a one-room school.

We learn from the first paragraph that one-room schools___________.
A:are the best in Nebraska
B:are becoming more and more centralized
C:have had a strong influence on American people
D:need to be shut down

短文第一段第一句话提到“一间房”学校已经成为美国遗产的一部分,一提到它就会使 人们有一种渴望回到过去的感觉。这就是说,这种学校对美国人的影响很深,故选C。
短文第一段第三句话提到,“一间房”学校被不断关闭,学生被统一转送到集中化的学 校。故选A。
短文第二段第四句话提到,一个四年级的学生可以做五年级的数学,三年级的英文,他 不会因为被甩到后面而感到丢脸,或是因为被超过而感到有压力。这句话与选项A相符合 (即学习不限制在一个年级的水平上)。
短文第二段最后一句话提到,许多父母认为住在内布拉斯加州的好处之一就是孩子能 够在“一间房”学校读书。也就是说,家长们都不喜欢集中式的学校,故选A。
通读整篇文章可知,作者对“一间房”学校是持赞同态度的。故选A。 第三篇 短文主要写平民科学家对生态学家的帮助。



One一Room Schools

One-room sohools are part of the heritage of the United States,and the mention of them makeo PeoPle
feel a longing for"the way things were".One-room schools are an endangered species,however.For more
than a hundred years,one-room schools have been systematically shut down and their students sent away to
centralized schools.As recently as 1930 there were 149,000 one-room schools in the United States.By 1970
there werel,800.Today,of the nearly 800 remaining one-room schools,more than 350 are in Nebraska.The
rest are spread through a few other states that have on their road maps wide-open spaces between towns.
Now that there are hardly any left,educators are beginning to think that maybe there 15 something yet to
be leamed from one-room schools,something that served the pioneers that might serve as well today.Progres-
sive educators have come uP with progressive-sounding names like"peer-group teaching"and"multi-age
grouping" for educational procedures that occur naturally in one-room schools.In a one-room school the chil-
dren teach each other because the teacher 15 busy part of the time teaching someone else.A fourth grader can
work at a fifth-grade level in math and a third-grade level in English without the bad name associated with
being left back or the pressures of being skiPped ahead.A youngster with a learning disability can find his or
her own level without being separated from the other pupils.A few hours in a small school that has only one

classroom and it becomes clear why so many parents feel that one of the advantages of living in Nebraska is
that their children have to go to a one-room school.

A major characteristic of the one-room school system is that___________.
A:learning is not limited to one grade level
B:pupils mostly study math and English
C:some children have to be left back
D:teachers are always busy

短文第一段第一句话提到“一间房”学校已经成为美国遗产的一部分,一提到它就会使 人们有一种渴望回到过去的感觉。这就是说,这种学校对美国人的影响很深,故选C。
短文第一段第三句话提到,“一间房”学校被不断关闭,学生被统一转送到集中化的学 校。故选A。
短文第二段第四句话提到,一个四年级的学生可以做五年级的数学,三年级的英文,他 不会因为被甩到后面而感到丢脸,或是因为被超过而感到有压力。这句话与选项A相符合 (即学习不限制在一个年级的水平上)。
短文第二段最后一句话提到,许多父母认为住在内布拉斯加州的好处之一就是孩子能 够在“一间房”学校读书。也就是说,家长们都不喜欢集中式的学校,故选A。
通读整篇文章可知,作者对“一间房”学校是持赞同态度的。故选A。 第三篇 短文主要写平民科学家对生态学家的帮助。
