资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business. But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.

资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business. But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.
Another different approach to doing business is that in a buying decision: Westerners tend to look for clear alternatives, while Easterners may examine ways to combine both options. For example, a Chinese panel may feel that a supplier who combines claims of best quality with a low price may either raise the price during the contract or fail to implement the contract. They will therefore often prefer to choose a supplier whose price is neither the cheapest nor the most expensive. In addition, a Chinese panel may avoid awarding each supplier more than one contract , in order to minimize dependence on a single supplier. Such an approach may make a Westerner think that a Chinese negotiator is being illogical, evasive or devious, when he himself believes he is being quite straightforward.
What's more, both Chinese and foreign companies will often attribute their business success to having good guanxi. The objective of developing close relationships is to build what the Chinese call guanxi (pronounced gwan shee), which are essentially social or business connections based on mutual interest and benefit in a centralized and bureaucratic state, reliance on personal contacts is often seen as the only way to get thing done. And in a place like China where the legal system is still relatively weak, the need to rely on guanxi remains strong.
Both Chinese and foreign companies will often attribute their business success to having good guanxi. But the obligations of guanxi are very real. In the wrong place, at an inappropriate time, with unsuitable people, the obligations can become a trap which is hard to escape.

The word "deadline-driven" in paragraph 1 is closed in meaning to:

A.arrange schedule according to the deadline
B.drive according to the deadline
C.afraid of the deadline
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Business people around the world are working at the same pace.()




The present pace of change, _________is unlikely to slow, requires that business should maintain a close dialogue with education if the latter is to serve it well.

A. what
B. who
C. that
D. which

考查定语从句。句意为“飞速的变化节奏要求如果想要教育服务好商业,商业就应该和教育保持密切对话”。空格处引导的是非限定性定语从句,引导词应该用which,故D 为正确答案。


What can we infer about the newspaper editors?

A. They often accept readers' suggestions

B. They care a lot about each other's health.

C. They stop doing business with advertisers.

D. They face great difficulties in their business.



China is an emerging economic giant with almost endless potential for business opportunities. Guan xi-meaning “connections” or “relationship”-is a Chinese way of doing business and is practically considered an art form there. It involves exchanging “favors” when you need something done. Many Chinese business people see it as a way to solidify relationships, get things done, and cultivate well-being.
To Westerners, however, it often looks more like graft in the form of bribery, nepotism, gift giving, and kickbacks. Transparency international, a German-based corruption watchdog, ranks China along with India, Russia, Turkey, Malaysia, and South Africa as the countries with the most rampant corruption.
However, China is cracking down by enacting stricter anticorruption laws and prosecuting violators. In 2007, China’s former director of the State Food and Drug Administration was executed for taking bribes.

What’s the tone of the passage?( )


第2自然段Transparency international, a German-based corruption watchdog, ranks China along with India, Russia, Turkey, Malaysia, and South Africa as the countries with the most rampant corruption.透明国际——一个源自德国的腐败监督机构将中国与印度、俄罗斯、土耳其、马来西亚以及南非等国一同列为全世界腐败现象最猖獗的国家。
第3自然段However China is cracking down by enacting stricter anti-corruption laws and prosecuting violators.然而,中国正在通过颁布更严格的反腐法律及严惩违法者来打击腐败。
【解析】本题问的是“本篇文章的基调是什么?”选项A意为“积极”;选项B意为“讽刺”;选项C意为“怀疑”;选项D意为“客观”。 主题句一否定,主题句二肯定,因此整体较为客观,故选D。


资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business. But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.
Another different approach to doing business is that in a buying decision: Westerners tend to look for clear alternatives, while Easterners may examine ways to combine both options. For example, a Chinese panel may feel that a supplier who combines claims of best quality with a low price may either raise the price during the contract or fail to implement the contract. They will therefore often prefer to choose a supplier whose price is neither the cheapest nor the most expensive. In addition, a Chinese panel may avoid awarding each supplier more than one contract , in order to minimize dependence on a single supplier. Such an approach may make a Westerner think that a Chinese negotiator is being illogical, evasive or devious, when he himself believes he is being quite straightforward.
What's more, both Chinese and foreign companies will often attribute their business success to having good guanxi. The objective of developing close relationships is to build what the Chinese call guanxi (pronounced gwan shee), which are essentially social or business connections based on mutual interest and benefit in a centralized and bureaucratic state, reliance on personal contacts is often seen as the only way to get thing done. And in a place like China where the legal system is still relatively weak, the need to rely on guanxi remains strong.
Both Chinese and foreign companies will often attribute their business success to having good guanxi. But the obligations of guanxi are very real. In the wrong place, at an inappropriate time, with unsuitable people, the obligations can become a trap which is hard to escape.

What can be inferred from paragraph 2 ?

A.Westerners may establish long-term cooperation with one supplier.
B.Chinese panel tends to looking for clear alternatives.
C.Chinese negotiator is illogical.
D.Westerners are straightforward in Chinese businessmen's eyes.

【关键词】inferred; paragraph 2
【主题句】第2自然段 Another different approach to doing business is that in a buying decision Westerners tend to look for clear alternatives, while Easterners may examine ways to combine both options. Such an approach may make a Westerner think that a Chinese negotiator is being illogical, evasive or devious, when he himself believes he is being quite straightforward.另一个做生意的不同方式是在做购买决策时,西方人倾向于寻找明确的替代方案,而东方人将两个选择结合起来进行调查。这样的方式也许会让西方人觉得中国的谈判者不合逻辑、闪烁其词或绕来绕去,当他自己认为自己很直率的时候。
【解析】本题的问题是“从第2自然段可以推断出什么?”。根据主题句可知,B选项错误,应该是Westerners tend to look for clear alternatives;C选项错误,这只是西方人眼中的中国人;D选项错误,应该是西方人自己认为自己直率,故A选项正确。


The pace of modern society get increasingly fast, but it get even faster when mobile phone comes into play.()



Ms. Arroya says that when workshop__________begins to slow down, it may be time to hiremore workers.

A. product
B. producer
C. produce
D. productivity

在when引导的状语从句中,主语要表示“工厂生产力”时,才能和动词slow down搭配使用,因此D为正确答案。


You're driving _____, slow down!

A.too fast

B. very slow

C.not fast



资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business. But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.
Another different approach to doing business is that in a buying decision Westerners tend to look for clear alternatives, while Easterners may examine ways to combine both option. For example, a Chinese panel may feel that a supplier who claims of best quality with a low price may either raise the price during the contract or fail to implement the contract. They will therefore often prefer to choose a supplier whose price is neither the cheapest nor the most expensive. In addition, a Chinese panel may avoid awarding each supplier more than one contract, in order to minimise dependence on a single supplier. Such an approach may make a Westerner think that a Chinese negotiator is being illogical, evasive or devious, when he believes he is being quite straightforward.
What's more, both Chinese and foreign companies will often attribute their business success to having good guanxi. The objective of developing close relationships is to build what the Chinese call guanxi (pronounced gwan shee). which are essentially social or business connections based on mutual interest and benefit. In a centralised and bureaucratic state, reliance on personal contacts is often seen as the only way to get things done. And in a place like China where the legal system is still relatively weak, the need to rely on guanxi remains strong.
Both China and foreign companies will often attribute their business success to having good guanxi. But the obligations of guanxi are very real. In the wrong place, at an inappropriate time, with unsuitable people, the obligations can become a trap it is hard to escape.

What is the author’s attitude towards “Guanxi”?

B.Slightly critical.
C.Fully supportive.

【关键词】author’s attitude; towards “guanxi”
【主题句】第3自然段 The objective of developing close relationships is to build what the Chinese call guanxi (pronounced gwan shee), which are essentially social or business connections based on mutual interest and benefit. In a centralized and bureaucratic state, reliance on personal contacts is often seen as the only way to get thing done. And in a place like China where the legal system is still relatively weak, the need to rely on guanxi remains strong. 发展亲密关系的目的是建立中国人所谓的“关系”,即一种基于互惠互利的社会或商业联系。在一个中央集权和官僚主义的国家,依赖个人联系通常被认为是完成事情的唯一途径。而在像中国这样法律体系相对薄弱的国家,对依靠关系的需求仍然强劲。
第4自然段Both China and foreign companies will often attribute their business success to having good guanxi. But the obligations of guanxi are very real. In the wrong place, at an inappropriate time, with unsuitable people, the obligations can become a trap it is hard to escape. “中国公司和外国公司往往都将商业上的成功归功于拥有良好的关系。但关系的代价是非常真实的。在错误的地方,在不合适的时间,不合适的人,代价可能成为一个难以逃脱的陷阱。”
【解析】题目意为“作者对于‘关系’的态度是怎样的?” 选项A意为“中立的”;选项B意为“略带批判的”;选项C意为“完全支持的”;选项D意为“矛盾的”。根据主题句可知,作者对于“关系”进行了轻微的批判,故选项B正确。


China is an emerging economic giant with almost endless potential for business opportunities. Guan xi-meaning “connections” or “relationship”-is a Chinese way of doing business and is practically considered an art form there. It involves exchanging “favors” when you need something done. Many Chinese business people see it as a way to solidify relationships, get things done, and cultivate well-being.
To Westerners, however, it often looks more like graft in the form of bribery, nepotism, gift giving, and kickbacks. Transparency international, a German-based corruption watchdog, ranks China along with India, Russia, Turkey, Malaysia, and South Africa as the countries with the most rampant corruption.
However, China is cracking down by enacting stricter anticorruption laws and prosecuting violators. In 2007, China’s former director of the State Food and Drug Administration was executed for taking bribes.

According to the passage, what is TRUE about Guan xi in the Chinese culture?( )

A.It requires you to exchange favors to get things done.
B.It is the art form of bribery in the business.
C.It involves money and power.
D.It means connections or relationship among family members.

【关键词】Guan Xi; Chinese
Guan xi-meaning “connections” or “relationship”-is a Chinese way of doing business and is practically considered an art form there. It involves Exchanging “favors” when you need something done. Guan Xi的意思是“关联”或者“关系”,是中国人做生意的一种充满艺术的方式。指的是当你需要办一件事的时候,要交换“诚意”。
