Rowling first came up with the idea about Harry Potter__________.

Rowling first came up with the idea about Harry Potter__________. the age of 6
B.on a train journey
C.after her mother's death her secondary school
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A. kept up with

B. caught up with

C. came up with

D. put up with



The first thing George did at the training school was ______.

A. to take an experienced pilot in a plane

B. to be taken up into the air in a plane by an officer

C. to fly a commercial plane

D. to talk about his ideas


    45.答案为B  此考题为细节题。根据文章第2段第1句,Therethe first thing that new students had to do was to be taken up in a plane by an experienced pilot,我们知道,由于George也是学员之一,故他所做的第一件事和其他学员所做的第一件事应该是一样的,故选B


When I was turning out my cupboard, I _________this photograph of Uncle Harry.

A.came over

B.came round

C.came to

D.came across



He is always the first man____.

A: come

B: to come

C: coming

D: came



It was Mike Corbett _______ first brought up the idea of Mark Wellman’s climbing again.







Harry: I hate history.

Susan: I don't. (57) I'm reading about the Romans.



You will be informed about any subtle changes ________ .

A at the first opportunity

B for the first opportunity

C in the first opportunity

D on the first opportunity



As the newcomer did not follow the instructions properly, he __________failure.

A. ended up in

B. came up with

C. stood up to

D. looked up to

end up in以……而告终;come up、vith想出;stand up to承受;look up to尊重。题干意思:因为新手未能遵守这些指令,他不得已以失败而告终。


–– James: Hi, Harry. ____

–– Harry: Hi, James. I just bought a new camping tent. I can ’t wait to use it.

A: What’s up?

B: What’s on?

C: What’s wrong?

D: What’s right?



you've probably read the books.You've probably seen the movies.But have you heard the music?The latest Harry Potter news is that bands have been forming to play what is called "wizard rock" or sometimes just "wrock."

The new kind of music began when Joe DeGeorge and his brother Paul decided that the characters from Harry Potter would make a great band.Ron on guitar,Hermione on bass,Hagrid on drums and Harry singing up front would make for an excellent group.In one day,the brothers wrote,practised and performed six songs about life at Hogwarts.After the first performance,Paul decided that "we're Harry and the Potters."

Wizard rock is pretty much what it sounds like:rock 'n' roll inspired by and set in the world of Harry Potter.The DeGeorges started a trend.Today,there are dozens of wizard-rock bands:the Whomping Willows,the Remus Lupins and the Moaning Myrtles to name a few.Rockers dress like Hogwarts students and play at conventions and festivals.

People who like Harry Potter think wizard rock music is totally awesome.The songs can be funny,but the music is not a joke.It's serious.Just ask the DeGeorge brothers.They've played more than 500 shows in 49 states.They dress in Hogwarts house colors,and their hit songs are inspired by characters from the books:"Save Ginny Weasley" and "Voldemort Can't Stop the Rock!" The themes of their music are the same as the themes of Rowling's books:love and friendship,upset and struggle.

Wizard rock is just one more spin-off in the Harry Potter craze.Two years after J.K.Rowling published her last book in the series,Potter popularity continues to grow.There are Potter conventions and Potter clubs that try to get kids and grown-ups to help fight hunger,for example.And the fact that they may do it while humming "Wizard Chess" or "Platform. 9" makes those meetings fun.

1、Which of the following is a band’s name?


B、The Whomping Willows

C、Harry Potter

D、Save Ginny Weasley

2、Which of the following is wizard rock’s characteristic?

A、A funny and joking

B、joking and serious

C、funny and serious

D、serious and dull

3、Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A、The DeGeorge has been popular in the USA.

B、People think highly of wizard rock.

C、The wizard rock's themes are related to struggle.

D、Wizard rock is only popular among teenagers.

4、From the last paragraph,we can learn that().

A、Harry Potter has had great effect on American's music

B、Wizard rock has created another hit about Harry Potter

C、Harry Potter continues to be liked by its fans

D、J.K.Rowling will continue to write something about Harry Potter

