Text l With polished stone floors and a plate-glass roof,a shining multi-storey shopping mall has just opened beside a motorway north of Paris.Named Qwartz,and costing 300m,it houses 165 shops and wh

Text l With polished stone floors and a plate-glass roof,a shining multi-storey shopping mall has just opened beside a motorway north of Paris.Named Qwartz,and costing 300m,it houses 165 shops and what developers call"eating concepts".Two other American-style shopping malls opened in the greater Paris region last year,and a third,So Ouest,in 2012.A country that prides iiself on fashion designer boutiques and aflisanal shops seernq to be turning into one of mall rats.Partly ihis is just catching up.Until recently,strict planning rules stopped big out of-town shopping centres around the French capilal.Most malls that existed,such as V61izy 2 or Rosny 2,dated from the 1970s,when rive new towns were built in the Paris suburbs.But a new relaxed attitude has now let more modem projects go ahead.It also points to two features of French society that escape the gaze of historic Paris.One is most shoppers'suburban way of life.Only 2.2m people live in the capital itself.Yet the greater Paris region,excluding the city,counts over four times more inhabitanLs,many in small towns and car dependent suburbs.The new malls,ringed by car parks,are handy,even aUuring.Fully 62%of the French told one poll that malls were cheir favourite places to shop,ahead of the high street or traditiOPal department stores.The other trend is the global taste of consumers.Besides a huge French hypermarket,Qwartz's big puU is Primark,an Irish cheap-fashion retailer,and Marks&Spencer,a British chain.Jusc down the road,So Ouest boasts Hollister,an American surfwear brand,Starbucks,an American coffee house,and foreign fashion chains such as H&M ancl Zara.In today's temples of consumption,global is a La mode.This is not quite the France favoured by Amaud Montebourg,the industry minister and architect of a"Made in France"campaign.He is now trying to keep Amencan hands off Alstom,the French maker of TCV fast trains.He once posed cheerfully for a magazine,dressed in a striped Breton top and holding a Moulinex food-blender.Yet even French brands are not always home-made,as Benjamin Carle,a reporter,discovered filming a television documeniary about his efforts to live for a year using only products made in France.The result was comic-and sobering.Not only was it impossible to find some items,including a fridge and coffee.Mr Carle initially had to empty his flat of anyLhing that did not meet the test of 50%of its value being made in France.Out went the bicycle,computer,guitar,most of the furnilure,beer.clothes,toothbrush and more.The share of his stuff that qualified as French-made?Just 4.5%.
According to the text,Arnaud Montebourg is_____

A.a supporter of American brands
B.an advocate of French products
C.an architect of TGV fast trains
D.an opponent of Frew,h brands
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A new shopping center on the north side will have ().

A.five hundred more than shops

B.as more than five hundred shops

C.five hundred shops more than

D.more than five hundred shops



They are tearing () these old houses to put up a new shopping center.







In reply, we have the pleasure of informing you that an L/C has been opened amounting( ) $1, 000.







While shopping, the customer pushes his card into a slot beside _____ items are wanted and pushes a button or two.







On Sundays she usually does some ___ in ___.

A、shopping/ big shop

B、shopping/big shoppings

C、shoppings/big shops

D、shopping/big shops



Public interest centers on the __ of next week’s election, so it seems no one cares about the opening of this 20-storey shopping mall.







Sometimes I surf online shops to check some related information, and then go to a physical store to do the ______ shopping.

A virtual ;

B simulated

C actual




A.A sports product launch in the shopping mall will be attended by an American athlete

B.An American athlete will attend a sports game in the downtown stadium.

C.An American athlete will join a sports club in the sports product launch

D.In the shopping mall an American athlete will appear and sign his name on items of the sports product launch



Being happy that I had got a pay raise, I spent much money in a big shopping mall. (翻译)




Shopping at Second-Hand Clothing Stores

When 33-year-old Pete Barth was in college,shopping at second-hand clothing stores was just something
he did一“like changing the tires on his car."He looked at his budget and decided he could save a lot of
money by shopping for clothes at
thrift shops.
" Even new clothes are fairly disposable(可丢掉的)and worn out after a couple of years , " Barth said.
"In thrift shops,you can find some great stuff whose quality is better than new clothes."
Since then,Barth,who works at a Goodwill thrift shop in the US state of Florida,has found that there are
all kinds of reasons for shopping for second一hand clothing.Some people,like him,shop to save money.Some
shop for a crazy-looking shirt. And some shop as a means of conserving energy and helping the environment.
Pat Akins , an accountant at a Florida Salvation Army (SA)(救世军)thrift shop, said that, for her,
shopping at thrift shops is a way to help the environment.
"When my daughter was little,we looked at it as recycling,"Akins said."Also,why pay 30 dollars for
a new coat when you can get another one for a lot less?"
Akins said that the SA has shops all over the US一“some as big as department stores".All of the
clothes are donated(捐赠),and when they have a surplus(盈余),they' ll have "stuff-a-bag" specials,
where customers can fill a grocery sack with clothes for only 5 or 10 dollars.
Julia Slocum,22,points out,however,that the huge amount of second-hand clothing in the US is the
result of American wastefulness.
"I'd say that second-hand stores are the result of our wasteful,materialistic culture,"said Slocum,who
works for a pro-conservation organization,the Center for a New American Dream."Thrift shops prevent the
waste from going to landfills(垃圾填埋场);they give clothing a second life , provide cheaper clothing for
those who can' t afford new ones and generate(生成)income for charities. They also provide a way for the
wealthy and middle classes to shed(摆脱)some of the guilt for their level of consumption."

The word"thrift"in Paragraph 1 could be best replaced by__________.
B:one dollar
C:first class
D:two dollars

由文章第三、四两段的内容可知,Pete Barth在“善心”旧货店(thrift shop)工作,而Pat Akins才是“救世军”旧货店的一名会计,故选C。
由文章第一段第二句“He looked at his budget and decided he could save a lot of money by shopping for clothes at thrift shops”可知,Pete Barth上大学时发现在二手服装店购买衣服可以给 他省下很多的钱,因此他才去旧货店买衣服,由此可知,他这样做的目的是省钱,故选A。
由文章第四段可知,Pat Akins是“救世军”旧货店的一名会计,故选B。
由文章最后一段的倒数一、二句内容可知,旧货店低价处理衣物可以避免那些衣服被 当作垃圾扔到垃圾填埋场;能让衣服重新被使用;给没钱买新衣服的人提供了选择;给慈善机 构带来了收益;除此之外,还能帮助富裕的中产阶级摆脱奢侈浪费的内疚感。但这并不是说, 这种方式能够阻止有钱人浪费,故选D。
one dollar shop的意思是“廉价商店”;thrift的意思为“节约,节俭”,在第一段中,thrift shops也是指“廉价商店”,故thrift可以用one dollar替换。 第三篇 本篇文章主要通过两个研究说明了熬夜并不能带来好的学习成绩,并对此进行了分析。
