共用题干 第二篇Women,Keep Dieting!To most women who are trying to keep slim,dieting can seem to last a lifetime,or to be more exact,31 years,for researchers have found that is how long the average woman spends on a diet over the course of her life.A university d


Women,Keep Dieting!

To most women who are trying to keep slim,dieting can seem to last a lifetime,or to be more exact,31 years,for researchers have found that is how long the average woman spends on a diet over the course of her life.
A university did a research on diet of British people for as long as 10 years,whose result revealed such a picture.British women spend averagely six months a year counting the calories and more than one fifth are on a permanent diet throughout their lifetime in a seemingly never-ending pursuing the perfect figure.
However,they aren't the only ones waging a constant fight against the loose fat. The average adult male spends 28 years losing weight,the poll has discovered.It found that over a tenth of the UK population is currently dieting in a bid to shed the pounds after feasting on festive treats over the Christmas period.Though holding the best intentions,three quarters of those who began their New Year with the firm resolution to lose weight give up by the end of the week.The average diet lasts 5.5 weeks,with the post-Christmas fast being even shorter at just three weeks.Half of slimmers throw in the towel due to lack of determination,while a quarter of interviewee answered that they give up because the strict diet regime makes them moody or depressed.The most determined dieters of all are aged from 45 to 64,almost a quarter spending up to a year slimming. In comparison,those aged between 18 and 24 are more likely to be yo-yo dieters,with a fifth giving up within a month.
The survey of 1,446 of men and women found that nearly two thirds of the UK population are unhappy with their body and feel that being thinner would make them happier.
For women,looks are more important,with over half reporting that they diet to wear fashionable clothes and a third of those surveyed said they watched their weight in a bid to feel more attractive. But in comparison,men are more focused on their long-term well-being,with over a third saying they wanted to lose weight to be more healthy.

What does"throw in the towel"mean in Lines 6~7,Paragraph 3?
A:"admit the failure"
B:"start to have a business"
C:"go on diet"
D:"keep a balanced life"
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Many Women Who Beat Cancer Don't Change Habits
Many women who battle breast cancer will tell you it's a life-changing experience. However,a new study shows that for many___1___ ,the changes aren't always positive or permanent.
Beth Snoke has watched her mother and both grandmothers battle and survive breast ___2___.So when she was diagnosed,there was no doubt in her mind ___3___ she had to do.
“I do exactly what the doctors say as far as the medicine that I'm on,as ___4___ as the vitamins,the diet,and the fitness. And I can't stress enough___5___ important that is,”says
Beth Snoke. But a surprising new study shows that___ 6___ every woman who beats breast cancer is getting that message. In fact,nearly 40% of them say even___7___ surviving breast cancer,they haven't made significant changes in the 8 they eat or how much they exer- cise.
“Not all survivors are taking advantage of this teachable moment and making positive health changes in___9___life,”says Electra Paskett,PhD,at Ohio State University's Cornprehensive Cancer Center. Paskett says diet and exercise have been proven to not only help women feel better during and after treatment,they may___10___play a role in preventing some cancers from coming back.___ 11___ growing evidence,some women just aren't listening.
“Colon cancer survivors ___12___ exercise have actually been shown to have improved survival rates.So,yes,it is true that perhaps by making some of these healthy choices we can actually increase their health,”says Paskett.
As a breast cancer survivor ___13___ ,Paskett knows first hand how much difference diet and exercise can___14___.The challenge,she says,is to get more survivors to be more like Beth,during and after treatment.
Experts-say exercising more and eating a healthier diet can also cut___15___on stress and help women overcome depression. There are more than 2 million breast cancer survivors liv-ing in the U. S. of those,nearly a million have yet to change their diet or exercise routines.

A: their
B: his
C: her
D: our

之前已经两次出现breast cancer。所以答案为C。
as far as表示程度、范围,前面刚刚出现过。所以答案为A。
表示“多么重要”应用how important。所以答案为D。
根据上下文,本句意为:然而,一项令人吃惊的新研究显示,并非每一位战胜 乳腺癌的妇女都知晓这一点。所以答案为A。
从上下文可以判断,空格处应选after,表示“即使在得了乳腺癌而幸存下来 之后”。所以答案为B。
表示“她们的饮食方式”应用the way they eat。所以答案为C。
前面出现了not only,因此这里应用also。所以答案为D。
根据上下文,本句意为:尽管有越来越多的证据,但有些妇女就是听不进 去。在意思上,despite和regardless均可,但despite是介词,符合;regardless是形容词,后必须加of才符合。所以答案为A。
make difference是固定搭配,表示“起作用;有影响”。所以答案为B。
cut down on是固定搭配,表示“减少”。所以答案为D。


Women with AIDS

For a long time women with HIV were ignored because the focus was totally on HIV men.The gay community was very much in sight and vocal and successfully got support for its cause.Now we are rapidly approaching the point where about one haff of all AIDS cases in the. world are women. But no one is taking this dangerously high level of infection among women seriously enough.
Women usually have a worse time dealing with HIV than men do.In most cases,the woman is taking care of children as well as her sick partner. She may not even have time to take care of herself. The HIV-positive woman ends up shouldering the family as well as her own personal problems. Men,however,are usually the ones who have insurance income and access to doctors.They get care.Women often do not.
The discrimination against HIV-positive women is simply terrible.They are likely to be more inactive than men in the home and workplace because too many people think that women are the cause of the disease.This is not at all true.They get it from a man.They don't just simply have HIV.Of course,there's a social discrimination against all people with HIV.They are scared that other people will know they are HJV-positive and that they will,therefore be discriminated against. For example,it's very difficult for people with HIV to travel.They are not allowed to enter many countries,including the United States,China and Russia.
The biggest difficulty an HIV-positive woman must face is the isolatjon.Once the woman knows she's HIV-positive,she lives in fear that other people will find out.She's so frightened she will go into hiding,into an isolated place by herself. It's not at all uncommon to meet a woman who has been HIV-positive for nearly 10 years and has never told anyone,except her doctor. And the resulting stress is enough to make her sick.But HIV-positive women who get support,who can discuss their trouble and then do something about it一whether that means taking better care of themselves or going to the United Nations to struggle for their rights一are likely to live longer. Active women don't die out of shame in a corner. This happens to too many HIV-positive women.

Women with AIDS are encouraged to tell their trouble to others.
C:Not mentioned

第一段最后一句讲到“no one is taking this dangerously high level of infection among women seriously enough",即没人认真对待女性中危险的高感染率。因此本句的表述是错误的。
文章第三段描述了患艾滋病的女性所受的歧视,但是中间也提到“there's a social discrimination against all people with HIV",所以应该是所有患艾滋病的人都会受到社会歧视。本句陈述是错误的,选择选项B。
最后一段第一句就说:"The biggest difficulty an HIV-positive woman must face is the isolation.”因而本句表述是正确的,选择选项A。
文章最后一段讲到那些得到支持并且能同他人讨论自己的问题,从而采取对策的HIV呈阳性的女人可能会活得更长。对具备这些特质的女人,作者在后文中称呼她们为“active women"。因此该句表述是正确的,选择选项A。


Passage Four

It seems that beauty and women are twins. Observe for yourself. Ads on fashion flood TV screen, radio programs, magazines and the streets. Whether they have realized or not, women are besieged (包围) by a sea of fashion. They are taught to think that without beautiful clothes they will grow old and lose their charm. So who dares to neglect dressing up at the cost of their appearance and youth?

But I do not agree with the opinion that women have to show their beauty through their looks. The richness of their mind proves to be more beautiful and attractive than their looks. A woman who has experienced many troubles and may be called "aunt" or "granny" can still maintain her beauty if she has such excellent qualities as knowledge, ability, a kind heart and concern for others.

In addition, old and young, beautiful and ugly are relative concepts. People who keep a young mind will never feel old. Curious about new things and eager to learn more, they keep up with the tide. Plainly dressed women may have a type of beauty, which is pure and real.

Reading and learning is the best way to keep one youthful. Good books are fertile soil which can feed the flower of one's heart and looks.

46. Why does the author say that beauty and women are twins?

A. Women are born to be beauties.

B. Women like to show off their beauties

C. Women are proud of their beauty

D. Women try to maintain their beauty by dressing up


46.答案为D  根据第一段可排除其他三个选项,女人需要时装让自己保持美丽,与美丽是同时存在的。



Iron Deficiencies

Experts have observed for years that endurance athletes,particularly females,frequently have iron deficiencies.Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.
"We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss,"says Roseanne M.Lyle,associate professor at Purdue.Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise."Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back,"she notes."But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a significant decrease in iron levels."
Iron deficiency is very common among women in general,affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45,respectively.But the ratio is even greater among active women,affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes.This means,Lyle says,that"too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in."
Women of childbearing age are at greatest risk,since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss.Plus,many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat,which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron.And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight,they may not consume enough iron-rich food,and are liable to experience a deficiency.
"The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance of iron," notes another expert."For a woman who already has a poor iron status,any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency,"notes the expert. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms.Some iron is lost in sweat,and,for unknown reasons,intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system.
The best sources of iron,and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body,are meat,chicken,and fish.Good sources of other forms of iron include dates,beans,and some leafy green vegetables.

Who will have a significant decrease in iron levels?
A:All the women.
B:All the inactive women.
C:Women who start to do moderate exercise and follow their normal diet.
D:Women who start to do moderate exercise and consume additional meat or take iron supplements.

文章第一段第一句告诉我们endurance athletes会缺铁,它是指“耐力运动员”。选项A是指“跳高运动员”,选项B是指“举重运动员”,选项C是指“马拉松运动员”,选项D是指“短跑运动员”。因此选项C最合适。


Women with AIDS

For a long time women with HIV were ignored because the focus was totally on HIV men.The gay community was very much in sight and vocal and successfully got support for its cause.Now we are rapidly approaching the point where about one haff of all AIDS cases in the. world are women. But no one is taking this dangerously high level of infection among women seriously enough.
Women usually have a worse time dealing with HIV than men do.In most cases,the woman is taking care of children as well as her sick partner. She may not even have time to take care of herself. The HIV-positive woman ends up shouldering the family as well as her own personal problems. Men,however,are usually the ones who have insurance income and access to doctors.They get care.Women often do not.
The discrimination against HIV-positive women is simply terrible.They are likely to be more inactive than men in the home and workplace because too many people think that women are the cause of the disease.This is not at all true.They get it from a man.They don't just simply have HIV.Of course,there's a social discrimination against all people with HIV.They are scared that other people will know they are HJV-positive and that they will,therefore be discriminated against. For example,it's very difficult for people with HIV to travel.They are not allowed to enter many countries,including the United States,China and Russia.
The biggest difficulty an HIV-positive woman must face is the isolatjon.Once the woman knows she's HIV-positive,she lives in fear that other people will find out.She's so frightened she will go into hiding,into an isolated place by herself. It's not at all uncommon to meet a woman who has been HIV-positive for nearly 10 years and has never told anyone,except her doctor. And the resulting stress is enough to make her sick.But HIV-positive women who get support,who can discuss their trouble and then do something about it一whether that means taking better care of themselves or going to the United Nations to struggle for their rights一are likely to live longer. Active women don't die out of shame in a corner. This happens to too many HIV-positive women.

There are more AIDS cases in the United States,China and Russia.
C:Not mentioned

第一段最后一句讲到“no one is taking this dangerously high level of infection among women seriously enough",即没人认真对待女性中危险的高感染率。因此本句的表述是错误的。
文章第三段描述了患艾滋病的女性所受的歧视,但是中间也提到“there's a social discrimination against all people with HIV",所以应该是所有患艾滋病的人都会受到社会歧视。本句陈述是错误的,选择选项B。
最后一段第一句就说:"The biggest difficulty an HIV-positive woman must face is the isolation.”因而本句表述是正确的,选择选项A。
文章最后一段讲到那些得到支持并且能同他人讨论自己的问题,从而采取对策的HIV呈阳性的女人可能会活得更长。对具备这些特质的女人,作者在后文中称呼她们为“active women"。因此该句表述是正确的,选择选项A。


Many Women Who Beat Cancer Don't Change Habits
Many women who battle breast cancer will tell you it's a life-changing experience. However,a new study shows that for many___1___ ,the changes aren't always positive or permanent.
Beth Snoke has watched her mother and both grandmothers battle and survive breast ___2___.So when she was diagnosed,there was no doubt in her mind ___3___ she had to do.
“I do exactly what the doctors say as far as the medicine that I'm on,as ___4___ as the vitamins,the diet,and the fitness. And I can't stress enough___5___ important that is,”says
Beth Snoke. But a surprising new study shows that___ 6___ every woman who beats breast cancer is getting that message. In fact,nearly 40% of them say even___7___ surviving breast cancer,they haven't made significant changes in the 8 they eat or how much they exer- cise.
“Not all survivors are taking advantage of this teachable moment and making positive health changes in___9___life,”says Electra Paskett,PhD,at Ohio State University's Cornprehensive Cancer Center. Paskett says diet and exercise have been proven to not only help women feel better during and after treatment,they may___10___play a role in preventing some cancers from coming back.___ 11___ growing evidence,some women just aren't listening.
“Colon cancer survivors ___12___ exercise have actually been shown to have improved survival rates.So,yes,it is true that perhaps by making some of these healthy choices we can actually increase their health,”says Paskett.
As a breast cancer survivor ___13___ ,Paskett knows first hand how much difference diet and exercise can___14___.The challenge,she says,is to get more survivors to be more like Beth,during and after treatment.
Experts-say exercising more and eating a healthier diet can also cut___15___on stress and help women overcome depression. There are more than 2 million breast cancer survivors liv-ing in the U. S. of those,nearly a million have yet to change their diet or exercise routines.

A: women
B: people
C: persons
D: men

之前已经两次出现breast cancer。所以答案为C。
as far as表示程度、范围,前面刚刚出现过。所以答案为A。
表示“多么重要”应用how important。所以答案为D。
根据上下文,本句意为:然而,一项令人吃惊的新研究显示,并非每一位战胜 乳腺癌的妇女都知晓这一点。所以答案为A。
从上下文可以判断,空格处应选after,表示“即使在得了乳腺癌而幸存下来 之后”。所以答案为B。
表示“她们的饮食方式”应用the way they eat。所以答案为C。
前面出现了not only,因此这里应用also。所以答案为D。
根据上下文,本句意为:尽管有越来越多的证据,但有些妇女就是听不进 去。在意思上,despite和regardless均可,但despite是介词,符合;regardless是形容词,后必须加of才符合。所以答案为A。
make difference是固定搭配,表示“起作用;有影响”。所以答案为B。
cut down on是固定搭配,表示“减少”。所以答案为D。


Many Women Who Beat Cancer Don't Change Habits
Many women who battle breast cancer will tell you it's a life-changing experience. However,a new study shows that for many___1___ ,the changes aren't always positive or permanent.
Beth Snoke has watched her mother and both grandmothers battle and survive breast ___2___.So when she was diagnosed,there was no doubt in her mind ___3___ she had to do.
“I do exactly what the doctors say as far as the medicine that I'm on,as ___4___ as the vitamins,the diet,and the fitness. And I can't stress enough___5___ important that is,”says
Beth Snoke. But a surprising new study shows that___ 6___ every woman who beats breast cancer is getting that message. In fact,nearly 40% of them say even___7___ surviving breast cancer,they haven't made significant changes in the 8 they eat or how much they exer- cise.
“Not all survivors are taking advantage of this teachable moment and making positive health changes in___9___life,”says Electra Paskett,PhD,at Ohio State University's Cornprehensive Cancer Center. Paskett says diet and exercise have been proven to not only help women feel better during and after treatment,they may___10___play a role in preventing some cancers from coming back.___ 11___ growing evidence,some women just aren't listening.
“Colon cancer survivors ___12___ exercise have actually been shown to have improved survival rates.So,yes,it is true that perhaps by making some of these healthy choices we can actually increase their health,”says Paskett.
As a breast cancer survivor ___13___ ,Paskett knows first hand how much difference diet and exercise can___14___.The challenge,she says,is to get more survivors to be more like Beth,during and after treatment.
Experts-say exercising more and eating a healthier diet can also cut___15___on stress and help women overcome depression. There are more than 2 million breast cancer survivors liv-ing in the U. S. of those,nearly a million have yet to change their diet or exercise routines.

A: what
B: so
C: very
D: how

之前已经两次出现breast cancer。所以答案为C。
as far as表示程度、范围,前面刚刚出现过。所以答案为A。
表示“多么重要”应用how important。所以答案为D。
根据上下文,本句意为:然而,一项令人吃惊的新研究显示,并非每一位战胜 乳腺癌的妇女都知晓这一点。所以答案为A。
从上下文可以判断,空格处应选after,表示“即使在得了乳腺癌而幸存下来 之后”。所以答案为B。
表示“她们的饮食方式”应用the way they eat。所以答案为C。
前面出现了not only,因此这里应用also。所以答案为D。
根据上下文,本句意为:尽管有越来越多的证据,但有些妇女就是听不进 去。在意思上,despite和regardless均可,但despite是介词,符合;regardless是形容词,后必须加of才符合。所以答案为A。
make difference是固定搭配,表示“起作用;有影响”。所以答案为B。
cut down on是固定搭配,表示“减少”。所以答案为D。


Women with AIDS
For a long time women with HIV were ignored because the focus was totally on HIV men.The gay community was very much in sight and vocal and successfully got support for its cause.Now we are rapidly approaching the point where about one half of all AIDS cases in the world are women .But no one is taking this dangerously high level of infection among women seriously enough.
Women usually have a worse time dealing with HIV than men do.In most cases,the woman is taking care of children as well as her sick partner. She may not even have time to take care of her-self. The HIV- positive woman ends up shouldering the family as well as her own personal prob- lems.Men,however,are usually the ones who have insurance income and access to doctors.They get care.Women often do not.
The discrimination against HIV-positive women is simply terrible.They are likely to be more inactive than men in home and workplace because too many people think that women are the cause of the discase .This is not at all true.They get it from a man.They don't just simply have HIV.Of cause,there's a social discrimination against all people with HIV.They are scared that other peo- ple will know they are HIV-positive and that they will,therefore be discriminated against.For ex-ample,it's very difficult for people with HIV to travel.They are not allowed to enter many coun- tries,including the United States,China and Russia.
The biggest difficulty an HIV-positive woman must face is the isolation.Once the woman knows she's HIV-positive,she lives in fear that other people will find out. She's so frightened she will go into hiding,into an isolated place by herself. It's not at all uncommon to meet a woman who has been HIV-positive for nearly 10 years and has never told anyone,except her doctor. And the resulting stress is enough to make her sick.But HIV-positive women who get support,who can discuss their trouble and then do something about it-whether that means taking better care of them-selves or going to the United Nations to struggle for their rights-are likely to live longer. Active women don't die out of shame in a corner. This happens to too many HIV-positive women.

Active women with AIDS tend live longer.
A: Right
B: Wrong
C: Not mentioned


第一段最后一句讲到“no one is taking this dangerously high level of infection among women senousiy enougn”,即没人把女性中危险的高感染率当真。因此本句的表述是错误的。


文章第三段描述了患艾滋病的女性所受的攻视,但是中间也提到“there's a social discrimination against all people with HIV”,所以应该是所有患艾滋病的人都会受到社会攻视。本句陈述是错误的,选项B是正确的。

最后一段第一句就说:" The biggest difficulty an HIV-positive woman must face is the isolation a”因而本句表述是正确的,选项A是正确的。

文章最后一段讲到那些得到支持并且能同他人讨论自己的问题,从而采取对策的 HIV呈阳性的女人可能会活的更长,而对具备这些特质的女人,作者在后文中称呼她们为“active women”。因此该句表述是正确的,选项A是正确的。



Women with AIDS
For a long time women with HIV were ignored because the focus was totally on HIV men.The gay community was very much in sight and vocal and successfully got support for its cause.Now we are rapidly approaching the point where about one half of all AIDS cases in the world are women .But no one is taking this dangerously high level of infection among women seriously enough.
Women usually have a worse time dealing with HIV than men do.In most cases,the woman is taking care of children as well as her sick partner. She may not even have time to take care of her-self. The HIV- positive woman ends up shouldering the family as well as her own personal prob- lems.Men,however,are usually the ones who have insurance income and access to doctors.They get care.Women often do not.
The discrimination against HIV-positive women is simply terrible.They are likely to be more inactive than men in home and workplace because too many people think that women are the cause of the discase .This is not at all true.They get it from a man.They don't just simply have HIV.Of cause,there's a social discrimination against all people with HIV.They are scared that other peo- ple will know they are HIV-positive and that they will,therefore be discriminated against.For ex-ample,it's very difficult for people with HIV to travel.They are not allowed to enter many coun- tries,including the United States,China and Russia.
The biggest difficulty an HIV-positive woman must face is the isolation.Once the woman knows she's HIV-positive,she lives in fear that other people will find out. She's so frightened she will go into hiding,into an isolated place by herself. It's not at all uncommon to meet a woman who has been HIV-positive for nearly 10 years and has never told anyone,except her doctor. And the resulting stress is enough to make her sick.But HIV-positive women who get support,who can discuss their trouble and then do something about it-whether that means taking better care of them-selves or going to the United Nations to struggle for their rights-are likely to live longer. Active women don't die out of shame in a corner. This happens to too many HIV-positive women.

There are more AIDS cases in the United States,China and Russia.
A: Right
B: Wrong
C: Not mentioned


第一段最后一句讲到“no one is taking this dangerously high level of infection among women senousiy enougn”,即没人把女性中危险的高感染率当真。因此本句的表述是错误的。


文章第三段描述了患艾滋病的女性所受的攻视,但是中间也提到“there's a social discrimination against all people with HIV”,所以应该是所有患艾滋病的人都会受到社会攻视。本句陈述是错误的,选项B是正确的。

最后一段第一句就说:" The biggest difficulty an HIV-positive woman must face is the isolation a”因而本句表述是正确的,选项A是正确的。

文章最后一段讲到那些得到支持并且能同他人讨论自己的问题,从而采取对策的 HIV呈阳性的女人可能会活的更长,而对具备这些特质的女人,作者在后文中称呼她们为“active women”。因此该句表述是正确的,选项A是正确的。




Iron Deficiencies

Experts have observed for years that endurance athletes,particularly females,frequently have iron deficiencies.Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.
"We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss,"says Roseanne M.Lyle,associate professor at Purdue.Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise."Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back,"she notes."But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a significant decrease in iron levels."
Iron deficiency is very common among women in general,affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45,respectively.But the ratio is even greater among active women,affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes.This means,Lyle says,that"too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in."
Women of childbearing age are at greatest risk,since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss.Plus,many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat,which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron.And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight,they may not consume enough iron-rich food,and are liable to experience a deficiency.
"The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance of iron," notes another expert."For a woman who already has a poor iron status,any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency,"notes the expert. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms.Some iron is lost in sweat,and,for unknown reasons,intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system.
The best sources of iron,and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body,are meat,chicken,and fish.Good sources of other forms of iron include dates,beans,and some leafy green vegetables.

Who will show evidence of iron loss?
A:Inactive women.
B:Active women.
C:Women who do a program of moderate exercises regularly.
D:Women who are inactive and start to do moderate exercises.

文章第一段第一句告诉我们endurance athletes会缺铁,它是指“耐力运动员”。选项A是指“跳高运动员”,选项B是指“举重运动员”,选项C是指“马拉松运动员”,选项D是指“短跑运动员”。因此选项C最合适。
