A revolving credit commitment gives the borrower assurances of the availability of funds over unexpected period of tight credit in future years.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say


A revolving credit commitment gives the borrower assurances of the availability of funds over unexpected period of tight credit in future years.



C.Doesn't say

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The commercial banks mentioned in the passage can not have any other trade with companies except the credit action.



C.Doesn't say



听力原文:What is it called if a letter of credit is issued for guarantee of performance rather than payment?


A.Back-to-back credit.

B.Reciprocal credit.

C.Documentary credit.

D.Stand-by credit.

解析:单句问的是“为了确保履行协议而非真正付款的信用证称为什么信用证?”,答案应为stand-by credit,即备用信用证。back-to-back credit背对背信用证。reciprocal credit互惠信用证。documentary credit跟单信用证。


Your hard work over the years for the company _____________.

A、is worth of a credit

B、gives him credit

C、does you credit

D、has lots of credit to you



The term-loan agreement specifies a draw-down period of, say, up to two years, during which the funds must be used by the borrower; otherwise the borrower is not allowed to draw down any unused credit.



C.Doesn't say

解析:关于定期贷款协议文中第二段第一句Frequently, the borrower needs to draw down the funds over a period of many months...做了简短的说明,并没有提到题中所说的贷款额必须全部使用完,更没有说不允许使用没有使用的信用额度。


Moreover, reservations by credit card four weeks()guarantee availability of the room size required.

A、 in advance

B、 at advance

C、 on advance



Relatively efficient market can usually provide information on the credit worthiness of a commercial bank.



C.Doesn't say

解析:文中倒数第二句Useful information…for most publicly held banks. 意指半强有效市场为绝大多数上市银行提供关于风险和收益相匹配的有用信息,而不是“半强有效市场能够提供关于商业银行信用价值的信息”。


Security is required on loans so that ______.

A.the lending bank can enjoy higher interest receipts from the loan

B.the borrower is more willing to pay back the money

C.the funds borrowed will be repaid within a shorter period of time

D.more prime borrowers are attracted

解析:文章第一段提到As long as the borrower...strong incentive to repay the obligation.发放贷款时银行要求借款人提供抵押是为了提高贷款的安全性,在心理上给予银行一定的安全感,一般借款人在提供抵押品之后其还款意愿会有所提高。



Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.

听力原文: Good morning, everyone. First about your second assignment. I'd like to remind you that your second assignment should be in by next Fri day. You can either put it in my pigeon hole, or leave it with the Department's secretary. Now, let's get down to the lecture.

Today, the lecture is on credit, er, or to be more specific, on credit cards. I'm sure you must have heard of some credit cards, like the VI SA card, which is an internationally used card, or the Great Wall card issued by the Bank of China, In order to give a better understanding, we'll discuss it in some detail.

Many businesses, such as department stores, restaurants, hotels and airline companies, use a credit system for selling their products and services. In a credit system, the seller agrees to sell something to the buyer without immediately receiving cash. He receives the goods or ser vices immediately and promises to pay for them later. This buy-now-pay later credit system is quite old.

There are two types of credit cards. One type is issued directly by a store to a customer. Many large department stores issue credit cards to their customers. The store credit card can be used to make purchases only at a particular store. For example, if you have a credit card from Store A, then you can only buy things in that store. Other stores would not accept it. The other kind of credit card is issued by a credit company. Credit cards from credit companies can be used to buy things almost anywhere. If you have a major credit card, you can buy airplane tickets, stay at hotels and eat at restaurant with it. Most large credit companies are connected to large banks. So if you want a credit card from a credit company, you generally have to make an application at a bank. After an applicant receives a credit card, he or she can make purchases using the


The credit company sends the customer a statement of purchases at the end of each month. Generally the customer has to pay 25--50% of their credit hill every month. The customer pays directly to the credit company and the credit company pays to the store or hotel or restaurant.

There are some advantages and some disadvantages to using credit cards. The biggest advantage for the consumer is expressed by the phrase "buy now, pay later". This means that the consumer can purchase what he wants when he wants it. There is no need to save up money in advance. Another advantage of having a credit card is that it protects the owner, ff a credit card is lost or stolen, the owner only has to call the credit company and the credit company will stop the credit card number. No one else can use it. So the owner doesn't have to worry about losing the card. Another advantage of the credit card system is that the consumer receives a record of his or her purchases. Every month the credit customer receives a bill. The bill has a list of all purchases from that month. This makes it easier to remember when and where purchases are made. And another advantage is that credit cards can be used when something unexpected happens. Many kinds of professional people—plumbers, taxidrivers, doctors and dentists—will accept credit cards in an emergency. This is very important if you don't have any cash with you.

However, having said all that, using credit cards has one major disadvantage. That is, consumers tend to overspend their money. They spend more than they make. If a consumer buys a lot of th

正确答案:limited/ restricted/ exclusive/ area-limited/ restrictive
limited/ restricted/ exclusive/ area-limited/ restrictive


The borrower may draw the funds from the credit aggregates within the time limit for expanding their operations.



C.Doesn't say

解析:整个第一段和第二段第一句都说明了在确定的时期内,定期贷款可能被用作扩大经营,a major plant expansion(企业扩大)所带来的提示。


According to the passage, ______ can eliminate bank cheeks and the subsequent work.

A.credit cards

B.some sophisticated equipment


D.a device of electronic transfer of funds

解析:文章最后一段提到Banks have employed computers...and improve accuracy. 银行购买了计算机和一些高端设备来提高业务效率,降低成本。由此可知,销户和一些其他的后续工作都是由计算机来完成的。
