单选题A Ask their professor for advice.B Meet again to discuss their research.C Interview people who survived the flu.D Change the topic of their oral report.


Ask their professor for advice.


Meet again to discuss their research.


Interview people who survived the flu.


Change the topic of their oral report.

正确答案: D
结尾处女士提议“Why don’t we meet again and talk about what we have”,男士对这个提议表示赞同,所以可以推断他们还会针对他们的调查再开一次会,所以本题选B。
W: OK, so we’re going to look at the influenza epidemic of 1918 and, uh, probably its effects, like how many people got the flu.
M: The numbers should be fairly easy to find.
W: Actually, I have some numbers already. Let me see… OK. From spring 1918 to winter 1919. 25 percent of Americans—one out of every four people—contracted the flu…and about 3 percent of the people who got the flu died from it.
M: Wow. One—fourth of the population got sick. That’s a lot. It must’ve had a pretty bad effect on the workforce and productivity. Imagine if one-fourth of the people didn’t show up for work. Doctors and hospitals must have been overwhelmed.
W: Here’s some more interesting numbers:675.000 Americans died from influenza, but only 116,000 died in World War I. That means that the war killed only about…what…about one-sixth of the people who died of the flu.
M: I wonder how the flu statistics compare with the statistics for other major epidemics, you know, like AIDS and tuberculosis…or other flu epidemics. I think there were other flu epidemics later, after 1918.
W: Hmm, I don’t know, but I’ll try to find out. That might be good to include in our report.
M: So, we call talk about the flu and its effects on society and the economy, you know, and…uh compare it to other epidemics. What else should we do?
W: I think we should tell stories about its effects on real people. My great-grandfather could remember the flu epidemic. He was born in 1910, so he was eight years old at the time. He remembered that there were a lot of funerals. His baby sister and his best friend died of the flu, and that made an impression on him.
M: Wow. Did your great-grandfather get the flu?
W: You know, I’m not really sure…he never said if he got sick. Well, I mean, if he did, he survived it and lived to be 91.
M: You could tell the story about your great-grandfather. You know…that might be a great way to start our presentation.
W: Yeah? Maybe. It might get our audience’s attention.
M: I think we should also talk about the connection between the flu and World War I. That was the first global war, and it was the first global epidemic in recorded history. I’ve done some reading about that. What I found out was, it was the army that first noticed large numbers of men getting sick, and it was the army that first started reporting statistics about how many people were affected. You can imagine how fast influenza spread among soldiers living in close quarters, and travelling to other countries.
W: Wow. OK…ah…we’ve got some pretty good ideas. I like what you’re saying about focusing on the war and the global aspects.
M: I’ll do a little more research and see what else I can find.
W: Good. I will, too. I’ll look for stuff about other epidemics. Why don’t we meet again and talk about what we have? Can you meet again on Thursday?
M: Uh…yeah, sure, that’s fine with me.
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation.
Q1. What are the students mainly discussing?
Q2. Why does the woman mention her great-grandfather?
Q3. According to the man, what group first reported large numbers of influenza cases?
Q4. What information will the students probably include in their report?
Q5. What do the students agree to do?
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Don’t discuss the problems with your partner unless you??____________ to do so.

A. ask B. are asked C. will ask D. will be asked



What are recommended for the candidates to do before the interview?

A.Bring many enough copies of the résumé with you.

B.Ask about who will participate in the interview.

C.Get to know the route to the place and how long it will take.

D.Find out if they can park near the place or not.



A hospice is an institution that ( ) .

A、receives all kinds of patients

B、helps people lives as fully and comfortably as possible

C、aims to meet all needs-physical, emotional, social and spiritual

D、supports and cares for people who are facing the end of life



What does Ms. Nguyen ask Mr. Winn to do in this email?

A.Change the format of the proposal
B.Prepare the laboratory facilities
C.Inform her of his availability
D.Meet with her tomorrow afternoon



It is not ______, to discuss the question again and again.

A. worth

B. worthy

C. worth-while

D. worth while


17.答案为C。不值得反复地讨论这个问题。由worth的用法可知,此句只适合词组be worthwhile to do sth.。因此选C


176 The performance review interview is a vital component of any personnel evaluation system. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective personnel evaluation interview?

A. Performed by a supervisor who has adequately prepared for the interview

B. Discusses the employee's future performance goals

C. Discusses the employee's undesirable personality traits

D. Completed during a single, uninterrupted block of time

E. Focuses on a limited number of topics so that each topic can be discussed in detail



28. Which is NOT true?

A. The land never stops becoming deserts.

B. Scientists ask the people to live in the deserts and grow food there.

C. People do bad things to the earth.

D. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts.



The performance review interview is a vital component of any personnel evaluation system. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective personnel evaluation interview?

A . Performed by a supervisor who has adequately prepared for the interview

B . Discusses the employee's future performance goals

C . Discusses the employee's undesirable personality traits

D . Completed during a single, uninterrupted block of time

E . Focuses on a limited number of topics so that each topic can be discussed in detail



According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?__________ 查

A.Social change tends to meet with more difficulty in basic and emotional aspects of society
B.Disagreement with and argument about conditions tend to slow down social change
C.Social change is more likely to occur in the material aspect of society
D.Social change is less likely to occur in what people learned when they were young

根据第二段“social changes is also likely to occur more frequently and mole readily in thematerial aspects…in what has been learned later in life rather than what was learned early…in the less basic andless emotional aspects of society than in their opposites”可知A、C、D项都正确,而由第一段最后一句可知,不同的观点以及对现状不满可以加速社会变革.因此B项错误。


Searching for Smiles

1 Ask most people anywhere in the world what they want out of life and the reply will
probably be:"to be happy."Ed Deiner,an American psychology professor,has spent his
whole professional life studying what makes people happy,comparing levels of happiness
between cultures and trying to find out exactly why we enjoy ourselves.
2 Many people would say that this question does not need an answer.But Professor Deiner
has one anyway."If you're a cheerful,happy person,your marriage is more likely to last,and
you're more likely to make money and be successful at your job.On average,happy people
have stronger immune(免疫的)systems, and there is some evidence that they live longer."
3 So who are the world's happiest people?It depends on how the word is defined.There
is individual happiness,the sense of joy we get when we do something we like.But there is
also the feeling of satisfaction we get when we know that others respect us and approve of
how we behave.According to Professor Deiner,the Western world pursues individual
happiness while Asia prefers mutual satisfaction.
4 "In the West, the individualistic(个人主义的)culture means that your mood matters
much more than it does in the East.People ask themselves,what can I do that's fun or
interesting?They become unhappy when they can't do any of these things.If you ask
people from Japan or China if they are happy,they tend to look at what has gone wrong in
their lives.If not much has gone wrong,then they are satisfied."
5 People from Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries had the happiest culture,Professor
Deiner found."The biggest cultural difference is to do with pride and shame.Hispanic(西班牙
语言的)cultures report much more pride and much less shame than others."
6 Income also made a big difference to people's happiness,but only at the lowest levels.
Average income earners in the US were much happier than people in poverty.But
millionaires were only a little bit happier than people on average incomes.It seems that
money makes us happy when we have enough to feel secure.
7 But can we be too happy? "You get people who are actually happy,but they think
happiness is so important that they try to be even happier.This desire to be always happy is
a product of individualism,where the emphasis is on you individually,your emotions and
feeling good.People can end up feeling unhappy because ordinary happiness is not good
enough for them."

Professor Deiner believes that a happy person is less prone(易患)to_________.
A:a question
B:ordinary happiness
D:cultural differences

