单选题Some sick people think of themselves as broken machines, which suggested that ______.A modem doctors should treat their patients as machinesB the level of the treatment was greatly improvedC they thought they were useless just like broken machinesD the

Some sick people think of themselves as broken machines, which suggested that ______.

modem doctors should treat their patients as machines


the level of the treatment was greatly improved


they thought they were useless just like broken machines


they were not satisfied with the manner in which doctors treated them

正确答案: C
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


A report published today by British doctors showed some worrying trends, but also some positive signs that in the long- term the country’s health might improve. The report was based on two years of interviews with family doctors about their patients.

The doctors expressed concern that patients were eating too much and were generally overweight. The doctors said this was particularly worrying as they were seeing more and more young people with weight problems. But it was not just their patients eating too much concerned doctors, but the quality of the food as well.

The doctors said that many of their patients led busy lives and did not have time to cook traditional meals. Because of this many of them were turning to unhealthy fast foods. Sales

of this type of food have been increasing steadily over the last decade, although there were signs that the rate of growth is declining. The doctors felt that there was a clear link between over- consuming of fast food and health problems among their patients.

But the report was not all bad news. The doctors interviewed also reported an increased awareness of the importance of healthy eating among their patients. Many reported an increase

in the number of patients they see who had switched to a healthy organic diet.

41.The report was_____________________.

A). mainly bad news B). all bad news C). all good news D). mainly good news 42. The doctors expressed concern about the problem of ___________________. A). patient’s eating too much B). patient’s quality of the food

C). both the patient’s eating too much and low quality of the food. D). old patients’ overweight

43.The doctors said that many of their patients didn’t cook traditional meals because__________________.

A). patients led busy lives and they have no time to cook the traditional meals. B). patients liked to have some fast food.

C). patients believed that traditional cook were not delicious D). patients often went out for dinner

44. At the moment sales of fast food______________. A). are growing rapidly B). are growing slowing C). are declining

D). are at the same speed as before

45. Doctors report that more of their patients _________________. A). are aware of the importance of healthy eating B). don’t care about healthy eating

C). are stopping eating fast foods D). turn to fast food more often

参考答案:41-45 A C A B A


They had a fierce( )as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago.




( )30. Many families were affected because of ________ .

A. the heavy rain on Monday

B. the broken banks of the river

C. the floods across Mexico

D. the death of 132 people

30.B【解析】从News 3可知。


Music Used as a Healing Therapy
1 .Music has long been used to treat patients suffering from different problems.In 400 BC,its healing properties were documented by the ancient Greeks. More recently,in both world wars in the last century, medical workers used music therapy(疗法)with people suf-fering from trauma(外伤).Currently, it is used as a treatment for many diseases, such as cancer,and it has also been used with patients with long-term pain and learning disabilities.
2 .There is growing evidence that music can caused physical changes to the body which can im-prove our health. In the Welcome Trust study,which took place over three years at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London,patients were asked to listen to musical perform-ances. As a result,it was found that stress levels were significantly reduced,recovery times were improved,and fewer drugs were needed.
3. These very positive results are partly due to general well-being(良好的健康状况).It is already accepted that when people feel happy and have a positive approach to life,they are more likely to feel better and recover from disease quickly. Music increases this feeling of joy and adds to the recovery process.
4 .However,not all these benefits can be attributed to an increase in general well-being. Music has other effects which have not yet been understood. According to Professor Robert-son,a scientist and musician,some effects of music are mysterious and are,therefore,being investigated further. It has been suggested that the sounds and rhythms of music help stimu-late the brain and send electrical messages to the muscles.
5 .Science,however,demands facts and hard evidence. Many in the medical profession have not yet recognized the healing benefits of music,since reports have been based mainly on various stories of evidence. These new studies could provide proof to doctors that music is a suitable treatment for many conditions. One day doctors may even “prescribe”(开处方) music,but that could be a long time in the future.

Many doctors don't believe that music can treat diseases because______.
A: recover from disease quickly
B: there is not enough hard evidence
C: use their minds actively
D: it improves general well-being
E: listen to musical performances
F: it brings many other benefits

文章第一段第一句是主题句,意为:长期以来,音乐都被用于治疗不同疾病 的患者。C项History of music therapy(音乐疗法的历史)与主题句意思相符,故选C。
文章第二段第一句是主题句,意为:越来越多的证据表明,音乐能引起一些 身体变化,这些变化可以改善我们的健康状况。E项Positive Physical Changes Caused by Music(音乐引起的积极的身体变化)与主题句意思相符,故选E。
文章第三段主要讲这些正面结果的部分原因来自于总体幸福感。当人们感到高兴并且生活态度积极时,人们自身的感觉会更好,并且能很快地从疾病中恢复过来,而音 乐能增加这样的愉悦感。B项Increase in General Well-Being(提高总体幸福感)符合本段主题,故选B。
文章第四段主要讲,音乐疗法的益处并不都来自于幸福感的提升,音乐的其他作用到现在还没有被弄明白,罗伯森教授说,音乐的一些作用是很神秘的。D项Other Mysterious Effects of Music(音乐的其他神秘作用)符合本段主题,故选D。
题干意为“研究人员已经发现,当病人收听音乐表演的时候,他们的压力水平会下降。”文章第二段最后一句指出,病人的压力水平明显减低,恢复的时间缩短,需要的药物减少。E项listen to musical performances(收听音乐表演)与原句意思相符,故选E。
题干意为“音乐能够治疗患者的部分原因是因为它能提高总体幸福感。”文章第三段第一句指出,这些正面结果的部分原因来自于总体幸福感。最后一句指出,音乐能增强人的愉悦感,加快恢复进度。D项it improves general well-being(它能提高总体幸福感)与原句意思相符,故选D。
题干意为“那些总是看到生活中积极一面的人更有可能从疾病中很快地恢复过来。”文章第三段第二句指出,当人们感到高兴以及生活态度积极时,人们自身的感觉会更好,并且能很快地从疾病中恢复过来,A项recover from disease quickly(从疾病中快速地恢复过来)与原句意思相符,故选A。
题干意为“很多医生不相信音乐可以治疗疾病是因为没有真凭实据。”文章第五段前两句指出,然而科学需要真凭实据,医学界的很多人并不认可音乐的治疗作用,因为相关报告主要是基于各种不同的故事。B项there is not enough hard evidence(没有真凭实据)与原句意思相符,故选B。


Relieving the Pain

"Exercise may be the best treatment of chronic pain,"say doctors at a new clinic for dealing with pain.
"People with chronic pain need to stop lying around,go out more,and start exercising."The instinctive reac-
tion to acute pain is to stop moving and to try to protect the source of pain.But it seems that this is often not
productive,especially in the case of back pain.Back pain,after headaches and tiredness,has become the
third most common reason for people to visit their doctors.Painful backs now account for millions of days off
Lumbar(腰部的)pains are partly the price humans pay for taking their forelimbs off the ground , but
they are made worse by a sedentary(久坐不动的)lifestyle. Lack of exercise slowly decreases the flexibility
and strength of muscles,so that it is more difficult to take pressure off the site of pain.Exercise is essential.
It releases endorphins(内啡肤),the body's " feel-good " chemicals , which are natural painkillers. In fact,
these are so important that researchers are now looking for drugs that can maintain a comfortable level of en-
dorphins in the body.
Most people who go to a family doctor complaining of pain are prescribed pain-killing drugs rather than
exercise.Since finding the cause of backache is not so easy,doctors frequently do not know the precise cause
of the discomfort,and as the pain continues,sufferers end up taking stronger doses or a series of different
drugs."It's crazy,"says Dr. Brasseur,a therapist at the International Association for the Study of Pain.
"Some of them are taking different drugs prescribed by different doctors.I've just seen a patient who was tak-
ing two drugs which turned out to be the same thing under different names."
A generation of new pain clinics now operates on the basis that drugs are best avoided.Once patients
have undergone the initial physical and psychological check up,their medication is cut down as much as pos-
sible.Taking patients off drugs also prepares them for physical activity.
In some pain-relief clinics,patients begin the day with muscle contraction and relaxation exercises,fol-
lowed by an hour on exercise bikes. Later in the day , they practice tai chi(太极),self-defense , and deep
thought. This compares with an average of two-and-a-half hours' physiotherapy(理疗)a week in a traditional
hospital program."The idea is to strengthen and to increase long-lasting energy,flexibility,and confidence,"
explains Bill Wiles,a consultant pain doctor in Liverpool."Patients undergoing this therapy get back to work
and resume healthy active lifestyles much sooner than those subjected to more conservative treatment."

Doctors often use drugs such as endorphins to treat patients.
C:Not mentioned

短文第一段第二句说到有慢性病的人不应总躺着,要多出去走走,要开始运动。因此 该判断错误。
短文第二段最后一句提到医生正在寻找一种含有咖啡肤的药,而不是给病人们用这 种药。
短文第三段第二句中的“taking stronger doses or a series of different drugs",与“taking more than one drug”相对应。
短文中并没有提到传统的治疗(traditional treatment),故选C。
短文第四段提到新的诊所提议尽量避免用药或尽量少用药而没有要求病人完全不 用药。


The word “euthanasia” in the second paragraph most probably means ________.

[A] doctors’ sympathy to dying patients

[B] doctors’ aggressive medical measures to dying patients

[C] doctors’ mercy killing to reduce sufferings of dying patients

[D] doctors’ well-meaning treatment to save dying patients

58. [C]意为:医师为帮助生命垂危病人摆脱痛苦而采取的致死措施。 本题是一道词义题,但是解题更多的需要涉及到文章中心词,本文第一段从澳大利亚通过的一个关于安乐死法案的新闻入手,下文全部在讨论各界对该法案的反应,同时在文章最后作者以实例表明了自己对安乐死的观点,由此我们可以确定文章的中心是关于安乐死的。而考研文章的任何一道阅读题目的命制都是和文章中心紧密相连的。据此我们可以推断出答案为C。
B 医师对垂死病人采取的过激医疗手段。
D 医师为挽救垂危病人的生命而采取的善意的治疗。 另外“euthanasia” 所在句和下面的 In the US and Canada, where the right to die movement is gathering strength, observers are waiting for the dominoes to start falling.处于平衡位置,由此我们可以判断“euthanasia”和下句的 the right to die 大意相同,答案可
以锁定 C,四个选项中只有该选项与死亡相关。


Music Used as a Healing Therapy
1 .Music has long been used to treat patients suffering from different problems.In 400 BC,its healing properties were documented by the ancient Greeks. More recently,in both world wars in the last century, medical workers used music therapy(疗法)with people suf-fering from trauma(外伤).Currently, it is used as a treatment for many diseases, such as cancer,and it has also been used with patients with long-term pain and learning disabilities.
2 .There is growing evidence that music can caused physical changes to the body which can im-prove our health. In the Welcome Trust study,which took place over three years at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London,patients were asked to listen to musical perform-ances. As a result,it was found that stress levels were significantly reduced,recovery times were improved,and fewer drugs were needed.
3. These very positive results are partly due to general well-being(良好的健康状况).It is already accepted that when people feel happy and have a positive approach to life,they are more likely to feel better and recover from disease quickly. Music increases this feeling of joy and adds to the recovery process.
4 .However,not all these benefits can be attributed to an increase in general well-being. Music has other effects which have not yet been understood. According to Professor Robert-son,a scientist and musician,some effects of music are mysterious and are,therefore,being investigated further. It has been suggested that the sounds and rhythms of music help stimu-late the brain and send electrical messages to the muscles.
5 .Science,however,demands facts and hard evidence. Many in the medical profession have not yet recognized the healing benefits of music,since reports have been based mainly on various stories of evidence. These new studies could provide proof to doctors that music is a suitable treatment for many conditions. One day doctors may even “prescribe”(开处方) music,but that could be a long time in the future.

Paragraph 3______
A: Potential Dangers of Music Therapy
B: Increase in General WellBeing
C: History of Music Therapy
D: Other Mysterious Effects of Music
E: Positive Physical Changes Caused by Music
F: Music and Your Body

文章第一段第一句是主题句,意为:长期以来,音乐都被用于治疗不同疾病 的患者。C项History of music therapy(音乐疗法的历史)与主题句意思相符,故选C。
文章第二段第一句是主题句,意为:越来越多的证据表明,音乐能引起一些 身体变化,这些变化可以改善我们的健康状况。E项Positive Physical Changes Caused by Music(音乐引起的积极的身体变化)与主题句意思相符,故选E。
文章第三段主要讲这些正面结果的部分原因来自于总体幸福感。当人们感到高兴并且生活态度积极时,人们自身的感觉会更好,并且能很快地从疾病中恢复过来,而音 乐能增加这样的愉悦感。B项Increase in General Well-Being(提高总体幸福感)符合本段主题,故选B。
文章第四段主要讲,音乐疗法的益处并不都来自于幸福感的提升,音乐的其他作用到现在还没有被弄明白,罗伯森教授说,音乐的一些作用是很神秘的。D项Other Mysterious Effects of Music(音乐的其他神秘作用)符合本段主题,故选D。
题干意为“研究人员已经发现,当病人收听音乐表演的时候,他们的压力水平会下降。”文章第二段最后一句指出,病人的压力水平明显减低,恢复的时间缩短,需要的药物减少。E项listen to musical performances(收听音乐表演)与原句意思相符,故选E。
题干意为“音乐能够治疗患者的部分原因是因为它能提高总体幸福感。”文章第三段第一句指出,这些正面结果的部分原因来自于总体幸福感。最后一句指出,音乐能增强人的愉悦感,加快恢复进度。D项it improves general well-being(它能提高总体幸福感)与原句意思相符,故选D。
题干意为“那些总是看到生活中积极一面的人更有可能从疾病中很快地恢复过来。”文章第三段第二句指出,当人们感到高兴以及生活态度积极时,人们自身的感觉会更好,并且能很快地从疾病中恢复过来,A项recover from disease quickly(从疾病中快速地恢复过来)与原句意思相符,故选A。
题干意为“很多医生不相信音乐可以治疗疾病是因为没有真凭实据。”文章第五段前两句指出,然而科学需要真凭实据,医学界的很多人并不认可音乐的治疗作用,因为相关报告主要是基于各种不同的故事。B项there is not enough hard evidence(没有真凭实据)与原句意思相符,故选B。


The report from NHTSA suggests that .

A. fewer people were injured in crosswalks

B. crosswalk safety has been greatly improved

C. much has been done to reduce traffic accidents

D. pedestrian deaths in crosswalk remain a serious problem



Music Used as a Healing Therapy
1 .Music has long been used to treat patients suffering from different problems.In 400 BC,its healing properties were documented by the ancient Greeks. More recently,in both world wars in the last century, medical workers used music therapy(疗法)with people suf-fering from trauma(外伤).Currently, it is used as a treatment for many diseases, such as cancer,and it has also been used with patients with long-term pain and learning disabilities.
2 .There is growing evidence that music can caused physical changes to the body which can im-prove our health. In the Welcome Trust study,which took place over three years at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London,patients were asked to listen to musical perform-ances. As a result,it was found that stress levels were significantly reduced,recovery times were improved,and fewer drugs were needed.
3. These very positive results are partly due to general well-being(良好的健康状况).It is already accepted that when people feel happy and have a positive approach to life,they are more likely to feel better and recover from disease quickly. Music increases this feeling of joy and adds to the recovery process.
4 .However,not all these benefits can be attributed to an increase in general well-being. Music has other effects which have not yet been understood. According to Professor Robert-son,a scientist and musician,some effects of music are mysterious and are,therefore,being investigated further. It has been suggested that the sounds and rhythms of music help stimu-late the brain and send electrical messages to the muscles.
5 .Science,however,demands facts and hard evidence. Many in the medical profession have not yet recognized the healing benefits of music,since reports have been based mainly on various stories of evidence. These new studies could provide proof to doctors that music is a suitable treatment for many conditions. One day doctors may even “prescribe”(开处方) music,but that could be a long time in the future.

Researchers have found that patients'stress levels decrease when they______.
A: recover from disease quickly
B: there is not enough hard evidence
C: use their minds actively
D: it improves general well-being
E: listen to musical performances
F: it brings many other benefits

文章第一段第一句是主题句,意为:长期以来,音乐都被用于治疗不同疾病 的患者。C项History of music therapy(音乐疗法的历史)与主题句意思相符,故选C。
文章第二段第一句是主题句,意为:越来越多的证据表明,音乐能引起一些 身体变化,这些变化可以改善我们的健康状况。E项Positive Physical Changes Caused by Music(音乐引起的积极的身体变化)与主题句意思相符,故选E。
文章第三段主要讲这些正面结果的部分原因来自于总体幸福感。当人们感到高兴并且生活态度积极时,人们自身的感觉会更好,并且能很快地从疾病中恢复过来,而音 乐能增加这样的愉悦感。B项Increase in General Well-Being(提高总体幸福感)符合本段主题,故选B。
文章第四段主要讲,音乐疗法的益处并不都来自于幸福感的提升,音乐的其他作用到现在还没有被弄明白,罗伯森教授说,音乐的一些作用是很神秘的。D项Other Mysterious Effects of Music(音乐的其他神秘作用)符合本段主题,故选D。
题干意为“研究人员已经发现,当病人收听音乐表演的时候,他们的压力水平会下降。”文章第二段最后一句指出,病人的压力水平明显减低,恢复的时间缩短,需要的药物减少。E项listen to musical performances(收听音乐表演)与原句意思相符,故选E。
题干意为“音乐能够治疗患者的部分原因是因为它能提高总体幸福感。”文章第三段第一句指出,这些正面结果的部分原因来自于总体幸福感。最后一句指出,音乐能增强人的愉悦感,加快恢复进度。D项it improves general well-being(它能提高总体幸福感)与原句意思相符,故选D。
题干意为“那些总是看到生活中积极一面的人更有可能从疾病中很快地恢复过来。”文章第三段第二句指出,当人们感到高兴以及生活态度积极时,人们自身的感觉会更好,并且能很快地从疾病中恢复过来,A项recover from disease quickly(从疾病中快速地恢复过来)与原句意思相符,故选A。
题干意为“很多医生不相信音乐可以治疗疾病是因为没有真凭实据。”文章第五段前两句指出,然而科学需要真凭实据,医学界的很多人并不认可音乐的治疗作用,因为相关报告主要是基于各种不同的故事。B项there is not enough hard evidence(没有真凭实据)与原句意思相符,故选B。


Music Used as a Healing Therapy
1 .Music has long been used to treat patients suffering from different problems.In 400 BC,its healing properties were documented by the ancient Greeks. More recently,in both world wars in the last century, medical workers used music therapy(疗法)with people suf-fering from trauma(外伤).Currently, it is used as a treatment for many diseases, such as cancer,and it has also been used with patients with long-term pain and learning disabilities.
2 .There is growing evidence that music can caused physical changes to the body which can im-prove our health. In the Welcome Trust study,which took place over three years at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London,patients were asked to listen to musical perform-ances. As a result,it was found that stress levels were significantly reduced,recovery times were improved,and fewer drugs were needed.
3. These very positive results are partly due to general well-being(良好的健康状况).It is already accepted that when people feel happy and have a positive approach to life,they are more likely to feel better and recover from disease quickly. Music increases this feeling of joy and adds to the recovery process.
4 .However,not all these benefits can be attributed to an increase in general well-being. Music has other effects which have not yet been understood. According to Professor Robert-son,a scientist and musician,some effects of music are mysterious and are,therefore,being investigated further. It has been suggested that the sounds and rhythms of music help stimu-late the brain and send electrical messages to the muscles.
5 .Science,however,demands facts and hard evidence. Many in the medical profession have not yet recognized the healing benefits of music,since reports have been based mainly on various stories of evidence. These new studies could provide proof to doctors that music is a suitable treatment for many conditions. One day doctors may even “prescribe”(开处方) music,but that could be a long time in the future.

Music can treat patients partly because______.
A: recover from disease quickly
B: there is not enough hard evidence
C: use their minds actively
D: it improves general well-being
E: listen to musical performances
F: it brings many other benefits

文章第一段第一句是主题句,意为:长期以来,音乐都被用于治疗不同疾病 的患者。C项History of music therapy(音乐疗法的历史)与主题句意思相符,故选C。
文章第二段第一句是主题句,意为:越来越多的证据表明,音乐能引起一些 身体变化,这些变化可以改善我们的健康状况。E项Positive Physical Changes Caused by Music(音乐引起的积极的身体变化)与主题句意思相符,故选E。
文章第三段主要讲这些正面结果的部分原因来自于总体幸福感。当人们感到高兴并且生活态度积极时,人们自身的感觉会更好,并且能很快地从疾病中恢复过来,而音 乐能增加这样的愉悦感。B项Increase in General Well-Being(提高总体幸福感)符合本段主题,故选B。
文章第四段主要讲,音乐疗法的益处并不都来自于幸福感的提升,音乐的其他作用到现在还没有被弄明白,罗伯森教授说,音乐的一些作用是很神秘的。D项Other Mysterious Effects of Music(音乐的其他神秘作用)符合本段主题,故选D。
题干意为“研究人员已经发现,当病人收听音乐表演的时候,他们的压力水平会下降。”文章第二段最后一句指出,病人的压力水平明显减低,恢复的时间缩短,需要的药物减少。E项listen to musical performances(收听音乐表演)与原句意思相符,故选E。
题干意为“音乐能够治疗患者的部分原因是因为它能提高总体幸福感。”文章第三段第一句指出,这些正面结果的部分原因来自于总体幸福感。最后一句指出,音乐能增强人的愉悦感,加快恢复进度。D项it improves general well-being(它能提高总体幸福感)与原句意思相符,故选D。
题干意为“那些总是看到生活中积极一面的人更有可能从疾病中很快地恢复过来。”文章第三段第二句指出,当人们感到高兴以及生活态度积极时,人们自身的感觉会更好,并且能很快地从疾病中恢复过来,A项recover from disease quickly(从疾病中快速地恢复过来)与原句意思相符,故选A。
题干意为“很多医生不相信音乐可以治疗疾病是因为没有真凭实据。”文章第五段前两句指出,然而科学需要真凭实据,医学界的很多人并不认可音乐的治疗作用,因为相关报告主要是基于各种不同的故事。B项there is not enough hard evidence(没有真凭实据)与原句意思相符,故选B。
