
正确答案: it→there
这样所构成there be句型,与前一句对称。
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The well-known phrase “honoring the teacher and respecting his teaching” has long been a part of Chinese tradition and culture. According to recent Global Teacher Status Index, teachers have the highest social status in China across the world. The following is a new report on people’s view on teaching profession. Read it carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the public’s view on teaching profession nowadays;  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  As Teacher’s Day is approaching, the China Youth Daily received 1,089 reader responses from a nationwide survey. Results indicated that the teaching profession is still a respectable occupation; 91.6 percent voted that they wanted the most outstanding people to be teachers.  “The profession of teacher should be the most respectable occupation in our society. The group should consist of the most outstanding people, or our nation’s development will be affected,” a respondent stated in the poll.  Asked about which kind of teachers are the most outstanding ones, some readers answered: “Not all talented teachers are outstanding in their fields. An excellent teacher ought to be first of all a person of high morals, since teachers educate young people.”  Even more interesting, 76.3 percent of the respondents said that a teacher is someone who influenced them most. But people’s views toward what kind of teachers are good teachers have changed. Another survey this June showed that 31.6 percent of the people admired knowledgeable teachers, 67.6 percent liked teachers who made their classes easy and interesting, and 51.9 percent preferred teachers with a good sense of humor. In short, being knowledgeable is the first and most important aspect of being a teacher, and on this basis, students clearly prefer lively and witty teachers.  The bad news: recent years have seen the rapid reduction of normal universities and colleges. Many have been upgraded to comprehensive universities by name changes and mergers. Education experts worry that this kind of development will harm teacher training because these courses were conducted in those types of universities or colleges.  The good news: the latest government work report states that the country would provide free education for students attending teacher training universities. The policy has become a reality as a total of 11,000 students enrolled in six teacher-training universities bare now begun enjoying free education as of last week. These students began registration respectively at the six universities based in Beijing, Shanghai, Changchun, Wuhan, Xi’an and Chongqing on September 4th.  73 percent of the readers who responded to the survey believed that the free education policy signals that the country is paying greater attention to education and teachers. 60.1 percent of the respondents said that the policy should be popularized and extended to more normal universities and colleges.  Of those polled, the majority (55.6 percent) said that they wanted to be university or college teachers, because of the “high salary and low pressure, good working environment and non-fixed office hours.” “Some teachers even have their own research program.” 29.5 percent wanted to be middle school teachers, 13.4 percent wanted to be kindergarten teachers, and 8.2 percent say they didn’t want to teach at all.  Some respondents said that the salary of rural teachers in central and western areas should be increased. If not, even those students who enjoy free education in normal universities and love the teaching jobs will still face the ultimate question: choose their dream job or find something better to make ends meet?

Even Teachers are Humans Needing Material Comfort The article above describes the dilemma of being a teacher in China The teaching profession, according to the survey did by China Youth Daily, is respected by the majority of Chinese people and the social expectation of teachers’ morality and knowledge remains high. Nevertheless, there is a worrisome trend that the number of teacher-training universities is decreasing and teachers’ salary is less than satisfactory. This mismatch is the very obstacle that prevents many young talents from the teaching profession. The fact soon catches the government’s attention and six universities are taking measures to help those potential teachers. From a student’s point of view, I know how important it is to have qualified teachers in my life and what a significant role the government should play in ensuring the teachers’ interests.
Two pertinent rewards to teachers should be guaranteed: tangible and intangible. We can learn from the news coverage above that teachers are now well-respected and have gained social recognition, which represents the teachers’ high social status. As for the tangible rewards, the situation is far from being contented. Most teachers in rural areas are under-paid and lead a dismal life. They are suffering from poverty, but meanwhile, they are responsible for thousands of students’ morality, knowledge and personality. I strongly believe that teachers deserve favorable housing allowance or an annual increase of bonus.
In conclusion, since teachers’ social value is widely recognized, they sure deserve better living conditions and higher salary. Without the fear of disturbance in the rear, the aspiring teachers can fully throw themselves into the teaching career.



正确答案: most→more
the more ... the more ...是固定句型。


我们屋后有半亩隙地。母亲说:“让它荒芜着怪可惜,既然你们那么爱吃花生,就辟来做花生园罢。”我们几姐弟和几个小丫头都很喜欢——买种的买种,动土的动土,灌园的灌园,过不了几个月,居然收获了!  妈妈说:“今晚我们可以做一个收获节,也请你们爹爹来尝尝我们的新花生,如何?”我们都答应了。母亲把花生做成好几样的食品,还吩咐这节要在园里的茅亭举行。  那晚上的天色不好,可是爹爹也到来,实在很难得!爹爹说:“你们爱吃花生么?”  我们都争着答应:“爱!”  “谁能把花生的好处说出来?”  姐姐说:“花生的味道很美。”  哥哥说:“花生可以制油。”  我说:“无论谁都可以用贱价买它来吃;都喜欢吃它,这就是它的用处。”

There was a small piece of vacant land behind our house. Mother said, “It is a kind of waste to leave it untilled. Since you like peanuts so much, why not till it and plant some peanuts?” We children and servant girls were all pleased at the idea. And some of us bought seeds, others prepared the land and still others watered it. In a few months, we actually had a harvest!
Mother said, “How about giving a feast this evening to celebrate the harvest and invite your Daddy to have a taste of our newly-harvested peanuts?” We all agreed. Mother made several peanuts-based dishes, and told us that the feast would be held in the thatched pavilion on the peanut plot.
解析: 暂无解析


Which of the following does NOT account for Cerritos’ success?

Superb management.


Wealth of previous generations.


Advantageous location.


Proper timing of investments.

正确答案: A
细节题。由第二段倒数第二句可知,出色的管理(superb management)和良好的地缘(geographical good fortune)都是促成其成功的因素,故排除A、C两项。由第六段第二句可知,Cerrito成功的关键是对投资时机的把握,故排除D项。由文章第二段首句可知,Cerrito没有传统资本,故选项B表述错误,为本题答案。


To help, or not to help? That has become a dilemma in modern China. According to a recent survey by China Youth Daily, 76.1 percent of the respondents say that our current society provides a “bad environment” for good people doing good deed. The following article is about the prevalent fear of helping old people in China. Read it carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the article;  2. give your comment on this phenomenon.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  Lately, China’s Ministry of Health issued guidelines on how to handle cases of elderly falling. But instead of addressing the worrisome legal liability issue, it focuses mainly on medical consequences of a fall and offers technical solutions to different fall scenarios, while also telling people to overcome embarrassment and psychological fear of helping. This has further inflamed citizens who feel in a dilemma between wanting to help, and having fear of being taken advantage of for their kindness.  Falling down is a leading cause of death for Chinese citizens aged 65 and above, according to Yang Maowei, Associate Professor of the First Hospital of China Medical University. However, in recent years, there have been frequent reports of such deaths in public places with no one helping the victims, Yang said.  It seems that Chinese people have become reluctant to help because they worry that the person they help may later turn around and sue them, as that is what’s been happening a number of times in recent years. As a consequence, several elderly have been left to die in the streets with people passing by or watching, but not helping them.  One line in the guidelines that particularly irked netizens said, “whether or not to lend a hand depends on the situation.”  After the Ministry’s guidelines came out, Sina Weibo conducted a poll, asking people whether they are still willing to help an elderly who has fallen, considering the Ministry’s guidelines.  Of the 5,031 who voted, only 20 percent said yes, while 43 percent said no, and the remaining 38 percent said, they’re not sure.  Some people left comments expressing their inner conflicts and disillusionment over China’s sliding moral values:  “I dare not help, but I’ll run to a public phone booth to call 120, the emergency number in China, and ask for an ambulance.”  “I can’t even protect my own safety. How can I have the ability to take care of others? It’s really funny!”  “To put it frankly, it reflects the degeneration of society’s morality. The culture has no direction, the morality has no bottom line, and the trust between people, and between people and the government is too low.”  “Unless I were Bill Gates, I would help for sure.”  “I would certainly help before. Now I’m really a bit afraid.”  “In today’s Chinese society, traditional values and virtues have been eradicated completely. No matter what guidelines are issued, when one really stands at a critical point, the law will not protect the poor people.”  “There’s no way out. The state educates us this way, and now it turns around to accuse us of having no morality. Isn’t that ridiculous? Whether to help is not a moral issue, but the crux of China’s current education”  “At present, China’s social values are lost, and morality is ruined to the point of national doom.”

To Help, or Not to Help, That’s Not a Question The news coverage above mainly introduces the disappointing social phenomenon that many people now are becoming reluctant to help those in need because of the fear of being sued for unintentional injury or accidental death. The guidelines issued by China’s Ministry of Health on how to handle cases of elderly falling has triggered a heated debate. According to some netizens’ opinions on Sina Weibo, most of them hold that the degenerated society’s morality and the decreased trust between people should be responsible for that current situation. As far as I am concerned, despite of the distressing trend, we are not supposed to just sit around and do nothing when we are in face of a desperate people in need.
First of all, a helpful and harmonious social environment can only be built through our joint effort. Building a healthy society is like building a house, which requires we everyone to spare no effort. Secondly, just as the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in one day, so we would certainly encounter setbacks and difficulties and we should never give up. The society cannot get improved by itself. Thirdly, a good social context is beneficial for ourselves as long as we begin to trust the others, since it is each individual’s behavior that cultivates, protects and strengthens the social morality.
I do believe that there is still a great number of warm-hearted people who are willing to give the people in need a helpful hand. If everyone can learn from them and help the strangers without any hesitation, a sound society can sure be built. With the climate of morality and credibility deteriorating in some way today, it is high time that we should actively devote our selves to the improvement of social morality and build a harmonious society.



正确答案: get/ become interested
关于提高英语学习动机的第三个方法。演讲者提到,如果你试着谈论你觉得无聊的话题,渐渐地就会发现它很有趣。由此可知答案为get/become interested。


According to this passage, some people believe that eventually______.

human societies will be much more cooperative


man will live in a highly organized world


machines will replace man


living beings will disappear from Earth

正确答案: A
根据第三段末句“A million years further on man and his machines may have merged as closely as the muscles of the human body and nerve cells that set them in motion.”和第五段可知,人体的有机部件和人造的机械装置会合为一体,经过这个短暂的过渡,碳化合物构成的有机体会由于环境恶化而毁灭,高级的生命形式却能够繁衍不息,故选项C正确。



正确答案: reinforce/ increase


Why does the author dwell upon the concept of science in this article?

正确答案: He wants to make the concept clear so that people can have the right education.



正确答案: collection
