Directions: Some people say television has altered family li

Directions: Some people say television has altered family life dramatically. Write an article for your school magazine, putting forward your views. You should write about 160 words on the Answer Sheet.
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


In some societies people want children for what might be family reasons.

参考答案: 在某些社会中,人们希望拥有孩子是出于所谓的家庭原因。


Back in the old days, when I was a child, we sat around the family round table at dinnertime and exchanged our daily experiences. It wasn't very organized, but everyone was recognized and all the news that had to be told was told by each family member.
We listened to each other and the interest was not put-on; it was real. Our family was a unit and we supported each other, and nurtured each other, and liked each other, and--we were even willing to admit--we loved each other.
Today, the family round table has moved to the local fast-food restaurant and talk is not easy,much less encouraged.
Grandma, who used to live upstairs, is now the voice on long distance, and the working parent is far too beaten down each day to spend evening relaxation time listening to the sandbox experience of an eager four-year-old.
So family conversation is as extinct as my old toys and parental questions such as "What have you been doing, Bobby? " have been replaced by "I'm busy, go watch television. "
And watch TV they do; count them by the millions.
But it's usually not children's television that children watch. Saturday morning, the children's hour, amounts to only about 8 percent of their weekly viewing.
Where are they to be found? Watching adult television, of course, from the Match Game in the morning, to the afternoon at General Hospital, from the muggings and battles on the evening news right through the family hour and past into Starsky and Hutch. That's where you find our kids, over five million of them, at 10 p.m., not fewer than a million until after midnight! All of this is done with parental permission.
Television, used well, can provide enriching experiences for our young people, but we must use it with some sense. When the carpet is clean, we turn off the vacuum cleaner. When the dishes are clean, the dishwasher turns itself off.
Not so the television, which is on from the sun in the morning to the moon at night and beyond !
Parents must exercise some control and show some concern about the cultural influence on the child whena program not intended for that child is viewed.Parents need to intervene.
Nonintervention may be a wise policy in international affairs,but the results of parental nonintervention will not be wise at all.
If we use television with some __________ , television can provide our young people with much knowledge.

A.instruction of experts
B.judgment of our own
C.direction of engineers
D.indication of teachers




Anne and Joseph are talking about an interesting question. Why do some people change their names? There can be many reasons. Hanna changed her name to Anne because she thought it would be easier for people to remember. On the other hand, Joseph is thinking about changing his name to an unusual name because he wants to be different.

People have a lot of reasons for changing their names. Film stars, singers, sportsmen and some other famous people often change their names because they want names that are not ordinary, or that have special sound. They chose the “new name” for themselves instead of the name their parents gave them when they were born.

Some people have another reason for changing their names. They have moved to a new country and want to use a name that is usual there. For example, Li Kaiming changed his name to Ken Lee when he moved to the United States. He uses the name Ken at his job and at school. But with his family and Chinese friends, he uses Li Kaiming. For some people, using different names makes life easier in their new country.

In many countries, a woman changes her family name to her husband’s after she gets married. But today, many women are keeping their own family name and not using their husband’s. Sometimes , women use their own name in some situations (情况)and their husband’s in other situations . And some use both their own name and their husband’s.


different people

reason to change the name


It is ____61____ for people to remember.


He wants to have a name that’s ____62_____.

famous people

Their name may sound _____63_____.

Li Kaiming

Using different names can make ____64_____ easier.

a woman

After she gets _____65_____, she may change her name.




Stomach Ulcer
Stomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.So a possible cure is good news for many people.
Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer.How does a person know he or she has an ulcer?Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach.This pain often is called heart burn.It usually happens before eating or during the night.It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.H.Pillorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health experts say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ui- cers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.
Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other peo-ple.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer.Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.

There has been a change in doctors'understanding of the cause of stomach ulcer.
C:Not mentioned

题干意为“过去医生对于胃溃疡是无能为力”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短 语in the past, doctors作为定位线索,在第一段找到相关句:Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.相关句意为“医生一直能够帮助减少溃疡造成的痛苦。但是他们不能治愈胃溃疡这种疾病”,由此可见在过去医生虽然不能治愈胃溃疡,但也能对这种疾病进行治疗,因此题干陈述的意义与短文内容不一致。该题主要考查对时态意义的理解:相关句使用了现在完成时态,这表明“减少胃溃疡造成的疼痛(即治疗胃溃疡)”是从过去持续到现在的动作,这也就说明在过去就能对胃溃疡进行治疗。
题干意为“现在医生能成功地治愈胃溃疡” 该句在句意上与上题有关:一个说过去的情况,一个说现在的情况,因此从上一题的相关句的位置往下找该题相关句,同时关注题干中的细节信息词now , doctors,题干中出现的修饰词successfully在查找相关句的过程中也 需要关注,这样在第一段找到相关句:Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.该句意为“现在医生们已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因。这就意味着他们可能已经找到一种方法来治疗那些遭受到胃痛困扰的人”,由此不难看出题干与该句的内容不一致:题干在肯定地陈述一个事实:能成功治愈胃溃疡;短文说只是可能:“可能找到治疗方法”,即现在治愈胃溃疡只是一种可能(提示:混淆 “可能性”和“事实”是阅读判断题中“错误”这个答案选项常见的出题形式)。
题干意为“有些人可能在一生中的某个时候遭受胃溃疡这种疾病的困扰”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语some people, at some time in their life作为定位线索,这样在 第一段中找到该题相关句:Studies show that ten percent of the population(与some people 呼应)will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.该句意为“研究显示10%的人在他们一生中的某个时候可能遭受胃溃疡的困扰”。很明显,这与题干意义一致。
题干意为“经过多年的实验后医生已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因”。利用 题干中的细节信息词/短语doctors, a cause of ulcers,after many years of experiments作为定 位线索,在第一段找到涉及到doctor和a cause of ulcers相关的句子:Now doctors have dis-covered a cause of ulcers.该句没有提到many years of experiments“许多年的试验”,而短文中的其他部分也没有出现many years of experiments,由此可见“是否医生们是经过许多年的试验后才发现溃疡的一种致病原因”是无法从短文中了解到的信息,因此题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息(提示:题干中只要有一部分信息是短文中未提及的信息,就可以由此判断题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息)。
题干意为“医生对胃溃疡的致病原因的理解已经有了变化”。利用题干中的 细节信息词/短语change, doctors's understanding, the cause of stomach ulcer作为定位线 索,这样找到相关句:Doctors believed(与 doctors' understanding呼应)that ulcers were caused(与the cause of stomach ulcer)by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused(与the cause of stom- ach ulcer)by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.这两个句子提到“医生过去认为溃疡是由胃里超强的液体流动造成的。现在他们发现大多数的胃溃疡是由细菌造成的……”,这两个句子通过陈述医生们过去对溃疡的理解和现在对溃疡的理解来说明医生对溃疡的理解已经有了变化,很明显,题干意义就是对这两个相关句意义的概括(提示:有的题干是对短文中相关句子意义的概括总结)。
题干意为“胃溃疡会导致胃癌”。利用题干中的细节信息短语stomach cancer 作为定位线索词,这样在第二段的结尾部分找到相关句:They also believe curing ulcers will re- duce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.该句意为“他们认为治愈溃疡能够减少患胃癌的人数”,由此可知胃溃疡是造成胃癌的一个原因,题干陈述的信息与短文内容一致。
题干意为“喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡”。利用题干中的细节信息短语a lot of spicy food作为定位线索,结果发现短文中根本没有谈到spicy food,由此可知短文中根本没有涉及到辛辣食物和胃溃疡之间的关系,因此无法依据短文判断出是否喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡,由此判断题干陈述的信息为短文中未提及的信息。


Stomach Ulcer
Stomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.So a possible cure is good news for many people.
Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer.How does a person know he or she has an ulcer?Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach.This pain often is called heart burn.It usually happens before eating or during the night.It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.H.Pillorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health experts say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ui- cers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.
Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other peo-ple.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer.Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.

Stomach ulcer can lead to stomach cancer.
C:Not mentioned

题干意为“过去医生对于胃溃疡是无能为力”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短 语in the past, doctors作为定位线索,在第一段找到相关句:Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.相关句意为“医生一直能够帮助减少溃疡造成的痛苦。但是他们不能治愈胃溃疡这种疾病”,由此可见在过去医生虽然不能治愈胃溃疡,但也能对这种疾病进行治疗,因此题干陈述的意义与短文内容不一致。该题主要考查对时态意义的理解:相关句使用了现在完成时态,这表明“减少胃溃疡造成的疼痛(即治疗胃溃疡)”是从过去持续到现在的动作,这也就说明在过去就能对胃溃疡进行治疗。
题干意为“现在医生能成功地治愈胃溃疡” 该句在句意上与上题有关:一个说过去的情况,一个说现在的情况,因此从上一题的相关句的位置往下找该题相关句,同时关注题干中的细节信息词now , doctors,题干中出现的修饰词successfully在查找相关句的过程中也 需要关注,这样在第一段找到相关句:Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.该句意为“现在医生们已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因。这就意味着他们可能已经找到一种方法来治疗那些遭受到胃痛困扰的人”,由此不难看出题干与该句的内容不一致:题干在肯定地陈述一个事实:能成功治愈胃溃疡;短文说只是可能:“可能找到治疗方法”,即现在治愈胃溃疡只是一种可能(提示:混淆 “可能性”和“事实”是阅读判断题中“错误”这个答案选项常见的出题形式)。
题干意为“有些人可能在一生中的某个时候遭受胃溃疡这种疾病的困扰”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语some people, at some time in their life作为定位线索,这样在 第一段中找到该题相关句:Studies show that ten percent of the population(与some people 呼应)will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.该句意为“研究显示10%的人在他们一生中的某个时候可能遭受胃溃疡的困扰”。很明显,这与题干意义一致。
题干意为“经过多年的实验后医生已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因”。利用 题干中的细节信息词/短语doctors, a cause of ulcers,after many years of experiments作为定 位线索,在第一段找到涉及到doctor和a cause of ulcers相关的句子:Now doctors have dis-covered a cause of ulcers.该句没有提到many years of experiments“许多年的试验”,而短文中的其他部分也没有出现many years of experiments,由此可见“是否医生们是经过许多年的试验后才发现溃疡的一种致病原因”是无法从短文中了解到的信息,因此题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息(提示:题干中只要有一部分信息是短文中未提及的信息,就可以由此判断题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息)。
题干意为“医生对胃溃疡的致病原因的理解已经有了变化”。利用题干中的 细节信息词/短语change, doctors's understanding, the cause of stomach ulcer作为定位线 索,这样找到相关句:Doctors believed(与 doctors' understanding呼应)that ulcers were caused(与the cause of stomach ulcer)by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused(与the cause of stom- ach ulcer)by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.这两个句子提到“医生过去认为溃疡是由胃里超强的液体流动造成的。现在他们发现大多数的胃溃疡是由细菌造成的……”,这两个句子通过陈述医生们过去对溃疡的理解和现在对溃疡的理解来说明医生对溃疡的理解已经有了变化,很明显,题干意义就是对这两个相关句意义的概括(提示:有的题干是对短文中相关句子意义的概括总结)。
题干意为“胃溃疡会导致胃癌”。利用题干中的细节信息短语stomach cancer 作为定位线索词,这样在第二段的结尾部分找到相关句:They also believe curing ulcers will re- duce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.该句意为“他们认为治愈溃疡能够减少患胃癌的人数”,由此可知胃溃疡是造成胃癌的一个原因,题干陈述的信息与短文内容一致。
题干意为“喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡”。利用题干中的细节信息短语a lot of spicy food作为定位线索,结果发现短文中根本没有谈到spicy food,由此可知短文中根本没有涉及到辛辣食物和胃溃疡之间的关系,因此无法依据短文判断出是否喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡,由此判断题干陈述的信息为短文中未提及的信息。


Directions: You have stayed with your friend’s family for a month. Now you are going back home. Write a message to your friend’s family to 1) express your gratitude. 2) show your appreciation of the good days you’ve had together. 3) say goodbye. You should write about 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sig your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead.(10 points)



  I am writing this letter to thank you for the hospitality you gave me during my one-month stay with you.

During this period, you managed to make me feel at home with all your consideration and hospitality. Especially, I want to show my gratitude to you for your effort made in adapting to my irregular schedules. I count myself fortunate indeed to have had the opportunity to spend the memorable 30 days with you.
 Now, I am going back home. I am really reluctant to say good bye to you.
 With thanks again and best wishes to you.


                                             Li Ming



请阅读Passage 2。完成第小题。
Passage 2
Reality television is a genre of television programming which, it is claimed, presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or "heightened"documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000.
Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modern example is Gaki No Tsukai), to surveillance-or voyeurism-focused productions such as Big Brother.
Critics say that the term "reality television" is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic locations or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers,and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.
Part of reality television's appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, travelling on extraordinary" dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.
Some commentators have said that the name "reality television" is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition-based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment,creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word "reality" to describe his shows; he has said, "I tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama."

Reality TV appeals to some because __________.
查看材料 shows eligible males dating women uses exotic locations shows average people in exceptional circumstances can turn ordinary people into celebrities

从文章第四段“Part of reality television’s appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations."可知这种需求是因为能把普通人放置到不平凡的处境中.C项是该句的同义替换。


Some students take a year off their studies to____________.

A、travel around the world

B、become travel agents

C、visit family members

D、help other people



Stomach Ulcer
Stomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.So a possible cure is good news for many people.
Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer.How does a person know he or she has an ulcer?Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach.This pain often is called heart burn.It usually happens before eating or during the night.It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.H.Pillorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health experts say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ui- cers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.
Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other peo-ple.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer.Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.

People who eat a lot of spicy food are susceptible to stomach ulcers.
C:Not mentioned

题干意为“过去医生对于胃溃疡是无能为力”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短 语in the past, doctors作为定位线索,在第一段找到相关句:Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.相关句意为“医生一直能够帮助减少溃疡造成的痛苦。但是他们不能治愈胃溃疡这种疾病”,由此可见在过去医生虽然不能治愈胃溃疡,但也能对这种疾病进行治疗,因此题干陈述的意义与短文内容不一致。该题主要考查对时态意义的理解:相关句使用了现在完成时态,这表明“减少胃溃疡造成的疼痛(即治疗胃溃疡)”是从过去持续到现在的动作,这也就说明在过去就能对胃溃疡进行治疗。
题干意为“现在医生能成功地治愈胃溃疡” 该句在句意上与上题有关:一个说过去的情况,一个说现在的情况,因此从上一题的相关句的位置往下找该题相关句,同时关注题干中的细节信息词now , doctors,题干中出现的修饰词successfully在查找相关句的过程中也 需要关注,这样在第一段找到相关句:Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.该句意为“现在医生们已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因。这就意味着他们可能已经找到一种方法来治疗那些遭受到胃痛困扰的人”,由此不难看出题干与该句的内容不一致:题干在肯定地陈述一个事实:能成功治愈胃溃疡;短文说只是可能:“可能找到治疗方法”,即现在治愈胃溃疡只是一种可能(提示:混淆 “可能性”和“事实”是阅读判断题中“错误”这个答案选项常见的出题形式)。
题干意为“有些人可能在一生中的某个时候遭受胃溃疡这种疾病的困扰”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语some people, at some time in their life作为定位线索,这样在 第一段中找到该题相关句:Studies show that ten percent of the population(与some people 呼应)will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.该句意为“研究显示10%的人在他们一生中的某个时候可能遭受胃溃疡的困扰”。很明显,这与题干意义一致。
题干意为“经过多年的实验后医生已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因”。利用 题干中的细节信息词/短语doctors, a cause of ulcers,after many years of experiments作为定 位线索,在第一段找到涉及到doctor和a cause of ulcers相关的句子:Now doctors have dis-covered a cause of ulcers.该句没有提到many years of experiments“许多年的试验”,而短文中的其他部分也没有出现many years of experiments,由此可见“是否医生们是经过许多年的试验后才发现溃疡的一种致病原因”是无法从短文中了解到的信息,因此题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息(提示:题干中只要有一部分信息是短文中未提及的信息,就可以由此判断题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息)。
题干意为“医生对胃溃疡的致病原因的理解已经有了变化”。利用题干中的 细节信息词/短语change, doctors's understanding, the cause of stomach ulcer作为定位线 索,这样找到相关句:Doctors believed(与 doctors' understanding呼应)that ulcers were caused(与the cause of stomach ulcer)by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused(与the cause of stom- ach ulcer)by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.这两个句子提到“医生过去认为溃疡是由胃里超强的液体流动造成的。现在他们发现大多数的胃溃疡是由细菌造成的……”,这两个句子通过陈述医生们过去对溃疡的理解和现在对溃疡的理解来说明医生对溃疡的理解已经有了变化,很明显,题干意义就是对这两个相关句意义的概括(提示:有的题干是对短文中相关句子意义的概括总结)。
题干意为“胃溃疡会导致胃癌”。利用题干中的细节信息短语stomach cancer 作为定位线索词,这样在第二段的结尾部分找到相关句:They also believe curing ulcers will re- duce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.该句意为“他们认为治愈溃疡能够减少患胃癌的人数”,由此可知胃溃疡是造成胃癌的一个原因,题干陈述的信息与短文内容一致。
题干意为“喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡”。利用题干中的细节信息短语a lot of spicy food作为定位线索,结果发现短文中根本没有谈到spicy food,由此可知短文中根本没有涉及到辛辣食物和胃溃疡之间的关系,因此无法依据短文判断出是否喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡,由此判断题干陈述的信息为短文中未提及的信息。


Stomach Ulcer
Stomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.So a possible cure is good news for many people.
Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer.How does a person know he or she has an ulcer?Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach.This pain often is called heart burn.It usually happens before eating or during the night.It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.H.Pillorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health experts say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ui- cers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.
Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other peo-ple.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer.Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.

Some people are likely to suffer from the stomach pain at some time in their life.
C:Not mentioned

题干意为“过去医生对于胃溃疡是无能为力”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短 语in the past, doctors作为定位线索,在第一段找到相关句:Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.相关句意为“医生一直能够帮助减少溃疡造成的痛苦。但是他们不能治愈胃溃疡这种疾病”,由此可见在过去医生虽然不能治愈胃溃疡,但也能对这种疾病进行治疗,因此题干陈述的意义与短文内容不一致。该题主要考查对时态意义的理解:相关句使用了现在完成时态,这表明“减少胃溃疡造成的疼痛(即治疗胃溃疡)”是从过去持续到现在的动作,这也就说明在过去就能对胃溃疡进行治疗。
题干意为“现在医生能成功地治愈胃溃疡” 该句在句意上与上题有关:一个说过去的情况,一个说现在的情况,因此从上一题的相关句的位置往下找该题相关句,同时关注题干中的细节信息词now , doctors,题干中出现的修饰词successfully在查找相关句的过程中也 需要关注,这样在第一段找到相关句:Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.该句意为“现在医生们已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因。这就意味着他们可能已经找到一种方法来治疗那些遭受到胃痛困扰的人”,由此不难看出题干与该句的内容不一致:题干在肯定地陈述一个事实:能成功治愈胃溃疡;短文说只是可能:“可能找到治疗方法”,即现在治愈胃溃疡只是一种可能(提示:混淆 “可能性”和“事实”是阅读判断题中“错误”这个答案选项常见的出题形式)。
题干意为“有些人可能在一生中的某个时候遭受胃溃疡这种疾病的困扰”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语some people, at some time in their life作为定位线索,这样在 第一段中找到该题相关句:Studies show that ten percent of the population(与some people 呼应)will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.该句意为“研究显示10%的人在他们一生中的某个时候可能遭受胃溃疡的困扰”。很明显,这与题干意义一致。
题干意为“经过多年的实验后医生已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因”。利用 题干中的细节信息词/短语doctors, a cause of ulcers,after many years of experiments作为定 位线索,在第一段找到涉及到doctor和a cause of ulcers相关的句子:Now doctors have dis-covered a cause of ulcers.该句没有提到many years of experiments“许多年的试验”,而短文中的其他部分也没有出现many years of experiments,由此可见“是否医生们是经过许多年的试验后才发现溃疡的一种致病原因”是无法从短文中了解到的信息,因此题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息(提示:题干中只要有一部分信息是短文中未提及的信息,就可以由此判断题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息)。
题干意为“医生对胃溃疡的致病原因的理解已经有了变化”。利用题干中的 细节信息词/短语change, doctors's understanding, the cause of stomach ulcer作为定位线 索,这样找到相关句:Doctors believed(与 doctors' understanding呼应)that ulcers were caused(与the cause of stomach ulcer)by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused(与the cause of stom- ach ulcer)by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.这两个句子提到“医生过去认为溃疡是由胃里超强的液体流动造成的。现在他们发现大多数的胃溃疡是由细菌造成的……”,这两个句子通过陈述医生们过去对溃疡的理解和现在对溃疡的理解来说明医生对溃疡的理解已经有了变化,很明显,题干意义就是对这两个相关句意义的概括(提示:有的题干是对短文中相关句子意义的概括总结)。
题干意为“胃溃疡会导致胃癌”。利用题干中的细节信息短语stomach cancer 作为定位线索词,这样在第二段的结尾部分找到相关句:They also believe curing ulcers will re- duce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.该句意为“他们认为治愈溃疡能够减少患胃癌的人数”,由此可知胃溃疡是造成胃癌的一个原因,题干陈述的信息与短文内容一致。
题干意为“喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡”。利用题干中的细节信息短语a lot of spicy food作为定位线索,结果发现短文中根本没有谈到spicy food,由此可知短文中根本没有涉及到辛辣食物和胃溃疡之间的关系,因此无法依据短文判断出是否喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡,由此判断题干陈述的信息为短文中未提及的信息。
