问答题By degrees the shutters were opened; the window-blinds were drawn up, and people began passing to and (1)____. Some few stopped to gaze at Oliver for a moment or two, or turned round to (2) st____ at him as they hurried by; but none relieved him, or tr

By degrees the shutters were opened; the window-blinds were drawn up, and people began passing to and (1)____. Some few stopped to gaze at Oliver for a moment or two, or turned round to (2) st____ at him as they hurried by; but none relieved him, or troubled themselves to inquire how he came there. He had no heart to beg. And there he sat. He had been crouching on the step for some time, (3)____(wonder) at the great number of public-houses (every other house in Barnet was a tavern, large or small); gazing listlessly (4)____ the coaches as they passed through, and thinking how strange it seemed that they could do, with (5) e____, in a few hours, what it had taken him a whole week of courage and (6)____(determine) beyond his years to accomplish; when he was roused by observing that a boy, who had passed him carelessly some minutes before, had returned, and was now surveying him most (7)____(earnest) from the (8) o____ side of the way. He took little heed of this at first; but the boy remained in the same attitude of close observation so long, that Oliver (9)____(raise) his head, and returned his steady look. Upon this, the boy crossed over, and, (10) w____ close up to Oliver, said, “Hello! My covey, what’s the row?”
1.fro to and fro来来回回地,往复地,固定搭配。
2.stare stare at盯住,凝视,与本句or前面的gaze at相呼应。
3.wondering 现在分词作伴随状语。
4.at gaze at盯住,盯着,固定搭配,见上文第二句Some few stopped to gaze at Oliver for a moment or two,…。
5.ease 句意:他曾经花了一整个星期的时间,用超出他年龄的勇气和决心才能完成的事情,而他们在数小时内就可以轻松完成,这在他眼里是多么的奇怪啊。in a few hours与a whole week形成对比;with ease与of courage and determination beyond his years形成对比。
6.determination and前后形式要对应,courage勇气,是名词,所以要用determine的名词形式determination。
7.earnestly 本空修饰前面的动词survey,要用副词形式。
8.opposite from the opposite side of the way从路的另一边。后面第75个空前面提到了cross over横穿,横越,即他是在路的对面的。
9.raised 用raise的过去时raised与and后面的returned相呼应。
10.walking 本句的句子主干是the boy crossed over, and said…,and前后连接的是crossed over与said,并非crossed over与空格处。所以空格处只能用现在分词作伴随状语,修饰后面的动词said。cross over横穿,横越。与cross over相对应,walk close up to走进,靠过来。
解析: 暂无解析
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_____that caused him to serve dinner two hours later than usual.

A、It was we being late.

B、It was our being late.

C、It was we were too late.

D、It was because we were late.



When all the people had assembled, the king, surrounded by his court, (21) a signal. Then a door beneath him opened, and the accused man stepped (22) into the arena. Directly opposite him were two doors, exactly (23) and side by side. It was the duty and the privilege of the (24) on trial to walk directly to these (25) and open one of them. He (26) open either door he pleased; he was subject to no (27) or influence. If he opened the one, there came out of it a hungry tiger, the (28) and most cruel that could be found, which (29) sprang upon him and tore him to pieces as a punishment for his guilt. (30) , if the accused person opened the other door, out of it came a (31) lady, and to this lady he was immediately married, as a reward of his innocence. This was the (32) method of administering justice. Its perfect fairness is obvious. The criminal could (33) know out of which door would come the lady; he opened either he pleased, without having the slightest (34) whether, in the next instant, he was to be devoured or married. So the accused person was instantly (35) if guilty, and, if innocent, he was rewarded on the spot.


A. give

B. gives

C. gave

D. given



How did he make his way out in the end?

A. The vice-president found him.

B. Some one opened the elevator.

C. The elevator began to work on Tuesday.

D. He found a door in the elevator.



2. We were angry __________ him ___________ keeping us waiting.

A. with; for

B. to; for

C. with ;as

D. to ;as

2.A【解析】be angry with sb. for sth.因某事而生某人的气。


The journey two divers(潜水员)made some time ago to the very deepest point on the earth make us realize how much of the world still remains to be studied. The two men went down seven miles to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean inside a small ball to find out if there are any ocean currents(水流)or signs of life.

It was necessary to set out early, so that the ball would come to the surface in daylight, and so be easily found by the mother ship which would be waiting for it. The divers began preparations(准备)early in the morning and soon afterwards, when all was ready, the steel ball disappeared under the surface of the water.

The divers felt as if they were going down steps as they passed through warm and cold layers(层)of water. In time, the temperature dropped to freezing point. They kept in touch with the mother ship by telephone telling how they felt. Then, at a depth(深度)of 3,000 feet, the telephone stopped working and they were quite cut off from the outside world. All went well until some four hours later at 30,000 feet, the men were frightened by a loud, cracking(爆裂)noise: even the smallest hole in the ball would have meant instant death. Luckily, though, it was only one of the outer(外部的)windows that had broken. Soon afterwards, the ball touched the soft ocean floor raising a big cloud of "dust" made up of small dead sea-creatures. Here, powerful lights lit up the dark water and the men were surprised to see fish swimming just above them quite untroubled by the great water pressure(压力). But they did not dare to leave the lights on for long , as the heat from them made the water boil. Quite unexpectedly, the telephone began working again and the faint(微弱的)but clear voices of the divers were heard on the mother ship seven miles away. After a stay of thirty minutes the men began their journey up, arriving three hours later, cold and wet through, but none the worse for their experience.

1. The purpose of the diver's journey to the deepest point on the earth was to find _____.

A. if there are water currents and life in the great depths

B. if people can stand the severe cold in the great depths

C. if there are steps in the great depths

D. if the telephone works well in the great depths

2. The divers set out early in the morning so that _____.

A. they could return to the surface during the day

B. they could see at the bottom of the ocean

C. they could avoid the cold at night

D. they could stay long at the bottom

3. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The ocean water temperature decreases steadily with the depth

B. There are steps on the way to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean

C. There are steps between the water layers of different temperature

D. The water layers of different temperatures made the divers feel as if they were going down steps

4. As the divers went down to the ocean floor, the telephone _____.

A. kept working all the time

B. stopped working at a depth of 3,000 feet and began working again after they reached the bottom

C. stopped working at a depth of 3,000 feet and began working at 30,000 feet

D. stopped working at a depth of 3,000 feet and began working again when they returned to the same depth

5. On the ocean floor, the divers found that _____.

A. there was no life but some small dead sea-creatures

B. fish were swimming as freely as they do near the surface

C. fish were not swimming freely in the dark water

D. fish were not swimming freely under the high water pressure

参考答案: AADBB


It was getting dark. Some children and two Canadian women were still ___21___ on the ice near a big hotel. They were having a good time.

Suddenly the ice broke. One of the boys fell into the water. The children shouted, “Help! Help!” They didn't know what to so. The two Canadian friends heard ___22___ and skated over to get the boy out of the water.

The ice was thin. The two Canadians fell into the water, too. But they tried their best to ___23___ the little boy. They knew they must be quick. If they didn't push him up onto the ice, he would soon die.

Many people ran over to help.Some of them had ropes and poles. A young man jumped into the water to save the ___24___ people.

The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last. One of the women didn't feel well. She was sent to the ___25___ at once. But she felt very happy because the boy was safe.

































Passage Three

The war had begun, and George had joined the air force. He wanted to be a pilot and after some months he managed to get to the air force training school, where they taught pilots to fly'.

There, the first thing that new students had to do was to be taken up in a plane by an experienced pi lot, to give them some ideas what it felt like. Even those who had traveled as passengers in commercial (商业的 ) airline planes before found it strange to be in the cockpit (驾驶舱)of a small fighter plane, and most of the students felt nervous.

The officer who had to take the students up for their first flight allowed them to fly the plane for a few seconds if' they wanted to and if they were not too frightened to try, but be was always ready to take over as soon as the plane started to do dangerous things.

George was one of those who took over the controls of the plane when he went up in it for the first time, and after the officer had taken them [Yom him again. George thought that he had better ask a few questions to show how interested he was and how much he wanted to learn to fly. There were a number of instruments (仪表) in front of him, so he chose one and asked the officer what it was. The officer looked at him strangely for a moment and then answered, "That is the clock."

44. George went to the air torte training school because he wanted ______.

A. to fight the war

B. to fly

C. to be pilot

D. to be a passenger


    44.答案为C  此考题为细节题。根据文章第1段第2He wanted to be a pilot and after some months he managed to get to the air force training school,可以断定C正确。


He had more dictionaries than_________ for his work.()

A.they are needed

B.were necessary

C.it was needed

D.necessary were they to him



The first United States airmail stamp has an interesting story.Printed in 1918, this 24-cent stamp with a blue plane inside rose border became the center of much attention.One hundred of the stamps sold to the public became known as "inverts", for the plane was printed upside down.Singles of these "upside down" airmail stamps are now worth over $ 100,000.

The story of these stamps began on May 14, 1918, the day after they were placed on sale.In Washington D.C., W.T.Robey, a man interested in stamps, decided to buy a sheet of the new stamps and so went to the New York Avenue branch post office in Washington.When the clerk handed him a sheet of the stamps, Robey noted that they were poorly centered.He looked at other sheets and found that none was well centered.The clerk asked Robey to return later in the day when more stamps were expected.

About noon Robey came back, and the same clerk was on duty.He reached for the new sheets and handed one to Robey.The collector's heart stood still as he saw that the sheet which had been offered him had inverted centers.

Excited by his find, Robey shopped other branch post offices for more sheets with inverted centers but found none.Then be told his friend of his discovery, and they, too, looked in the city's post offices - also in vain.

Not being a rich man, Robey decided to cash in on his good fortune.He turned down the first offer of $ 500 from a Washington stamp shop owner and took the sheet to New York.There he planned to show it to a collector, Colonel E.H.R.Green, as well as to stamp dealers.

Colonel Green was out of the city, and no one else wanted to bid on the sheet for fear that Robey's might not be the only upside down sheet.As the news of his great find spread, many people said that other such sheets had been found.These stories proved to be false.

Robey left New York without having made a sale, and stopped in Philadelphia on the way home.There, dealer Eugene Klein arranged to buy the sheet for $ 15,000 and finally did buy it.Within a few days, Klein sold the sheet to Colonel Green, the same collector whom Robey had failed to contact in New York.There is a tale that the Colonel was in Texas at the time, and that Klein phoned him there and sold him the sheet, sight unseen, for $ 20,000! Robey's sheet had cost him $ 24, and his profit was $ 14,976 while Klein gained $ 5,000.

Of the 100 stamps first bought by Mr.Robey, stamp collectors are now able to account for 96.What has happened to the others is not known.When a copy is offered for sale it is a major event in the stamp world.A block of four stamps has been sold for sale it is a major event in the stamp world.A block of four stamps has been sold for as much as $ 500,000.Few people have ever seen a copy.Yet no matter how much this valuable stamp is bought and sold, no owner can match the thrill that W.T.Robey had on that day in 1918 when he made America's luckiest stamp find!

1、This article is about().

A、the first-class stamps eighty years ago

B、revenue stamps in the United States

C、the first United States airmail stamps

D、special delivery stamps

2、These stamps were valuable because().

A、the centers of them were "upside down"

B、they were the wrong color

C、they were off center

D、there were so few of them

3、When Robey told his friends of the find, they().

A、tried to buy his stamps

B、also went to look for such stamps

C、reported Robey to the government

D、none of the above

4、The dealers knew that if there were other sheets like Robey's then ().

A、Robey must be lying

B、there were no perfect ones

C、the stamps were no good

D、Robey's stamps would be worthless

5、Robey's stamps have seen by().

A、many people

B、no one

C、few people




When television first began to expand,very few of the people who had becom commentators were able to be equally effective on television.Some of the experienced when they were trying to( )technical.


adapt to“适应”。C.alter(改变)和D.modify(修改)不可与to搭配,可排除。A.turn to(求助于)不符合“收音机评论员试着适应电视这一新的媒体”这句话的意思。
