单选题Although he is recognized as one of the most brilliant scientists in his field, Professor White cannot seem to______ in class.A make his ideas down B transfer his thought onC convey his thought up D get his ideas across

Although he is recognized as one of the most brilliant scientists in his field, Professor White cannot seem to______ in class.

make his ideas down  


transfer his thought on


convey his thought up  


get his ideas across

正确答案: C
虽然怀特教授被认为是他领域内最杰出的科学家,但是他好像无法使自己的观点被学生所理解。get across (使)越过, 通过, 被理解。
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。



Jim was a waiter. He liked to grow flowers in his garden when he was free. One Sunday morning after breakfast he put on his old clothes and began digging(挖) in his garden at 8. He dug and dug. Half an hour later he suddenly found a coin near his foot. He was very glad. He put it in his right pocket. A few minutes later,he found anotherone. He picked it up and p...hit in the same pocket.The same thing happened for the third,the fourth and the fifth time…: He was very happy and told his wife about it. She was very happy,too. She said,"A thief took away a lot of coins from a shop a few days ago. The police caught him but they didn't find any coins. Then Jim went on digging some coins,but just when he began to dig,he felt something cold in his trousers... It ran down one of his legs. He put his hand down quickly and the coin came into his hand. Now he knew there was a hole in his right pocket.

( )26. There were some _________ in Jim's garden.







He certainly tried to explain his ideas but I am still at a loss ________ his points.

A. seeing

B. to se

C. for seeing

D. and see




Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present.On Christmas Eve Paul saw a dirty and poorly-dressed boy walking 26 his shining car.“Is this your car,Paul?”he asked.

Paul told him how he got the car and the boy was 27 .“You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you nothing?Boy,I wish…” he said, without 28 his sentence.Paul thought the boy wished he had a 29 like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly. “I wish,”the boy went on,“that I could be a brother like that.”

Paul looked at the boy in surprise. He invited him to take a 30 in his car and the boy agreed happily. After a short ride,the boy turned and with his eyes 31 ,said,“Paul,would you mind driving in front of my house?”

Paul smiled a little.He thought the boy wanted to 32 his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong 33 . The boy ran back into his house, and after a short while came back with his disabled brother in his arms.

He 34 him down on the step and pointed to the car. “There she is, Buddy, just like what I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t 35 him a cent. Some day I’m going to give you one just like it.”

26. A. inside B. around C. through D. across



His wife thought Christopher suddenly quit his job because he______.

A.couldn't wait to get promoted

B.had experience in interior design

C.wanted to do something he enjoyed

D.couldn't bear the pressure from his job



Yesterday he sold out all his stamps at ____ he thought was a reasonable price.







What does the reporter want most from his editors in their talks?

A. Finding the news value of his stories.

B. Giving him financial support.

C. Helping him to find issues.

D. Improving his good ideas.



The comedian didn't seem to be able to _____ to his audience — they didn't laugh at all.

A. get his jokes around

B. get his jokes by

C. get his jokes across

D. get his jokes down



Although he failed in his attempts, his mother’s __ drove him on to continue his efforts.







For some years after his graduation, he ______ some of his classmates, but as times went by, he dropped them one by one.

A、catch up with

B、keep up with

C、keep up

D、make up with



How often one hears children wishing they were grown up,and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains,and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.

Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities. If a child has good parents,he is well fed,looked after and loved. It is unlikely that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition,life is always presenting new things to the child-things that have lost their,interest for older people because they are too well known. A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain,or in the snow. His first,visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure. But a child has his pains:he is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks older people are;he is continually being told what to do and what not to do. Therefore,a child is not happy as he wishes to be.

When the young man starts to earn his own living,he becomes free from the discipline of school and parents;but at the same time he is forced to accept responsibilities. With no one to pay for his food,his clothes,or his room,he has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child,he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents,he may get himself into trouble. If,however,he works hard,goes by the law and has good health,he may feel satisfied in seeing himself make steady progress in his job and in building up for himself his own position in society.

Old age has always been thought of as the worst age to be;but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy. With old age comes wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely given. The old can have the joy of seeing their children making progress in life;they can watch their grandchildren growing up around them;and,perhaps best of all,they can,if their life has been a useful one,feel the happiness of having come through the battle of life safely and of having reached a time when they can lie back and rest,leaving everything to others.

The happiest people should be those who______.

A.face up to difficulties in life

B.hope to be young again

C.enjoy life in different ages

D.wish to be grown up

