问答题Practice 3  A newspaper is much more than a business; it is an institution. It reflects and influences the life of a community; it may affect even wider destinies.  It is, in its way, an instrument of government. It plays on the minds and consciences o

Practice 3  A newspaper is much more than a business; it is an institution. It reflects and influences the life of a community; it may affect even wider destinies.  It is, in its way, an instrument of government. It plays on the minds and consciences of man. It may educate, stimulate, assist, or it may do the opposite. It has, therefore, a moral as well as a material existence, and its character and influence are in the main determined by the balance of these two factors. It may make profit or power its first object, or it may conceive itself as fulfilling a higher and more exacting function.  Character is a subtle affaire, and has many shades and sides. It is not a thing to be much talked about, but rather to be felt. It is the slow deposit of past actions and ideas.  At the perils of its soul, a newspaper must see that the news it supplies is not tainted. Neither in what it gives, nor in what it does not give, nor in the mode of presentation, must the unclouded face of truth suffer wrong. Comment is free, but facts are sacred. “Propaganda,” so called, by this means is hateful. The voice of opponents no less than that of friends has a right to be heard. Comment also is justly subject to a self-imposed restraint. It is well to be frank; it is even better to be fair. This is an ideal. Achievement in such matters is hardly given to man. Perhaps none of us can attain to it in the desirable measure. We can but try, ask pardon for shortcomings, and there leave the matter.  One of the virtues, perhaps the chief virtue, of a newspaper is its independence. Whatever its position or character, it should have a soul of its own.  That is the path of self-respect—it is also the path of success. And what a work it is! How multiform, how responsive to every need—and every incident of life! What illimitable possibilities of achievement and of excellence!  To the man, whatever his place on the paper, nothing should satisfy short of the best. It is here that ability counts and that character counts, and it is on these that a newspaper, if it is to be worthy of its power and duty, must rely.
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Television gets much of its financial source from advertising and is by nature more Republican than the newspapers.()



How much do the majority of one way sales flights probably cost?

A.Less than $44
B.Between $44 and $64
C.Around $100
D.More than $100

注意题干中的表达tlle majority of。此题没有对所有机票的价格进行提问,而是对全体中占大部分的机票价格进行了提问。从第三段中的价格表来看。10种机票中有6种机票的价格位于94美元到104美元之间。因此占全体机票大多数机票价格的平均值。


Its somewhat ambitious title was "The Book of Life", and it attempted to show how much an observant man might learn by an accurate and systematic examination of all that came in his way.





Reading Poem

No poem should ever be discussed or"analyzed",until it has been read aloud by someone, teacher or student.Better still,perhaps,is the practice of reading it twice,once at the beginning of the discussion and once at the end,so the sound of the poem is the last thing one hears of it.
All discussions of poetry are,in fact,preparations for reading it aloud,and the reading of the poem is,finally,the most telling"interpretation"of it,suggesting tone,rhythm, and meaning all at once.Hearing a poet read the work in his or her own voice,on records or on film,is obviously a special reward.But even those aids to teaching can not replace the student and teacher reading it or, best of all,reciting it.
I have come to think,in fact,that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than"analyzing"it,if there isn't time for both.I think one of our goals as teachers of English is to have students love poetry.Poetry is"a criticism of life","a heightening of life,enjoyment with others".It is"an approach to the truth of feeling",and it"can save your life".It also deserves a place in the teaching of languages and literature more central than it presently occupies.
I am not saying that every English teacher must teach poetry.Those who don't like it should not be forced to put that dislike on anyone else.But those who do teach poetry must keep in mind a few things about its essential nature,about its sound as well as its sense,and they must make room in
the classroom for hearing poetry as well as thinking about it.

What does the last sentence in the third paragraph imply?
A:The teaching of poetry should have been much more stressed.
B:The teaching of poetry is more important than the teaching of any other subject.
C:One cannot enjoy life fully without an understanding of poetry.
D:Poetry is the foundation of all languages and literature courses.

第三段最后一句说在语言和文学教学中,诗也理应占据比现在更重要的位置。所以应强调诗歌教学,应选A。注:" stress”是“强调”的意思。
" make room for”本意是“为······腾出空位”。此处应理解为在课上安排时间聆听和思考诗歌,即“leave a certain amount of time”之意。


Will the Apple launch have an audience of thousands clapping and cheering?Must be a new iPhone or iWatch?The truth may sound dull,but it matters as much as any fancy new product.What Apple's boss,Tim Cook,presented on June 2nd,at the company's annual conference for soft-ware developers in San Francisco,were upgraded operating systems,one for its Mac desktops and laptops and another for its mobile devices,plus a new programming language.These,combined with other moves to nurture the Apple"ecosystem",should make its offerings even more attractive to both developers and consumers-and even more formidable to its rivals.Apple has lon8 devoted to providing greater convenience and user experience.The new operating systems will do more than improve on the current versions when they are released in the autumn.They will allow devices to work together perfecdy.



The bank (56) borrowers enough interest to pay the expense of the bank and have something left over for (57) . The interest cannot be higher than the legal rate, which is established by state law and in most states is 6% per year. (58) big loans, the interest rate is much less, even as low as 2%. The rate depends on the money market, when there is plenty of money (59) to be borrowed, banks charge low rates of interest. A savings bank may pay its depositors 2% and lend the money at 3.5% or 4%. But when money is tight, interest rates go up, and a savings bank may try to (60) depositors by offering 4% or 4.5% or even more and lending the money at 5% or 6%.








( )has changed the way people buy,sell,hire,and,organize business activities in more ways and more rapidly than any other technology in the history of business.

B.Web page
C.The Internet
D.lectronic Funds Transfers



Has changed the way people buy,sell,hire,and,organize business activities in more ways and more rapidly than any 0ther technolgy in the history of business( ).


B.Web page

C.The Internet

D.Electronic Funds Transfers



Uranus, ________ is much more massive than the Earth, seems to have been tipped over so that it lies on its side.


本题考查的是定语从句中关系代词的选择。定语从句中没有what 引导词,what是引导名词性从句的; 先行词是人的时候用who,是物的时候用which或that; 题目意为“天王星,比地球大得多,似乎已经倾斜,使它位于它的一边。”先行词是物,且该句子是非限定性定语从句,因此选D。



Reading Poem

No poem should ever be discussed or"analyzed",until it has been read aloud by someone, teacher or student.Better still,perhaps,is the practice of reading it twice,once at the beginning of the discussion and once at the end,so the sound of the poem is the last thing one hears of it.
All discussions of poetry are,in fact,preparations for reading it aloud,and the reading of the poem is,finally,the most telling"interpretation"of it,suggesting tone,rhythm, and meaning all at once.Hearing a poet read the work in his or her own voice,on records or on film,is obviously a special reward.But even those aids to teaching can not replace the student and teacher reading it or, best of all,reciting it.
I have come to think,in fact,that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than"analyzing"it,if there isn't time for both.I think one of our goals as teachers of English is to have students love poetry.Poetry is"a criticism of life","a heightening of life,enjoyment with others".It is"an approach to the truth of feeling",and it"can save your life".It also deserves a place in the teaching of languages and literature more central than it presently occupies.
I am not saying that every English teacher must teach poetry.Those who don't like it should not be forced to put that dislike on anyone else.But those who do teach poetry must keep in mind a few things about its essential nature,about its sound as well as its sense,and they must make room in
the classroom for hearing poetry as well as thinking about it.

According to the passage,to have a better understanding of a poem,the best way is______.
A:to discuss it with others
B:to analyze it by oneself
C:to hear it read out
D:to practice reading it aloud

第三段最后一句说在语言和文学教学中,诗也理应占据比现在更重要的位置。所以应强调诗歌教学,应选A。注:" stress”是“强调”的意思。
" make room for”本意是“为······腾出空位”。此处应理解为在课上安排时间聆听和思考诗歌,即“leave a certain amount of time”之意。
