单选题How can we remember things more easily according to the woman?A By connecting them with a physical object.B By looking at them very carefully first.C By having people remind US of them.

How can we remember things more easily according to the woman?

By connecting them with a physical object.


By looking at them very carefully first.


By having people remind US of them.

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Passage Two

When we see well, we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.

People who are nearsighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Everything else is not so clear. Many people who do a lot of close work, such as writing, reading and sewing, become near sighted. Then they have to wear glasses in order to see distant (远处的) things clearly'.

People who are nearsighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm's length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses, too.

Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have what is called astigmatism (散光). This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some people's eyes become cloudy because of cataracts (白内障). Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.

Having two good eyes is important for judging distances. Each eye sees things from a slightly different angle (角度). To prove this to yourself, look at an object out of one eye; then look at the same object out

of the other eye. You will find the object's relation to the background (背景) and other things around it has changed. The difference between these two different eye views helps us to judge how far away an object is. People who have only one eye cannot judge distance as people with two eyes.

40. We should take good care of our eyes ______.

A. only when we cannot see perfectly

B. only when we can see well

C. even if we can see well

D. only when we realize how important our eyes are


    40.答案为C  此考题为推理题。根据作者在第1段第2句所表达的,等到我们两眼视力下降了我们才认识到眼睛的重要性,我们就可断定C正确。



If your doctor could give you a drug that would let you live a healthy life for twice as long, would you take it?
The good news is that we may be drawing near to that date.Scientists have already extended the lives of flies,worms and mice in laboratories. Many now think that using genetic treatments we will soon be able to extend human life to at least 140 years.This seems a great idea. Think of how much more time we could spend chasing our dreams,spending time with our loved ones,watching our families grow and have families of their own.
"Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes and promote long term thinking,"says Dr Gregory Stock of the University of California School of Public Health."It would also raise productivity by adding to the year we can work."
Longer lives don't just affect the people who live them. They also affect society as a whole. "We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I don't think any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,"says US bioethicist Daniel Callahan,"The question is what we will get as a society?I suspect it won't be a better society."
It would certainly be a very different society. People are already finding it more difficult to stay married. Divorce rates are rising. What would happen to marriage in a society where people lived for 140 years? And what would happen to family life if 9 or 10 generations of the same family were all alive at the same time?
Research into ageing may enable women to remain fertile for longer. And that raises the prospect of having 100-year-old parents,or brothers and sisters born 50 years apart. We think of an elder sibling as someone who can protect us and offer help and advice. That would be hard to do if that sibling came from a completely different generation.
Working life would also be affected,especially if the retirement age was lifted.More people would stay in work for longer. That would give us the benefits of age一skill,wisdom and good judgment.
On the other hand,more people working for longer would create greater competition for jobs. It would make it more difficult for younger people to find a job. Top posts would be dominated by the same few individuals,making career progress more difficult. And how easily would a 25-year-old employee be able to communicate with a 125-year-old boss?
Young people would be a smaller part of a society in which people lived to 140.It may be that such a society would place less importance on guiding and educating young people,and more on making life comfortable for the old.
And society would feel very different if more of its members were older. There would be more wisdom,but less energy.Young people like to move about. Old people like to sit still.Young people tend to act without thinking.Old people tend to think without acting.Young people are curious and like to experience different things.Old people are less enthusiastic about change.In fact,they are less enthusiastic about everything.
The effect of anti-ageing technology is deeper than we might think.But as the science advances,we need to think about these changes now."If this could ever happen,then we'd better ask what kind of society we want to get,"says Daniel Callahan."We had better not go anywhere near it until we have figure those problems out."

Which of the following is implied in the fifth paragraph?
A:Marriages in the US today are quite unstable.
B:More and more people in the US today want to get married.
C:Living longer would make it easier for people to maintain their marital ties.
D:If people live longer,they would stay in marriage longer.



Things _______ us all, so we put them in and take them out as we like.

(A) belong for

(B) belong with

(C) belong to

(D) belong in

解答参考:C.固定短语题。belong to+n. 属于…。【译文】东西是属于我们大家的,所以我们想放就放,想拿就拿。


Improve Your Memory

To many people advancing age means losing your hair,your waistline and your memory.But is it an inescapable fact that the older you get,the less you remember? Well,as time goes by,we tend to blame age for problems that are not necessarily age-related.
When a teenager can't find her keys,she thinks it's because she's distracted or disorganized, but a 70-year-old blames her memory. In fact,the 70-year-old may have been misplacing things for decades一like we all do from time to time.
In healthy people,memory doesn't deteriorate as quickly as many of us think. According to psychologists,as we age,our memory mechanism isn't broken,it's just different.The brain's processing time slows down over the years,though no one knows exactly why.Recent research suggests that nerve cells lose efficiency and that there's less activity in the part of the brain that decides whether to store information or not.But it's not clear that less activity is worse.A beginning athlete is winded. more easily than a trained athlete.In the same way,as the brain gets more skilled at a task,it spends less energy on it.
There are steps you can take to improve your memory,though you have to work to keep your brain in shape.It's like having a good body. You can't go to the gym once a year and expect to stay in top form.
Some memory enhancement experts suggest using the AM principle.Pay attention to what you want to remember. Then give some meaning to it. We remember things when we focus on them, whether we intend to or not. That helps explain why jingles stick in our minds.They are played on loud,flashy TV commercials.They also use rhyme and music to help us remember better.
Basic organization helps us remember the boring stuff. For example,rather than trying to recall a random list of groceries,we can divide them into categories,such as dairy,meat and produce. For important things like keys and money,we can set up a"forget-me-not"spot where we always keep them.
We can also eat to aid our memory power. Whole grains,fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of glucose,the brain's preferred fuel. Another low-tech way to improve memory is to get adequate rest. Sleep may allow our brain time to encode memories.
Interest in friends,family and hobbies does wonders for our memory.A sense of passion or purpose helps us remember. Memory requires us to pay attention to our lives,allowing us to discover in them everything worth remembering.

You must work hard to keep your brain active,just as you work hard to keep yourself in shape.
C:Not mentioned

本题给出的信息是正确的。依据是第一段第三句中提到“Well, as time goes by, we tend to blame age for problems that are not necessarily age-related.”其实,随着时间的流逝,我们会将一些不一定与年龄相关的问题归咎于年龄。题干中描述的“你年纪越大,记得就越少,这不总是正确的”与原文意思相符,所以选A。
本题给出的信息是错误的。依据的信息句和上题信息句相同。题干所描述的“我们可以推理出记忆力的问题不是真的和年龄相关”,与原文不相符,因为“not necessarily”指“不一定”,而不是指“not really"(不是真的)。
本题给出的信息是错误的。依据是第三段第二句:"According to psychologists, as we age, our memory mechanism isn't broken, it's just different.”据心理学家说,当我们变老时,我们的记忆机能不会失效,只是变得和以前不一样了。题干中所陈述的“当我们变老,我们的记忆机能失效,所以它就和以前不一样了”,这个说法与原文恰恰相反,所以选B。
本题给出的信息是正确的。依据是第四段:"There are steps you can take to improve your memory,though you have to work to keep your brain in shape .It's like having a good body.You can't go to the gym once a year and expect to stay in top form.”虽然你工作以使你的大脑保持良好状态,但也有一些步骤可以用来提高记忆力。就像拥有一个好身体一样,你不能每年只去一次健身房还期望自己处于巅峰状态。题干陈述“你必须工作以使你的大脑保持灵活,就如同你努力运动使你保持体形一样”,这与原文意思相符,所以选A。
本题给出的信息是错误的。依据是第五段第二、三句:"Pay attention to what you want to remember.Then give some meaning to it.”关注你想要记忆的东西,并且给它以某种意义。依此推出AM代表的意思应为“attention and meaning"。而题干中说的是“注意力和记忆”与原文不符,所以选B。
本题给出的信息是正确的。依据是倒数第二段的第一句和第三句:"We can also eat to aid our memory power.”我们还可以通过饮食来帮助我们提高记忆力。"Another low-tech way to improve memory is to get adequate rest.”另外一种低科技的提高记忆力的方法就是要有足够的休息。题干中陈述“对食物正确的选择和大量的休息对记忆有益”,这与原文意思相符,所以选A。



If your doctor could give you a drug that would let you live a healthy life for twice as long, would you take it?
The good news is that we may be drawing near to that date.Scientists have already extended the lives of flies,worms and mice in laboratories. Many now think that using genetic treatments we will soon be able to extend human life to at least 140 years.This seems a great idea. Think of how much more time we could spend chasing our dreams,spending time with our loved ones,watching our families grow and have families of their own.
"Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes and promote long term thinking,"says Dr Gregory Stock of the University of California School of Public Health."It would also raise productivity by adding to the year we can work."
Longer lives don't just affect the people who live them. They also affect society as a whole. "We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I don't think any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,"says US bioethicist Daniel Callahan,"The question is what we will get as a society?I suspect it won't be a better society."
It would certainly be a very different society. People are already finding it more difficult to stay married. Divorce rates are rising. What would happen to marriage in a society where people lived for 140 years? And what would happen to family life if 9 or 10 generations of the same family were all alive at the same time?
Research into ageing may enable women to remain fertile for longer. And that raises the prospect of having 100-year-old parents,or brothers and sisters born 50 years apart. We think of an elder sibling as someone who can protect us and offer help and advice. That would be hard to do if that sibling came from a completely different generation.
Working life would also be affected,especially if the retirement age was lifted.More people would stay in work for longer. That would give us the benefits of age一skill,wisdom and good judgment.
On the other hand,more people working for longer would create greater competition for jobs. It would make it more difficult for younger people to find a job. Top posts would be dominated by the same few individuals,making career progress more difficult. And how easily would a 25-year-old employee be able to communicate with a 125-year-old boss?
Young people would be a smaller part of a society in which people lived to 140.It may be that such a society would place less importance on guiding and educating young people,and more on making life comfortable for the old.
And society would feel very different if more of its members were older. There would be more wisdom,but less energy.Young people like to move about. Old people like to sit still.Young people tend to act without thinking.Old people tend to think without acting.Young people are curious and like to experience different things.Old people are less enthusiastic about change.In fact,they are less enthusiastic about everything.
The effect of anti-ageing technology is deeper than we might think.But as the science advances,we need to think about these changes now."If this could ever happen,then we'd better ask what kind of society we want to get,"says Daniel Callahan."We had better not go anywhere near it until we have figure those problems out."

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the things that living longer might enable an individual to do?
A:Spending more time with his family.
B:Having more education.
C:Realizing more dreams.
D:Working longer.



Although they are identical twins their parents can easily ______ between them.







In Your Face

Why is this man so angry?We don't know the reason,but we can see the emotion in his face.What-
ever culture you come from,you can understand the feeling that he is expressing.
Forty years ago,psychologist Paul Ekman of the University of California,San Francisco,became
interested in how people's faces show their feelings.He took photographs of Americans expressing various
emotions.Then he showed them to the Fore people,who live in the jungle in New Guinea. Most of the Fore
had never seen foreign faces,but they easily understood Americans' expressions of anger,happiness,sad-
ness,disgust,fear,and surprise.
Then Ekman did the same experiment in reverse.He showed pictures of Fore faces to Americans,and
the results were similar. Americans had no problems reading the emotions on the Fore people's faces.
Ekman's research gave powerful support to the theory that facial expressions for basic emotions are the same
everywhere.He did more research in Japan,Brazil,and Argentina,and got the same results.
According to Ekman,these six emotions are universal because they are built into our brains.They
developed to help us deal with things quickly that might hurt us.Some emotional triggers are universal as
well.When something suddenly comes into sight,people feel fear,because it might be dangerous.But most
emotional triggers are learned.For example,two people might smell newly cut grass.One person spent won-
derful summers in the country as a child,so the smell makes him happy.The other person remembers work-
ing very hard on a farm and being hungry,so he feels sad.
Once we make an emotional association in our brain,it is difficult,and sometimes impossible,to
change it."Emotion is the least changeable part of the brain,"says Ekman.But we can learn to manage our
emotions better. For instance,we can be more aware of things that make us angry,and we can think before
we react.
There are many differences between cultures,in their languages and customs.But a smile is exactly the
same everywhere.

Americans get angry more often than the Fore people from New Guinea.
C:Not mentioned

文章中Paul Ekman为了研究人类对不同面部表情的辨认能力,针对不同国家、不同文 化群体的人们做实验。故选A。
由文章第三段第四句话可知,Ekman的研究验证了不论在哪一个地方,人类对一些基 本情感的面部表达方式都是一样的这一理论。虽然Ekman在不同国家做实验但得出的结论 是相同的。正是这样的研究结果才验证了上面的理论。
题干说:“美国人要比新几内亚的Fore people更易动怒。”这一点在文章中未提及。
题干说:“不同的两个人可能会对同一事物产生不同的情感。”在文章第四段后半部分, 作者举了一个例子。当两个人闻到刚割过的青草的味道时,一个人感到高兴因为青草的味道 让他想起童年时在乡村度过的愉快的夏天。另一个人感到难过因为青草的味道让他想起在农 场工作时又累又饿的情景。所以题干说法正确。
题干说:“来自不同文化背景的人们在互相理解时会微笑。”文章最后一段说不同文化 背景的人们在他们的语言和风俗方面会有不同,但微笑无论在哪里都是相同的。题干的说法 没有提及。


He adds humbly that perhaps he was “superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully.”

本句考查点是宾语从句,定语从句。主干是he adds …that… 其中宾语从句的结构是he was superior to …in…, and in…。which引导的是things的定语从句。


Improve Your Memory

To many people advancing age means losing your hair,your waistline and your memory.But is it an inescapable fact that the older you get,the less you remember? Well,as time goes by,we tend to blame age for problems that are not necessarily age-related.
When a teenager can't find her keys,she thinks it's because she's distracted or disorganized, but a 70-year-old blames her memory. In fact,the 70-year-old may have been misplacing things for decades一like we all do from time to time.
In healthy people,memory doesn't deteriorate as quickly as many of us think. According to psychologists,as we age,our memory mechanism isn't broken,it's just different.The brain's processing time slows down over the years,though no one knows exactly why.Recent research suggests that nerve cells lose efficiency and that there's less activity in the part of the brain that decides whether to store information or not.But it's not clear that less activity is worse.A beginning athlete is winded. more easily than a trained athlete.In the same way,as the brain gets more skilled at a task,it spends less energy on it.
There are steps you can take to improve your memory,though you have to work to keep your brain in shape.It's like having a good body. You can't go to the gym once a year and expect to stay in top form.
Some memory enhancement experts suggest using the AM principle.Pay attention to what you want to remember. Then give some meaning to it. We remember things when we focus on them, whether we intend to or not. That helps explain why jingles stick in our minds.They are played on loud,flashy TV commercials.They also use rhyme and music to help us remember better.
Basic organization helps us remember the boring stuff. For example,rather than trying to recall a random list of groceries,we can divide them into categories,such as dairy,meat and produce. For important things like keys and money,we can set up a"forget-me-not"spot where we always keep them.
We can also eat to aid our memory power. Whole grains,fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of glucose,the brain's preferred fuel. Another low-tech way to improve memory is to get adequate rest. Sleep may allow our brain time to encode memories.
Interest in friends,family and hobbies does wonders for our memory.A sense of passion or purpose helps us remember. Memory requires us to pay attention to our lives,allowing us to discover in them everything worth remembering.

As we get older, our memory mechanism is broken,and so cannot be the same as it was before.
C:Not mentioned

本题给出的信息是正确的。依据是第一段第三句中提到“Well, as time goes by, we tend to blame age for problems that are not necessarily age-related.”其实,随着时间的流逝,我们会将一些不一定与年龄相关的问题归咎于年龄。题干中描述的“你年纪越大,记得就越少,这不总是正确的”与原文意思相符,所以选A。
本题给出的信息是错误的。依据的信息句和上题信息句相同。题干所描述的“我们可以推理出记忆力的问题不是真的和年龄相关”,与原文不相符,因为“not necessarily”指“不一定”,而不是指“not really"(不是真的)。
本题给出的信息是错误的。依据是第三段第二句:"According to psychologists, as we age, our memory mechanism isn't broken, it's just different.”据心理学家说,当我们变老时,我们的记忆机能不会失效,只是变得和以前不一样了。题干中所陈述的“当我们变老,我们的记忆机能失效,所以它就和以前不一样了”,这个说法与原文恰恰相反,所以选B。
本题给出的信息是正确的。依据是第四段:"There are steps you can take to improve your memory,though you have to work to keep your brain in shape .It's like having a good body.You can't go to the gym once a year and expect to stay in top form.”虽然你工作以使你的大脑保持良好状态,但也有一些步骤可以用来提高记忆力。就像拥有一个好身体一样,你不能每年只去一次健身房还期望自己处于巅峰状态。题干陈述“你必须工作以使你的大脑保持灵活,就如同你努力运动使你保持体形一样”,这与原文意思相符,所以选A。
本题给出的信息是错误的。依据是第五段第二、三句:"Pay attention to what you want to remember.Then give some meaning to it.”关注你想要记忆的东西,并且给它以某种意义。依此推出AM代表的意思应为“attention and meaning"。而题干中说的是“注意力和记忆”与原文不符,所以选B。
本题给出的信息是正确的。依据是倒数第二段的第一句和第三句:"We can also eat to aid our memory power.”我们还可以通过饮食来帮助我们提高记忆力。"Another low-tech way to improve memory is to get adequate rest.”另外一种低科技的提高记忆力的方法就是要有足够的休息。题干中陈述“对食物正确的选择和大量的休息对记忆有益”,这与原文意思相符,所以选A。


Improve Your Memory

To many people advancing age means losing your hair,your waistline and your memory.But is it an inescapable fact that the older you get,the less you remember? Well,as time goes by,we tend to blame age for problems that are not necessarily age-related.
When a teenager can't find her keys,she thinks it's because she's distracted or disorganized, but a 70-year-old blames her memory. In fact,the 70-year-old may have been misplacing things for decades一like we all do from time to time.
In healthy people,memory doesn't deteriorate as quickly as many of us think. According to psychologists,as we age,our memory mechanism isn't broken,it's just different.The brain's processing time slows down over the years,though no one knows exactly why.Recent research suggests that nerve cells lose efficiency and that there's less activity in the part of the brain that decides whether to store information or not.But it's not clear that less activity is worse.A beginning athlete is winded. more easily than a trained athlete.In the same way,as the brain gets more skilled at a task,it spends less energy on it.
There are steps you can take to improve your memory,though you have to work to keep your brain in shape.It's like having a good body. You can't go to the gym once a year and expect to stay in top form.
Some memory enhancement experts suggest using the AM principle.Pay attention to what you want to remember. Then give some meaning to it. We remember things when we focus on them, whether we intend to or not. That helps explain why jingles stick in our minds.They are played on loud,flashy TV commercials.They also use rhyme and music to help us remember better.
Basic organization helps us remember the boring stuff. For example,rather than trying to recall a random list of groceries,we can divide them into categories,such as dairy,meat and produce. For important things like keys and money,we can set up a"forget-me-not"spot where we always keep them.
We can also eat to aid our memory power. Whole grains,fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of glucose,the brain's preferred fuel. Another low-tech way to improve memory is to get adequate rest. Sleep may allow our brain time to encode memories.
Interest in friends,family and hobbies does wonders for our memory.A sense of passion or purpose helps us remember. Memory requires us to pay attention to our lives,allowing us to discover in them everything worth remembering.

It is not always true that the older you get,the less you remember.
C:Not mentioned

本题给出的信息是正确的。依据是第一段第三句中提到“Well, as time goes by, we tend to blame age for problems that are not necessarily age-related.”其实,随着时间的流逝,我们会将一些不一定与年龄相关的问题归咎于年龄。题干中描述的“你年纪越大,记得就越少,这不总是正确的”与原文意思相符,所以选A。
本题给出的信息是错误的。依据的信息句和上题信息句相同。题干所描述的“我们可以推理出记忆力的问题不是真的和年龄相关”,与原文不相符,因为“not necessarily”指“不一定”,而不是指“not really"(不是真的)。
本题给出的信息是错误的。依据是第三段第二句:"According to psychologists, as we age, our memory mechanism isn't broken, it's just different.”据心理学家说,当我们变老时,我们的记忆机能不会失效,只是变得和以前不一样了。题干中所陈述的“当我们变老,我们的记忆机能失效,所以它就和以前不一样了”,这个说法与原文恰恰相反,所以选B。
本题给出的信息是正确的。依据是第四段:"There are steps you can take to improve your memory,though you have to work to keep your brain in shape .It's like having a good body.You can't go to the gym once a year and expect to stay in top form.”虽然你工作以使你的大脑保持良好状态,但也有一些步骤可以用来提高记忆力。就像拥有一个好身体一样,你不能每年只去一次健身房还期望自己处于巅峰状态。题干陈述“你必须工作以使你的大脑保持灵活,就如同你努力运动使你保持体形一样”,这与原文意思相符,所以选A。
本题给出的信息是错误的。依据是第五段第二、三句:"Pay attention to what you want to remember.Then give some meaning to it.”关注你想要记忆的东西,并且给它以某种意义。依此推出AM代表的意思应为“attention and meaning"。而题干中说的是“注意力和记忆”与原文不符,所以选B。
本题给出的信息是正确的。依据是倒数第二段的第一句和第三句:"We can also eat to aid our memory power.”我们还可以通过饮食来帮助我们提高记忆力。"Another low-tech way to improve memory is to get adequate rest.”另外一种低科技的提高记忆力的方法就是要有足够的休息。题干中陈述“对食物正确的选择和大量的休息对记忆有益”,这与原文意思相符,所以选A。
