单选题According to the text, success or failure of advertising is judged by ______A the number of products sold.B increase of a product’s market share.C the improvement of communication and consumers’ attitude toward products.D increase of retail outlets.

According to the text, success or failure of advertising is judged by ______

the number of products sold.


increase of a product’s market share.


the improvement of communication and consumers’ attitude toward products.


increase of retail outlets.

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What is the author’s attitude toward “old wives tales” in the text?

A. Subjective B. Objective C. Dissatisfied D. Curious



The primary purpose of a stock split include ().

A.to increase the number of shares outstanding

B.reduce the market price of the stock per share

C.reduce earnings per share

D.increase the market activity of the shares

E.increase paid-in capital



Product advertising is an important part of marketing. It aims at increasing sales by making a product or service known to a wider audience, and by emphasizing its positive qualities. A company can advertise in various ways, depending on how much it wishes to spend. There are different media for advertising including television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the Internet and direct mail. The design and organization of advertising campaigns is usually the job of an advertising agency. A good advertising program tells potential customers why they need the product, how it is used and the benefits derived from its use. A successful program also tells the consumer how the product is better than similar offerings by competitors.Corporate advertising is not directly concerned with increasing the sales of a particular product or service, but more with the brand image and reputation a company wants to present to the general public or within an industry. Corporate advertising comes in three different types image advertising, opinion advertising and investment advertising. Image advertising attempts to promote the importance of a company. Opinion advertising presents the impression of doing a public service by addressing the importance of a company. Investment advertising is designed to attract potential investors. DECIDE IF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT IS TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F).

1. Generally, an advertising agency is responsible for designing and organizing a product’s advertisement.()

2. It is not necessary to consider the budget of an advertisement in choosing a media for advertising.()

3. According to the text, there are three types of media used in advertising.()

4. Product advertising is different from corporate advertising.()

5. This passage is mainly about the history of advertising.()

参考答案:子问题 1:T; 子问题 2:F; 子问题 3:F; 子问题 4:T; 子问题 5:F


Text3 Brands began as badges of product quality,going back at least as far as the medieval association of craftsmen who used them to distinguish their work.Now in providing consumers with.a host of fascinating facts,companies are striving to grant their brands"authenticity".Interbrand,a consultant on branding,describes authenticity as"an internal truth and capability",a"defined heritage"and a"well-grounded value set".Authenticity is being advertised as a cure for consumers'fading loyalty to brands.It is not hard to see why the old marketing magic is fading,in an age in which people can instantly learn truth about the things they are thinking about buying.Online reviews and friends'comments on social media help consumers see a product's underlying merits and demerits.For brands that lack any truly distinguishing features,that is bad news.The declining faith in brands is a greater threat to some types of products than others:snacks and household gadgets,say,as opposed to luxury handbags.But for a range of consumer goods,brands'strength as a signal of quality,and their power to open people's wallets,are fading,argue Itamar Simonson and Emanuel Rosen in their book,Absolute Value:What Really Influences Customers in the Age of Peifect Information.Surveys back up this conclusion.In North America consumers say they trust only about a fifth of brands,according to a poll by a marketing agency.Consumers seem particularly wary of big brands.About half ofAmerican shoppers say they trust small companies to do the right thing,compared with just 36%who say the same oflarge ones,reports a research firm.These opinions are starting to have effects.Of the top 100 consumers packaged-goods brands in America,90 lost market share in the year to July,according to a marketing firm.In big emerging markets,foreign-branded goods are losing their appeal,as shoppers realise that local products are no longer so inferior.The silver lining to the dark cloud looming over brands is that as people become better informed about products'underlying qualities,and more sceptical of marketing strategies,they are exhibiting a desire for brands that are"honest"and seem to have some identifiable merit.Inevitably,this is leading some marketers to embrace campaigns that seek to bring about the inexpressible quality of authenticity out of thin air.As the cynics among them might say:authenticity is the secret of success;once you fake it,you've got it made.35.The author's attitude to brands'authenticity is




Improvement of people's ability to focus may______.

A.affect their moods

B.distract their minds

C.reduce their boredom

D.increase their depression

解析:细节理解题。由文章第四段“such that improving…decrease boredom.”可知答案选C。


Advertising can be thought of "as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services". Advertising aims to increase people's awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform. and to persuade. The media are all used to spread the message. The press offers a fairly cheap method. Magazines are used to reach special sections of the market. The cinema and commercial radio are useful for local markets. Television, although more expensive, can be very effective. Posters are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction. Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade fairs as well as direct mail advertising.There can be no doubt that the growth in advertising is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century. Many businesses such as those handling frozen foods, liquor, tobacco and patent medicines have been built up largely by advertising. We might ask whether the cost of advertising is paid for by the manufacturer or by the customer. Since advertising forms part of the cost of production, which has to be covered by the selling price, it is clear that it is the customer who pays for advertising. However, if large scale advertising leads to increased demand, production costs are reduced, and the customer paysless.It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertising on sales. When the market is growing, advertising helps to increase demand. When the market is shrinking, advertising may prevent a bigger fall in sales than would occur without its support. What is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for advertising if they were not convinced of its value to them.

1.Advertising is in the main paid for by____.

A、the customer

B、the manufacturer

C、increased sales

D、reduced prices

2."Large scale" in the third paragraph means____.





3.According to the passage, trade fairs 1st paragraph may____.

A、replace exhibitions and markets

B、attract possible customers

C、offer fun and amusement

D、provide cheap goods

4.Advertising is often used to____.

A、deceive customers

B、increase production

C、arouse suspicion

D、push the sale

5.The word 'media' 1st paragraph refers to____.

A、the press



D、all of the above



The primary purpose of a stock split is to ( )

A. increase paid-in capital

B. reduce the market price of the stock per share

C. increase the market price of the stock per share

D. increase retained earnings



According to the text, the cost increase in the rail industry is mainly caused by

A. the continuing acquisition.

B. the growing traffic.

C. the cheering Wall Street.

D. the shrinking market.



According to the text, Dr. Singer\'s attitude to male revenge impulse is ________.

A. sympathetic

B. detached

C. positive

D. negative

 C 推理判断题。Dr. Singer对于男性报复心理采取的态度可以根据其话语判断得出,从文章第三段“But far from condemning the male impulse for retribution, Dr. Singer said it had an important social function: 'This type of behavior. has probably been crucial in the evolution of society as the majority of people in a group are motivated to punish those who cheat on the rest.'”可以看出,他认为这种心理和行为对人类发展有很重要的意义,因此对其持肯定态度。选项A“同情的”,B“超然的”,C“肯定的”,D“否定的”,因此C正确。


Questions 59~63 refer to the following information.
COMPANY BACKGROUND: The Juneco Company, expected earnings of approximately $40 million, seeks to increase marketing and product innovation efforts to significantly increase revenues within 1—2 years. Headquartered in upstate New York, Juneco manufactures kitchenware products and home security systems under several nationally recognized brand names. In addition to these major brands, Juneco produces similar products under private label programs for home improvement merchants.
RESPONSIBILITES: The brand manager's priority is to handle the heightening of product
recognition of Juneco's major accounts abroad. The brand manager position was created to build brand recognition in the marketing sector of Juneco's new International Division. The brand manager will spearhead efforts to foster growth in garden tool products.
Specific responsibilities include the following:
(1) Generate marketing plans and lead the development of new products.
(2) Increase public awareness of and demand for Juneco's products.
(3) Identify and evaluate market requirements and opportunities.
(4) Work closely with other members of the marketing department, as well as sales and sales operations departments to ensure achievement of company goals.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE AND PRESONAL QUALIFIES: The ideal candidate will have the following qualifications:
(1) 3~5 years' experience as brand manager in retail marketing;
(2) strong experience in analyzing current markets;
(3) outstanding verbal and written communication skills;
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: An MA degree in Marketing is required; an MBA is a significant plus.
Upon receipt of application, confirmation letters will be sent to applicants via email.
Thereafter, priority applicants will be invited to meet with, Juneco's CEO and Chief Marketing Officer.

What qualification will the successful applicant possess?

A. Experience in the home improvement industry.
B. A degree in finance.
C. Fluency in a foreign language.
D. Experience in market analysis.

