问答题Q5: Apart from appraisal schemes, what other measures do you think are effective improving staff performance? (Why?)

Q5: Apart from appraisal schemes, what other measures do you think are effective improving staff performance? (Why?)
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Apart from a mastery of a foreign language, what other knowledge should a foreign language teacher have in order to do his/her job well?
He/she should have some knowledge about the related subjects such as linguistics, psychology and pedagogy. He should also know that a lot of variables influence classroom teaching. Factor like foreign language education policy, the goal of foreign language education, learners, teachers, syllabus, teaching method, teaching materials teaching aids, and assessment and evaluation all influence classroom teaching. If a teacher does not know them he would not be able to teach according to the circumstances and would achieve the best results possible.


Q3: What important differences do you think there are between, selling to consumer abroad and selling to domestic markets? (Why?/Why not?)

A: Possibly cultural diversity is one of the most important differences between selling to consumer abroad and selling to domestic markets. Different nationalities have different expectations when it comes to how employers and employees should behave. National culture is perhaps a major obstacle to making global businesses effective. National values are directly linked to organizational decision-making. Most international human resources managers will experience these expectation differences firstly..
B: There are several factors that influence decision-making, such as recruiting new employees, promoting staff, fixing salary levels, and making staff redundant. All these factors are concerned with cultural values. It is safe to say that cultural values have a great effect on management decision making. For example, one relationship is is established on the basis of shared expectations, which are common to employees of the same nationality. In America, typical of this is the belief that individuals should receive salary gains but doesn’t have to share them with lower-performance colleagues. But in some other countries, this will get nowhere. Nevertheless, it is only with this awareness can employees from diverse nationalities appreciate their differences and build mutual understanding.
解析: 暂无解析


— _______________? — That’s a good idea.

A、When can you write the invitations

B、What do you think of the invitations

C、Why don’t you write the invitations now

D、Why not you write the invitations now



Q5: Do you think movement of staff between companies is likely to increase in the future? (Why?/Why not?)

A: I think movement of staff between companies is likely to increase in the future. Although once rare in business, open competition for other companies’ people is now widely accepted. Fast-moving markets demand that fast-moving organizations to be continually refreshed with new talent.
B: Movement of staff helps in business management. For employees, there will be a wider choice of jobs. As for employers, they will free more free to select candidates for a job vacancy. Employers can employ people not in high demand and place valuable employees where they won’t be tempted by job offers constantly. Another option is for them to team up with other companies to offer cross-company career paths. If manning retention in the past was similar to tending a dam, nowadays it is more like managing a river. The aim is not to stop water from flowing but to control its direction and speed.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 5  ● The company you work for has decided to join a scheme in which members of staff exchange places for six months with people from other companies overseas.  ● The Chief Executive has asked you to suggest which members of staff should be the first to take part in this scheme and why.  ● Write your proposal for the Chief Executive:  ● suggesting which members of staff should be chosen and why they are suitable  ● describing what their current responsibilities are  ● explaining what these staff could learn from the exchange scheme  ● outlining the benefits to the company as a whole of its participation in the scheme.  ● Write 250~300 words on the separate answer paper provided.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
Subject: Choosing employees for staff exchange scheme
As requested, I am submitting this report so as to give recommendations on selecting members of staff as the first to participate in a scheme in which members of staff exchange places for six months with people from other companies in England.
As for the ideal candidate, he or she will be a qualified accountant with no less than 3 years’ hands-on experience. He/she is expected to be confident and possesses excellent interpersonal and communication skills in English language. It will be an asset if he/she has a good understanding of American environment and culture.
I believe that most of the junior managers at the financial department are qualified for this scheme, for they can meet the requirements and obviously have an edge over staff of other departments. Their responsibility is about the financial control of the businesses, which includes accounting matters, cash flow management and negotiation with suppliers. Moreover, they can offer commercial support to the local managers and are heavily engaged in operational level, while managing overseas
With this scheme, staff will be more exposed to a different environment, which is bound to broaden their horizon, improve their English and sharpen their skills. I am certain that staff will have an indepth knowledge of and exposure to managing overseas businesses. Surely it would turn out to be a most rewarding experience to them as well. Exposed to different culture, the selected members will be able to share their knowledge with those never been out of China.
Providing staff with a unique experience of working overseas will boost their morale and make them valuable assets for the company. Their knowledge can also be used to expand operation home and abroad. Therefore, it will end up benefiting the company greatly.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 8  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  Some people think people have benefited from modern communications technology, but other people think some people have not benefited at all. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  You should write at least 250 words.

正确答案: 【参考范文】
Daily communication tools make the distance between people shrink. There are various ways such as mobile phones, Facebook, Twitter and E-mail which changes our life from daily life to work style. As for the dramatic and rapid changes, people in all walks of life hold different opinions. Personally, it is a must to be tolerant of the new technological innovations.
It is undeniable that all these high-tech tools can alienate the virtual interpersonal relationship that exists between people. If we want to tell somebody something, we do not have to really see him, and we can send a short message, a E-mail, or leave one on Facebook. Regardless of the convenience, face-to-face conversations are still one of the best ways to understand each other.
High technologies provide us with more choices which can yield higher efficiency, which can be illustrated from three perspectives. Firstly, it is a useful time-saver for people greatly enjoy social life. Social network enable them to spare the trouble of heavy traffic in rush hours when they need to have contact with friends. Secondly, it is also a money-saver. Compared with the high cost of an official visit to someone or some place, chatting on-site or through telephone is much cheaper. If each company has an E-conference system, information sharing should never be a daydream in the era of information. Lastly, and most importantly, with the great help of new inventions, people may communicate with others without being limited to geographical difference. Namely, no matter where one stays, he or she can get in touch with people on the Internet at any time.
In summary, modem technologies are excellent assistants of our life and work, so it is wise to accept them and make full use of them properly.
解析: 暂无解析


◆Topic 9: Primary Functions of University Education  Questions for Reference:  1. Most people think that teachers should teach students how to judge right and wrong and how to behave well. Please discuss this view.  2. Why do you think lots of teachers pay much more attention to teaching students academic subjects than other aspects?  3. What’s your opinion of the primary functions of university education? Why do you think so?

正确答案: 【参考答案】
There is no doubt that helping students find a job is one of the primary functions of university education, but universities do exist for other purposes such as improving students’ analytical skills and raising students’ moral standards.
A university education can be seen as a process of improving students’ analytical thinking. The variety of courses offered at university inspires students in various ways, therefore improving their analytical ability. For example, science courses such as math and biology help students develop a rational way of thinking whereas arts courses such as literature let students ponder over issues from a logical, multi-dimensional perspective; and courses in social sciences force students to recognize the ideas that have been traditionally assumed to be acceptable and unproblematic. With the development of these types of analytical thinking, graduates can face future challenges with more confidence and enthusiasm.
Also, university education is expected to improve students’ moral standards. This is rooted in universities? Belief that students’ awareness of responsibility towards their community and their country is of high importance. In this ever-degrading society and civilization, students are encouraged actively participate in improving the local community. A university that provides care and facilities for physically disadvantaged students may inspire the graduates to better handle situations in the future where they may have to interact with the disabled community. A successful university education is supposed to produce morally sound graduates, therefore increasing their employability.
In conclusion, university education not only helps students locate a decent job but will also develop other qualities such as enhancing their analytical skills and cultivating their hunger and spirit for life.
解析: 暂无解析


In what courses did your worst grades? Why? How do you think that will affect your performance on the job?



◆Topic 6: Is International Tourism an Effective Bridge of Different Nations?  Questions for Reference:  1. Why do you think people like to take an international tourism?  2. What kind of situation are the travelers most likely to be faced with when they get on an international tourism?  3. The international tourism does not promote understanding between people from different cultures. Do you agree?

正确答案: 【参考答案】
Every year, hundreds of millions of people move around to see a different part of the world. It is natural to assume that tourists who have seen other countries have a better knowledge of the people. That assumption also leads to the conclusion that international tourism promotes understanding between nations. How true is this? Let us examine what tourists do in a different country.
First, before going abroad, tourists are often told by their travel agents of the possible hazards which sometimes include local people. They are given example of extreme cases where victims are always the travelers. Then, when they arrive, they are immediately taken to their hotels in big coaches. They flood places where local people don’t go. Their shopping, meals, entertainment all take place in secluded areas. They wear a bubble all the way. Apart from speaking to the guide and a few shop assistants, tourists rarely talk to the local people. To make it even worse, they meet pickpockets; they are ripped off by dishonest traders.
Furthermore, very few local people bother to talk to them out of a genuine interest in the guests’ country, people and culture. Therefore, when asked how much they know about the local people, their answer is “very little”.
If someone really wants to understand a different culture, he has to learn its language, stay there for at least a few month without wearing a bubble, learn how to curse and swear, bargain with a vegetable vendor and then he can say that he understands the people.
解析: 暂无解析


What can be concluded from the passage?

Medical tests and education for Americans with diabetes are not covered by the present healthcare schemes.


If you are 20 years old or more, you are more likely to suffer from diabetes.


Family help is the more important and most effective in detecting and treating diabetes.


In the US, July 1 is a day of celebration for hospital staff, nurses and patients.

正确答案: A
推理判断题。录音首句提到“…that starting July 1 for the very first time, medicare will cover tests and education for Americans with diabetes”,表明从七月一日起,美国糖尿病患者的检查和教育首次被纳入医疗保险之中。可推断出,在此之前,美国医疗保保险不包括对糖尿病患者的检查和教育。因此选项A表达内容与录音原文相符。
Today, I’m pleased to announce that starting on July 1 for the very first time, medicare will cover tests and education for Americans with diabetes. With this announcement today, the 20 percent of older Americans with diabetes will be able to take preventive steps to help them and their families avoid the pain and loss that can come when this disease is undetected and untreated.