My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique.What does t

My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique.What does the sentence My vessel is healthy mean?It means;().

My ship has been maintained


My ship has been painted


All my crew members have been vaccinated


All my crew members have no quarantinable diseases

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B Love ,suaeess, happincss, family and frecdom——how important are these valucs to you? Here is one interview which explores the fundamental questions in life.

Question : Could you introduce yourselr first?

Amswer:My name is Misbah,27 years old. I was born in a war-torn area. Right now I’m a web designer.

Q :What are yout grcat memorise?

A:My parents xxxx to take xx to hunt birdo.and play in the fields. For me it was like a holidax xxx we were going to have fun all day long. Those aer my great mernorics.

Q:Does your childhood mean a lot to you?

A:Yes. As life was very hard, I used to work to help bring money in for the family. I spent my chidhood working. I learnt to be independent.

Q;What changes would you like to make in your life?

A:If I could change comething in my life. I’d change it so that my childhood could have taken place in another xxx. I would have loved to live with my family in freedom. Who cares whether we have mach money, or whether we have a beautiful house? It doesn’t matter as long as I can live with my family and we are safe.

Q:How do you get along with your parents?

A:My parcnts supported me until I came of age. I want to give back what I’ve got. That’s our way. But I am working in another city. My only contact with my parents now is tbrough the phone, but I xxx using it. It filters(过滤)out your cmotion and leaves your voice only. My deepest feelings should be passed through sight, henring and touch.

第60题:In Misbuh’s childhood, _________.

A.he was free from worry

B.he liked living in the countryside was fond of getting close to nature

D.he often spent holidays with his farnily



According to the advice of the surveyor from the Commodity Inspection and Testing Bureau,the cargo holds of my vessel must undergo ______ measures before loading grain goods. from insects






Though I am always free on Sundays. I seldom watch television. _________.

A. So does my sister

B. My sister doesn't

C. My sister is too

D. Nor does my sister



I didn′ t understand ____________. so I raised my hand to ask.

A.what my teacher says
B.what does my teacher say
C.what my teacher said
D.what did my teacher say




A.I have some dangerous cargo on board

B.My cargo is dangerous

C.My vessel is inclined

D.My vessel has not been trimmed properly



My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique.What does the sentence My vessel is healthy mean?It means: ______.

A.My ship has been maintained

B.My ship has been painted

C.All my crew members have been vaccinated

D.All my crew members have no quarantinable diseases



The correction to KG for longitudinal free surface effects for a vessel can be found by dividing the vessel's displacement into the ______.

A.Transverse free surface correction for the vessel

B.Sum of the vertical moments of the vessel

C.Sum of the longitudinal free surface moments of the vessel

D.Longitudinal centerline of the vessel



I like cooking for my friends in()free time.

A. me

B. my

C. mine



I AM MAKING WATER means ______.

A.My vessel is leaking

B.My vessel is producing fresh water

C.My vessel is producing sea water

D.Sea water is de-salted on board my vessel




His Own Way to Express Love

Yesterday was our three-year anniversary.We didn't do anything romantic;we just
walked hand in hand and talked about our past and the future.This was pretty much what I
had expected.
Andy is an unromantic guy:no sweet words or roses.Smart as he is,he is a little bit
shy expressing his love.In contrast, I am an outspoken(直言不讳)girl who likes to show
her feelings directly.So needless to say,I often feel that he is insensitive,I envy other girls
who are surrounded by sweet words.
I was in this sullen mood until I heard a beautiful sentence one day:"If one does not
love you the way you like,it does not mean that he does not love you,"This simple but
sensible sentence made me think about our happy days and recall his deep concern for me.
One cold winter night,I got a high fever.He hurried to my dormitory and took me to the
hospital.He was in such a hurry that he even forgot to wear socks.After arrival,he ran
through the hospital handling all the formalities(手续).When I was put on a drip(点滴),
he told me interesting stories to make me happy.Being held in his warm arms and listening
to his tender(温柔的)voice, I had never felt so safe and comfortable.Gradually, I fell
asleep.When I woke up 15 minutes later, he was still mumbling(咕哝地说)to me.He
explained that if he had stopped talking I would have woken up.At that moment,I found
love in his eyes.
Another time,I had a bad quarrel with my best friend.Although I knew it was my fault,
I refused to admit it.I was very angry when he insisted I apologize to her.He said that it
was difficult to admit a mistake,but this was what everyone should do.The next morning,I
apologized to my friend and asked for her forgiveness.
My unromantic boyfriend cares about my health like my father,understands me like my
mother and helps me like my elder brother.

Which statement is true of the writer?
A:She likes running after romantic guys.
B:She does not like sweet words.
C:She likes expressing her feelings directly.
D:She does not like roses.

