He's responsible()the central computer system.

He's responsible()the central computer system.






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The central idea of this passage is ______.

A.electronic transfer of funds

B.bank's payment mechanism

C.clearing of checks

D.computer and payment

解析:本文开头提到Providing for a payment mechanism...on the use of checks and credit cards. 支付机制和转账在商业银行中起着重要的作用,人们更多的使用支票和信用卡来进行各种商业活动。由此可知本题选A。


● (73) manages the other components of a computer system.


B.Application system

C.Operating system




Although machines have been around for a long time and people have adapted easily to living with most of them, they haven’t yet learned how to live in harmony with the newest of these: the personal computer. This is so because the widespread use of the personal computer is a relatively new phenomenon. There was the widely publicized case of a family man who became so absorbed in his computer that he spent long hours with it. Of course, if he was spending long hours with his computer, he was spending less time with his family. And if his wife needed to see him, he was unavailable. She became so upset by this state of affairs that she delivered an ultimatum (最后通 牒), declaring that unless he spent fewer hours with the machine and more with her and the family, she was going to divorce him. This issue became so serious that the couple had to go to a doctor to resolve it. The fortunate result was that the husband reduced the time he spent with the computer, and the marriage was saved. Personal computers may cause people to become isolated from one another since work can be done at home alone. In this case, there may be no need for offices, or for that matter, for any other central gathering place. Universities, or even cities, could be abandoned. Moreover, if that which is now recorded on paper is recorded in the computer instead, people will have no reason to use any paper whatsoever: no money, receipts, letters, newspapers, magazines, books, and so on. If this happens, there will be no need to go to the bank, the bookstore, or the library. Will people then be isolated in their separate homes—alone with their computers and their families, apart from fellow workers, readers, or students?

66.We can learn from the passage that the personal computer __________.

A.has been around for a long time

B.has been accepted by all people

C.is not welcome to everyone

D.is not widely used yet

67.The man’s wife was upset because __________.

A.he loved another woman

B.he wanted to divorce her

C.she didn’t have her own computer

D.he was neglecting her and the family

68.The man’s wife threatened to divorce him if __________.

A.he continued to spend long hours with the computer

B.he did not quit his job with the computer company

C.he did not spend time with her parents

D.he did not go to see the doctor with her

69.The marriage was saved __________.

A.with the help of a doctor

B.with the help of a fortune teller

C.after the wife took over the computer

D.after the husband sold the computer

70. What seems to be worrying the author as far as the computer is concerned?

A.People may become isolated from one another.

B.Offices may no longer be necessary.

C.People will no longer read books or magazines.

D.Factory workers will lose their jobs.



People tend to think of computers as isolated machines,working away all by themselves.
Some do-personal computer without an outside link, like someone's hideaway(隐蔽的)cabin in the woods.But just as most of homes are tied to a community by streets,bus routes and electric lines,computers that exchange intelligence are part of a community-local,national and even global network joined by telephone connections.
The computer network is a creation of the electric age,but it is based on old-fashioned trust. It cannot work without trust. A rogue loose(为所欲为的无赖)in a computer system called hacker(黑客)is worse than a thief entering your house. He could go through anyone's electronic mail or add to,change,distort or delete anything in the information stored in the computer's memory .He could even take control of the entire system by placing his own instructions in the software that runs it.He could shut the computer down whenever he wished,and no one could stop him.Then he could program the computer to erase any sign of his ever having been there.
Hacking,our electronic- age term for computer break-in,is more and more in the news-brainy kids vandalizing university records, even pranking(胡闹)about in supposedly safeguard-ed systems.To those who understand how computer networks are increasingly regulating life in the late 20th century,these are not laughing matters.A potential for disaster is building:A dissatis- fled former insurance-company employee wipes out information from payroll(工资表)files. A student sends out a“virus”,a secret and destructive command,over a national network .The vi-rus copies itself at lightning speed,jamming the entire network-thousands of academic,commer-cial and government computer systems.Such disastrous cases have already occurred.Now exists the possibility of terrorism by computer. Spoiling a system responsible for air-traffic control at a busy airport,or knocking out the telephones of a major city,is a relatively easy way to spread panic .Yet neither business nor government has done enough to toughen its defenses against at-tack .For one thing,such defenses are expensive;for another,they may interrupt communica- tion—the main reason for using computers in the first place.

The writer mentions“a thief"” in the second paragraph______.
A: to show that a hacker is more dangerous than a thief
B: to tell people that thieves like to steal computers nowadays
C: to demand that a protective computer system should be set up against thieves
D: to demonstrate that hackers and thieves are the same people

本题问作者为什么在第二段提到“a thief”(小偷)? 大家知道,闯入别人家偷东西的人被称为小偷,文章第二段第三句提到,黑客比小偷还厉害,还危险,故选A。


本题问下面的叙述哪个是错误的。第三段第一句将hacking解释为“computer break -in”,故选项A正确,选项C和D的意思下文中也提到了,根据排除法可得出选项 B是错误的,其实,根据常识我们也能判断出选项B是错误的。黑客的危害性已人所共知。


此题问为何很多公司或政府机构没有采取严厉的措施制止黑客行为。短文最后一段提到“such defenses are expensive ; for another , they may interrupt communication”,故选D。


People tend to think of computers as isolated machines,working away all by themselves.
Some do-personal computer without an outside link, like someone's hideaway(隐蔽的)cabin in the woods.But just as most of homes are tied to a community by streets,bus routes and electric lines,computers that exchange intelligence are part of a community-local,national and even global network joined by telephone connections.
The computer network is a creation of the electric age,but it is based on old-fashioned trust. It cannot work without trust. A rogue loose(为所欲为的无赖)in a computer system called hacker(黑客)is worse than a thief entering your house. He could go through anyone's electronic mail or add to,change,distort or delete anything in the information stored in the computer's memory .He could even take control of the entire system by placing his own instructions in the software that runs it.He could shut the computer down whenever he wished,and no one could stop him.Then he could program the computer to erase any sign of his ever having been there.
Hacking,our electronic- age term for computer break-in,is more and more in the news-brainy kids vandalizing university records, even pranking(胡闹)about in supposedly safeguard-ed systems.To those who understand how computer networks are increasingly regulating life in the late 20th century,these are not laughing matters.A potential for disaster is building:A dissatis- fled former insurance-company employee wipes out information from payroll(工资表)files. A student sends out a“virus”,a secret and destructive command,over a national network .The vi-rus copies itself at lightning speed,jamming the entire network-thousands of academic,commer-cial and government computer systems.Such disastrous cases have already occurred.Now exists the possibility of terrorism by computer. Spoiling a system responsible for air-traffic control at a busy airport,or knocking out the telephones of a major city,is a relatively easy way to spread panic .Yet neither business nor government has done enough to toughen its defenses against at-tack .For one thing,such defenses are expensive;for another,they may interrupt communica- tion—the main reason for using computers in the first place.

According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?
A: Hacking is also known as computer break-in.
B: Experts on computer networks consider hacking nothing serious.
C: Hacking is a widespread concern.
D: Hacking is potentially disastrous.

本题问作者为什么在第二段提到“a thief”(小偷)? 大家知道,闯入别人家偷东西的人被称为小偷,文章第二段第三句提到,黑客比小偷还厉害,还危险,故选A。


本题问下面的叙述哪个是错误的。第三段第一句将hacking解释为“computer break -in”,故选项A正确,选项C和D的意思下文中也提到了,根据排除法可得出选项 B是错误的,其实,根据常识我们也能判断出选项B是错误的。黑客的危害性已人所共知。


此题问为何很多公司或政府机构没有采取严厉的措施制止黑客行为。短文最后一段提到“such defenses are expensive ; for another , they may interrupt communication”,故选D。


A:What does your father do? B:( ).

A. He is responsible for the central computer system

B. He works with another man

C. He is in the office



If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ______ any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen's enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.







Why was David able to get the job in the company?

A. He had done well in all his exams.

B. He had written some computer programs.

C. He was good at playing computer games.

D. He had learnt to use computers at school.



People tend to think of computers as isolated machines,working away all by themselves.
Some do-personal computer without an outside link, like someone's hideaway(隐蔽的)cabin in the woods.But just as most of homes are tied to a community by streets,bus routes and electric lines,computers that exchange intelligence are part of a community-local,national and even global network joined by telephone connections.
The computer network is a creation of the electric age,but it is based on old-fashioned trust. It cannot work without trust. A rogue loose(为所欲为的无赖)in a computer system called hacker(黑客)is worse than a thief entering your house. He could go through anyone's electronic mail or add to,change,distort or delete anything in the information stored in the computer's memory .He could even take control of the entire system by placing his own instructions in the software that runs it.He could shut the computer down whenever he wished,and no one could stop him.Then he could program the computer to erase any sign of his ever having been there.
Hacking,our electronic- age term for computer break-in,is more and more in the news-brainy kids vandalizing university records, even pranking(胡闹)about in supposedly safeguard-ed systems.To those who understand how computer networks are increasingly regulating life in the late 20th century,these are not laughing matters.A potential for disaster is building:A dissatis- fled former insurance-company employee wipes out information from payroll(工资表)files. A student sends out a“virus”,a secret and destructive command,over a national network .The vi-rus copies itself at lightning speed,jamming the entire network-thousands of academic,commer-cial and government computer systems.Such disastrous cases have already occurred.Now exists the possibility of terrorism by computer. Spoiling a system responsible for air-traffic control at a busy airport,or knocking out the telephones of a major city,is a relatively easy way to spread panic .Yet neither business nor government has done enough to toughen its defenses against at-tack .For one thing,such defenses are expensive;for another,they may interrupt communica- tion—the main reason for using computers in the first place.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an instance of attack by a hacker?
A: Deleting information in the computer's memory.
B: Shutting down the computer whenever he wishes.
C: Entering your house to steal.
D: Spoiling a system for air traffic.

本题问作者为什么在第二段提到“a thief”(小偷)? 大家知道,闯入别人家偷东西的人被称为小偷,文章第二段第三句提到,黑客比小偷还厉害,还危险,故选A。


本题问下面的叙述哪个是错误的。第三段第一句将hacking解释为“computer break -in”,故选项A正确,选项C和D的意思下文中也提到了,根据排除法可得出选项 B是错误的,其实,根据常识我们也能判断出选项B是错误的。黑客的危害性已人所共知。


此题问为何很多公司或政府机构没有采取严厉的措施制止黑客行为。短文最后一段提到“such defenses are expensive ; for another , they may interrupt communication”,故选D。


He's responsible()the central computer system.

  • A、in
  • B、for
  • C、of

