Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday. You should write a t least 100 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese.1.表示欢迎2.提出对度假安排的建议3.提醒应注意的事项
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Practice 12Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus. You should write 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.  1. 大学生了解社会的必要性。  2. 了解社会的途径(大众媒介、社会服务等)。  3. 你打算怎么做。

Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus With the development of our society, students cannot hide themselves in the campus, the “Ivory Tower” any more. It is necessary for college students to go outside to get to be familiar with the world. They should acquire knowledge both from books and from the society, the latter one offering more practical knowledge. Only by participating in more social activities can they adapt to society more quickly after they graduate from school. Science and technology are developing rapidly with each passing day. Most students can keep themselves informed by watching TV, listening to the radio, reading newspapers and using computers. It’s also good to take a part-time job, such as tutoring, or working in a restaurant. Any of these methods will enable students to get in touch with society.
Summer vacation will soon be here. I’ve already been enrolled to be a volunteer to help others. I think I can do well. Although I won’t be paid, what is important is that I can learn a lot about society.
解析: 暂无解析


Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Internet Games:Good or Evil. You should write at least 140 words.

Internet Games: Good or Evil With the rapid development of computer technology,great changes have taken place in our way of spending leisure time. We can see more and more young people spend much of their time on Internet games.
Some people think that playing Internet games is a good way for entertainment. One can play different roles in this virtual Internet community which is interesting and exciting. Besides,playing Internet games can help people cultivate some desirable qualities,such as perseverance.
However, some others believe that playing Internet games can distract people from their work and study. Too much indulgence can do harm to one’s physical health. They also hold that Internet games should take the blame of increasing teenager misbehavior.
In my view, Internet game is bad. Young people, especially students, should play less Internet games because it wastes too much of their precious time.
解析: 暂无解析


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage to state your views on the topic: health and diet. You should write at least 80 words and base your writing on the outline below: it is necessary to keep a balanced diet should it is important to do regular exercises it is essential to keep in good spirits / in a positive mood renew our spirits and release our stress. Be bound to keep healthy How to Keep Healthy

参考答案: Nowdays,more and more people know the importance ofkeeping healthy.Wlithopout a healthy body,wo can do nothing .for me,there are main ways to keep haelthy.first it is necessary to keep a balanceddiet,which is the basis of good health .it is important to take regular exercises,such as swimming,jogging and so on.last but not least ,it is essential to keep in a good mood. Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress.When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life,we are bound to keep healthy.


Practice 3Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Which to Celebrate—the Western or Eastern Festivals? You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Which to Celebrate—the Western or Eastern Festivals? Nowadays, most young people are willing to celebrate western festivals. As a result, importance should be attached to the issue of festival celebration.
As to which to celebrate, there exist different ideas. For one thing, western festival celebrations are so colorful and interesting. Just imagine the romantic atmosphere on St. Valentine’s Day, the fun on All Fool’s Day and the ecstasy brought by gifts and games at Christmas. For another, Chinese festivals have their own attractions. Think about the comfort of family reunion during Spring Festival and the delicacy of national feelings on many occasions.
As for me, some meaningful western festivals are no doubt days to set aside as special. Meanwhile, I cannot afford to be absent from family gathering during many Chinese festivals. My celebration would be a combined one, some for western festivals, some for Chinese ones.


Directions: For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic:Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus. You should write 140 words.

Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus With the development of our society, the campus is no longer an “Ivory Tower”. It is necessary for college students to go outside to get to know the world. They should acquire knowledge not only from books but also from the society. Thus they can adapt to society more quickly after they graduate from school. Science and technology are developing rapidly with each passing day. Most students can keep themselves informed by watching TV, listening to the radio, reading newspapers and using computers. It’s also good to take a part-time job, such as tutoring, or working in a restaurant. Any of these methods will enable students to get in touch with society.
Summer vacation will soon be here. I’ve already enrolled to be a volunteer to help others. I think I can do well. Although I won’t be paid, the most important thing is that I can learn a lot about society.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 17Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: How I Finance My College Education. You should write 150 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.  1. 上大学的费用(tuition and fees)可以通过多种途径解决。  2. 哪种途径适合你(说明理由)。

How I Finance My College Education Students have several ways to pay for their high college tuition fees. Mostly their parents will pay. Some students may apply for a bank loan and others will try to find a part-time job on the campus. Furthermore, many students will be awarded a scholarship. In these ways, students can pay, at least partly, for their college education.
For me, I’ll let my parents pay for my college education. This is because my parents have the financial ability to support me. And what’s more, I want to concentrate on my studies during my college years and I won’t let the tuition problem distract me from my school work. Only in this way can I do my school work well. Only in this way can I realize my dream of future and my parents will feel rewarded and be proud of me.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 14Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? You should write 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.  1. 有些人认为某些数字会到来好运。  2. 你认为数字和运气无关。  3. 试说明你的看法。

Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? There are growing debates among general public about the issue that if lucky numbers can really bring good luck. Some think certain numbers may predict good luck. These numbers include “6, 8, 9” and so on.
Therefore, when they want to choose a car number or a phone number, they are inclined to choose a number which ends with these lucky numbers.
From my point of view, there is no relation between the so-called lucky numbers and luck. It is merely a superstitious belief. The only key to success or wealth lies in hard work. It is indeed a ridiculous thing to believe in those numbers and buy it at a higher price as phone number or license plate number. If we rely too much on it, we will tend to be lazy or easily discouraged when these numbers turned out to be fruitless. We should strive for the success by our own effort.
解析: 暂无解析


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday. You should write a t least 100 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese.1.表示欢迎2.提出对度假安排的建议3.提醒应注意的事项

正确答案: A letter to a Schoolmate
June 23, 2001
Dear Xiao Wang,
I’m delighted to learn that you are going to visit me during the week-long vacation. My parents will also be happy to see you again. I’m sure you will enjoy every minute here.
I know you are fond of swimming. A river lies not far away from my home. We can go swimming there. I think it would be very pleasant and refreshing to swim in such hot summer days. In every big room of my home there is an air-conditioner. We can watch TV, play CDs or read books very comfortably at home.
A mountain about two miles away from here is beautiful and it is worth touring. We can go there on foot. When we climb to the top of the mountain, we can have a wonderful bird-eye view of the whole village.
Just phone me before you set off. There is no need for you to take anything. I’ll prepare everything for you.
I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
Zhang Ying


Practice 15Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Don’t Hesitate to Say “No”. You should write 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.  1. 别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们会说“不”?  2. 为什么有些人在该说“不”的时候不说“不”?  3. 该说“不”时不说“不”的坏处。

Don’t Hesitate to Say “No” There are many conditions on which we should not hesitate to say “No” when asked for help. For one thing, when we are not able to offer help, we should give others a direct reply “No”. For another, when the thing we are asked for is unreasonable or even illegal, we should also say “No”.
However, it is not often the case in our real life. Many people tend to say “Yes” while actually they should say “No”. Firstly, they are afraid to lose their own face, for they think refusal means their inability. Secondly, they are afraid to offend their acquaintances, such as their friends or relatives.
In fact, there are disadvantages in doing so. At first, they are not able enough or willing enough to do the thing for others. Therefore, the thing cannot be accomplished well. At last they may lose both their acquaintances’ trust and their own faces.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 3Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Immoral Behavior in Public. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Immoral Behavior in Public To witness immoral behavior in public, one just needs to have a look at the bus stop. There are always lots of people waiting for buses at the bus stop. Few of them stand in line as required. Whenever a bus comes, many people just run to the bus and try to get on in chaos. Many of them push each other in an effort to get on first.
Immoral behavior in public leads to a series of problems. Among the most serious, one is that it may exert a negative effect on our sense of social responsibility. If we allow this kind of immoral behavior to continue, we are ignoring others’ rights and feelings, and in turn, we as well will be disrespected.
To improve this phenomenon is certainly not easy. In view of practical implementation, I propose that society make it clear at all points that people who fail to respect the common good will be seriously punished. Strict policies regarding this should be made to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible.
