术语翻译:general average()

术语翻译:general average()
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Any extra expense incurred in place of another expense which would have been allowable as general average shall ______ general average and so allowed without regard to the saving if any,to other interests,but only up to the amount of the general average expense avoided.

A.deem to be

B.deem being

C.be deemed to be

D.be deemed being



No jettison of cargo shall be made ______ as general average unless such cargo is carried in accordance with the recognized custom of the trade.







In a weather report GMT stands for ________ .

A.Greenwich Mean Time

B.Local Mean Time

C.General Cargo

D.General Average



翻译:If the freight, contribution in general average demurrage to be paid to the carrier and other necessary charges paid by the carrier on behalf of the owner of the goods as well as other charges to be paid to the carrie have not been paid in full nor has appropriate security been given the carrier may have a lien to a reasonable extent on the goods.

正确答案: 应当向承运人支付的运费、共同海损分摊、滞期费和承运人为货物垫付的必要费用以及应当向承运人支付的其他费用没有付清,又没有提供适当担保的,承运人可以在合理的限度内留置其货物。


The onus of proof is upon ______the party claiming in general average to show that the loss or expense claimed is properly allowable as general average.

A.the party from which general average is claimed

B.the party claiming in general average

C.the carrier

D.the shipper



I certify the above ______ and formally declare General Average.

A.to true

B.be true

C.being true

D.to be true



the master of Utopia,______ owners,hereby declares general average and require all benefited interests to provide general average security.

A.on behalf of

B.in behalf of

C.in behalf with

D.on behalf with



A vessel grounds.Salvage services are provided and the vessel successfully returned to port.Which of the following is (are) correct?Ⅰ.The salvage award is considered to be general average.Ⅱ.If the grounding was caused by the unseaworthiness of the vessel,the salvage award is to be paid solely by the owner of the vessel without regard to general average contribution.

A.Ⅰ only

B.Ⅱ only

C.Both Ⅰ and Ⅱ

D.Neither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ




Following a general average incident,ship agents and surveyors play a significant role.A ship agent,in addition to the normal duties of port and husbandry agency,will assist the master in the aftermath of a general average incident to make a declaration which complies with the local law and custom of the port.

Once the average adjuster has confirmed that security has been obtained from all the interested parties,the agent is instructed by the ship owner to permit delivery of the cargo.If cargo has been discharged to lighten the vessel,or cargo has been transshipped to a final destination,the agent will be responsible for keeping full and complete records of all movements and expenditure attributable to the general average.

After any incident,a large number of surveyors representing various interests will descend on the vessel.Some of these surveyors will not be involved directly in the general average process.However,if it has become necessary to sacrifice or discharge a part of the cargo before arrival at the final destination stated on the bill of lading,the ship owner will appoint surveyors to report on the condition and quantity of cargo.

Such surveyors,usually called general average surveyors,will act in the interests of all the parties involved(and may also represent hull and machinery interests).If possible,the account representing expenditure incurred should be examined and approved by the general average surveyor before settlement.


Which of the following is NOT correct as to the general average surveyors ___________.

A.They may sometimes be involved into the examination and approval of general average expenditures

B.They may sometimes be involved into the examination and approval of general average sacrifices

C.They will act in the interests of all the parties involved

D.They will look at particularly the general average matters

What does this passage imply for the shipmasters when a general average incident occurred onboard ___________.A.He can rely on greatly the general average surveyors

B.He can rely on greatly the ship agent

C.He can rely on greatly the interested parties

D.He can rely on greatly other surveyors

The ship agent mentioned in the passage behaves ______.A.for the benefit of the cargo owner

B.for the benefit of the shipowner

C.for the benefit of the salvors

D.for the benefit of the interested parties other than the above

The security required by the owner of ship and provided by relevant interested parties in general average cases is for the purpose of _______.

① contributing to the losses and damages of general average nature;

② securing all the general average contributions;

③ Securing all the payment of Sue and Labour;

④ contributing to the losses and damages of particular average nature.






问题 1 答案解析:D

问题 2 答案解析:A

问题 3 答案解析:B

问题 4 答案解析:C


简述共同海损(general average)的概念及其构成要件。

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