以下英文描述表示“冷水手洗”的选项是()。A、Do not wash by hand Water washingB、Cold water to washC、Hand wash in cold waterD、Dry cleaning only



  • A、Do not wash by hand Water washing
  • B、Cold water to wash
  • C、Hand wash in cold water
  • D、Dry cleaning only
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I have many dirty clothes _______.

A.to be washing

B.to wash





When sailing ill cold zones,_______should be drained of water.

A.the ventilation pipe

B.the water line for fire fighting on the deck

C.the fuel oil line

D.the water supplying line in bath room



Wash your hands () with hot soapy water before handling any food.







Common-cold Sense
You can't beat it,but you don't have to join it.Maybe it got the name"common cold"because it's more common in winter.The fact is,though,being cold doesn't have anything to do with getting one.Colds are caused by the spread of rhinoviruses,and,at least so far,medical science is better at telling you how to avoid getting one than how to get rid of one.
Children are the most common way cold viruses are spread to adults,because they have more colds than adults-an average of about eight per year.Why do kids seem so much more easily to get colds than their parents?Simple.They haven't had the opportunity to become immune to many cold viruses.
There are more than 150 different cold viruses,and you never have the same one twice.being infected by one makes you immune to it-but only it.
Colds are usually spread by direct contact,not sneezing or coughing.From another person's hand to your hand and then to your nose or eyes is the most common route.The highest concentration of cold viruses anywhere is found under the thumbnails of a boy,although the viruses can survive for hours on skin or other smooth surfaces.
Hygiene is your best defense.Wash your hands frequently,preferably with a disinfectant soap,especially when children in your household have colds.
But even careful hygiene won't ward off every cold.So,what works when a coughing,sneezing, runny nose strikes?
The old prescription of two aspirins,lots of water,and bed rest is a good place to start.But you'll also find some of the folk remedies worth trying.Hot mixtures of sugar(or honey),lemon,and water have real benefits.

Children have more colds because______.
A:they are usually infected about eight times each year
B:they are not immune to many cold viruses yet
C:they never wash their hands so that their thumbnails are dirty
D:they don't like eating lemon

由文章倒数第二段第二句的内容可知, 当一个人患感冒时,会出现咳嗽.打喷嚏以及流鼻涕的症状,而未提及有胃疼症状,故选D。


Steam smoke will occur when ______.

A.extremely cold air from shore passes over warmer water

B.warm dry air from shore passes over cooler water

C.cold ocean water evaporates into warm air

D.cool rain passes through a warm air mass



When you go shopping and want to buy some clothes,you should think about which kind of clothes you really need and decide how_____money you can _____on them. Then look at the labels that are inside the new clothes. They tell you how to _____the clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash it in cold water. The label on a coat may say “dry clean only” and cleaning in water may _____this coat. If you do _____the directions say on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best.

1.A. much

B. many

C. large

2.A. cost

B. spend

C. take

3.A. take place of

B. take use of

C. take care of

4.A. change

B. replace

C. ruin

5.A. as

B. by

C. for

参考答案:子问题 1:A; 子问题 2:B; 子问题 3:C; 子问题 4:C; 子问题 5:A


As mentioned,“grey water”can be used to______.

A.wash the car

B.water the garden

C.clean the toilet

D.dispose of wastes

解析:见最后一段倒数第二句话,is used to flush toilets。


As mentioned,‘grey water’ can be used to_,

A.wash the car

B.water the garden

C.clean the toilet

D.dispose of wastes



You have water washed your cargo tanks using the fixed machines.What should you do before using portable machines to clean areas screened from the wash of the fixed machine by structural members ________.

A.Ventilate the tank to eliminate any electrostatically charged mist

B.Attach the water supply hose to the portable machine after the cleaning head is positioned inside the tank

C.Insure that the tanks are not stripped until the final wash is started

D.Ground the fixed machines to eliminate any electrostatic buildup on the cleaning head



Common-cold Sense
You can't beat it,but you don't have to join it.Maybe it got the name"common cold"because it's more common in winter.The fact is,though,being cold doesn't have anything to do with getting one.Colds are caused by the spread of rhinoviruses,and,at least so far,medical science is better at telling you how to avoid getting one than how to get rid of one.
Children are the most common way cold viruses are spread to adults,because they have more colds than adults-an average of about eight per year.Why do kids seem so much more easily to get colds than their parents?Simple.They haven't had the opportunity to become immune to many cold viruses.
There are more than 150 different cold viruses,and you never have the same one twice.being infected by one makes you immune to it-but only it.
Colds are usually spread by direct contact,not sneezing or coughing.From another person's hand to your hand and then to your nose or eyes is the most common route.The highest concentration of cold viruses anywhere is found under the thumbnails of a boy,although the viruses can survive for hours on skin or other smooth surfaces.
Hygiene is your best defense.Wash your hands frequently,preferably with a disinfectant soap,especially when children in your household have colds.
But even careful hygiene won't ward off every cold.So,what works when a coughing,sneezing, runny nose strikes?
The old prescription of two aspirins,lots of water,and bed rest is a good place to start.But you'll also find some of the folk remedies worth trying.Hot mixtures of sugar(or honey),lemon,and water have real benefits.

According to the essay,you may have a cold because.
A:the weather is too cold
B:the spread of rhinoviruses gets people infected
C:another person's coughing passes the cold to you
D:you wash your hands too often

由文章倒数第二段第二句的内容可知, 当一个人患感冒时,会出现咳嗽.打喷嚏以及流鼻涕的症状,而未提及有胃疼症状,故选D。
