单选题Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.  The author implies which of the following about Lord Curzon?A He was a descendent of Sir Edward Dalyngrigge.B His love of architecture assisted British tourism.C He lived in Bodiam Cas

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.  The author implies which of the following about Lord Curzon?

He was a descendent of Sir Edward Dalyngrigge.


His love of architecture assisted British tourism.


He lived in Bodiam Castle from 1917 until his death.

如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Which of the following is true of the author?

A.He got no access to success.

B.He wrote back to his father at 12.

C.He was surk his parents loved him.

D.He whce asked his father about the letter.



Which of the following is true of Reagan?__________

A.He finished high school and got his diploma
B.His mother had died and he lived alone
C.He had to do work to support his families
D.He was still a student with a part-time job

文章第三段中“Reagan also shared that his mother had passed away and he was left to carefor his two younger sisters.”可知,里根不得不找工作照顾他的家庭。故选C。


He talked in detail about the () of setting up an experimental school in which each child works at his or her own pace







“Lucky” Lord Lucan一Alive or Dead
On 8th November 1974 Lord Lucan,a British aristocrat,vanished. The day before,his children's nanny had been brutally murdered and his wife had been attacked too.To this day the British public are still interested in the murder case because Lucan has never been found.
Now,over 30 years later,the police have reopened the case,hoping that new DNA tech-niques will help solve this murder mystery. People suspected that“Lucky”,as he was called by friends,wanted to kill his wife he no longer lived with. They say that Lucan entered his old house and in the dark,killed the nanny by mistake. His estranged wife heard noises,came downstairs and was also attacked,but managed to escape. Seven months after the murder,a jury concluded that Lucan had killed the nanny.
What happened next is unclear,but there are several theories which fall into one of three categories:he may have killed himself,he could have escaped or he might have been killed. It appears that the night after the murder,“Lucky” borrowed a car and drove it,Lucan's friend Aspinall said in an interview that he thought Lucan had committed suicide by sinking his boat in the English Channel.
Another version of events says that“Lucky” left the blood-soaked car on the coast and took a ferry to France. He was met there by someone who drove him to safety in another country.However,after a time,his rescuers became worried that they would become involved in the murder too and so Lucan was killed.
A further fascinating theory was made in the book Dead Lucky by Duncan MacLaugh-lin,a former detective.He believes that Lucan travelled to Goa,India.where he assumed the identity of a Mr. Barry Haplin. Lucan then lived in Goa till his death in 1996.In the end the claim turned out be a case of mistaken identity. The man who died in 1996 was really Haplin,an exschoolteacher turned hippy. So what is the truth about Lucky?DNA testing has solved many murder cases,but who knows if it can close the book on this one.

The public are still interested in the investigation because______.
A: of the terrible murder
B: of the use of new DNA techniques
C: Lord Lucan has never been found
D: Lord Lucan was famous

题干意为“公众对这件谋杀案的调查依旧很感兴趣的原因是……”。该题为细节题,而且为细节题中的因果逻辑题,在解题时要注意关注短文中陈述原因的句子,尤其是一些典型用来引出原因的词语和结构,如:because, because of, for, due to, thanks to, owing to等,同时还需要注意英文中的因果逻辑陈述习惯:先果后因。利用题干及选项中的名词及名词短语作为定位线索,在短文前三段中查找相关句,同时留意题干中的修饰词in-terested“感兴趣的”,这样在第一段中找到相关句:To this day the British public(与题干中的名词短语the public呼应)are still interested in the murder case because Lucan has never been found.相关句意为“直到现在,英国民众对这个谋杀案仍然很感兴趣,因为鲁肯伯爵一直没有被找到”。该句直接陈述了原因,所以C项“鲁肯伯爵一直没有被找到”是正确的答案。
题干意为“人们认为鲁肯杀了保姆的原因是什么?”该题为细节题,同时也是因果逻辑题。利用题干及选项中的名词及名词短语作为定位线索,顺着上一题相关句的位置往下查找相关句,这样在第二段中找到相关句:People suspected that “Lucky”(指Lucan), as he was called by friends,wanted to kill his wife he no longer lived with. They say that Lu-can entered his old house and in the dark,killed the nanny by mistake. His estranged wife heard noises,came downstairs and was also attacked,but managed to escape. Seven months after the murder,a jury concluded that Lucan had killed the nanny.相关句(带有下划线的句子)意为“鲁肯伯爵被朋友称为‘幸运儿’,人们猜测他想要杀了他与之分居的妻子。有人说鲁肯踏进他的老房子,在一片漆黑中错杀了保姆”,由此可知C项“在一片漆黑之中,他误认为她(保姆)是鲁肯夫人”是答案。
题干意为“Aspinall认为鲁肯是怎样自杀的?”该题为细节题,利用题干及选项中的名词及名词短语作为定位线索,顺着上一题相关句的位置往下查找相关句,这样在第三段中找到相关句:What happened next is unclear,but there are several theories which fall into one of three categories:he may have killed himself,he could have escaped or he might have been killed. It appears that the night after the murder,“Lucky”(指Lucan)borrowed a car and drove it,Lucan's friend Aspinall said in an interview that he thought Lucan had com-mitted suicide by sinking his boat in the English Channel.相关句(带下划线的句子)意为“在谋杀发生的第二天晚上,‘幸运儿’借了一辆车然后开走了,鲁肯的朋友Aspinall在一个采访中表示,他觉得鲁肯伯爵在英吉利海峡中凿沉了自己坐的船,已经自杀了”。由此可知鲁肯的朋友Aspinall认为鲁肯伯爵是凿沉了自己坐的船自杀的,因此答案为D。
题干意为“鲁肯可能已经被杀了,原因是人们……”。利用题干及选项中的名词及名词短语作为定位线索,顺着上一题相关句的位置往下查找相关句,这样在第四段中找到相关句:Another version of events says that “Lucky” left the blood-soaked car on the coast and took a ferry to France. He was met there by someone who drove him to safety in another country. However,after a time,his rescuers became worried that they would become involved in the murder too and so Lucan was killed.相关句(带下划线的句子)意为“然而,过了一段时间,救他的人开始担心自己也会被卷入到谋杀案中,所以他们杀了鲁肯”。由此可知鲁肯可能 已经被杀的原因是人们(帮助鲁肯的人)害怕自己也被卷入到谋杀案中,因此答案为B项“认为如果鲁肯被警方抓住他可能向警方供出他们来”。


The author can't remember his relatives clearly because__________.

A.he didn't live very long with them
B.he was fully occupied with observing nature
C.the family was extremely large
D.he was too young when he lived with them

由第二段“Nor do…have a crystal-clear memory of dogs,the farm animals,the local birdsand above all,the insects."可知,作者将全部注意力都放在观察自然上了,故选B项。


Why did the author shout at the telephone?

A. He was mad at the telephone

B. He was angry with his agent

C. He was anxious about his wife

D. He was impatient with the secretary



What can we learn about Amos Peters?__________

A.He is remembered for his love of animals
B.He donated $I ,000 to build the bridge
C.He was a member of the City Council
D.He was awarded a medal for building the bridge

根据最后一段中的“…a ten-foot wooden squirrel sculpture was placed near the bridge inmemory of its builder and his devotion to the project."可以推断,Peters因为爱动物,倡导修建这座桥而被人们纪念。故选A。


25. Which of the following about Jay Chou is NOT true?

A. He was born on January 8,1979.

B. He has a lot of fans.

C. He hardly ever smiles.

D. His songs are different from others.



“Lucky” Lord Lucan一Alive or Dead
On 8th November 1974 Lord Lucan,a British aristocrat,vanished. The day before,his children's nanny had been brutally murdered and his wife had been attacked too.To this day the British public are still interested in the murder case because Lucan has never been found.
Now,over 30 years later,the police have reopened the case,hoping that new DNA tech-niques will help solve this murder mystery. People suspected that“Lucky”,as he was called by friends,wanted to kill his wife he no longer lived with. They say that Lucan entered his old house and in the dark,killed the nanny by mistake. His estranged wife heard noises,came downstairs and was also attacked,but managed to escape. Seven months after the murder,a jury concluded that Lucan had killed the nanny.
What happened next is unclear,but there are several theories which fall into one of three categories:he may have killed himself,he could have escaped or he might have been killed. It appears that the night after the murder,“Lucky” borrowed a car and drove it,Lucan's friend Aspinall said in an interview that he thought Lucan had committed suicide by sinking his boat in the English Channel.
Another version of events says that“Lucky” left the blood-soaked car on the coast and took a ferry to France. He was met there by someone who drove him to safety in another country.However,after a time,his rescuers became worried that they would become involved in the murder too and so Lucan was killed.
A further fascinating theory was made in the book Dead Lucky by Duncan MacLaugh-lin,a former detective.He believes that Lucan travelled to Goa,India.where he assumed the identity of a Mr. Barry Haplin. Lucan then lived in Goa till his death in 1996.In the end the claim turned out be a case of mistaken identity. The man who died in 1996 was really Haplin,an exschoolteacher turned hippy. So what is the truth about Lucky?DNA testing has solved many murder cases,but who knows if it can close the book on this one.

Ex-detective MacLaughlin claimed that Mr. Barry Haplin______.
A: was an old schoolteacher
B: died in Goa,India
C: was really Lord Lucan in disguise
D: was a merchant

题干意为“公众对这件谋杀案的调查依旧很感兴趣的原因是……”。该题为细节题,而且为细节题中的因果逻辑题,在解题时要注意关注短文中陈述原因的句子,尤其是一些典型用来引出原因的词语和结构,如:because, because of, for, due to, thanks to, owing to等,同时还需要注意英文中的因果逻辑陈述习惯:先果后因。利用题干及选项中的名词及名词短语作为定位线索,在短文前三段中查找相关句,同时留意题干中的修饰词in-terested“感兴趣的”,这样在第一段中找到相关句:To this day the British public(与题干中的名词短语the public呼应)are still interested in the murder case because Lucan has never been found.相关句意为“直到现在,英国民众对这个谋杀案仍然很感兴趣,因为鲁肯伯爵一直没有被找到”。该句直接陈述了原因,所以C项“鲁肯伯爵一直没有被找到”是正确的答案。
题干意为“人们认为鲁肯杀了保姆的原因是什么?”该题为细节题,同时也是因果逻辑题。利用题干及选项中的名词及名词短语作为定位线索,顺着上一题相关句的位置往下查找相关句,这样在第二段中找到相关句:People suspected that “Lucky”(指Lucan), as he was called by friends,wanted to kill his wife he no longer lived with. They say that Lu-can entered his old house and in the dark,killed the nanny by mistake. His estranged wife heard noises,came downstairs and was also attacked,but managed to escape. Seven months after the murder,a jury concluded that Lucan had killed the nanny.相关句(带有下划线的句子)意为“鲁肯伯爵被朋友称为‘幸运儿’,人们猜测他想要杀了他与之分居的妻子。有人说鲁肯踏进他的老房子,在一片漆黑中错杀了保姆”,由此可知C项“在一片漆黑之中,他误认为她(保姆)是鲁肯夫人”是答案。
题干意为“Aspinall认为鲁肯是怎样自杀的?”该题为细节题,利用题干及选项中的名词及名词短语作为定位线索,顺着上一题相关句的位置往下查找相关句,这样在第三段中找到相关句:What happened next is unclear,but there are several theories which fall into one of three categories:he may have killed himself,he could have escaped or he might have been killed. It appears that the night after the murder,“Lucky”(指Lucan)borrowed a car and drove it,Lucan's friend Aspinall said in an interview that he thought Lucan had com-mitted suicide by sinking his boat in the English Channel.相关句(带下划线的句子)意为“在谋杀发生的第二天晚上,‘幸运儿’借了一辆车然后开走了,鲁肯的朋友Aspinall在一个采访中表示,他觉得鲁肯伯爵在英吉利海峡中凿沉了自己坐的船,已经自杀了”。由此可知鲁肯的朋友Aspinall认为鲁肯伯爵是凿沉了自己坐的船自杀的,因此答案为D。
题干意为“鲁肯可能已经被杀了,原因是人们……”。利用题干及选项中的名词及名词短语作为定位线索,顺着上一题相关句的位置往下查找相关句,这样在第四段中找到相关句:Another version of events says that “Lucky” left the blood-soaked car on the coast and took a ferry to France. He was met there by someone who drove him to safety in another country. However,after a time,his rescuers became worried that they would become involved in the murder too and so Lucan was killed.相关句(带下划线的句子)意为“然而,过了一段时间,救他的人开始担心自己也会被卷入到谋杀案中,所以他们杀了鲁肯”。由此可知鲁肯可能 已经被杀的原因是人们(帮助鲁肯的人)害怕自己也被卷入到谋杀案中,因此答案为B项“认为如果鲁肯被警方抓住他可能向警方供出他们来”。


Which is NOT true of Alfred Nobel?

A He was from Sweden
B He was the inventor of dynamite.
C He established the prizes in his will
D He gave clear instructions on how to select winners.

