Charles the First,king of Britain,was executed,because he at

Charles the First,king of Britain,was executed,because he attempted to overrule()in the English Revolution.
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Passage Three

An old Indian story says that the game of chess (国际象棋) was invented by Sissa Ben, Prime Minister of King Shirham. As soon as the invention was finished he gave it to the king, who was glad and asked him what he would like to have in return. To the king's surprise, what Sissa wanted seemed very little. "Your Majesty, "said the minister, kneeling before the king. "I want nothing but some wheat. Please put a grain of wheat on the first square of the chessboard (棋盘), two on the second, four on the third, eight on the fourth.., and so on, doubling the number for each following square. Give me enough grains to cover the 64 squares of the chessboard."

"You don't ask for much, my honest servant. You might have asked for gold or money," said the king and then ordered a bag of wheat brought to the palace.

But when the counting began, with one grain for the first square, two for the second, four for the third, and so on, the bag was emptied before the 20th square. More bags were brought, but the number of grain needed for the following squares increased so rapidly that the king was not able to keep his promise even with all the crops in the whole India! In fact, he would have needed 8 466 744 073 709 511 615 grains, which would be as much as that they would produce in about 2000 years!

Now tile king found himself deep in debt to his minister. He had either to face the terrible trouble all his life or to cut off Sissa's head, the litter of which, it is said was what he finally chose.

41. This story tells us ______.

A. how cruel the king was

B. how clever the minister was

C. Sissa was a famous mathematician

D. how the game of chess came into being

此题是对主题思想进行综合判断和概括的考查。其中关键词为story tells。 主题概括题是集评价、总结为一体。要求考生在理解原文的基础上做出切题的概括、总结和评价。解题时不要过于具体或过于笼统。善于从主题段或主题句中发现中 心思想和通过关键词语把握作者意图。亦可在完成其他具体解题后,对文章全貌有了大概了解的基础上再处理此题。通过阅读全文我们知道那个宰相的要求看似简单(1段第3very little,第2段第1You don't ask for much),却使国王负债于他(3段第2the number increased..,king...not...keep promise,最后一段第 1the debt)。故可判断他是何等的聪明。所以B项是正确答案。


Tom’s parents were very ( ) of him because he won the first ( )in the competition.

A、proud/ prize

B、proud/ price

C、pride/ prize

D、pride/ price



Why did they call Red ” Red”?()

A.Because he comes from Red

B.Because it is his nickname

C.Because his skin is red, he is an Irish

D.Because the cigar he smokes is Red.



View the Exhibit exhibit1 to examine the series of SQL commands. View the Exhibit exhibit2 to examine the plans available in the SQL plan baseline. The baseline in the first row of the Exhibit is created when OPTIMIZER_MODE was set to FIRST_ROWS.Which statement is true if the SQL query in exhibit1 is executed again when the valueof OPTIMIZER_MODE is set to FIRST_ROWS?()

A. The optimizer uses a new plan because none of the plans in the exhibit2 are fixed plans.

B. The optimizer uses the plan in the second row of the exhibit2 because it is an accepted plan.

C. The optimizer uses the plan in the first row of the exhibit2 because it is the latest generated plan.

D. The optimizer uses the plan in the first row of the exhibit2 because OPTIMIZER_MODE was set to FIRST_ROW during its creation.



Speedway racing is a type of motorcycle racing that is done on a track with a special motorcycle.It was introduced to Britain in 1 928.The first races were held at High Beech in Epping Forest.Now races are held in special stadiums, but then a track was made in the forest behind a pub called the Royal Oak.The track was not concrete or tarmac, but was made from cinders.The first races were organized by Jack Hill-Bailey He had visited Australia and seen speedway racing there.When he returned to Britain, he decided to introduce the sport to Britain and started organizing the first races with his friends in the IFord Motorcycle Club.They expected 3, 000 people to come and watch the races, but over 30, 000 people arrived to see the first races!(判断正误)

1.You need a special motorcycle for a speedway race.()

2.Speedway races are held on the road.()

3.Speedway races were held in Austral ia before they were held in Britain.()

4.Jack Hill--Bailey organized the first races by himself.()



Why does a man in the west who asks for a job say something like "Yes, I can certainly do it"?

A. Because to get the job he should give an impression that he's just fit for the job.

B. Because he is not modest.

C. Because he could do nothing but speak that way.

D. Because he was eager to get the job.




which of the following kings was executed in the civil war?

A. Charles lI.

B. James II.

C. James I.

D. Charles I.



Jim couldn't remember when he first met Professor Wang, but he was sure it was __________ Sunday because everybody was at __________ church.

A./, the

B.the, /

C.a, /

D./, /

参考答案:C 解答参考:C 某个星期天用a Sunday;be at / in church 意为"做礼拜"


Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC? ()

A.Emperor Claudius

B.Julius Caesar

C.King Alfred

D.King Ethelred




Is the Tie a Necessity?

Ties,or neckties,have been asymbol of politeness and elegance in Britain for
centuries.But the casual Prime Minister Tony Blair has problems with them.Reports
suggest that even the civil servants maystop wearing ties.So,are the famously formal
British really going to abandon the neckties?
Maybe.Last week,the UK's Cabinet Secretary Andrew Turnbull openly welcomed a
tieless era.He hinted that civi!servants would soon be free of the costliest 12 inches of
fabric that most men ever buy in their lives.
In fact,Blair showed this attitude when he had his first guests to a cocktail party.Many
of them were celebrities(知名人士)without ties, which would have been unimaginable even
in the recent past.
For some more conservative British,the tie is a must for proper appearance.Earlier,
Labor leader Jim Callaghan said he would have died rather than have his children seen in
public without a tie.For people like Callaghan,the tie was a sign of being complete,of
showing respect.Men were supposed to wear a tie when going to church,to work in the
office,to a party-almost every social occasion.
But today,people have begun to accept a casual style even for formal occasions.
The origin of the tie is tricky.It started as something called simply a"band".The term
could mean anything around a man's neck.It appeared in finer ways in the 1630s.
Frenchmen showed a love of this particular fashion statement. Their neckwear(颈饰)
impressed Charles II , the king of England who was exiled(流放)to France at that time.
When he returned to England in 1660,he brought this new fashion item along with him.
It wasn't,however,until the late 18th century that fancy young men introduced a more
colorful,flowing piece of cloth that eventually became known as the tie.Then,clubs,
military institutions and schools began to use colored and patterned ties to indicate the
wearer's membership in the late 1gth century.After that,the tie became a necessary item of
clothing for British gentlemen.
But now,even gentlemen are getting tired of ties.Anyway,the day feels a bit easier
when you wake up without having to decide which tie suits you and your mood.

Why does Blair sometimes show up in a formal event without a tie?
A:Because he wants to make a show.
B: Because he wants to attract attention.
C: Because ties are costly.
D:Because he wants to live in a casual way.

