They already guide blind and disabled people; now dogs are to be trained to help people with dementia (痴呆). The duties of these "guide dogs for the mind" will include reminding their owners to take medication, as well as encouraging them to eat, drink and


They already guide blind and disabled people; now dogs are to be trained to help people with dementia (痴呆). The duties of these "guide dogs for the mind" will include reminding their owners to take medication, as well as encouraging them to eat, drink and sleep at regular intervals. The dementia dogs will be trained to respond to sound triggers in the home that prompt them to perform tasks. These could include delivering a bite-proof bag of medicine with a note inside reminding the patient to take it, or waking them up in the morning. The idea was developed by design students at the Glasgow School of Art and will now be put into practice by Alzheimer"s Scotland and Dogs for the disabled. Joyce Gray of Alzheimer"s Scotland said, "People in the early stages of dementia are still able to live a relatively normal life, and dogs help to maintain routine." The other advantage of using the pets as companions is that conversation can be increasingly confusing for people with Alzheimer"s, but dogs can give them a sense of silent support and companionship. People light up when they see animals. They don"t need to communicate verbally but they can still interact. You can have a speechless bond. The dog would also encourage the owner to take them out for walks, ensuring they keep exercising and interacting with other people.Who will train the dogs to perform such tasks

  • A、The students who developed the idea.
  • B、The owners of the dogs.
  • C、The experts in Alzheimer"s Scotland.
  • D、It is not mentioned in the passage.
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We all love a hero, and rescue dogs are some of the biggest heroes of all. You will often find them going above and beyond duty to save someone, risking--and at times losing--their lives in the process.

Rescue dogs are generally found in the Sporting and Hunting Groups, or from the traditional Herding Group. These types include the Bloodhound, Labrador Retriever, Newfoundland, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, and Belgian Malinois--all of which are chosen for search-and-rescue duty because of their amazing physical strength, loyalty, and their tendency for mental stability.

These types also have a keen sense of hearing and smell--to better locate lost individuals—and are often able to access hard-to-reach areas. As highly trained animals, they serve in many different fields, including specialist search, snow slide rescue, dead body location, and tracking.

To overcome obstacles and succeed when performing the demanding duties of a search-and-rescue worker, a dog must display certain qualities. In addition to intelligence and strength, the dog must be swift, confident, easily trainable, adaptable, and have a high level of stamina (耐力) and endurance. A strong sense of group cooperation and an ability to engage in friendly play during "down" time is also required of search-and-rescue dogs.

A rescue dog goes through many, many hours of intensive training to be fit for duty. Training is not for the faint-hearted. Certification training can take from two to three years, working three to four hours a day, three to six days a week, often in group,team-oriented sessions.

Each search-and-rescue field requires different types of training. Rescue training, for instance, includes "air scenting"--where dogs are trained to smell the air for the victim&39; s scent (气味) and then follow the scent to the person. This ability is crucial to finding victims trapped under collapsed buildings and snow slide.

40. Rescue dogs are chosen probably because__

A.they are loyal

B.they are brave

C.they have amazing appearances

D.they have good eyesight

What does "faint-hearted" in Paragraph 5 mean?A.Courageous.




Which ability is most important for dogs to rescue people trapped in snow?A.Sharp hearing

B.Swift movement

C.Extraordinary smelling

D.A strong memory

What is the passage mainly about?A.Selection process of rescue dogs

B.Qualities and training of rescue dogs.

C.Risks rescue dogs are faced with

D.Types of tasks rescue dogs can perform


问题 1 答案解析:A


问题 2 答案解析:B
【考情点拨】词义理解题。 【应试指导】第五段主要描述搜救犬需要经过长期的艰苦训练,所以这种训练应该不适合懦弱胆小者,只有顽强的搜救犬才能坚持下来。由此推测。faint—hearted应指“懦弱的”,故选B。

问题 3 答案解析:C
【考情点拨】推理判断题。 【应试指导】由第六段最后两句可知,搜救训练的一项内容是让搜救犬去嗅空气中受害者的气味,这项能力对发现被困在坍塌建筑物和雪崩中的受害者至关重要。由此可推断,在搜救被困在雪里的受害者时,搜救犬极其敏锐的嗅觉是最重要的,故选C。

问题 4 答案解析:B
【考情点拨】主旨大意题。 【应试指导】文章第二、三、四段主要讲搜救犬需要具备的能力和条件,第五、六段讲搜救犬的训练.所以这篇文章的主题是搜救犬的本领和训练,故选B。


What was the use of having such high heels, when people seemed to _______ a blind eye to them.







Some old people love their cats or dogs as much as a human friend.()




A New Study Says You Can Spread to Your Dog
Research shows that most dog owner's find their pets to be great stress busters.Curling up on the couch with your pug on playing eatch with your Labradoodle is a great way to unwind and letthe cares of the dlay slip away . New science has some bud news for dog owners. Dog might ease your stress. but they can also catch it,
I's an old joke that dogs resemble their owners, but according to this new study out of linkoping universily in sweden . Its actually true in one lecus funny way: stressed out owners have stressedout dog .
To figure this out the researchers took hair samples from 25 border collies and 33 shetland sheepdogs. AS well as their female owners. For both humans and dogs . Hair records the level of the stress bormone cortisol in the body over time s0 by analy zing these hairs, the team could figure out just now much stress both the owners and their pets were under long_ ferm.
The studly found the stress level of the dogs and their owners matched up : higher levels of sitress among owners showed up as higher levels of stress in their dogs. The efct was even more pronounced if the dogs was female or if it took part in agility copettions with is owner.
Previous research has found that cortisol in humans and their dogs can rise together in the short term especially when competing. But this finding was someting new. " This is the first time we've seen a long term synchroniation in stress levels between members of two diferent species。
We haven't scen this between humans and dogs before." lead research lina r oth told the guardian.And what about a pooch's lifestyle?did limited opportunitics for play or more time spent alone stress out the dogs? nearly as much as belonging to a human with high cortisol levels. The personality of the owner seemed to play a role to. Although that varied with the sex of the dog.
Female dogs whose owners had higher scores in the Big five traits of neurotic ism openness, and conscientiousness had higher cortisol levels, while the same was true of male dogs whose owners scored high in agreeableness.
This will not come as a huge surprise to many observant folks who have noticed that highly stung people offen have a highly strung dogs. But should scientifie confrmation of this conection between owners and their dogs put pet if you're arcciety prone? Or if you're under a lot of stress and already a pet owner, should you feel guilty?
Roth replies" 1 don't think you should be anxious that , if you're sressed,, you might harm your dog" instead, your dog is a 8ocial support for you, and you are a social support for the dog.
Your sressede out than made up for by exstra pats , belly rubs, and tennis ball throws.
Though if you do lean towards the anxious side, you might want to think carefully about choosing a resilient type of dog. Just which breeds are best is still an open Roth andher collaborators hope.
It may be possible to match dog and owner in a way that is better for both, from a stress- management says" It may be that certain breeds are not so deeply afected if their owner hasa high sres leve!""
What makes this study different from previous research which also saw oortisol synchronization in dogs?()

A. The duration of time
B. Pooch's lifestyle
C. Number df suljeets studied
D. The influence of the owner' s character on the pet.

细节题。是什么让这项研究不同于之前的研究。第三段Hair records the level of the stress bomone cortisol in the body over time so by analyzing these hairs, the team could fgure out just now much stress both the owners and their pets were under long-term.毛发记录了随着时间的推移,人体内的应激激素皮质醇水平,因此通过分析这些毛发,研究小组可以得出主人和他们的宠物目前所承受的长期压力。
第五段But this finding was something new. 'This is the first time we've scen a long term synchronization in stress levels between members of two diferent species. We haven't seen this between humans and dogs bfor."表明狗和主人的压力水平是一致的:主人压力越大,狗的压力也越大,


The research mentioned in the last paragraph reports that

A.people with dogs did more exercise

B.dogs lost the same weight as people did

C.dogs liked exercise much more than people did

D.people without dogs found the program unhelpful



How did the guests know the party was over?

A、there was an alarm clock

B、the host was giving them the “Look, I’m washing the dishes now” hint

C、People began to yawn

D、there was no wine to drink any more




Science can't explain the power of pets, but many studies have shown that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure (血压) and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack, reduce loneliness and spread all-round good cheer. Any owner will tall you how much joy a pet brings. For some, an animal provides more comfort than a husband/wife. A 2002 study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress (紧张) levels and blood pressure in people - half of them pet owners –while they performed 5 minutes of mental arithmetic (算术) or held a hand in ice water. Subjects completed the tasks alone, with a husband/wife, a close friend or with a pet. People with pets did it best. Those tested with their ani mal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned most quickly to baseline heart rates. With pets in the room, people also made fewer math mistakes than when doing in front of other companions. It seems people feel more relaxed (放松)around pets, says Allen, who thinks it may be because pets don't judge. A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating habits. Researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital spent a year studying 36 fat people and their equally fat dogs on diet-and-exercise programs; a separate group of 56 people without pets were put on a diet program. On average, people lost about I1 pounds, or 5% of their body weight. Their dogs did even better, losing an average of 12 pounds, more than 15% of their body weight. Dog owners didn't lose any more weight than those without dogs but, say researchers, got more exercise overall-mostly with their dogs - and found it worth doing.

67.What does the text mainly discuss?

A.What pets bring to their owners.

B.How pets help people calm down.

C.People's opinions of keeping pets.

D.Pet's value in medical research.



Leading a dog’s life in America isn’t such a bad thing. Many grocery stores sell pet foods to owners eager to please their pets. In Houston, Texas, dogs can have their dinner delivered to their homes, just like pizza. Well-to-do canines can attend doggy daycare centers while their owners work. Pets can even accompany their owners on vacation. Fancy hotels are beginning to accommodate both man and beast. Furry guests in hotels can enjoy gourmet meals served on fine china and sleep in soft beds.

Beneath the furry luxuries, there lies a basic American belief: Pets have a right to be treated well. At least 75 animal welfare organizations exist in America. These provide care and adoption services for homeless and abused animals. Vets can give animals an incredible level of medical care for an incredible price. To pay for the high-tech health care, people can buy health insurance for their pets. And when it’s time to say good -bye, owners can bury their pets in a respectable pet cemetery.

The average American enjoys having pets around, and for good reason. Researchers have discovered that interacting with animals lowers a person’s blood pressure. Dogs can offer protection from burglars and unwelcome visitors. Cats can help rid the home of unwanted pests. Little creatures of all shapes and sizes can provide companionship and love. In many cases, having a pet prepares a young couple for the responsibilities of parenthood. Pets even encourage social relationships: They give their owners an appearance of friendliness, and they provide a good topic of conversation.

Pets are as basic to American culture as hot dogs or apple pies. To Americans, pets are not just property, but a part of the family. After all, pets are people, too.

(1)The word “please” in paragraph 1 line 2 means ().

A、to make somebody glad

B、to make somebody unhappy

C、to invite somebody

D、to treat somebody badly

(2)The topic sentence in paragraph 2 is ().

A、At least 75 animal welfare organizations exist in America

B、Vets can give animals an incredible level of medical care for an incredible price

C、To pay for the high-tech health care, people can buy health insurance for their pets

D、Beneath the furry luxuries, there lies a basic American belief: Pets have a right to be treated well

(3)“When it’s time to say good-bye” in paragraph 2 line 5 means ().

A、when the pet says “good-bye” to the host

B、when the host says “good-bye” to the pet

C、when the pet dies

D、when the pet has to leave

(4)Paragraph 3 mainly tells us ().

A、every American enjoys having pets

B、having pets can do people something good

C、dogs and cats are people’s good friends

D、pets do not encourage social relationships

(5)The author writes the last paragraph to show ().

A、pets are the same as hot dogs and apple pies

B、pets are people

C、pets are just property

D、pets are important



Love Animal Shelter

Foster Owner Program
You can help save a dog's life by becoming a foster owner until we find a loving owner to adopt your pet or until we reunite them with their original owner. We have dogs of all ages for you to care for, and many require special attention.

Although being a foster owner is one of the most rewarding experiences in the world, its emotional, physical, and financial demands should be given careful consideration. For this reason, we require all of our applicants go through an orientation program at our shelter so that they can get used to the responsibilities of caring for a dog and decide for themselves if they would like to continue doing it. We will also have one of our staff conduct a home and lifestyle evaluation to determine if each applicant's living situation is suitable for one of our dogs. Additionally, once a dog has been placed in your care, our adoption center will be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help with any situations that arises.

For more information on our foster owner program, including testimonials from current and previous foster owners, visit
What is the purpose of the advertisement?

A. To encourage people to adopt a pet

B. To encourage people to become foster owners

C. To encourage people to donate to the animal shelter

D. To encourage people to volunteer at the animal shelter



A New Study Says You Can Spread to Your Dog
Research shows that most dog owner's find their pets to be great stress busters.Curling up on the couch with your pug on playing eatch with your Labradoodle is a great way to unwind and letthe cares of the dlay slip away . New science has some bud news for dog owners. Dog might ease your stress. but they can also catch it,
I's an old joke that dogs resemble their owners, but according to this new study out of linkoping universily in sweden . Its actually true in one lecus funny way: stressed out owners have stressedout dog .
To figure this out the researchers took hair samples from 25 border collies and 33 shetland sheepdogs. AS well as their female owners. For both humans and dogs . Hair records the level of the stress bormone cortisol in the body over time s0 by analy zing these hairs, the team could figure out just now much stress both the owners and their pets were under long_ ferm.
The studly found the stress level of the dogs and their owners matched up : higher levels of sitress among owners showed up as higher levels of stress in their dogs. The efct was even more pronounced if the dogs was female or if it took part in agility copettions with is owner.
Previous research has found that cortisol in humans and their dogs can rise together in the short term especially when competing. But this finding was someting new. " This is the first time we've seen a long term synchroniation in stress levels between members of two diferent species。
We haven't scen this between humans and dogs before." lead research lina r oth told the guardian.And what about a pooch's lifestyle?did limited opportunitics for play or more time spent alone stress out the dogs? nearly as much as belonging to a human with high cortisol levels. The personality of the owner seemed to play a role to. Although that varied with the sex of the dog.
Female dogs whose owners had higher scores in the Big five traits of neurotic ism openness, and conscientiousness had higher cortisol levels, while the same was true of male dogs whose owners scored high in agreeableness.
This will not come as a huge surprise to many observant folks who have noticed that highly stung people offen have a highly strung dogs. But should scientifie confrmation of this conection between owners and their dogs put pet if you're arcciety prone? Or if you're under a lot of stress and already a pet owner, should you feel guilty?
Roth replies" 1 don't think you should be anxious that , if you're sressed,, you might harm your dog" instead, your dog is a 8ocial support for you, and you are a social support for the dog.
Your sressede out than made up for by exstra pats , belly rubs, and tennis ball throws.
Though if you do lean towards the anxious side, you might want to think carefully about choosing a resilient type of dog. Just which breeds are best is still an open Roth andher collaborators hope.
It may be possible to match dog and owner in a way that is better for both, from a stress- management says" It may be that certain breeds are not so deeply afected if their owner hasa high sres leve!""
Which of the fllowing statement is not true? ()

A. If the owmers scored higher in conscientiousmes, dogs had higher cortisol levels
B.Dog's level of stress became more protruding if they took part in agility competitions
C. Scientist figured out how much stress owners and their pets were under by the level of cortisol
D.This passage called the owners to release pressure through interactions wih pets.

是非题。A项,如果主人的责任心得分较高,狗的皮质醉水平也较高。第六段,Female dogs whose owners had higher scores in the Big five traits of neuroticism openness,and conscientiousness had higher cortisol levels, while the same was true of male dogs whose owners scored high in greeableness养狗的人在神经质、开放性和尽责性五大特质中得分较高,而养狗的人在随和性中得分较高的雄性狗皮质醇水平也较高。
虽然如果你确实倾向于焦虑的一面,你可能要仔细考虑选择一种有弹 性的狗。罗斯和她的合作者希望,究竞哪种狗是最好的仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。
